Gay or not?

Should I let him suck my cock?

  • Sure, why not. Doesn't make you gay.

    Votes: 25 39.7%
  • That is queer. Don't do it!

    Votes: 38 60.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
well, im going to put in my 2 cents here and say that i dont see it as gay at all.

in my opinion, a person who is truly gay, will have *romantic* feelings for people of the same sex. not just *sexual* feelings. to me, sexuality is not necessarily tied to romance. people experiment with all kinds of different things sexually. it doesnt mean that they're going to do those things all the time, just that they were trying it on for size.

so if it was just an experience in exploring sexuality then no, i dont see that as being gay. now if you were to end up preferring the same sex and developing relationships with members of the same sex, then i would see that as gay. and its totally cool either way :)
great comment. sex and love are separate. and curiosity is human and animal nature.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
silky shagsalot says: you're a wrong, disgusting, perverted freak who's parents raised wrong.
but he doesn't mind you so much.
feel better now?:wall:
LOL, did i say that? it doesn't sound like it to me, from my post. sounds like you may be gay, and are lashing out at me because i have struck some sort of nerve...
just because i believe it's wrong, doesn't mean i think those things. it may be that those are the things you feel subconsciously.


Well-Known Member
LOL, did i say that? it doesn't sound like it to me, from my post. sounds like you may be gay, and are lashing out at me because i have struck some sort of nerve...
just because i believe it's wrong, doesn't mean i think those things. it may be that those are the things you feel subconsciously.
Okay, maybe you need to re-read your post:

guys should be with gals, unless your parents forgot to tell you. i think homosexuality is wrong, and disgusting. that being said, i have no problem with gay folks. i wouldn't go out of my way to befriend a gay person, but then i wouldn't swerve my car into one either...
You plainly state, in english: homosexuality is wrong and disgusting. And you imply bad parenting is responsible for his behavior.

Then you say:

just because i believe it's wrong, doesn't mean i think those things. it may be that those are the things you feel subconsciously.
How is it you can believe something is wrong, but not think something is wrong? :wall:You sir, are a conundrum. Though I applaud you for your attempts in tolerance of other people's disgusting behavior.

Wrong? Well, no invented god's opinion of homosexuality matters. And neither does nature's sexual reproduction technique- we don't all reproduce anyway.

So hopefully, at some point you will realize that even though you may personally find homosexual behavior disgusting, it is not WRONG. There is no such thing as wrong when it come to personal choices. An action is only wrong when it violates another person's rights or liberties.


Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Okay, maybe you need to re-read your post:
You plainly state, in english: homosexuality is wrong and disgusting. And you imply bad parenting is responsible for his behavior.

Then you say:
How is it you can believe something is wrong, but not think something is wrong? :wall:You sir, are a conundrum. Though I applaud you for your attempts in tolerance of other people's disgusting behavior.

Wrong? Well, no invented god's opinion of homosexuality matters. And neither does nature's sexual reproduction technique- we don't all reproduce anyway.

So hopefully, at some point you will realize that even though you may personally find homosexual behavior disgusting, it is not WRONG. There is no such thing as wrong when it come to personal choices. An action is only wrong when it violates another person's rights or liberties.
LOL, i can see how one could misconstrue what i wrote. but that's as close as i can get to voicing my opinion w/o starting a riot, lol. yes i said it was wrong & disgusting, to me. that's my choice, just like the opposite is theirs. using your logic, nothing is wrong or right. you say an invented God? so my opinion of homosexuality is wrong, but when you say God is invented, you believe you're right?? you've lost some credibility there...... this circular logic always confuses me................


Well-Known Member
For us bi and gay guys in the tokers cummunity, it is helpful to hear from others. If you want to protect your online personna, thats cool. Just make up a different identity.

Also, isn't it time to have a topic area in the forums for GLBT stoner disscussion?
dude an LGBT forum on here would just get bombarded with abuse! i'm quite surprised there hasn't been more hate in this thread actually lol

Okay, maybe you need to re-read your post:

You plainly state, in english: homosexuality is wrong and disgusting. And you imply bad parenting is responsible for his behavior.

Then you say:

How is it you can believe something is wrong, but not think something is wrong? :wall:You sir, are a conundrum. Though I applaud you for your attempts in tolerance of other people's disgusting behavior.

Wrong? Well, no invented god's opinion of homosexuality matters. And neither does nature's sexual reproduction technique- we don't all reproduce anyway.

So hopefully, at some point you will realize that even though you may personally find homosexual behavior disgusting, it is not WRONG. There is no such thing as wrong when it come to personal choices. An action is only wrong when it violates another person's rights or liberties.

bigtit, i fully concur with all your chat. silkyshagsalot, bigtit is right.

apart from one thing, homosexuality isn't a choice. neither is heterosexuality. you just are the way you are, you don't decide to be.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
dude an LGBT forum on here would just get bombarded with abuse! i'm quite surprised there hasn't been more hate in this thread actually lol
bigtit, i fully concur with all your chat. silkyshagsalot, bigtit is right.

apart from one thing, homosexuality isn't a choice. neither is heterosexuality. you just are the way you are, you don't decide to be.
isn't a choice?!?!?! life is all about choices, come on!!! but it doesn't matter. you are what you are. (starting to sound like popeye, lol!) saying there is no choice involved is a cop out. that's like saying, "i want to be gay, but i have no choice, i'm straight." when i was young, i hated the taste of beer. now, it's like swizzling warm gravy from a gravy boat! time can effect your likes/dislikes. but again, i don't care if people are gay. be gay all you want! it is what it is, and it is none of my business or anyone else's. the thing i've always found odd, is the need to tell the world about it. makes about as much sense as me starting a thread to discuss my being straight..... nobody cares.....

Well-Known Member

reminds me of that episode of south park

where the two guys masturbated in the hot tub together or whatever

and no one thought it was gay

except.. everyone thinks its gay



Active Member
lol. I love it.

Rude or whatever, if any of you met me in person you wouldnt think im gay, bi, etc or harbor any such feelings.. But ive also been publicly open about my escapades, mainly because i only cared about what people thought of me into 6th grade. Since then, ive lived a much better life not worrying about how others view me; that I am my own person and God has given me free will to pursue anything I wish. I am spiritual, im politically active, I dont care for democrats or republicans either way because the system is broken. I volunteer, i have had sex with lots of women and only 3 guys, which I had bad experiences with. That is what probably keeps the innate desire at bay; I can watch porn all I want and thats cool. GF is just as freaky as me and knows everything about me, strapon is just as good.

Can I keep my fidelity? Absolutely. I love my gf more than I love myself (You have to be able to love yourself before you can really truly love someone else. If you dont accept who you are, who will?) and after only 2 years with her, we do not fight at all, we share all burdens equally. It is absolutely great. Sorry to brag, but ive been through many crazy nut women that werent worth any of the effort I put into them, and I know I will never find another one like her. So that makes that easy.

I have to also comment on the homosexuality is wrong and disgusting; Eating McDonalds 5 or 6 days of the week is wrong and disgusting. Bombing countries to exploit their people, economies, and resources is wrong and disgusting. Living a life where you endlessly consume, never willingly giving anything back to society whether rich, poor, or in between -- that is wrong and disgusting. Getting a dog, tying it up in the backyard, left in the cold with no food and a frozen bowl of water is wrong and disgusting. Continuing to pay money to a company that sells you products that have poisons in them, and willfully using that product, which includes a label telling you that toxins are in them -- is wrong and disgusting. Working for that company in any form, is wrong and disgusting. (tobacco, toothpaste, drinking water, mouthwash, coca cola and pepsi products, ground beef, cheese, milk, shit the list goes on) Supporting a faux system that promotes criminal activity, suppression of its people, and advocates war around the world is wrong and disgusting.

Waiting for someone ELSE to save your ass for you -- Is wrong and disgusting.

Fucking your cousin is wrong and disgusting.

Not insinuating anything against anyone at all. Just sayin.

Theres a lot of shit more important than hating on people who like the same sex.

For instance, I lost a body part protecting your freedom to hate on me (to those who do/would).

Without a gov, I wont be so nice.


Well-Known Member
lol. I love it.

Rude or whatever, if any of you met me in person you wouldnt think im gay, bi, etc or harbor any such feelings.. But ive also been publicly open about my escapades, mainly because i only cared about what people thought of me into 6th grade. Since then, ive lived a much better life not worrying about how others view me; that I am my own person and God has given me free will to pursue anything I wish. I am spiritual, im politically active, I dont care for democrats or republicans either way because the system is broken. I volunteer, i have had sex with lots of women and only 3 guys, which I had bad experiences with. That is what probably keeps the innate desire at bay; I can watch porn all I want and thats cool. GF is just as freaky as me and knows everything about me, strapon is just as good.

Can I keep my fidelity? Absolutely. I love my gf more than I love myself (You have to be able to love yourself before you can really truly love someone else. If you dont accept who you are, who will?) and after only 2 years with her, we do not fight at all, we share all burdens equally. It is absolutely great. Sorry to brag, but ive been through many crazy nut women that werent worth any of the effort I put into them, and I know I will never find another one like her. So that makes that easy.

I have to also comment on the homosexuality is wrong and disgusting; Eating McDonalds 5 out of 6 days of the week is wrong and disgusting. Bombing countries to exploit their people, economies, and resources is wrong and disgusting. Living a life where you endlessly consume, never willingly giving anything back to society whether rich, poor, or in between -- that is wrong and disgusting. Getting a dog, tying it up in the backyard, left in the cold with no food and a frozen bowl of water is wrong and disgusting. Continuing to pay money to a company that sells you products that have poisons in them, and willfully using that product, which includes a label telling you that toxins are in them -- is wrong and disgusting. Working for that company in any form, is wrong and disgusting. (tobacco, toothpaste, drinking water, mouthwash, coca cola and pepsi products, ground beef, cheese, milk, shit the list goes on) Supporting a faux system that promotes criminal activity, suppression of its people, and advocates war around the world is wrong and disgusting.

Waiting for someone ELSE to save your ass for you -- Is wrong and disgusting.

Fucking your cousin is wrong and disgusting.

Not insinuating anything against anyone at all. Just sayin.

Theres a lot of shit more important than hating on people who like the same sex.

For instance, I lost a body part protecting your freedom to hate on me (to those who do/would).

Without a gov, I wont be so nice.

+rep good post!
It's too bad Marijuana Subculture has gone from friendly loving hippies to homophobic 13 year olds. Less than 2% of the population is completely straight or completely gay/lesbian.

I think theres no such thing as gay or straight. It's all an illusion. I say, fuck the system. Suck the dick and fuck the pussy. I dare to be different.


Active Member
Also homosexuality according to the bible is an abomination, yes. However, it is supposed to be a punishment inflicted upon the world for a life of iniquity. If homosexuality (in man as well as animals) does not occur naturally, and it is completely a choice, then why cant I get the idea of dick out of my head sometimes? It isnt that I want to think about it really, it just pops in there and so happens I get a boner too. However I have been "teetotaling," if you will, for 6 years. Dont think I will ever bother with another actual man due to the fact it makes me feel wierd. I cant do the kissing and I hate having my nipples touched. Really wierd. But normal.

I cannot help it that if HS is indeed a choice, then it has to be some kind of subliminal choice I had been goaded into making, most likely due to a society that is in complete and utter moral freefall for at least the last 80 years. Living in a consumer society, being bombarded by advertising made by hard working men with families who pay taxes and hire other hard working, tax paying men to build those societies up, and since the second world war when women went full time into jobs to help support the war effort caused the breakup of homes, and for the separation of children from their parents. In my case, dad was off in Korea or Germany or Egypt or wherever the hell he went, and I spent most of my childhood under the influence of my mother, grandmother, and sister.

Im in touch with my feminine side, and im sure the ease at which I can approach and lay a woman pisses other guys off, but its not my fault. I know how women think, and I apply my knowledge. Also, I have no interest in modern day gladiator sports of the stinking masses, so i get my real world and national news elsewhere. I even have conversations with homophobic individuals, about homosexuality, while remaining neutral and still giving them some things to go home thinking about. You never know, you might even see me on tv someday and never know it, making positive change in this world.

There is a lot more behind anyone's ideals, religious views, sexuality, nationality... and at the risk of sounding like an EEO seminar, it is just not worth it. Someone might hate me if I told them I had sucked some meat in my day, yet they had praised me for years about all my virtues. What sense does that make? That person is so dense in the head they cannot see the forest for the trees? Alas, that is why their opinion matters to me not. Makes about as much sense as having a seething hatred for someone that loves Harley motorcycles, or someone who plays guitar.

Also, some people just need an ass beating. I was partying in college at the gay dorm, and as a guy dressed in a devil suit passed by I commented on his tail. "Nice tail" is all I said and this guy went off. Told me to come down there and say it to him, so I laughed and remarked "I meant no harm by it, after all it is Halloween." But he told me in a forceful tone to get down there and tell it to him. So I asked him if he really wanted me to come down there. So I did. I got directly in his face and screamed in my MILITARY voice that he has no idea who the fuck he is talking to and I was 2 minutes from shoving his hand in his ass. Well he pussed out and ran off crying, and I really was looking for a fight, but I was going to let him have the honour of hitting me first. After that, I was going to break his arm in self defense. Boom. Asshole.

Gays that actually cannot defend themselves have to put up with this shit on a constant basis. In person I simply dont stand for it if someone is aggressive. I protect ALL people, from ALL enemies, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.

Also, sorry for getting worked up on this topic. It is a refreshing change for me, as I seem to be consumed by doom, yet I have faith in humanity, We all just need a different perspective is all.

I suggest ALL start here if not already: Plato - The Allegory of the Cave

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Also homosexuality according to the bible is an abomination, yes. However, it is supposed to be a punishment inflicted upon the world for a life of iniquity. If homosexuality (in man as well as animals) does not occur naturally, and it is completely a choice, then why cant I get the idea of dick out of my head sometimes?
this is about where i stopped reading and started laughing. the reason you can't get the idea of a dick out of your head is because you're a dick-head!


Well-Known Member
LOL, i can see how one could misconstrue what i wrote. but that's as close as i can get to voicing my opinion w/o starting a riot, lol. yes i said it was wrong & disgusting, to me. that's my choice, just like the opposite is theirs. using your logic, nothing is wrong or right. you say an invented God? so my opinion of homosexuality is wrong, but when you say God is invented, you believe you're right?? you've lost some credibility there...... this circular logic always confuses me................
Wow. A believer accusing a non-believer of circular logic. Can I assume you believe Zeus was invented, NOT real? Well that's the way I feel about your god and everyone else's- until you provide proof.

But forget about it. I have no wish to attack you personally. But it IS important to realize that: nothing is wrong which doesn't infringe on the rights of others. Just think about that regarding any personal choice.

I'm sure you realize this about drug use, sex before marriage, bodily modification and mutilation, and other choices which believers and/or society might frown on. They may be gross, but they are not wrong as long as you and your partner are willing. That is what is meant by personal freedoms.

As far as gay goes; it is a choice, and it is not. It depends. Some people are probably curious and give in to it like a fetish. Others, like a friend from the past, was molested by a man as a kid and I believe it steered him toward his homosexuality, whereas he might have grown up straight. And still others might be a medical condition involved. Chimerism is a real phenomenon where twins (identical or fraternal) are fused together in the womb. No one knows exactly how widespread this condition is. But those afflicted might very well have the body of a man and the brain of a woman (or absolutely any combination of organs). This could explain some people's confusion.

So the people who claim they are "born that way": well, why not?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Wow. A believer accusing a non-believer of circular logic. Can I assume you believe Zeus was invented, NOT real? Well that's the way I feel about your god and everyone else's- until you provide proof.
oh what a sad tirade. is proof in writing or on paper something that provides you with comfort, or a claim to be latched on to? so you have gotten blood work to provide the proof you need to declare your father the true donor to your mother?


Well-Known Member
oh what a sad tirade. is proof in writing or on paper something that provides you with comfort, or a claim to be latched on to? so you have gotten blood work to provide the proof you need to declare your father the true donor to your mother?
Please. Do you believe in Zeus? Of course not. Well, I don't believe in your god either. And one day, everyone will look back on our age and laugh about these gods, too.

Believe in your god if it makes sense to you. But don't pity the non-believers. We don't answer to or worship invisible spirits who's believers have been praying for signs for so long they're beginning to see them in grill cheese sandwiches.

That's what I mean by proof. It's called FAITH precisely because there is no proof.

I'll say it again: if just one religion provided one bit of proof of their god doing any of the things they say he did, there would be only one religion on the planet.

Sorry to hijack this thread. But he doesn't have to worry about god caring if a guy sucks his dick.