DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
Bit like that jamacan runner chick/bloke, good and sturdy lol.
LOL westie... that poor chick... dude... athlete. If I had some weird testes I wouldn't want that being world wide news (thank God my issues have been kept a secret this long).

EDIT: Cashtree.... man... you gotta try the Casey Jones. I just grew her... and I am beyond impressed. I grew one Casey Jones and one Sour Grape... both got equal space and light... however the Casey Jones doubled the weight of the SG... and the CJ smokes better too.

She is a real winner in my book.

mr west

Well-Known Member
LOL westie... that poor chick... dude... athlete. If I had some weird testes I wouldn't want that being world wide news (thank God my issues have been kept a secret this long).
Oh I see, would u like to talk about ur secrets, I am counsellor trained. Stiktest of confidence and all that lol.


Well-Known Member
Oh I see, would u like to talk about ur secrets, I am counsellor trained. Stiktest of confidence and all that lol.
I love it... we've moved into councelling. I don't know if we can get into it all here... but there is a reason they call me jigfresh.

... lol.... i don't even know what that means... but I think it's funny, so there.

Are you in/ around london Mr. west? I'm coming to town near the end of march.

Haha.... dst. Last night I had a dream that Rollitup got all crazy and they wouldn't allow people to post about growing anymore... but they had exceptions. You could post pics of mj plants only if they were 'Anasazi'. I totally remember 'seeing' the headline on a thread... Other plants and Anasazi grows only!!!

If my dream came true, at least we could still watch your grow. :bigjoint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
I love it... we've moved into councelling. I don't know if we can get into it all here... but there is a reason they call me jigfresh.

... lol.... i don't even know what that means... but I think it's funny, so there.

Are you in/ around london Mr. west? I'm coming to town near the end of march.

Haha.... dst. Last night I had a dream that Rollitup got all crazy and they wouldn't allow people to post about growing anymore... but they had exceptions. You could post pics of mj plants only if they were 'Anasazi'. I totally remember 'seeing' the headline on a thread... Other plants and Anasazi grows only!!!

If my dream came true, at least we could still watch your grow. :bigjoint:

LOL dunt really cover it hehehe is more like it lol. No im a good few hours from London sorry lol.

Thats a fucked up dreamm, i hardly ever rermember my dreams lol.


Active Member
casey jones is definitely on my list. just ordered some beans, though so itll have to wait til i grow them out (or move to a bigger house). ive got medijuana and tga subcools pandoras box sneaking through customs right now. think im gonna try to breed the medijuana, but ill set up a journal for the pandoras box.


Well-Known Member
thanx for the visits guys, dreams are mad, in typical fashion, as soon as I wake up I start to forget. My wife reals off whole stories to me though...god knows how she remembers. Try to get some updates today, but I will be busy preparing form my Burns Suppor. 2 weeks of flower so far. Boy times flies.


Active Member
thanx for the visits guys, dreams are mad, in typical fashion, as soon as I wake up I start to forget. My wife reals off whole stories to me though...god knows how she remembers. Try to get some updates today, but I will be busy preparing form my Burns Suppor. 2 weeks of flower so far. Boy times flies.
Dst how many plants you have flowering at once in there? looks like 10+


Well-Known Member
Numbers will not be revealed, lol just leave it up to your imagination. Lets just say it's a big 5!!


Well-Known Member

Update -At the end of today:2 weeks at 12/12. And even though I am dealing with high humidity (I have two de-humidifier contraptions on the go to combat it,) I think it is looking okay. I have been doing some more super cropping as well. Added a few shots in there.

The bad news is the one of the mango's looks like a boy, will post the pics below. It's the one thats looking quite nice as well...grrr. Ah well.

Are you ready for the pics...of course you are.

So heres barbagseed, I know we just got an update, but she's one of the first pics to upload...(she better not be a mango!!)

And since this grow is for Headbands as well, which I have ignored so far. Here's a few shot of the different girls and their flowers:

Anasazi Headbands


me and Mrs Jones


New York47

The OG Kush girls (Thelma & Louise and Anasazi OG Kush 1 + 2)

T&L from above

Full frontal Thelma and Louise:

Anasazi OG Kush Avenue of dreams

Anasazi OG Kush number 2

And last and this case, the very least, Mango Boy - by the looks of it: Tell me if I'm wrong:bigjoint:

That should keep you going for a while.....will drop in a group shot or two at some point in the futre. I have just left Mango Boy sitting at the side at the moment, not likes it's suddenly going to start spraying sticky white love pi$$ everywhere in the next couple of hours. ;-):lol:

Peace to all on this Sunday.


mr west

Well-Known Member
looking plenty there D, its hard to tell by that pic of the mangoh. Looks like something for sure the change has begun but i cant see just yet. My 1st thought was girl if Im honest but ive been tricked b4 lol. Loving the floyd >>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:Dairy queen:joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
looking plenty there D, its hard to tell by that pic of the mangoh. Looks like something for sure the change has begun but i cant see just yet. My 1st thought was girl if Im honest but ive been tricked b4 lol. Loving the floyd >>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:Dairy queen:joint::mrgreen:
yeh, i know what you mean, but see'in it in the flesh, if you got the first pre flower like that, it normally has 2 stigma's sticking out of it, and there's nada there. Enjoy the DQ;-)
LEts hope it changes, I am just impatient what with all the other sexy flowers in there. :bigjoint:

Laters Westy.


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
what up DST! now that's what I call a picture update! looking good dude. as far as the mango, not sure. if I had to take a guess, I'd say male. but I've been wrong on a few ocassions, so don't take my word on it! :lol:


Active Member
dst, you sure make the most out of your space. im applying what ive learned form you...will send you a link when i get my little project finished. pretty hard to see the mango, but im thinking those are balls. looks like their forming a little stalk. and thanks for pics, youre a wonderful porn director.


Well-Known Member
all your plants are lookin amazing DST, did u just supercrop to i was thinkin of doin it to even out my canapy alittle bit but not sure if i should do it while its flowering, man i wish my plant was as lush green as all of yours,


Well-Known Member
what up DST! now that's what I call a picture update! looking good dude. as far as the mango, not sure. if I had to take a guess, I'd say male. but I've been wrong on a few ocassions, so don't take my word on it! :lol:
It's all good, thanks for the visit Dr G, I know it's been busy on the isle with the MOG. God to see you over in Euro land, thanks for bringing the sun bru.

dst, you sure make the most out of your space. im applying what ive learned form you...will send you a link when i get my little project finished. pretty hard to see the mango, but im thinking those are balls. looks like their forming a little stalk. and thanks for pics, youre a wonderful porn director.
Look forward to it CAashtree. It's all about making the best of what you got I suppose.
all your plants are lookin amazing DST, did u just supercrop to i was thinkin of doin it to even out my canapy alittle bit but not sure if i should do it while its flowering, man i wish my plant was as lush green as all of yours,
Hey McPurps, thanks for stopping by bru. Yeh, you'll be fine. If you want to make more room for light getting to your buds this is a good thing. (i.e spread the bush out.) I tend to tie from where I have bent it over. I just done most of the super cropping today. I checked about an hour before lights of and they were already looking good.

........^^^^ what they said.

kick arse!
Cheers bru,

Peace peeps, thanks for the visits and good words,



Well-Known Member
alright mr West, late night spliff was it, lol. always nice to have that bedtimer joint...except when you have something to do in the morning. have a good un lad.