So I have a plant that was started in November(?) or so, grown indoors with 2 large flourescent lights in soil. The lights are called "plant grow lights" and I got them from Lowe's so I assume they are legit. They are T8. ANYWAY, the plant has slow growth but otherwise looks healthy. It is only around 8 or 9 inches tall with five or six tiers of leaves in sets of 2. It has never been FIM'd or super cropped or anything. The thing is that it is now showing signs of going into flowering, which worries me because I know this is a really good strain and I wanted to have it as a cloning mother plant. The pistils are small but they are growing faster by the day. My question is, should I clone it before it starts budding? Or should I wait until it buds, and then hope it doesn't die and clone it AFTER budding? All help is greatly appreciated.