For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users


Well-Known Member
I personally prefer to veg 18/6. The plants need time to rest, and so does my ballast. I've had no problems. To each his own. I'm doing 3 A-Train right now, love them.

You should NOT water during lights off. I had some info on why exactly but it made sense, I'll see if I can find it.


Well-Known Member
I personally prefer to veg 18/6. The plants need time to rest, and so does my ballast. I've had no problems. To each his own. I'm doing 3 A-Train right now, love them.

You should NOT water during lights off. I had some info on why exactly but it made sense, I'll see if I can find it.
This time of year it's either run the lights or run the space heater; I'm not sure which is a bigger energy hog. Oh yeah, it's the heater! 1500 watts versus two 600s. The only thermometer I have in my room is the probe in my res and that's 59 degrees. It's an unheated space except for the hot water radiator pipes running overhead.

Thanks for the confirmation about lights off watering. I'm looking forward to the A-train.


Well-Known Member
Last grow, particularily during the bloom phase, I had a lot of slimy stuff in the reservoir and controller when I cleaned out the system every week. Someone said that this was a result of using phosphoric acid based PH Down. Because the solution water is already saturated with phosphorus, the phosphorus dissolved in the water that comes into immediate contact with the phosphoric acid precipitates out into the solution. This is because the solution around the PH DOwn becomes overly saturated with phosphorus. It has nowhere to go so it becomes a solid. This leads to the slimy coating that you sometimes find inside the reservoir and on lines, etc, and in the controller.

This crop I started using Eco Grows brand of PH Down which uses some other sort of acid to knock the PH down and lo and behold, no more slimy crap in the system.

Now when I change out the reservoir it is almost spotlessly clean and I barely have to wipe things down. The difference is stunning and it saves me a lot of work every week.

Perhaps if you used a different brand and type of PH Down you would not have to worry about crap in your hoses. Just a thought.
yes i get plenty of snot looking mucous in the controller on the outside of the lines, add Liquid Karma to this mix and its a disaster, im gonna try that PH down, thanks dewd


Well-Known Member
hey guys like I stated earlier I want to run 80 2 gallon pots I was thinking two rooms 40 each but decided all in one room with 7 1000 watt lights what size resz. do you guys suggest I use so i dont have to mess with the resz. for at least 3-4 days and what times to flood and how long do I let the bucket sit with water untill I drain I would reply appericate the help thanks guys


Well-Known Member
40 buckets if you can get 100 gallons would be perfect, anything over 36 sites on a 55gallon is a daily headache, everyone floods different, when running more than 12 sites you should flood for 30mins at most every 3-4 hours, no floods when lights out, simple


Well-Known Member
hey guys like I stated earlier I want to run 80 2 gallon pots I was thinking two rooms 40 each but decided all in one room with 7 1000 watt lights what size resz. do you guys suggest I use so i dont have to mess with the resz. for at least 3-4 days and what times to flood and how long do I let the bucket sit with water untill I drain I would reply appericate the help thanks guys
I wish i could find the thread were i saw this but.... anyways the guy had 2 55g drums and connected them on the bottoms with a peice of 1" pvc. just drill a hole add acouple "o"rings or grommets and connect the two now you have a 110gallons. this is a must for any# over 30


Well-Known Member
40 buckets if you can get 100 gallons would be perfect, anything over 36 sites on a 55gallon is a daily headache, everyone floods different, when running more than 12 sites you should flood for 30mins at most every 3-4 hours, no floods when lights out, simple
So do you think if I connect two 55 gallon drums togethor it will be fine for 80 2 gallon pots and just to make sure I get this str8 i flood for 30 min every 4 hours but once the buckets are full how long do i keep them full for untill I start drain cycle


Well-Known Member
Getting two barrels worth of nutrients mixed together properly and evenly would probably suck ass. They DO sell 100gal barrels!


Well-Known Member
Getting two barrels worth of nutrients mixed together properly and evenly would probably suck ass. They DO sell 100gal barrels!
thanks smokingrubber let me ask u this I dont know if my math is off but how is 100 gallons going to fill 80 2 gallon pots

80x 2= 160 gallons


Well-Known Member
ok thanks doogleef sorry abouyt all the ? first time growin g hydro just want to get it right before investing money b/c like all of us know this shit is not cheap just to make sure I get this str8 i flood for 30 min every 4 hours but once the buckets are full how long do i keep them full for untill I start drain cycle

is there any links with someone growing with this system at this size


Well-Known Member
you just set the timer to flood for 30 min then it automaticly starts to drain after that time is up. Also if you are really going for 80 sites you pronanly want to upgrade to 3/4" line and fittings to speed up the flood and drain. You may be better of using 2 control buckets also, 110g of res feeding 40 pots ata time out of 2 controlers set to flood one after the other.


Well-Known Member
Getting two barrels worth of nutrients mixed together properly and evenly would probably suck ass. They DO sell 100gal barrels!
you would only have to have the mixtures close to the same as they would be linker together and act as one large res.


Love this thread. I just picked up the basic 12 bucket set up today along with a 1000w HPS HydroFarm Daystar light/ballast set up. Will have the room set up early next week and will share pics.


Well-Known Member
the whole reason for a 30min flood is that with so many buckets it will take a while to fill, if you went 15mins they would get flooded and then be draining before the plants get a good feed in. linking the 2 barrels isnt a bad idea, i used to link rubbermade tubs to make larger res's but make sure you use a good tight bulkhead fitting, to be honest you might want to keep seperate water, some strains feed heavier than others, personally i dont let different strains share a res anymore


Well-Known Member
the whole reason for a 30min flood is that with so many buckets it will take a while to fill, if you went 15mins they would get flooded and then be draining before the plants get a good feed in. linking the 2 barrels isnt a bad idea, i used to link rubbermade tubs to make larger res's but make sure you use a good tight bulkhead fitting, to be honest you might want to keep seperate water, some strains feed heavier than others, personally i dont let different strains share a res anymore
Thanks for the reply so do you think that a 100 or two 55 gallon drums will be enough for at let 3-4 days with the 80 2 gallon pots


Well-Known Member
when these plants hit 18-24 inches tall they will drink approx 1/2 gallon each plant per day, especially since im sure you will be using intense HID lighting, i would say use the 2 seperate resi's for multiple strains, i would only connect the resivoirs if i had to use a chiller. The hydroton in the buckets will displace well over a gallon, so if you have a 2gallon bucket expect to use less than a gallon to actually fill it, but dont take my word for it, flood the system , make sure you have your hydroton filled bucklts in and pull a bucket out and you will see the water line is like 1/3 high


Active Member
one of my hps lights is not shinning as bright as the other it kinda looks more yellow than whie, what could be causing this?