Supreme Court rolls back spending for Corporations

Some republicans support big business. Some democrats support big government.

What these people don't realize is that they're advocating the same fucking thing. You're all engaging in a battle of egos, nothing more - the will to power. And you get mad at each other, acting as though you possess some ideological difference, when you don't. Ever thought of that?

No, they are two separate things. :roll:

If you aren't for big business, then you don't want a standard of living ... or you just enjoy posturing without serious logic.
No, they are two separate things. :roll:

If you aren't for big business, then you don't want a standard of living ... or you just enjoy posturing without serious logic.

You show me your warrants supporting this claim and I'll show mine refuting it. Let's talk serious logic - my specialty. Show me your warrants.

I'll start here: Peruse the site. Business IS government. Government IS business. Big government is big business. Vice versa.
Being in a conciliatory mood this am I'll concede that what we need, and have always had, is a balance between fear of business/wealth on one hand and fear of government on the other.
Being in a conciliatory mood this am I'll concede that what we need, and have always had, is a balance between fear of business/wealth on one hand and fear of government on the other.

There it is - balance! You're damn right we need balance and most politicians refuse to budge from the extremes because they're owned.
Im going to incorporate myself, then I am going to run for office but drop out before the actual election. My entire paycheck will go to my campaign. Its all tax deductible so I should not have to pay any taxes any longer. Kind of like when I take a vacation or trip somewhere, i always pick up an employment application to some business in the city I am visiting. Then I write down all the expenses of my trip and deduct them from taxes under the guise of "looking for better employment". legit and legal to do, saves lots of tax money for myself, and pays for personal fun.
There it is - balance! You're damn right we need balance and most politicians refuse to budge from the extremes because they're owned.

Obviously the election of a radical like Obama and dem control of both houses meant a sharp shift out of balance. What we saw last week was a correction back toward balance, which will take another big step in November.
Obviously the election of a radical like Obama and dem control of both houses meant a sharp shift out of balance. What we saw last week was a correction back toward balance, which will take another big step in November.

There you go again, democrat/republican. You truly are being obtuse. Simple cause, slippery slope, false dilemma - you name the fallacy because buying into this ridiculous paradigm makes you a victim and agent of them all.
Yes, according to jrh puffNstuff .... if you talk about republicans/democrats ... ur obtuse.

Uhhh, those are the two major political parties in this country and that's who gets elected in overwhelming majorities over other parties.

Ur being obtuse..... but I used to enjoy ur saturday morning kid show.
Yes, according to jrh puffNstuff .... if you talk about republicans/democrats ... ur obtuse.

Uhhh, those are the two major political parties in this country and that's who gets elected in overwhelming majorities over other parties.

Ur being obtuse..... but I used to enjoy ur saturday morning kid show.

I'm fully aware that one of those two parties gets elected, but they represent the same ideologies and NONE will ever bring change. None of them.

There's a lot of talk about how one or the other is the answer to all that ails us, which is OBTUSE. Look at the definition below. If you believe a certain party or person represents a panacea, and you have an acute recollection of history in the US, then you are obtuse.

OBTUSE: not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; not sensitive or observant; dull.

And you're still not responding to my main argument. Democrats = big gov. Republicans = big business. Government = business. Therefore, Democrat = Republicans. Respond. I posted a site with a lot of concrete numbers (your specialty) concerning the role of business in government. You have not refuted. I await...
They do not represent the same ideologies at all.

Go take a political science course ... or two .. or three.

You still haven't refuted and I provided concrete numbers regarding every lobbyist, PAC, and big business contributor in America. Did you even look at the site?

And stop with this education bullshit. You know damn well what I do for a living and continue to sling educational ego when I step my two feet in a classroom EVERY single day (except for summer months). So piss off and respond the damn numbers I provided.

You yourself claim numbers are everything...
Think you can turn back the clock on lobbying? Wake up.....

The only way to get where we need to go is to REDUCE the govt.'s role in our private lives and in business.

Then you will see the lobbying and PAC influence decrease dramatically.


Which means get rid of the Liberal Congress and Obama. That's a no brainer.


I'm sorry, but when you make ridiculous statements like "the 2 parties are the same" .. I do need to remind folks that ur not informed ... at all.
Screw that, there is an easier way.

Just go to the only money being gold, end the fed, and do the things that all you independent republicans believe is a good idea, so the entire system melts.

The two parties are essentially the same, because neither one can get anything done without giving into the demands of the other.

So in the end what comes out of washington is the same, whichever is in 'power'. It doesn't matter who is in power, because the shit always comes out brown.

To think otherwise is not reality.
Screw that, there is an easier way.

Just go to the only money being gold, end the fed, and do the things that all you independent republicans believe is a good idea, so the entire system melts.

The two parties are essentially the same, because neither one can get anything done without giving into the demands of the other.

So in the end what comes out of washington is the same, whichever is in 'power'. It doesn't matter who is in power, because the shit always comes out brown.

To think otherwise is not reality.

My thought was to give conservatives their own part of the country where they can have corporately funded political campaigns, twice daily executions, no background checks for guns and long prison terms for gays and potsmokers.
My thought was to give conservatives their own part of the country where they can have corporately funded political campaigns, twice daily executions, no background checks for guns and long prison terms for gays and potsmokers.
Why not remove the murky "reform" and make everything above board; out in the open. That way you know exactly who is in who's pocket.

Politicians prefer the convoluted system now in place. And you are playing right into their hands.

By the way, Abe, I am a Conservative who opposes the death penalty, opposes discrimination against homosexuals, and supports re-legalization of cannabis.

And I am not alone. That sort of puts a kink in your broad characterization of Conservatives.

What do you think about that?
Screw that, there is an easier way.

Just go to the only money being gold, end the fed, and do the things that all you independent republicans believe is a good idea, so the entire system melts.

The two parties are essentially the same, because neither one can get anything done without giving into the demands of the other.

So in the end what comes out of washington is the same, whichever is in 'power'. It doesn't matter who is in power, because the shit always comes out brown.

To think otherwise is not reality.

End the FED and end what's left of the country..... it's far too late for all of that. You can't disconnect from the world monetary system without consequence.

Wishful thinking is nice, but counter productive.
Both Democrat and Republic candidates are heavily backed by corporate money. Obama received more corporate money than and candidate in history by light years. Who were the top recipients of money from Fannie May and Freddie mack - all Democrats.

Big Corporations are nothing but small business' that became successful. Coca-cola was invented by one pharmacist in Atlanta GA. And because corporations are owned by people, they have the same rights as people. I own a corporation - do I not have the same rights as everyone else to let my views be known? What if my business was a sole proprietor, would I have more rights then?

Like I said, there is a bit of a catch 22 when dealing with campaign contributions or other forms of activism. While nobody wants to see politicians bought and paid for, there is an issue of how this can be eliminated fairly and effectively. Unless someone comes up with a solution that does so, we can only default to the free marketplace of ideas and hope the system works as well as it can.
Agreed CJ, I was more making fun of that idea. You cannot just abandon the system we are in, and there is little reason to. Because no matter how bad people feel the economy is, they tend to be at a desk in their own home pounding a keyboard on a computer with internet access and a tv on in the backround while they bitch about it.

Rough times we are in...
Only Flylikeaneagle and Illegal smile have almost figured out what is truly wrong here. I had hoped that CJ was going to figure it out, but looks like he hasn't either.

The US Constitution only enumerates rights afforded to A PERSON, not a Corporation. A Corporation is not a person, it has no inalienable rights that come from being a human being. God Also does not endow corporations with rights.Corporations do not vote, they do not bear arms, or run for elected office. How can they be protected by free speech? That is only afforded to the corporations that provide news and information. Not to corporations that lobby the politicians and elect presidents in return for favors. The mutants in the Supreme Court need to go back to the drawing board on this, because they forgot all about what the Constitution is for. Yours and mine futures have been purchased by the corporations with the most money. Exxon Mobile could very well spend its entire 45billion of profit each year ensuring that only their senators and congressmen and supreme court justices and presidents that will convey special privileges upon said corporations in return for the election and a cozy lifestyle. Honest men will never have a chance.

Its really all about screwing the citizen so the big companies can get even bigger and bigger and more powerful while the little guy will cease to have anything at all.

I think you've explaind it well. That was exactly my take on it. The corporations will now have even more control of the government. Who in their right mind would approve of this except large shareholders of corporations?