slabhead's 2010


Well-Known Member
That is a great tester and an even better price!:-P
Slab GH is right about the tester. You will test your house water a few times to realize the quality doesnt change much but at least you will know how good/bad it is. I suspect the stream water is better but may contain more salts like N especially if wildlife is around. It will depend on the watershed to be honest. Once you get the gist of the water quality you will be ok. The stream is a little trickier than your house though.

In times of low flow the concentrations of salts will be higher as opposed to times of storm where you will get maximum dilution of salts and probably better water quality. CHeck it out and let me know.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the look see

some of the very bottom leaves are from the light scorching but look at those spots on the newer growth. And there's one that is kinda curling up. Most everything looks fine but these.

same plant diff angle

Thanks for the help. This is all new to me but I wanted to start early enough for a couple clone cuttings.
I thought about a combo meter but damn they're $$$. ha get over it ya cheap bastard. lol I like the Hanna too but I need portability. I'll look to see what they have.
I went ahead and transplanted everything including the DQ & JTR. Everything but the babies just yet.
Dude that WC red is some christmas tree stinky stank. nice!!! :weed:
The $125 is a good price. I found them for $129 and free shipping. You can get cheaper ones but you get what you pay for almost always. The pH part is the most sensitive or tricky part and it's the piece that goes out on most water quality instruments. You will need calibration solutions and ph up (usually). You can buy those at your nearest hydro store cheaper since shipping is a little expensive.

As far as the plants go it looks like a little nute imbalance, Leaves clawing down necrotic brown patches and some yellowing suggest some nute lockout from pH imbalance. Have you been giving them nutes yet? You said the other plants dont look distressed. Are the "other" plants the same strain as the ones with issues? If not then the strain may be more sensitive to water quality conditions than the unaffected strains.

Like I said in my last dissertation on water quality, pH should be around 6.5 for adding nute solutions to soil. Make sure your TDS is low enough when you start out and gradually increase. Each strain is different as far as tolerance to nutes so watch them and take it slow on nute dosage.

Im glad you like the WC red. My good friend loves that better than the others because he can function and its a nice high and taste. Got a good supply of that one too. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
That is a great tester and an even better price!:-P
Hey thanks for that, I'll get one of those for starting out. I might upgrade later but right now I need something in that price range to check my pH. Thanks NG, I see he has solution for shipping together. Nice price there c, I looked at that very one yesterday. lol, looks like we're on the same page there...

Slab GH is right about the tester. You will test your house water a few times to realize the quality doesnt change much but at least you will know how good/bad it is. I suspect the stream water is better but may contain more salts like N especially if wildlife is around. It will depend on the watershed to be honest. Once you get the gist of the water quality you will be ok. The stream is a little trickier than your house though.

In times of low flow the concentrations of salts will be higher as opposed to times of storm where you will get maximum dilution of salts and probably better water quality. CHeck it out and let me know.
Yeah, I think my creek has a high tannic acid concentration due to all the oak tree leaves and acorns and no telling what kind of dissolved fertilizer runoff and natural salts and minerals. Tons of petrified wood and iron ore rock everywhere. After setting them out I might very well get a combo meter to see how I stand on proper nutes during the summer.

The $125 is a good price. I found them for $129 and free shipping. You can get cheaper ones but you get what you pay for almost always. The pH part is the most sensitive or tricky part and it's the piece that goes out on most water quality instruments. You will need calibration solutions and ph up (usually). You can buy those at your nearest hydro store cheaper since shipping is a little expensive.

As far as the plants go it looks like a little nute imbalance, Leaves clawing down necrotic brown patches and some yellowing suggest some nute lockout from pH imbalance. Have you been giving them nutes yet? You said the other plants dont look distressed. Are the "other" plants the same strain as the ones with issues? If not then the strain may be more sensitive to water quality conditions than the unaffected strains.

Like I said in my last dissertation on water quality, pH should be around 6.5 for adding nute solutions to soil. Make sure your TDS is low enough when you start out and gradually increase. Each strain is different as far as tolerance to nutes so watch them and take it slow on nute dosage.

Im glad you like the WC red. My good friend loves that better than the others because he can function and its a nice high and taste. Got a good supply of that one too. :bigjoint:
Right now no nutes have been added. Just FFOF and my toxic tap water. It's mainly the papaya showing the most affects of whatever. Now that everything has been transplanted (except the last babies) I'll start a 1/4 strenght solution of nutes after a distilled water flushing. Hopefully that meter will let me get them back on track. This indoor growing is sure time consuming, ha. ;-) Now I see the need for an exhaust fan to keep the humidity down and on and

Thanks for all the help guys. +rep where I can spread it around.

Come on Spring!!!!


Well-Known Member
High everyone :leaf: Today I transplanted all of GT's and the bubble n squeak into the 1 gallon magnum pots. I hope I didn't kill any of them cause the roots weren't fully developed and the mix fell apart on some of them. I tried to be as gentle as possible. I put the 2 bns (bubble n squeak) in the big tray just cause I had 2 open slots there. The 9 in the small tub are all greenthumb111's stock.

Alright, lets pack a pinch of JS for the ride...

oh yeah, that's much better...

makes em look small in those big square pots.

the 2 bubble n squeak (one had to be operated on today to remove the seed hull membrane so maybe it will open up now)

a Jack-the-Ripper

a sleestack x skunk

a Violator Kush (left) & another Sleestack x Skunk (right)

Oh yeah, I got a meter the Milwaukee PH55 Waterproof pH/Temp Tester/Martini‏ on the way too with a jug of 4.0 & 10.0 solution.

So that's pretty much it now since I've got back into the JS.... :weed:


Well-Known Member
I've got Violator Kush too . . . that is a good one :weed:
Thats a nice nursery you got going SLab. Im hoping for a lot of girls. Thx for the pics of my seeds stock I hope there is some fire in there for you. I know Subs stuff is dank and those stinkers should be too.

Hope you liked the samples.


Well-Known Member
Nice bunch of plants you got!! Hopefully fixing the toxic water helps out! :)
Thanks cph, I gave them all enough distilled water and 1/4 strength nutes until I got a little run off from each one. I hope that will help flush some of the hard water out and give them a little bite to eat. Using the Medina 6-12-6 liquid with humic acid and trace elements. Same stuff I used last year right now. I might look at picking up some new nutes when I make a haul to the city. Thanks for keeping an eye out for me.

I've got Violator Kush too . . . that is a good one :weed:
I had heard good things about it. I hope it shows better than my 60% germ rate. But the ones that made it are stocky little fuckers. I can't wait to see how it grows out.

Thats a nice nursery you got going SLab. Im hoping for a lot of girls. Thx for the pics of my seeds stock I hope there is some fire in there for you. I know Subs stuff is dank and those stinkers should be too.

Hope you liked the samples.
Thanks bro, yeah I'm seeing those wide blades already it's gonna be dank. I'm gonna put them under their own bank of lights until they catch up.

You know I've been enjoying the hell out of it all. Started my last one today. The WCD clone threw me off, it's Widow Cindy right? Damn fine, really to good I'm not going to be able to keep typing anyway...

Before I go, here's some pics for the day.

Nirvana's Bubblelicious :weed:

They didn't seem to be as affected by the pH problem.

This one has a funny varigated trait to it. One blonde streak down a leaflet.

So that's it for today. I gotta find the couch....:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thanks cph, I gave them all enough distilled water and 1/4 strength nutes until I got a little run off from each one. I hope that will help flush some of the hard water out and give them a little bite to eat. Using the Medina 6-12-6 liquid with humic acid and trace elements. Same stuff I used last year right now. I might look at picking up some new nutes when I make a haul to the city. Thanks for keeping an eye out for me.

I had heard good things about it. I hope it shows better than my 60% germ rate. But the ones that made it are stocky little fuckers. I can't wait to see how it grows out.

Thanks bro, yeah I'm seeing those wide blades already it's gonna be dank. I'm gonna put them under their own bank of lights until they catch up.

You know I've been enjoying the hell out of it all. Started my last one today. The WCD clone threw me off, it's Widow Cindy right? Damn fine, really to good I'm not going to be able to keep typing anyway...

Before I go, here's some pics for the day.

Nirvana's Bubblelicious :weed:They didn't seem to be as affected by the pH problem. This one has a funny varigated trait to it. One blonde streak down a leaflet. So that's it for today. I gotta find the couch....:leaf:
WCD = Sideshow Bob = Widow Cindy pheno D


Well-Known Member
I was thinkin'

Weapon of Cannabis Destruction, lol

check your email bro...

So today has everyone looking better. I think the distilled water and 1/4 strength nutes was appreciated by everyone. Now let me see what I got here...

Violator Kush, Papaya, Bubblelicious, Sleestack x Skunk, Dairy Queen, and Jack-The-Ripper (and 2 baby bubble n squeak). group shot

Man, I'm loving those T5's. I'll have to thank whoever (I'll go back in my old journal to be sure but I think it was nicknasty) recommended those to me. Amazing the growth and the lack of heat and the power bill most of all!

Here's the Chemo Cindy x Hijack and the Jack's Surprise x Hijack. Started around new yrs I believe.

Let me see. For the feature shots of the day.

a Jack's Surprise x Hijack.

huh, I just see I labeled that skewer wrong, lol musta been baked, ha.

and a pair of Papaya (sorry bout ALL THAT LIGHT!!!) lol

So what cha think? Like you told me GT you got to have some good genetics for the labor involved. :weed:

I hope you all have a great day. I've got to go, hear the wcd about to explode. :hug:


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, there was one last pic today. The third SOG's bubble n squeak I planted around new yrs. It had the hull membrane hang up and never emerged enough to shed it. I tried to remove it carefully without breaking the taproot but it isn't looking very well. I only had 3 seeds out of all that didn't grow. This bubble n squeak and 2 of the 5 Barney's Farm Violator Kush. That's still over 90% success. anyway I'm rambling



Well-Known Member
damn I love the internet. I just got my new ph meter already so need to soak the probe and read the rest o' the structions.

That's a nice little unit...

I'm not sure if I have the right solutions to get started yet...


Well-Known Member
Sweet, that was quick!! IMO since you got the little pack of 7.01 you should be able to get started, it said you could use it for storage and calibrating.

The plants look happy! Getting big too, should be ready for some clones in about a week or so!


Well-Known Member
hell yeah c, you know I already got it soaking from the lil 7.0 packet.

thanks my man :leaf: I'll be needing more bubble lessons, lol


Well-Known Member
I did a check on my tap water pH this morning. Crap, 7.9 is what I'd been watering with. No wonder they perked up with the distilled water. I'll have to see what my distilled water and nutes mix is the next time I feed them. I think I've heard the nutes lower the ph so much you need pH up. Sounds wierd seeing how high mine has been to need ph up. But I'm learning still on this indoor under lights method. ha, give me the sun and the great outdoors. I'll be ready...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing with us Slabhead! I am keeping an I on your DNA Freebies - youre the first good journal I have found with any of the free DNAs. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Glad to have you along optik. My sleestack x skunk are doing amazing. Thanks for the visit and you're welcome to hang around and watch them grow up. I think I took a pic of a pair of the three today.

Yeah, here it is...(the ones with the little bent toothpicks)

how about a little look around the garden?

This Violator Kush has an almost velvet look to it. Wide & stocky.

My little Bubblelicious with the blond streak. I've never named a plant before in my life but might call this one Blondie.

and a few more random pics...

Thanks for checking out my grow :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Sleestack? Did you say? chorizo tacos? Cause if you did man that is fucked up because I'm really fucking hungry right now.


Well-Known Member
Sleestack? Did you say? chorizo tacos? Cause if you did man that is fucked up because I'm really fucking hungry right now.
That is a nice little meter Salb. Make sure you keep the pH in 7.0 for storage, Never pour the solutions back in the source bottle. They arent that expensive. I always get a 4, and 7. You want to calibrate inbetwewen what you will be testing so if you will need 6.5 for your soil grow then get 4 and 7 calib solns.

What was the TDS of your water? Mine is 370 and pH of 7.5. The TDS is the bad one since the salts present in the tap water will make it so you have to add less nutes so you dont burn the plants. Just think of it as 370 ppm less nutes because the salts are already in the water but they arewnt the salts that make the plants grow or flower. Its stuff like calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. Now dont get me wrong, you need Ca and Mg but I would rather have N P K instead wouldnt you? You are also right about the nutes taking the pH down. When I was at full strength I had to add pH up. Get a big bottle (quart) of that too.

Anyway, you really want to know the quality of the stream water so go get a sample. Check it at the begining of spring and as the drought gets worse see if the water quality does too.

Read those instructions first before you do anything. After awhile you wont need to test because you will know the quality of the water and end TDS readings after adding the nutes. I use a syringe to add the pH up so I can measure it easily. Let me know if ya have any questions.