• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Real imported Afghan Kush DOES support the Taliban


Well-Known Member
if you live in the usa, your not getting any real afghani.... trust me on that one :lol:

mebbe in the EU.
hash simply does not compare financially to herion. if you were a runner, why would you take the chance with bulky hash for a few thousand when pure herion in the same quantity would net a few hundred thousand... bad economics. you dont hear of people swallowing bags of hash to get it into the country, do ya?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
your full of it you dont even know what your talking about lol

haliburtin does not supply weapons to the millitary

your just parroting the old socialist liberal lines youve heard that are lies

you sure act like you know what you talking about but its obvious from what you said that you really have no clue:weed:
This is coming from someone who actually believes that some arabs that couldnt even fly fucking crop dusters could fly a boeing 747 into a building, ask any commercial pilot how hard that would actually be.

9 of the hi jackers are still alive, please tell me how one could fly a plane into a building and survive?

Again, you like most Americans have fall victim to the systems biggest weapon, the media.

Halliburton does have huge military contracts.

The Basics of Halliburton's Military Contracts

No-bid contracts

When a government announces a new work project to be completed by one company, it generally requires a number of different companies to submit competing proposals (or bids). The company submitting the most efficient and lowest-cost bid usually wins the contract. But under a "no-bid" contract, there is no bidding. Instead, the government awards the contract to one preferred company without determining if other companies can complete the work for a lower cost to the government.

The Army awarded Halliburton a no-bid contract in March 2003 to rebuild Iraq's oil industry infrastructure. The no-bid contract created enough outrage in Congress that the Pentagon later cancelled it and opened-up the bidding process to companies other than Halliburton.

Most of Halliburton's government contracts were awarded through competitive bidding, but the no-bid Iraqi contract, and the secret way in which it was awarded to Halliburton, touched-off a firestorm of public suspicion that Dick Cheney and Halliburton are working together to increase the revenues of Halliburton. After the no-bid contract was cancelled, the company has been exposed for the repeated fraud and abuse in its government contracts. Allegations of corruption continue today.

Cost-plus contracts

Halliburton earns money from the government primarily through its "cost-plus" contracts. Under a cost-plus contract, a government contractor like Halliburton purchases all the necessary items to complete a job order and is subsequently reimbursed all those costs from the government -- and then paid a percentage of those costs (the plus) as a fee. A typical contractor earns a base fee of 1 percent of the estimated contract cost and an "incentive fee" of up to 9 percent of the cost estimate based on the contractor's performance in a number of areas, including cost control. The upshot: The contractor will never spend $1 million to do a job when it can spend $10 million and thereby earn a higher fee. So, contractors actually earn more money by wasting taxpayer money. The cost-plus method of accounting is the primary system today for determining how much government contractors are owed by the taxpayer. Congress and whistle blowers have criticized Halliburton and the Army Corp of Engineers for inflating costs via cost-plus contracts.

Halliburton's most lucrative contract is with the U.S. Army. It is officially known as "LOGCAP" (or Logistics Civil Augmentation Program). LOGCAP is a "cost plus" contract performed by Halliburton's KBR subsidiary. This is the contract that requires KBR to feed, house and transport troops around Iraq and the middle east.

The LOGCAP contract is the most lucrative contract being performed in Iraq today. Under the cost-plus provisions of LOGCAP, the U.S. government pays KBR 1 percent of every purchase KBR makes with the possibility of an additional 2 percent as an incentive bonus that is paid if the company is operating efficiently and honestly. When KBR buys food for the troops, it is paid 1 percent of the cost of that food. When KBR constructs a new military housing facility, it is paid 1 percent of the construction costs. When KBR houses its staff at hotels or purchases trucks and equipment to carryout its duties, it is paid 1 percent of those costs.

LOGCAP and other cost-plus contracts require the company to purchase items only from a vendor offering the lowest price if the amount of the purchase order exceeds $2,500. Thus, purchase orders exceeding $2,500 require KBR to search for competing vendors in order to find the lowest price available. But KBR often takes a purchase order exceeding $2,500 and breaks it down into its parts so that the order becomes more than one purchase order, each valued below $2,500. This allows the company to avoid searching for the lowest-priced vendor, which results in higher costs to the U.S. taxpayer. About 70 to 80 percent of KBR's purchase orders are below $2,500 - mainly because large-value purchases are broken down so they don't exceed $2,500.

A former employee of Halliburton said the company's motto is "Don't worry about price. It's cost-plus." Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) said "The higher Halliburton's costs are, the larger its profits will be." Of the firms for which Halliburton purchased items, Waxman said "Many of the preferred firms were unreliable or charged 'outrageous' prices. [Halliburton] Supervisors did not encourage buyers to identify alternative vendors and, in some cases, wanted to use a higher price vendor on the preferred list rather than a new, cheaper vendor."

Look at what is being built in America as we speak.


Dont tell me i have no clue what im talking about, your the ignorant one.


Well-Known Member
Hell who cares where it comes from as long as it's good shit. So what if it supports the taliban, that's not much diff then buying weed from a ghetto dealer in a gang.
1. Because your fellow countrymen are DYING
2. Because Afghan civilians are DYING
3. Because the war is being funded by borrowing money we don't have which means YOUR fucking grandkids will still be making interest only payments

I bet you also think "politics don't effect me".


Well-Known Member
aharr oh rally, they have been growing weed THERE for thousands of years dumbass? no shit, im saying the U.S. in FACT does send money to the taliban, and the taliban in fact does use said money in there activities. So it is highly fucking probable don't ya think, the taliban may be using U.S. money in the first place to grow the weed which our fellow potheads are buying and smoking, while getting shit for supporting the taliban... when they are ACTUALLY sorta kinda supporting their own countries and their slanderer's are just being ignorant dumbass felons buying from sreet criminals putting themselves lower than the people they are criticizing. :fire:
Taliban doesn't grow, they charge zacat (traditionally an Islamic tax distributed to the poor) and they also get hired to smuggle it to UAE.


Well-Known Member
the US just needs to stop fucking around in the world. and im not saying the entire people but the ppl that rule you are all greed.
2.996 americans have died because of terrorism since 2001. yet 409.000 americans have died of prescription drugs, medical mistakes and iatrogenic death (death by the treatment reather than the disease). EVERY YEAR.

i lived in the US for almost 3 years and the people are awesome, its so diverse and rich its amazing.
really im not trolling just try and see your problems inside.

The problem is that if we don't fuck around in everyone else's business we have to change our lifestyles. Oil is a great example, America was built on an endless supply of cheap oil from Saudi Arabia. This is why in America we have highway systems, surburbs (work in the city but still live in the "country" just commute to work) and a car culture. On the other hand many European nations worked on public transportation and high speed rail.

Also we don't have the kind of solidarity they do in Europe. Americans have no problem with the idea of stepping over bums in $2000 Gucci shoes. We HATE the idea of our tax dollars going in some other schmucks pocket. This is why "nationalized" healthcare won't catch on even though programs like Medicare are wildly popular.


Well-Known Member
Do you really feel bad for the troops that die at the hands of these organizations?

Cause i can honestly say i don't care, if people were invading USA, would you not get a gun and try to kill them? If you say no i would beg to differ.
I feel about as bad for them as I do all the young Russians and Germans who died during wars where they could care less about the ideology.

The U.S. Military is a job, they are not doing a service, in fact in my opinion they are doing a dis-service by supporting an imperialistic government and by doing there bidding without questioning anything, i can say fuck them. So not only do i not feel bad, but every time i hear the death toll i say good riddance because we shouldnt be over there in the first place.
Like it or not the military is a needed force. I will be the first to point out the many, many, many times the military was misused but I can also think of quite a few very good uses of military force.

I am not following the logic on Afghanistan being about imperialism. I could kinda see it in Iraq but that had more to do with putting bad people in power than starting a colony. Do you not remember the African Embassy bombings, the USS Cole, the first World Trade Center Attack and the Kobar towers attacks? How about the single greatest loss of civilian life EVER on US soil?

Please dont go off on 911 and national security bull shit, its all a scam to give money to the rich.
What is 9/11 bullshit? Reminding you that it happened?

Dick Chenney for example, Leading chairman of the board for haliburton, If your not aware haliburton sells almost all military equipment to the us government for war and what not, this includes planes, helicopters, guns, ammo, etc
You have no idea what you are talking about. Haliburtian is an oilfield services company who contracted out a shitload of work with the US government. I am almost positive that under the Haliburton name they only did logistical stuff like food, water and sanitation but a subsidary known as Kellog, Brown and Root (or KBR) did trucking.

That is the scope of what they do and they have never ever, ever made or sold weapons, aircraft or ammo.

I also feel like I need to point out that Cheney had also held like 4 cabinet positions as well as been a congressmen before he ever worked for Haliburton and while he was in office his investments were managed by a blind trust.

Do you think this influenced his decision in sending troops to the middle east... If you say no then you are fucking stupid and have no idea how the system really works.
I think that was a very small part of sending troops to Iraq. Afghanistan was an attack to overthrow the Taliban government because of their refusal to turn over bin Laden. The primary motivations for the Iraq war are pretty clearly outlined in "Project for a New American Century" which pretty much all the Bush cabinet had signed back in the late 80's or early 90's.

BTW if i ever got the chance to get some real afghan hash you bet i would jump all over it!
Well then I hope you get cancer.

Btw if your not aware the popi fields are ran by the northern alliance, not the taliban.
Everyone grows poppy and the "northern alliance" hasn't been around since the 1st constitution. The Taliban do exert a great deal of control on the market though, an example being their year long ban on production in 2004 I think it was.

You like most Americans have become a victim of our countries most powerful weapon... The media... Please stop believing everything you hear... If you believe the U.S. government has your best intrest at heart you are mistaken.
I read more books in a year than you own and the American media is pretty much my last source of information. Not because they are somehow controlling the news but that their target audience is mildly retarded so they fill stories with fluff.

I listen to the BBC's news podcasts on the way in to work in the morning and watch al Jazeera during the day.

Americans need to get a little less cocky and patriotic and a little more knowledge on cultural awareness.
....says the guy who had multiple factual errors in his post. Books by primary sources are where it's at. Check out anything by Ahmed Rashid if you want to learn a little history and culture.

America is the big bully on the playground...
I bet an oz of homegrown Kush I could name more instances off the top of my head of America deploying it's military to protect our way of life (as opposed to our freedom) than someone who obviously knows the "truth".


Well-Known Member
So, you cheer each time some 18-19-20 year old kid dies for following orders? Really?


I wish cancer on you, and not something fast like pancreatic, but something slow and painful that rots your skin away for a year or two before you die.
LOL, we came to the same conclusion.


Well-Known Member
if you live in the usa, your not getting any real afghani.... trust me on that one :lol:

mebbe in the EU.
hash simply does not compare financially to herion. if you were a runner, why would you take the chance with bulky hash for a few thousand when pure herion in the same quantity would net a few hundred thousand... bad economics. you dont hear of people swallowing bags of hash to get it into the country, do ya?
They are not running it. The borders with Iran and Pakistan
are pretty much pours and if they can't get it out there they use their Arab contacts to fly it through Dubai.

I am telling you guys this is all in the book "Seeds of Terror".


Well-Known Member
This is coming from someone who actually believes that some arabs that couldnt even fly fucking crop dusters could fly a boeing 747 into a building, ask any commercial pilot how hard that would actually be.
They got flight training in Florida, this is public knowledge.

9 of the hi jackers are still alive, please tell me how one could fly a plane into a building and survive?

Again, you like most Americans have fall victim to the systems biggest weapon, the media.

Halliburton does have huge military contracts.

The Basics of Halliburton's Military Contracts

No-bid contracts

When a government announces a new work project to be completed by one company, it generally requires a number of different companies to submit competing proposals (or bids). The company submitting the most efficient and lowest-cost bid usually wins the contract. But under a "no-bid" contract, there is no bidding. Instead, the government awards the contract to one preferred company without determining if other companies can complete the work for a lower cost to the government.

The Army awarded Halliburton a no-bid contract in March 2003 to rebuild Iraq's oil industry infrastructure. The no-bid contract created enough outrage in Congress that the Pentagon later cancelled it and opened-up the bidding process to companies other than Halliburton.

Most of Halliburton's government contracts were awarded through competitive bidding, but the no-bid Iraqi contract, and the secret way in which it was awarded to Halliburton, touched-off a firestorm of public suspicion that Dick Cheney and Halliburton are working together to increase the revenues of Halliburton. After the no-bid contract was cancelled, the company has been exposed for the repeated fraud and abuse in its government contracts. Allegations of corruption continue today.

Cost-plus contracts

Halliburton earns money from the government primarily through its "cost-plus" contracts. Under a cost-plus contract, a government contractor like Halliburton purchases all the necessary items to complete a job order and is subsequently reimbursed all those costs from the government -- and then paid a percentage of those costs (the plus) as a fee. A typical contractor earns a base fee of 1 percent of the estimated contract cost and an "incentive fee" of up to 9 percent of the cost estimate based on the contractor's performance in a number of areas, including cost control. The upshot: The contractor will never spend $1 million to do a job when it can spend $10 million and thereby earn a higher fee. So, contractors actually earn more money by wasting taxpayer money. The cost-plus method of accounting is the primary system today for determining how much government contractors are owed by the taxpayer. Congress and whistle blowers have criticized Halliburton and the Army Corp of Engineers for inflating costs via cost-plus contracts.

Halliburton's most lucrative contract is with the U.S. Army. It is officially known as "LOGCAP" (or Logistics Civil Augmentation Program). LOGCAP is a "cost plus" contract performed by Halliburton's KBR subsidiary. This is the contract that requires KBR to feed, house and transport troops around Iraq and the middle east.

The LOGCAP contract is the most lucrative contract being performed in Iraq today. Under the cost-plus provisions of LOGCAP, the U.S. government pays KBR 1 percent of every purchase KBR makes with the possibility of an additional 2 percent as an incentive bonus that is paid if the company is operating efficiently and honestly. When KBR buys food for the troops, it is paid 1 percent of the cost of that food. When KBR constructs a new military housing facility, it is paid 1 percent of the construction costs. When KBR houses its staff at hotels or purchases trucks and equipment to carryout its duties, it is paid 1 percent of those costs.

LOGCAP and other cost-plus contracts require the company to purchase items only from a vendor offering the lowest price if the amount of the purchase order exceeds $2,500. Thus, purchase orders exceeding $2,500 require KBR to search for competing vendors in order to find the lowest price available. But KBR often takes a purchase order exceeding $2,500 and breaks it down into its parts so that the order becomes more than one purchase order, each valued below $2,500. This allows the company to avoid searching for the lowest-priced vendor, which results in higher costs to the U.S. taxpayer. About 70 to 80 percent of KBR's purchase orders are below $2,500 - mainly because large-value purchases are broken down so they don't exceed $2,500.

A former employee of Halliburton said the company's motto is "Don't worry about price. It's cost-plus." Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) said "The higher Halliburton's costs are, the larger its profits will be." Of the firms for which Halliburton purchased items, Waxman said "Many of the preferred firms were unreliable or charged 'outrageous' prices. [Halliburton] Supervisors did not encourage buyers to identify alternative vendors and, in some cases, wanted to use a higher price vendor on the preferred list rather than a new, cheaper vendor."
You said that Haliburton builds aircraft, weapons and ammo and you got called on it. Stop trying to change the subject.

Also those types of contracts are nothing new and are an example of how FUBAR our military procurement system is. I am reading a book about Pakistan's nuclear program right now and the way they buy weapons reminds me of our system.

Not even Glenn Beck buys the FEMA prison camps dood, this is an internet hoax ala 1999.

Dont tell me i have no clue what im talking about, your the ignorant one.
No, I have some sort of sadomasochistic fetish about researching the nuttiest fucking conspiracy theories out there and I can promise you that never jive with the facts on the ground. The media ignores them because they are unverifiable and people like me who require facts outnumber those like you who do not.


Well-Known Member
Just more pointless fuckin arguing...cmon people..
Actually I think it is pretty clear that we are educating young Mr. Phelps. I know I tend to come off as an asshole but that is because I am asshole. I really don't want to hurt anyone's feelings (seriously) but I do have a short temper when it comes to people claiming things are factual when they are not. No offense to you and I am not calling anyone dumb, or stupid or anything else because there are probably a whole shit ton of things I am totally clueless about that other here know tons about. There in lies the difference, I will admit when I am talking out of my ass and when I say something is factual I can produce source material backing up my point.


Active Member
1. Because your fellow countrymen are DYING
2. Because Afghan civilians are DYING
3. Because the war is being funded by borrowing money we don't have which means YOUR fucking grandkids will still be making interest only payments

I bet you also think "politics don't effect me".
What do I care if someone voluntarily joins the military and dies? It's not my problem, they new the risk when joining the service. It's. Afghan civilians dying, honestly I could care less, I'm more concerned with American civilians dying here in the states from stray bullets in drive-by's or from hunger. Honestly with how fast the world, and America especially, is going to hell, I don't think my grandchildren will have to worry about taxes. As I said before, if I got offered real Afghan hash I would buy as much of it as I could, with a big smile on my face.

Big P

Well-Known Member
The fact of the matter is, these kids are not drafted into this, no body put a fucking gun to there head and forced them, they choose to go.

Someone should just finish the story..

You go to war... and you get killed... simple as that.

The military is a fucking job.

Do you know what fema is? Do you know who the buildaburg group is? Council Of foreign relations? Do you not understand that the military gives power to these groups.

do you know what africom is?

Do you understand that we are pushing for a one world government?

Do you know what the amero is?

The north American union?

All of this could be stopped if there wasnt so many damn people in the military.

So to answer your question, yes i cheer!

America is a fucking joke and the first chance i have to split im gone...

ill donate how much more do you need for your plane ticket?

I for one fought tooth and nail to get my citizen ship i feel you dont deserve yours:-P

Big P

Well-Known Member
This is coming from someone who actually believes that some arabs that couldnt even fly fucking crop dusters could fly a boeing 747 into a building, ask any commercial pilot how hard that would actually be.

9 of the hi jackers are still alive, please tell me how one could fly a plane into a building and survive?

Again, you like most Americans have fall victim to the systems biggest weapon, the media.

Halliburton does have huge military contracts.

The Basics of Halliburton's Military Contracts

No-bid contracts

When a government announces a new work project to be completed by one company, it generally requires a number of different companies to submit competing proposals (or bids). The company submitting the most efficient and lowest-cost bid usually wins the contract. But under a "no-bid" contract, there is no bidding. Instead, the government awards the contract to one preferred company without determining if other companies can complete the work for a lower cost to the government.

The Army awarded Halliburton a no-bid contract in March 2003 to rebuild Iraq's oil industry infrastructure. The no-bid contract created enough outrage in Congress that the Pentagon later cancelled it and opened-up the bidding process to companies other than Halliburton.

Most of Halliburton's government contracts were awarded through competitive bidding, but the no-bid Iraqi contract, and the secret way in which it was awarded to Halliburton, touched-off a firestorm of public suspicion that Dick Cheney and Halliburton are working together to increase the revenues of Halliburton. After the no-bid contract was cancelled, the company has been exposed for the repeated fraud and abuse in its government contracts. Allegations of corruption continue today.

Cost-plus contracts

Halliburton earns money from the government primarily through its "cost-plus" contracts. Under a cost-plus contract, a government contractor like Halliburton purchases all the necessary items to complete a job order and is subsequently reimbursed all those costs from the government -- and then paid a percentage of those costs (the plus) as a fee. A typical contractor earns a base fee of 1 percent of the estimated contract cost and an "incentive fee" of up to 9 percent of the cost estimate based on the contractor's performance in a number of areas, including cost control. The upshot: The contractor will never spend $1 million to do a job when it can spend $10 million and thereby earn a higher fee. So, contractors actually earn more money by wasting taxpayer money. The cost-plus method of accounting is the primary system today for determining how much government contractors are owed by the taxpayer. Congress and whistle blowers have criticized Halliburton and the Army Corp of Engineers for inflating costs via cost-plus contracts.

Halliburton's most lucrative contract is with the U.S. Army. It is officially known as "LOGCAP" (or Logistics Civil Augmentation Program). LOGCAP is a "cost plus" contract performed by Halliburton's KBR subsidiary. This is the contract that requires KBR to feed, house and transport troops around Iraq and the middle east.

The LOGCAP contract is the most lucrative contract being performed in Iraq today. Under the cost-plus provisions of LOGCAP, the U.S. government pays KBR 1 percent of every purchase KBR makes with the possibility of an additional 2 percent as an incentive bonus that is paid if the company is operating efficiently and honestly. When KBR buys food for the troops, it is paid 1 percent of the cost of that food. When KBR constructs a new military housing facility, it is paid 1 percent of the construction costs. When KBR houses its staff at hotels or purchases trucks and equipment to carryout its duties, it is paid 1 percent of those costs.

LOGCAP and other cost-plus contracts require the company to purchase items only from a vendor offering the lowest price if the amount of the purchase order exceeds $2,500. Thus, purchase orders exceeding $2,500 require KBR to search for competing vendors in order to find the lowest price available. But KBR often takes a purchase order exceeding $2,500 and breaks it down into its parts so that the order becomes more than one purchase order, each valued below $2,500. This allows the company to avoid searching for the lowest-priced vendor, which results in higher costs to the U.S. taxpayer. About 70 to 80 percent of KBR's purchase orders are below $2,500 - mainly because large-value purchases are broken down so they don't exceed $2,500.

A former employee of Halliburton said the company's motto is "Don't worry about price. It's cost-plus." Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) said "The higher Halliburton's costs are, the larger its profits will be." Of the firms for which Halliburton purchased items, Waxman said "Many of the preferred firms were unreliable or charged 'outrageous' prices. [Halliburton] Supervisors did not encourage buyers to identify alternative vendors and, in some cases, wanted to use a higher price vendor on the preferred list rather than a new, cheaper vendor."

Look at what is being built in America as we speak.


Dont tell me i have no clue what im talking about, your the ignorant one.

lol dude you are ignorent you said halibeton supply all the militaries weapons and ammo and supplies

your a fool cuz they dont. and you know you it

your above post says nothing about your ignorent post, everybody knows halibiton contracts to the US military but not for weapons, or ammo:dunce::dunce: i guess your still learning, but you sure do got a big mouth for a dumbass

this illustrates that you hardly have knowledge of what you speak and are just another parrot, who likes to blame america first \

I say piss off and get some twizletts little kid


as far as you being a 911 truther that proves your compleate idiocy

you wanna go talk to the flight school instructors who trained the 911 high jackers in miami!!!?? lol

how about the hundreds of witness who watched the planes crash into the pentagon and that field in penn, thats right witnesses:dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce:

how about the fucking footage of the highjackers all over airport security cameras boarding the planes that crashed!!!! lol :dunce: dumbass!!!

the same fucking ones who trained in the flight school in miami,


you been watching too many videos made for fools on the internet like you

as far as arabs being too stupid to fly a plane you can kiss my hairy ass cuz im an arab and was born over there and you are racist ignorent peice of shit

your right everybody knows only white irish guys are smart enough to learn how to fly a plane.:dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce:''

piss off you ninny


Well-Known Member
What do I care if someone voluntarily joins the military and dies? It's not my problem, they new the risk when joining the service. It's. Afghan civilians dying, honestly I could care less, I'm more concerned with American civilians dying here in the states from stray bullets in drive-by's or from hunger. Honestly with how fast the world, and America especially, is going to hell, I don't think my grandchildren will have to worry about taxes. As I said before, if I got offered real Afghan hash I would buy as much of it as I could, with a big smile on my face.
How is America going to hell? We live in a time of instant global communication, vaccines and clean water? Even with all the 3rd world suffering this is by far the most prosperous time in human history.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Geographic ignorance FTW?

lol and to top it off it would have been cheaper for us to purchase the oil form saddam than to start an expensive war just to steal it!!

but heres the cherry on top. CHina got all the oil contracts!!! and we were paying up the ass for gas last year :hug:
