how many (watts) clf's.12/12 from seed grow

josh b

Well-Known Member
hey all,

i am planning on growing a few plants 12/12 from seed using clf's.

i was wondering if 4x25w (2700k) clf's will be enough to grow 1-2 plants 12/12 from seed and get atleast 1 ounce per plant?

also what strains would be good to use,due a height problem my grow cabinet i can only let the plants reach a maximum of 10" so would i have to lst them aswell?

also is it ok to veg them under 2700k's for the first week just to get them started because i dont see much point in ordering a new set of bulbs for a week really?.

hope you can help :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
you can get 26 watt cfl's at walmart in a multi-pack pretty cheap. ~8 bucks for 3. I mix em up, have some of both spectrum, just use more of blue for veg, then swap out for flowering.

josh b

Well-Known Member
i live in the uk man we dont have a wallmart its a shitty b&q or major lighting factorys that you have to buy bulk from,or you can take your chances on ebay.

i will be paying around £2 per bulb so i can afford to get 200w of clf in there but the space is an issue thats why its still gonna be tricky havving 4 bulbs all nxt to eachother.

so do you think 100w of clf's is enough to flower 1 or 2 plants man?


josh b

Well-Known Member
i have 2 fem seeds here atm and have the money so im ready to go so i need to get all the info as soon as possible cuz my m8 is going to get them for me in a few weeks so i need to kno if the 100w grow can still go ahead so i can tell him.



Well-Known Member
100w will not be enough to get an oz, imo, you'll need 4 oz wet bud to equal 1 oz, actually, let me change that, i dont think the plants can get that heavy if you have no veg cycle, i'd expect an 1/8 a plant probally. 200w sounds better, you can probally pull a 1/2 oz total if you do that.


Well-Known Member
why do 12/12 from seed bro? its not any faster than vegging on 24/0 till they show sex and then take a week to go into full flower mode, mine sex at 3-5 weeks in and start flowering heavy after a week of 12/12. if you use 12/12 it will take 4-5 weeks till its vegged enough to sexually mature and begin flowering mode, and it will have half the growth the other one did(half the light= half the yield.) the difference between 12 hrs of light and 24 is very big.


Well-Known Member
hey all,

i am planning on growing a few plants 12/12 from seed using clf's.

i was wondering if 4x25w (2700k) clf's will be enough to grow 1-2 plants 12/12 from seed and get atleast 1 ounce per plant?

also what strains would be good to use,due a height problem my grow cabinet i can only let the plants reach a maximum of 10" so would i have to lst them aswell?

also is it ok to veg them under 2700k's for the first week just to get them started because i dont see much point in ordering a new set of bulbs for a week really?.

hope you can help :mrgreen:


^^^10" height max^^^

I would veg long enough to lst some, and if i couldnt get an once from 100 watss i would quit growing, unless i were new at it and still learning


Well-Known Member
lol, which he is.(new and learning),I wasnt saying you couldnt do it,sorry i didnt specify, I also said with no veg periiod, if you lst and fim into a scrog you can do it, sure, but you need to veg them first like you said.

josh b

Well-Known Member
yea i kno what you mean,but i only have a limited space to growing so it cannot reach over 10" tall.

so unless i can get a plant fully vegged and flowered and keeping it 10" tall i will have to
grow 12/12 from seed due to height restrictons m8.

i will probs end up adding a few more clf's when i notice im not getting as much bud as i want but until then i am going to be growing 1 plant 12/12 from seed with 100w of (2700k) clf's.

i will expect to get atleat an ounce with the right nutrients and slowly adding more clf's and mayb upgrading to a 150w envirolite for a 1 plant grow or even 2.

thanks everyone, keep the info comming and what do you think of my plans lol :D.

josh b

Well-Known Member
yes ive favourited few pages and vids from youtube ect.

also i was thinking of growing in a circle shape so ive got 1 huge circle of bud and lst that way to ,also i just think its going to be hard because vegging a plant it reaches over 10" easily and then when it flowers ts gonna like x3 in size so thats why im gonna have to go with a well known lowryder seed or test out sum lst training on my uk outdoor grow this year.

thanks guys im lovving the info :]


Well-Known Member
you should get flouro tubes then, they can nearly be touching the plant (sometimes even touching) w/o burning it and putting out a ton of heat like a cfl would(cfls not putting out much heat is a myth.)

josh b

Well-Known Member
yea thanks,i can get holda tubes aswell but there abit annoying i just wanted to keep it as simple as possilbe and ill just get a small fan if it becomes too hot inside there.

illsee how much i can get off 100w then thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
Wasup Josh B, what happened to your little grow with the 3 14w cfls, it didnt work out did it, let me tell you why. Remember when you posted last in that thread you said "my plants havent grown in two weeks Im getting worried." Well let me tell you why they stopped growing, BECAUSE YOU DIDNT HAVE ENOUGH LIGHT. I would recommend getting at least 180 watts of light for two plants under CFLs. Something like 4 26w CFL(3 2700k)(1 6500) and two 42w(2700k) for flower and the opposite for vegging. Even though your doing 12/12 from seed until they show there sex they are vegging so you use more 6500k bulbs, then when they show sex you switch bulbs for 2700k like I listed above. I do reccommend before you start growing to really study up on it, and get all the info you can. has more info than any Cannabis Cultivation Guides you just have to find it. Good luck on the grow man.


Active Member
10 inches is mighty small, get some scrap wood and build a small cabinet maybe? Then you could light proof it, and mount the lights above, and on the sides. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
you should get flouro tubes then, they can nearly be touching the plant (sometimes even touching) w/o burning it and putting out a ton of heat like a cfl would(cfls not putting out much heat is a myth.)

He is right about the heat, CFL bulbs do put out more heat and if the heat isnt exausted out then you temps can get to 105 degrees with all the lighting I suggested in my previous post. But he is wrong about another, Flouro tubes are cooler but the built in ballast gets just as hot as all the cfls put together, also flourescent tubes are terrible for flowering and you better not expect more than 4g per plant with Flourescents. If you get a old computer fan and mount as an exaust at the top of you grow box it will be enough to pull the heat out as long as you have a passive intake and the temps in your house stay around 70 degrees you should be fine. Also if this is a stealth grow you should look into making a light trap for you intake and exaust, but one of the most important things to do is make sure your grow box is completely light proof. One more thing if this is stealth grow you should also look at DIY carbon filter for the smell the plants will put off. If you want to compare you should check out my grow 12/12 from seed with CFLs, the link is in my sig. If you read through my whole grow journal you will see I had a 2 tube flourescent fixture in my grow box but I removed it because it got too hot. Hope I helped + rep would be appreciated lol. Oh yea and 10inch height is way to small, you will need atleast 30 inches height, also look into building a DIY CFL fixture it will make things alot easier on you, I used a aluminum baking pan for my fixture and it works great that way when I lift the fixture higher all the bulbs come with it. Even with 12/12 from seed 10" is not tall enough even with the lowryder strain and LST you will need more height man. I recommend getting/building something like 18"Wx18"Lx30-35 inches in height. With a grow box with that height you can probably vegg for like a month with six plants and flower the females from those six. If you want to get the highest yeild possible I would do a scrog grow in a cabinet this size.