Obama's Debate Against the GOP


Well-Known Member
Hello I take it. All of us have watched this in entirety.

First off, let me give you my opinion on the matters.
I`ll say politics aside he just bitchslapped every "foxnews" republican. They are the 50% of the reason politics cannot happen.
30% belong to the greedy power hungry democrats in congress that cannot keep a lobbiests dick out their mouth for longer than a vote.
5% of te Republicans who think play politics like a game. They wan't power and to be chanrge, and will vote no and follow their party with dogma.

Then you have the final 15% who congress on both sides of the aisle and beliefs that their number one priority if to create a better America. Between them real debates and change happens. We need to start throwing out all the others and elect more of these congressman.

After watching the last debate with Obama. On one hand he say's everyone I want him to do with America. He's finally telling the rest of the congress it's their fault nothing is changing.

But on ther hand his first 2 years he might as well have been neutured by Nancy Pelosi. He should have forced his ideas through that he wanted to see happen. We just had 8 years of Bush doing this exact thing.

Hopefully the people of America wisen up and realize how this country is ran and vote out these idiots in congress. Or else i`m hoping he will start doing these things he is promising in his final 2 years.

Closing of Guantanamo. There's no reason terrorists cannot be tried, convicted and held within supermax prisons. It has been happening to worse criminals all along. Christ they spend enough money on them, why not use them.

Passing some healthcare reform. I liked his first plan, sure some issues needed to debated over and changed. But we got Fox News to create "death panels". And lets not forget they told us, Obama planned to personal murder with grandparents in cold blood. So instead of any debate and anything worthwhile comming out of this plan. We got nothing.

And let's not forgot the last 8 years of being led by Cheney and Bush was awesome. Nothing like creating a downward spiral and then blame on the guy trying to bring us back around. We have probably went through the most corrupt and just morally wrong 8 years of our life.

Let me take a second to rant. Bush was a joke. He was elected the first time because his last name is Bush. Old people love Bush. Most likely the same reason good ole Jeb became govt. of Florida. Old people. Don't fuck us other anymore old people. Although Bush was a blabbering imbosile who probably won't have done much harm if left alone.

But, you guys let Dich Cheney slip in. Now Dick Cheney is easible one of the most corrupt evil person that walks America politics since Nixon. First off he denounces his own daughter's sexuality publicly. He sold the govt. to the buisiness's who could ferver profit him. He did what he wanted and shut down anyone else who went against him. Remember he even went as far as pixelating out his house in google earth.

But fuck it all that is in the past, can't change it now. But Obama although most of his actions are what I want and getting shut down by Fox News Republicans. He is passing some extrememely bullshit laws and appointments and both the Democrats and Republicans are looking to please. These seem like their comming straight out of a lobbiests mouth. Lobbiest are a huge reason congress is fucked up. The main reason someone like Ron Paul cannot get elected unless he runs with backing from some corporation. Which is bullshit.

Just want to end this on a good note and advice to everyone. Hopefully the political world ends in 2012 and we enter a Mad Max type of life. Wouldn't that be awesome.
So just enjoy your life, try not to let us this bullshit keep you angry and down. Smoke weed and get ready for the apocalypse.


Active Member
You know, its kinda funny...... i thought it was a great meeting, even if there was no smackdown. just showed where the right is coming from. this is the kind of "calling out" we can start to expect, lets get the right on record, then put it out so everyone can see whats going on.

what i find amusing is the fact that the right supports something, but as soon as Obama supports it, the right votes against it. (doesnt matter what it is)
also that the right had a ton of bitching about the meeting, the majority of the people who watched it thought it was a long time coming. Obama really showed us that he can stand up and put someone in their place.
you need to go back to school and kill everyone for doing such a horrible job with you.

Hello I take it. wtf?

I`ll say politics aside if it wasnt politics than why make a political post?

congress that cannot keep a lobbiests dick spell check works wonders

5% of te Republicans I would bet 100% can spell THE

Then you have the final 15% who congress on both sides of the aisle
is congress in this sentence supposed to be a verb?

But on ther hand his first 2 years who
is ther?

that's all I can do. You sir are an idiot:spew:


Active Member
Nice, jump on someone for not using SPELL CHECK, on the internet, in a forum. thats usualy the last resort. LMAO

This isnt english class. OOPS left out an apostrophy............. sorry.


Well-Known Member
you need to go back to school and kill everyone for doing such a horrible job with you.

Hello I take it. wtf?

I`ll say politics aside if it wasnt politics than why make a political post?

congress that cannot keep a lobbiests dick spell check works wonders

5% of te Republicans I would bet 100% can spell THE

Then you have the final 15% who congress on both sides of the aisle
is congress in this sentence supposed to be a verb?

But on ther hand his first 2 years who
is ther?

that's all I can do. You sir are an idiot:spew:
So I take it you are one of those "fox news republicans" who got offended and then decided to try and flex your mental muscle. In doing so you reveled to the rest of the board that you are clearly not a PhD candidate yourself. If you are going to criticize someone at least take the time to utilize the board's quoting system and for fuck's sake don't make your own punctuation and grammar mistakes.

ETA: Congress can be used as a verb as in "sexual congress".

Illegal Smile

So I take it you are one of those "fox news republicans" who got offended and then decided to try and flex your mental muscle. In doing so you reveled to the rest of the board that you are clearly not a PhD candidate yourself. If you are going to criticize someone at least take the time to utilize the board's quoting system and for fuck's sake don't make your own punctuation and grammar mistakes.

ETA: Congress can be used as a verb as in "sexual congress".
Fox News Republican here pointing out that in "sexual congress" congress is NOT a verb.

Oh, and speaking of Fox News - eat it! http://www.mediaite.com/tv/still-rolling-fox-news-has-their-best-january-ever/


Well-Known Member
I was totally speechless (as were most of the Republicans there) when Obama actually called them on their bullshit. Ever since Obama started his campaign he has played the Gandhi strategy and never actually called anyone out on their obviously insane claims. Sarah Palin actually told people that her grandmother and special needs child would have to stand before a government panel and make their case for being alive.

People (especially on the right) seem to forget that this guy taught constitutional law and has a doctorate in jurisprudence, thinking on his feet has been a big part of his life for a long time.


Well-Known Member
Fox News Republican here pointing out that in "sexual congress" congress is NOT a verb.

Oh, and speaking of Fox News - eat it! http://www.mediaite.com/tv/still-rolling-fox-news-has-their-best-january-ever/
Chairmen Mao's book is one of the topsellers of all time, doesn't mean it isn't completely full of shit.

You might want to ask yourself why Fox felt the need to cut away from what was clearly a Republican bloodbath half-way through it.


Pretty clearly lists it as a verb.


Well-Known Member
Give me a break. This is forum for growing pot. And I mistyped and missed a few words here and there. Obviously I meant "the" instead of whatever "te" is. If your mind can't do it's own critical thinking of sentences maybe you shut the fuck up.

Fox News is suppose to be an actual political pov newstation. The reason is so high up in ratings, because that is what they want. They don't give a fuck about fixing the country or informing their viewers. They do it all the ratings, the CEO of Fox News has said they do it all for the ratings.


Active Member
you need to go back to school and kill everyone for doing such a horrible job with you.

Hello I take it. wtf?

I`ll say politics aside if it wasnt politics than why make a political post?

congress that cannot keep a lobbiests dick spell check works wonders

5% of te Republicans I would bet 100% can spell THE

Then you have the final 15% who congress on both sides of the aisle
is congress in this sentence supposed to be a verb?

But on ther hand his first 2 years who
is ther?

that's all I can do. You sir are an idiot:spew:

Congratulations, You contributed the same amount as our politicians. Not at all.

In response to the message I think you are right on. Plus I learned a few more finer details myself. Of course, being analytical im going to go looking deeper down the rabbit hole, mind you, but thanks for the new information. =)


Active Member
Fox News Republican here pointing out that in "sexual congress" congress is NOT a verb.

Oh, and speaking of Fox News - eat it! http://www.mediaite.com/tv/still-rolling-fox-news-has-their-best-january-ever/

I only hope that I can persuade you to research what Fox News is telling you before wholly believing it. I do not regularly watch television. What TV I do get is often at my parents or future in-laws houses. I often see Glenn Beck, whom the inlaws listen to devotedly, tell the viewers a good portion of credible information, in a good presentation. However, he incites viewers' emotional part of the brain, which physiologically shuts down the reasoning part. Psychology Today After a short commercial break, he misleads the viewers with only partial information, spun politically off course, using good information used out of context. I just cant agree with that. If they say something that truly moves you, seek to find the entire monologue or speech, or tape, or whatever, and listen to whatever that speaker has to say, and make your decisions only on well researched information.


Well-Known Member
I only hope that I can persuade you to research what Fox News is telling you before wholly believing it. I do not regularly watch television. What TV I do get is often at my parents or future in-laws houses. I often see Glenn Beck, whom the inlaws listen to devotedly, tell the viewers a good portion of credible information, in a good presentation. However, he incites viewers' emotional part of the brain, which physiologically shuts down the reasoning part. Psychology Today After a short commercial break, he misleads the viewers with only partial information, spun politically off course, using good information used out of context. I just cant agree with that. If they say something that truly moves you, seek to find the entire monologue or speech, or tape, or whatever, and listen to whatever that speaker has to say, and make your decisions only on well researched information.
Good to know there are other people who see through all this Fox News bullshit.

I might just smoke too much. But I`m still under the impression that Fox News was made for it's audience like soap operas are made for housewives. You've got it all there conspiracy theories, bitching, beautiful ladies, and drama. Fox News rolls all those emotions up in a nice little package and present it to you and you guys fucking love it.

What came first this current soap opera Fox News or all slow witted followers? I honestly think Fox News was made to make money sucking off this following.


Well-Known Member
I listened to the whole debate at work. This is how politics should happpen. I don't care what side your on. Yes, the republicans got their asses handed to them, but only becuase Obama is a master debater. But it was nice to see him stick up for himself in such a public arena.

I'm just going to rant here for a moment.

I HATE how everything in politics is so black and white latley. It doesn't and shouldn't be so. And I blame the media for it mostly. Opinionated news is going to be our downfall. I don't care what side your on, CNN, FOX and MSNBC all have their own agendas. And ofcourse your going to watch the news you want to hear. These two parties we are stuck with were meant to even each other out. But all they are doing is dividing us further. Maybe we a stronger third or even fourth party.


Well-Known Member
I loved the way Obama called them on their bull$hit. I think he truly owned them. One man in a room against the GOP House and he came out more on the side of right. How is the GOP helping this country when they just vote against everything this man is trying to do just because he Obama. Hell they even voting against stuff they were for ...WTF. If you just complain about a problem but have no ideas of your own to fix the problem...then you my friend become part of the problem...

Illegal Smile

Right. Obama has the republicans right where he wants them. lmfao!


Well-Known Member
Nobody can say that wasn't a situation in Republicans favor. Oh lets see, 140 House Republicans vs. Obama. Did the room have a liberal bias? I thought it was a really good give and take. Of course unlike CNN and MSNBC, Fox cut away early to give their "analysis". God forbid you let people just listen to Republicans and the President in their own words, LIVE! But I guess they couldn't risk viewers seeing part of a political discourse that doesn't match their networks perceptions or claims.


Well-Known Member
Right. Obama has the republicans right where he wants them. lmfao!
He actually is exposing them as "The Party of No". In a quote just yesterday he mentions 7 Republicans co-sponsoring legislation and then totally abandoning it once the President came out to support it. Hell during this pow-wow he half jokingly talks about how if he says that a former Republican colleague is a "good guy" his opponent will run smear ads back home.

While the Democrats don't have the ability to make all their members march in lockstep (still trying to figure out if that is a good or bad thing) you are seeing a paradigm shift in Democratic strategy because they finally realize they are herding cats.

I honestly wouldn't mind the DNC telling every D who doesn't support healthcare that they will not be getting ANY support in their next primary.

Again though I feel like I need to point out that the Dems still hold the largest majority in a handful of decades.


Well-Known Member
I only hope that I can persuade you to research what Fox News is telling you before wholly believing it. I do not regularly watch television. What TV I do get is often at my parents or future in-laws houses. I often see Glenn Beck, whom the inlaws listen to devotedly, tell the viewers a good portion of credible information, in a good presentation. However, he incites viewers' emotional part of the brain, which physiologically shuts down the reasoning part. Psychology Today After a short commercial break, he misleads the viewers with only partial information, spun politically off course, using good information used out of context. I just cant agree with that. If they say something that truly moves you, seek to find the entire monologue or speech, or tape, or whatever, and listen to whatever that speaker has to say, and make your decisions only on well researched information.
Glenn actually go into a bit of warm water over spending "show time" to tell people that the world was ending and Obama's shocktroops would be coming to take your guns and bibles and the only thing that would be worth anything is gold. Then he would cut to commercial break and do a spot for a company selling gold coins and talk about after the islamic/socialist/atheist takeover gold will be worth zillions.


Well-Known Member
Really great debate, I don't care who you are pulling for, you have to admit it is nice to see an actual verbal ass kicking every so often. It would have been nice to see Bush do this to the Dems in his last 4 years too, after all the crazy shit we tossed his way.

Good post with a great point OP, but:

But on ther hand his first 2 years he might as well have been neutured by Nancy Pelosi. He should have forced his ideas through that he wanted to see happen. We just had 8 years of Bush doing this exact thing.

Hopefully the people of America wisen up and realize how this country is ran and vote out these idiots in congress. Or else i`m hoping he will start doing these things he is promising in his final 2 years.
You do realize it is just about 3 weeks after 1 year he has been in office right? He has 3 left.

Over the last year the economy was getting it's teeth kicked in, he had to fight for a lot of his agenda, and been constantly slandered by the actors on the news the entire time. So with the economists finally seeing the light a the end and he has a little more firm footing to say things he has done are doing well, he can come out of his shell and stretch his legs a little. The next few years should be interesting if he continues to listen to the people that specialize in their fields and doesn't start to only worry about being re-elected.