Growin the ganja in the dorm :D

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Well-Known Member
i did the paper towle method the first time worked fine let the white tails get a 1/4 inch and everything but tried a different method this time worked FAST. put them in a glass jar for 24hours none of them cracked open or nothing put them in their pots pushed dirt over the top and put them under lights 3 days later 4 out of 6 broke soil and 2 days later 5 and 3 days after that 6 might give it a try got the idea from riddleme

Hmm, well, that`s pretty much what i`m doing, isn`t it? Other than i`m not keeping them under lights.

I`m so nervous, if they don`t break ground i`m gonna go nuts ><

On a side note, you made the 420th post mate :mrgreen: grats lol :bigjoint:
Hey Andreyy great to see that you got your beans, your thread is the reason I joined! I know you are going to do a 12/12 light cycle but I have a couple of questions. Do you know the time frame on your beans from germination to harvest with this light cycle and when do you get out of school? Just wondering if your grow will finish before summer vacation?


Well-Known Member
Well it is day 4, noon, no one has broken ground yet. I`m understandably a little worried, though i still have faith they`ll pop out soon enough (though with my luck...) Anyway, i`ll attach a couple pics because... well why not

EDIT: oop forgot about the pics *blush* sorryyy :mrgreen:

Hey Andreyy great to see that you got your beans, your thread is the reason I joined! I know you are going to do a 12/12 light cycle but I have a couple of questions. Do you know the time frame on your beans from germination to harvest with this light cycle and when do you get out of school? Just wondering if your grow will finish before summer vacation?

Thanks for coming by mate :) I expect between 65-75 days time between them breaking ground and finishing, which is cool because i`ll be at school untill mid or late june.
Thanks for joining, i`m flattered you would because of my little project :)



Well-Known Member
it seems like people have completely lost interest in this thread, sadly :|

i wonder what Sly is up to though...

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
So without reading through the whole thread, how did you fix the noise, and ventilation issues.

Dont worry about them not cracking the ground yet, soil is kind of slow, first time i did soil it took a good 6 days for anything to crack the surface.


Active Member
Yeah if they don't crack soon i would use the paper towel method
have had a 95% rate of germ with that method

then i put it into the soil and in two days they pop out

just think real hard and they will pop out ......for


Well-Known Member
put a light over them the seedings grow toward the warmth ive never done it w/o putting a light above them soon as they in ground. im pretty sure once they in soil your supposed to have a light. but then again this is only my 2nd grow


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, use the paper towel method. all my beans popped using that method within about 3-4 days.
Congrats on getting everything straight!! we are here watching bro so let us know if you have any questions or concerns


Well-Known Member
uhmm, u might want atleast one 6500k bulb mate.. just wonderin..
Yeah, good reminder, i will have one or 2 6500k in there

So without reading through the whole thread, how did you fix the noise, and ventilation issues.

Dont worry about them not cracking the ground yet, soil is kind of slow, first time i did soil it took a good 6 days for anything to crack the surface.
I`ll vent the air through the back of the dresser. One 120mm fan blowing air in, over the plants, one sucking it out through the carbon filter that i`m going to make. And as for noise that`s no issue at all. The only time that could be a problem is on thurs when the cleaning ladies come, and since i`m doing 12\12 all the way, i`ll time it so that the lights and fans will be off. They only even stay 10-15 minutes and the vacuum is on all the while anyway, so no issues there at all.

Yeah if they don't crack soon i would use the paper towel method
have had a 95% rate of germ with that method

then i put it into the soil and in two days they pop out

just think real hard and they will pop out ......for
put a light over them the seedings grow toward the warmth ive never done it w/o putting a light above them soon as they in ground. im pretty sure once they in soil your supposed to have a light. but then again this is only my 2nd grow
Hey bro, use the paper towel method. all my beans popped using that method within about 3-4 days.
Congrats on getting everything straight!! we are here watching bro so let us know if you have any questions or concerns

I just got out of an exam, i`ll have a nice nap and when i wake up i`m taking the lazy bitches out and putting them in a paper towel.

I took them out of the jiffys last night again to have a look at them. 2 seem rather uninterested in becoming alive at all, one has cracked ever so slightly, but has definately cracked, and one has cracked and shot out the tinyest little white root.
So of the 4 i`ll probably have 2 that actually sprout and with my luck, one will be a male and the other one will hermie or something :P i so do wish i had the nirvana seeds right now :/ not to mention the lemon skunks.

Thanks for sticking by and for the support, i`ll make sure to ask for advice when i need it.

And hey, Sly if you`re still out there, stop by and give a shout. I hope things are working out better for you mate


Well-Known Member
put a light over them the seedings grow toward the warmth ive never done it w/o putting a light above them soon as they in ground. im pretty sure once they in soil your supposed to have a light. but then again this is only my 2nd grow
You don't need a light until the seeds break the soil.The light will just dry out the soil. Give them light once they poke through.


Active Member
yeah hopefully the two will take off that cracked open, and i would towel the other two if it was me.....

good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Srry aint been by in a few. Paper towel method all the way! Get it wet, throw a bowl over top, so its completly dark. Then throw on top of ur PC box to keep warm...


Well-Known Member
i have to say it hilarious that this thread is still going with 438 posts and not a seed cracked. I posted back on the 3rd page or so and was just starting my grow, which now is being harvested and this journal has more posts than mine which I actually grew something. LMAO ;) Next time my journal title will read "Growing Weed in the Janitor closet of the Police Station"!! Then we'll see who gets more hits!
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