Listen to JFK ...


New Member
Sounds quite reasonable. Those ideas are actually a bit more republican than democrat though, right?

Amazing that democrats today dont understand this reasoning. either that, or they are too tied into the Fed Reserve to but follow their advice.


New Member
Money is nothing more than a scoreboard reflection of your service to others. Like I've said many time before here in the forum, help enough people get what THEY want and you'll get what you want in return.



Well-Known Member
So, would you say a drug dealer is smart, because they can make a lot of money? Could it be wrong because it is illegal, or because they take advantage of peoples weaknesses? Money is only a vehicle to show the real essence of a person. Drug dealers that operate on other peoples misery can be as rich as a corporate mogul that does likewise. It is what a person does with his money that truly defines him. Once you get past the basic tenets of survival and comfort, the excess money you have and the way you use it defines you. Some buy drugs and alcohol. some buy stocks, some invest in real estate, some start companies, some indulge themselves in untold luxuries. What you do with your money is what you are made of, make it count.
I think you are taking this WAY out of context. If the system was different, the market would change with the times. For example, end the war on drugs, and pot is no longer worth the electricity it costs to grow it indoors. There probably wouldn't be any "commercial" crops either, because you could make more profit on strawberries. If you abolish the IRS, certain changes would take place to accompany that change. I don't think that was the point you were making, however. I think you just wanted to back me in a corner where I am supposed to say I love drug dealers or something like that. Obviously, you don't have to be very educated to slang. You know I didn't mean that. It's almost as if you can't argue the abolish the IRS stance so you look to direct the conversation away rom the economics, and back to the emotional side of drug dealing. All liberals I know start off with "well I just feel..." whereas conservatives GENERALLY start off with "I think..." or "I know..." I guess this is just one way of steering the convo back to the emotions at heart.

Your final statements seem to be more philosophical in nature. Really made me think about my own life.


New Member
For example, end the war on drugs, and pot is no longer worth the electricity it costs to grow it indoors. There probably wouldn't be any "commercial" crops either, because you could make more profit on strawberries.

I believe pot would still be a marketable crop. there are those without green thumbs, and those without the time or knowledge of how to grow, but have the money to buy. Pot will always be worth more Lb for Lb than strawberries or any other garden crop. Pot gets you high, strawberries fix your sugar cravings, you decide. I'm sure the price would come down, and most potheads would just grow enough for their own use and for trading others to get variety. There will always be the asshole rip-offs that will try and get your stash, I say shooting them should be legal.


Well-Known Member
Pot will always be worth more Lb for Lb than strawberries or any other garden crop. Pot gets you high, strawberries fix your sugar cravings, you decide.
Well I think you have to consider the demand. Strawberries in particular? Well I can't say. Food, though? Food is in much higher demand than pot, and I wouldn't doubt it would be in higher demand if pot were legal. (haha jk) But seriously, the supply would skyrocket. Am I wrong? Like you said home crops would be plentiful, and there will obviously be corporate interests once it is legal. My guess is pot becomes more available than paper, and it goes from worth more than gold to worth about the same as typical "essentials" like food and vitamins.


New Member
Well I think you have to consider the demand. Strawberries in particular? Well I can't say. Food, though? Food is in much higher demand than pot, and I wouldn't doubt it would be in higher demand if pot were legal. (haha jk) But seriously, the supply would skyrocket. Am I wrong? Like you said home crops would be plentiful, and there will obviously be corporate interests once it is legal. My guess is pot becomes more available than paper, and it goes from worth more than gold to worth about the same as typical "essentials" like food and vitamins.

Commercial crops would level out to a reasonable price, but the connessuer pot will always fetch high prices as it is a bitch to perfect. Once you have the THC level high, you then have to make it look good, perfect buds are a sight to behold. A good looking Bud will command more money than a stonier bud of less beauty


Well-Known Member
Commercial crops would level out to a reasonable price, but the connessuer pot will always fetch high prices as it is a bitch to perfect. Once you have the THC level high, you then have to make it look good, perfect buds are a sight to behold. A good looking Bud will command more money than a stonier bud of less beauty
I heard that there are a group of growers that have a regimen/recipe that creates HUGE buds of incredible density and enormous THC content. I hear they sell their "proven" methods to people for around $5k...with a "no disclosure" clause. Doubtful they enforce the contract. Doubtful they even have a contract. Nevertheless, do you think that is true, or am I just believing urban myths?


New Member
I'm sure that is an urban myth. The pot I grow is around 19 percent THC, pretty stony shit. I've heard of 20-30 percent pot but have never experienced it. Like I said, once you have attained the 15-20 Percent THC level, plenty stony, it then becomes a matter of size of Buds and taste. These things take longer to perfect and command the premium bucks. At this stage of my agronomic venture, I can't command top dollar because I haven't moved to the perfect bud and taste platform. Hey, I'm working on it. I'll just say this. My friends like it. Growers in my area that have those big beautiful fat buds are getting 400-500 an Oz. Next grow I'm gonna try Big bud, a fast growing commercial line that has 12-16 percent. Might be less stony but more commercialy viable, isn't capitalism wonderful,~LOL~. Selling less for more, the iron clad rule of capitalism.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure that is an urban myth. The pot I grow is around 19 percent THC, pretty stony shit. I've heard of 20-30 percent pot but have never experienced it. Like I said, once you have attained the 15-20 Percent THC level, plenty stony, it then becomes a matter of size of Buds and taste. These things take longer to perfect and command the premium bucks. At this stage of my agronomic venture, I can't command top dollar because I haven't moved to the perfect bud and taste platform. Hey, I'm working on it. I'll just say this. My friends like it. Growers in my area that have those big beautiful fat buds are getting 400-500 an Oz. Next grow I'm gonna try Big bud, a fast growing commercial line that has 12-16 percent. Might be less stony but more commercialy viable, isn't capitalism wonderful,~LOL~. Selling less for more, the iron clad rule of capitalism.
I do find it interesting that people pay a certain amount fo ra certain price. It's hard to sell a superior strain for more, but an inferior strain has no problems going for fair market value. It really is incentive to go with this "Big bud" type. BTW is that a strain?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure that is an urban myth. The pot I grow is around 19 percent THC, pretty stony shit. I've heard of 20-30 percent pot but have never experienced it. Like I said, once you have attained the 15-20 Percent THC level, plenty stony, it then becomes a matter of size of Buds and taste. These things take longer to perfect and command the premium bucks. At this stage of my agronomic venture, I can't command top dollar because I haven't moved to the perfect bud and taste platform. Hey, I'm working on it. I'll just say this. My friends like it. Growers in my area that have those big beautiful fat buds are getting 400-500 an Oz. Next grow I'm gonna try Big bud, a fast growing commercial line that has 12-16 percent. Might be less stony but more commercialy viable, isn't capitalism wonderful,~LOL~. Selling less for more, the iron clad rule of capitalism.
I do find it interesting that people buy a certain amount for a certain price. It's hard to sell a superior strain for more, but an inferior strain has no problems going for fair market value. It really is incentive to go with this "Big bud" type. BTW is that a strain?


Well-Known Member
Well, why don't all you anti-tax experts tell me why the national debt is careening past 9 trillion Bucks. Why the middle class is dissapearing. why the country is going into a depression. why the dollar is slipping into oblivion, why in this "Boom economy" millions are losing their homes. I think there is a time for low taxes, but not when you have a president that spends like the proverbial "Drunken sailor".
You are almost right. Congress spends money. The Prez approves the expenditures or vetoes them. So a clear majority of 535 people are in collusion with Dubya.

It would be obviously counter-productive to cut taxes, as long as the entire boat is on shore-leave. If people saw a real cut in spending, NOT a phoney cut in the "growth" of spending, the country would be in line with the idea.

But, you are right about one thing, we are in a fast moving boom economy, trying to outpace the inflation of the dollar. Soon all will collapse, unless major changes are made.