iPod Touch flashlight grow

now that just seems kinda crazy i wouldnt do anything like that jus stuff that give off a lot of light and lights that r as cool or a tad bit hotter then cfls.

so ive kept my ipod over my seedling for about 2 or 3 hrs now and the stem grew a entire cm. lmao not much but it shows it can do something.

no im not trolling, im not kidding, serious question, and serious about the cm growth.
Get a flash light, a picture of the sun, a watering can an ipod and round -up. Ull be off to a great start. Oh yeah, dont forget the hairspray

i knw 4 a fact the round- up will kill it in about a hour, a friend did that thinking it wouldnt do anything. and not a actual flashlight those things blow its a app on the ipod touch/ iphone. if u have 1 u shuld try it out. hairspray YTF would i put hairspray on a plant? a picture of the sun? really? u hav 2 b kidding me. its a simple yes or no question that has been answerd and im still gunna try 2 prove it wrong bcuz im about 98.9% sure no1 has ever tryed it. i bet your the type of person that will only go by what other people say to grow your weed plant and if you see some one say it cant work then you go with what they say with no proof at all. you can tell me if im right. im not trying to be a dick i just wanted a answer to a question and for some reason people like to go off when all a person is really trying to do is learn something.

so thanks for all the answers and everything everybody even the people being dicks about it.
screw your fancy lights, i grow with camp fires.

lmao u must have a crazy cool house if your a indoor and you must be big foot if your a outdoor grower.

btw im not retarded. and if i was im pretty sure i would knw the only thing u culd do wit a weed plant and a camp fire is throw it in and hope it has enough thc to get you high from the campfire smoke.
i knw 4 a fact the round- up will kill it in about a hour, a friend did that thinking it wouldnt do anything. and not a actual flashlight those things blow its a app on the ipod touch/ iphone. if u have 1 u shuld try it out. hairspray YTF would i put hairspray on a plant? a picture of the sun? really? u hav 2 b kidding me. its a simple yes or no question that has been answerd and im still gunna try 2 prove it wrong bcuz im about 98.9% sure no1 has ever tryed it. i bet your the type of person that will only go by what other people say to grow your weed plant and if you see some one say it cant work then you go with what they say with no proof at all. you can tell me if im right. im not trying to be a dick i just wanted a answer to a question and for some reason people like to go off when all a person is really trying to do is learn something.

so thanks for all the answers and everything everybody even the people being dicks about it.

I'm not going off of what other people say. I'm going off of proven science.
So i was walking around in the dark using the flashlight on my ipod and then i started thinking this is a bright as$ light!! so now im wondering if it could grow a plant? does anyone know if this would work? the brightness is all the way up on my ipod but with the flashlight i have it doesnt change the light can easily shine across to the living room from the dinning room its very bright.

any help would be greatly be appriciated!
Thanks in advance.

:joint:...I would use iPhone or the HTC touch...their flashlights are giving an output of 65.000 lumens and with the best PAR possible for plants.

The absolute best light spectra u will get when using 2 x iPhone and 1 x HTC touch for bloom.

For veg i use 3 x SonyEricsson V600, the SonyEricsson w the coolwhite light, esecially made for cannabis cultivation.

If its too expensive for ya to buy 6 cellphones, id recomend u a normal HPS, I heard they supposed to be pretty good?!:joint:

show me 1 fact that there is no possible way that a weed plant will grow from the light given off from a ipod touch screen and i will say sorry. a few years ago people said the exact same thing about led lights and look what some people grow with today.
its probly not possible... and why would you wanna keep your iphone hovering over a plant being useless when your paying an extra 50 bucks a month to at&t just to have an iphone? so pretty much if you do this your rendering your phone useless and killing a perfectly good seedling as well......sounds like a plan that just wont work
ok its a ipod are you serioulsy saying that the only purpose you are going to use it for is growing this plant under it.. and you know that its a lot of led lights n a led lighting system also it is such new technology .. but whatever this guy up there is seriously yanking your chain so i wouldnt get too excited
:joint:...I would use iPhone or the HTC touch...their flashlights are giving an output of 65.000 lumens and with the best PAR possible for plants.

The absolute best light spectra u will get when using 2 x iPhone and 1 x HTC touch for bloom.

For veg i use 3 x SonyEricsson V600, the SonyEricsson w the coolwhite light, esecially made for cannabis cultivation.

If its too expensive for ya to buy 6 cellphones, id recomend u a normal HPS, I heard they supposed to be pretty good?!:joint:


its truthfully just a experiment i put it under 3 24 watt cfls daylight bulbs. i just thought about it while watching tv and decided ill give it a try for a few days if no new growth then forget about it. but the ipod touch and iphone has the exact same screen and the iphone has no flash so therefore you are just messing with me.

im kinda starting to like replying to all of you either way tho.
ok its a ipod are you serioulsy saying that the only purpose you are going to use it for is growing this plant under it.. and you know that its a lot of led lights n a led lighting system also it is such new technology .. but whatever this guy up there is seriously yanking your chain so i wouldnt get too excited

right now its just sitting over it and i really dont use it anymore its kinda boring and the screen cracked and keeps cutting my finger and if it doesnt show any growth by monday then im going bck to regular lights
its probly not possible... and why would you wanna keep your iphone hovering over a plant being useless when your paying an extra 50 bucks a month to at&t just to have an iphone? so pretty much if you do this your rendering your phone useless and killing a perfectly good seedling as well......sounds like a plan that just wont work

i knw it possibly wont work but i wana try just to see just think of everything that wouldnt b if sum1 didnt try! we wuldnt evn b growing indoors if thomas edison didnt try so why shoot down a experiment from the start if nobody has ever tryed?
im hoping that i dnt kill it but if i see if starting to look a little bad im guna put it back under the cfls i got nothing but time to experiment now a days. and im pretty sure it will just run on stored energy or thing im trying to flower by monday.
its truthfully just a experiment i put it under 3 24 watt cfls daylight bulbs. i just thought about it while watching tv and decided ill give it a try for a few days if no new growth then forget about it. but the ipod touch and iphone has the exact same screen and the iphone has no flash so therefore you are just messing with me.

im kinda starting to like replying to all of you either way tho.

The iPhone has a function where u can use a flashlight function, makes the screen totally white sending out crazy much light!

Ill show u a pic of my SonyEricsson V600 veg grow:


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The iPhone has a function where u can use a flashlight function, makes the screen totally white sending out crazy much light!

Ill show u a pic of my SonyEricsson V600 veg grow:

thats exactly what im talking about! what other lights do you use tho? or is it just a bunch of phones?