dude it works my buddy used 46 ipods touch flash lights and grew some auto flower ak 47 to about 6 feet tall stretched a little but dam was that som killa pakalolo, he got 2oz dry per plant
i would have to be a retard to beleive that some one would have 46 ipod touches and they just left them all on a charger for months and it grew a 6ft plant.dude it works my buddy used 46 ipods touch flash lights and grew some auto flower ak 47 to about 6 feet tall stretched a little but dam was that som killa pakalolo, he got 2oz dry per plant
lmao dude ur fricken funny. i usually grow outside so i dnt have 2 worry about getting my door kicked in or even worst the cops running in and i get locked up. its actually brighter then my pc monitor. and for some1 who claims to be a "big boy" you dont know shit about something that you use everyday your guna have to read up on your jane like where it came from and how old it really has been around. it has been around for a long time no doubt but a few billion years you have to be pretty dumb. i know a lot about pot but i knw i dnt evn knw half of the information there is to know about pot. if i was 15 would i really be able to stop just about everything everyone has said with some kinda comeback that makes sense? this is a site for help and for questions. just because i was thinking about trying to do something that no one else would do makes me 15 then you have to be about 10 for acting like your hot shit when the only thing about weed that you know about other then growing is thc. i bet half of you talking shit dont even know that it is other things in weed.ok ya experiments are fun like im growing under a diffused laser diode, butdude, its a fucking ipod, youd get better light putting ur pc monitor up next to it, and stop acting like you know everything pots been around longer then 10k even 15k years probably a few billion years XD but seriously go buy a MV and a HPS light like the big boys, uve been growing a few years and u still only use cfls? thats funny shit dud, now get off the forums before everyone else realizes ur still 15
ahahahahah yeah, i cant be 15 because i can argue with you. that means i definitely definitely cant be 15. if i was 15 would i be able to come up with "some kinda come back?" huh? nah i didnt think so. coz i can stop what you say. with my comebacks... yeah... LMAO dude. you are never going to get any "feedback" from this website, especially not now that everyone realizes your a kid. besides i dont know wether or not you are intelligent enough to retain the information that people try to give you, nor decipher it from the sarcasm that the others will drop on you, plain and simple you have no business growing or even smoking if you plan to pass the 7th grade...if i was 15 would i really be able to stop just about everything everyone has said with some kinda comeback that makes sense?
good thing i skipped to last page after reading first page. bah why am i even here? lol
I once grew a 225 gram plant with a flashlight and a picture of the sun.![]()