MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

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Depends on the solenoid, if its a normally open type, it`ll close when you apply power to it. A normally closed type would be powered up most of the time which will reduce its life expectancy. A standard cycle timer will work for the N/O solenoid but you might need to add a relay for the N/C type. A 1 sec/1min cycle timer can cost as little as £2.50 ($4) if you make it yourself ;)

right, in my paragraph above i explained its normally closed, and when power is applied, it opens, letting the water go back to the res instead of forcing it through the sprayers.

i have no clue how to make them. If you do i would happily pay you more than 4 bucks for it.

i can get an accumulator tank one day, but in the meaintime, im using a 50psi pump with pretty decent volume capability, so the pressure does come on pretty instantly.

worse case scenario i do 3 or 4 seconds instead of 1
the pump is always running btw, so it already has its momentum, and so does the water, and when the solenoid slams shut, the water HAS to go through the sprayers.

it happens in less than a second.

A timer that is ON for a min or 2, and then off for just a few seconds is what i would need
the solution ive been looking for...

saw these tonight at home depot, they will work, i will cut large holes in the top and bottoms of them and just stack them 4 high, plus set them on some sort of platform so that gravity brings the water down from the bottom container to the res

cut 1 or 2 holes on the flap for 2 inch netpots, and face that inward towards the light obviously.

I checked for leak possibility, and there is none, the way the sti in eachother, the water will stay inside them even with the tops and bottoms carved out to make it one vertical chamber.


I found another site too that has hopper style tubs that stack, only problem is they dont have the lid over the hopper side... so the other bin itself is the lid, on top... but on the hopper opening, there is no lid, so it would be a lot more labor intensive, but they have even wider and longer hoppers than the one i just linked above.

You`ll need to fine tune the flow to the res to maintain a higher average pressure and at the same time prevent the pressure from getting high enough to fire up the nozzles.
When the solenoid is open the nozzles and res can "see" the flow, when the solenoid is closed only the nozzles "see" the flow. The solenoid may close in the blink of an eye but you`ll be surprised by the time it takes for the pressure to build up in the line to the nozzles. A ballpark estimate, the overall misting pulse will be 3x as long as the timer setting at least ;)
im rude at times i know...

so im fishing for the polite way to say.... im looking at my system, its right here in front of me...

as stated before, it takes less than a sec for the sprayers to come on...

i understand pnumatics and plumbing and pressures very well.

all im asking is can you build me a timer, and how much would it cost?

and then if the day comes i get an accumulator tank, ill drop you a line and say, hey i need a shorter OFF time on my timer..

and we will tackle that problem when it comes.

In the meantime... i cant express how frusterated i get when i ask a question, and people want to tell me about things that im standing here looking at with my own eyes, and it takes 3 days to get an answer to

where can i find a timer?

still waiting...
so how expensive are these timers that go off for a sec, and then on for a min?

problem is... im doing things with solenoids the fatman way, so the solenoid is charged to stay open...

but in staying open, it goes back to the main res

when it shuts, it is forced to go to the sprayers instead.

So what im saying is, i need a timer that goes OFF for a couple seconds, and then provide juice for a min or 2... however long.

here i am asking for exactly what i need, through all the babbling in the last 2 days, what i need has not changed.

where can i get one of these timers, or who can teach me how to make one.

i will pay you for your time

thank you.
Hey sherri, good to see you have a thread on all these ideas. I've built my own custom vertical aero system myself. If you want to check it out feel free I've got pictures here . . .

If you are looking for a cycle timer to run your sprayers I use the CAP brand ART-DNe (google that and tons will come up) adjustable cycle timer they go for about $80 and are fully adjustable both on and off time as well as a photocell. If you want to go cheaper you could get one of their non-adjustable timers as well.

Good luck sherri, keep us updated . . . :peace:
No one needs paying as information on this thread comes free of charge ;)
If you can handle a soldering iron and basic electronic components you can build a timer. A simple SPDT or DPDT (change over) relay will allow for both on/off or off/on operation depending how you hook it up.
The timing range dictates the component values, 1 sec /1 min wouldn`t have a long enough pause but you could easily change it in 1 min increments. I`m not located in the states so i can`t ship you one but if you can source the components i can certainly tell you how to make one.
here i am asking for exactly what i need, through all the babbling in the last 2 days, what i need has not changed.

where can i get one of these timers, or who can teach me how to make one.

i will pay you for your time

thank you.

check these timers out. they dont get any cheaper and they have many different ones besides the one i linked. just type in timers into their search engine and it will show you what they got. certainly one of these wil work as some go down to seconds intervals. there not plug and play but for 20 bucks you cant complain.
Sherriberry: check this out
NCC National controls corporation
solid state timer
model CKK-3600-461
range 36-3600 sec.

This is the timer i use, it requires an 8 pin socket to connect to it, but it works awsome for me.
36 seconds is a tad too long for this application, we need something that goes down to a second or less ideally ;)
It takes me about 1/2 kwh of power for lighting for a grow . Add onn the air conditioning, dehumidifier pumps etc then just under 1 kwh per gram total. That is for a 7 week budding cycle. I can safely bet Heath's vertical is doing no better and his quality is lower plus he will grow half as many griows per year in his set up. Plus his sytem is dependent on an unnaturally high DO for mere survival yet alone growth. My sytems actually do better at higher resrvoir water temps and could care less if the nutrient water DO is high or not.

This thread has nothing to do with Heaths' grow so it has no reason for being talked about here so his grow should be talked about on his thread not so quit being a troll. But being your insistent about bringing his sad grow sytem up again. His grow sucked, his methodology sucked, his system sucked. Try asking him about his level of root rot or his length of time budding, or the strain he grew. Looks like mainly sativa. Such a yield for a principally sativa strain is not impressive at all. Given all data for his grow one would likely find his grow was nothing but averag or less. Hell any average experienced grower ought to be able to get over 2 grams per watt given a long enough grow, spread over a large enough area, but as in Heath's grow g quality would lack. The seed growers advertise a greater expected yield than Heath obtained give his square footage.

What would be impresive is to know the amount of kwh used. His "system" is 4 ft in daiamter and three foot tall. That means a suface area of 37.7 square feet/10.33 = 3.65 square meters, An average grow reported by most seed sellers is 400 to 450 grams per square meter, so 3.65 & [(400 +450)/2] = 1551 grams Average yield to expect. His grow as only 1260 grams. So while he obtained 81% of rated average yields and did it with a smaller wattage but one knows how long it took for the budding time so know one knows the actual kwh used. It is the yield/kwh that matter not the yield/(bulb wattage). Then there is the quality. As much as you guys that kiss Heath's butt want to believe. No system with only 16 watts per square foot is going to put out the same quality of buds as a grown done under 4 times that amount of lighting as is nearer the standard. Lights only put out so many lumens and provide so much PAR. Spreading the light over 4 times the area only vertically will definitely not provide the same PAR. When his lame vertical grow can put out near one gram per kwh in 9 weeks of budding I will be consider it worthy of some of the butt kissing praise some growers with few brains are giving it. Until then it is just another lame gimmic grow.

So Heath is getting 33.41 grams persquare foot for a yield. so; (600 w/ 1000 w) kwh* 12 hrs/day * 7 days/ week * 12 weeks = 604 kwh 604/1260 gram = 0.48 kwh/gram plus pump and ventilation etc

My kwh/yield is (1000 w/1000 w) kwh * 12 hrs/day * 7 days/ week * 7 weeks = 588 588/1200 = 0.49 kh/gram plus pump etc. I use air conditioning and CO2 so my costs will be slightly higher than his fan aerated system but if using a ca hiller that will maen the cots will about equal. BUT my finished product is assuredly a better quality and I can grow 8 crops a year verus his four posibly five.

Enough said. Enough scope creap.
I just fully explained it dude. I gauge my grow performance on grams/kwh not grams per watt. Grams per watt means nothing. But if it is how to blow your bubbles. I get about 1.26 grams watt but I get it in seven weeks growing a chiefly indica/afghani strain versus Heath's 12 weeks or more for an airy, stemmy, sativa dominant strain.

I don't grow *rappy pot. Heath's vertical grow with a good indica/afghani strain would likely have an out put of about half or max 2/3 of what he produced in his singular grow. So in other words if you want a slow grow system that puts out a lot of airy buds then maybe you would like Heath's vertical grow. Make sure you keep an extra air pump and back up circulating pump on hand and use plenty of chlorox or H2O2. And get a ladder to climb in and out. And some buckets for the overflows and such.
Thanks for your time...:razz:

Not too sure what I did to merit so much hostility, but thanks anyways...:razz:

I am not trying to direct hostility to you personally, just in general to all those who troll threads to makes claims about the wonders of Heath's sad vertical grow sytem. I actually find merit in the theory of vertical grows, just not high nutrient DO dependent ones. I would not consider ever using so little light as used in his systems however. Thai is as sad as his nutrient delivery system. Flowing water. Oh my. Aqua culture (DWC) in small vertical tubes is a more appropriatte name. IMHO It is even substandard to an aero vertical grow.
So now that we have the hostilities out of the way...:lol:

Could we see what you do?:clap:

Without name calling...:clap: I think that is so childish...:lol::clap:
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