Time to End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"


New Member
I am guessing that even many of the conservatives on here are in favor of ending a Clinton era debacle. I am refering to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Even Colin Powel and Robert Gates (not extactly the bearers of the torch of the left) seem to be in favor.

Predictions are that by repealing DADT, enlistments might increase 10-15%. Why when gays are maybe 5-7% of the poplulation would you see this?

Since there are no definative studies, I can only guess. I do know this. I have had many gay friends who wanted to serve, but were afraid of the prospect of a dishonerable discharge. Many of these friends enlisted anyways. I do not know the story of most of these folks. Many years have past.

But why do they predict an increase in enlistment? Because gays love our country as much as anyone else and they are willing to prove it with their life. Maybe some feel they have something to prove.

Most of our allies allow gays to openly serve, isn't it time for us to do the same? :-?


Well-Known Member
?? yeah i heard about high recruitment expectations to seems strange that many gay guys want to go but sure send them maybe its like a way to be around a bunch of sweaty guys or to get laid whatever they want to go send em. give a whole new meaning to putting it to em or stickin it to em.....we can kick that ass then take that ass


New Member
?? yeah i heard about high recruitment expectations to seems strange that many gay guys want to go but sure send them maybe its like a way to be around a bunch of sweaty guys or to get laid whatever they want to go send em. give a whole new meaning to putting it to em or stickin it to em.....we can kick that ass then take that ass
I understood everything you said except after "yeah" ....


New Member
?? yeah i heard about high recruitment expectations to seems strange that many gay guys want to go but sure send them maybe its like a way to be around a bunch of sweaty guys or to get laid whatever they want to go send em. give a whole new meaning to putting it to em or stickin it to em.....we can kick that ass then take that ass
That is really fuckin lame dude. Do you honestly think that shit? Or did you just stoke bongsmilie:lol:


Well-Known Member
if i was in room full of naked women i would totally check out the titties.

tell me gays aren't looking at my cock.



Well-Known Member
It should be abolished.

I served before DADT. I only knew of one guy who was gay and he outed himself voluntarily. He was a support soldier who reenlisted into a combat arms specialty so he could get promoted faster. He was unprepared for his transition into the fighting Army. We virtually lived in the field and deployed everywhere. Around his third month in the new job he showed up in the orderly room and came out. He claimed he was uncomfortable showering with other dudes. He was gone in three days.

DADT came along after my time and I must be honest. I was against it then because I was a good and faithful Republican at the time. I bought into the arguments of degradation of combat effectiveness. Since then my political views have changed, including my position on full equality for homosexuals.

DADT served its purpose. Without it, we would not be having this discussion now regarding full integration. It's time to end it.

I support the Administration on this issue.


New Member
if i was in room full of naked women i would totally check out the titties.

tell me gays aren't looking at my cock.

Yeah I suppose they are, and so are all your other str8 mates (but duh, yes the gay dudes might be more interested). Big deal. They are fully capable of acting "normal". Str8 guys raping women in the service have been way more of a concern lately.


New Member
It should be abolished.

I served before DADT. I only knew of one guy who was gay and he outed himself voluntarily. He was a support soldier who reenlisted into a combat arms specialty so he could get promoted faster. He was unprepared for his transition into the fighting Army. We virtually lived in the field and deployed everywhere. Around his third month in the new job he showed up in the orderly room and came out. He claimed he was uncomfortable showering with other dudes. He was gone in three days.

DADT came along after my time and I must be honest. I was against it then because I was a good and faithful Republican at the time. I bought into the arguments of degradation of combat effectiveness. Since then my political views have changed, including my position on full equality for homosexuals.

DADT served its purpose. Without it, we would not be having this discussion now regarding full integration. It's time to end it.

I support the Administration on this issue.
Thanks Johnny, and it is BS that there is no middle ground on many issues.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I suppose they are, and so are all your other str8 mates (but duh, yes the gay dudes might be more interested). Big deal. They are fully capable of acting "normal". Str8 guys raping women in the service have been way more of a concern lately.
who said anything about rape? i just want to shower with the ladies. i can act "normal". :hump: :-P


Well-Known Member
i think they should join for whatever reason their joining they should give them whole platoons for front line infantry . and yes i kind of do think that if i joined the womans wrestlin team it would be because i like a hot sweaty woman on my face


Well-Known Member
Fdd i might have implied it as in rape and pillage something about the men in the other army running because theyd be raped seems kind of funny to me....ah the spoils of war....seriously i do think gays should be encouraged to join the army


Well-Known Member
if i was in room full of naked women i would totally check out the titties.

tell me gays aren't looking at my cock.

No kidding, and it would sure make things a lot more awkward in the barracks too, let alone everyday life- which is why most people that serve are most likely in favor of keeping the policy the way it is. IMO, all the people sitting on the sidelines weighing in on whether or not it's fair, just, or the best policy are getting themselves into debate that doesn't even affect them. They can keep on chiming in from the sidelines from the comfort of their homes and internet forums as if it does though. :spew:


Well-Known Member
mmm. . . is normal walkin around with a big ol' bone? :hump::lol:
mines kinda small. :hug:

seriously though, ...

you can't mix people of differing sexual preferences into situations where they will be naked together. whether they be straight or gay.

though when i watched GI Jane, she showered with the boys.


trichlone fiend

New Member
...DADT, but... what about the wondering eye? When I see titties that are huge, I get lost in my imagination. If you put a gay man in a dick factory he's ahhhhh look'n. NOT COOL!


New Member
I have to agree with our commander in chief and Robert Gates, as well as several other top dogs in our armed forces. End DADT!

This is an open call to all that oppose the ending of DADT...please tell me why you oppose letting willing soldiers serve, besides a 1-2 sentence diatribe about other men looking at your dick and/or homophobic nonsense.


New Member
Oh, and by the way, shame on Senator John McCain. I used to say he was the only Repub I would ever vote for, but ever since the election and especially since he went back on his own stated policy of ending DADT, fuck that two faced flip flopping old crotchety bastard! Politics has changed him very late in the game