The Captian's Medical Grow 2


Well-Known Member
I have changed some things in the tent but new info is as follows:

400W HPS in sun systems 6 inch reflector (digital ballast)
32x32x 5 ft grow tent (DR 80)
425 cfm exhaust fan
6 inch insulated ducting

5 3 gallon buckets w/ 6 inch netpot lids
5 6" air stones


Blue Dream
Purple Diesel
OG Grand Daddy Purple

Nutes are GH 3 part + h02 in R0 water Ph'd to 5.8. Reservoirs are changed and disinfected weekly.

The girls were transplanted into their netpots when they reached 6" in height and are currently vegging under 18/4 cycle.

The GDP had rooting issues but is now good to go, all plants are roots down into the res and doing just fine.

I may OR MAY NOT post photos this go round.


I am a licensed patient growing under STRICT prop 215 & SB 420 guidelines in California. Please check your local laws before attempting to recreate this log. By no means do I endorse the breaking of laws, the illegal procurement of cannabis, et al.





Well-Known Member
I have changed some things in the tent but new info is as follows:

400W HPS in sun systems 6 inch reflector (digital ballast)
32x32x 5 ft grow tent (DR 80)
425 cfm exhaust fan
6 inch insulated ducting

5 3 gallon buckets w/ 6 inch netpot lids
5 6" air stones


Blue Dream
Purple Diesel
OG Grand Daddy Purple

Nutes are GH 3 part + h02 in R0 water Ph'd to 5.8. Reservoirs are changed and disinfected weekly.

The girls were transplanted into their netpots when they reached 6" in height and are currently vegging under 18/4 cycle.

The GDP had rooting issues but is now good to go, all plants are roots down into the res and doing just fine.

I may OR MAY NOT post photos this go round.


I am a licensed patient growing under STRICT prop 215 & SB 420 guidelines in California. Please check your local laws before attempting to recreate this log. By no means do I endorse the breaking of laws, the illegal procurement of cannabis, et al.



Nice line up. I look forward to seeing the Blue Dream, I have heard a lot of good things. I love the Romulan. I got some outdoor and it was great!
+ rep for doing another journal


Well-Known Member
Hi CK, Nice line up.

Sub'd in, pics would be nice, you can always post them in a private album I suppose!

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
The captains back!!!

I'm growing some Querke this round too. None of the other though. Nice selection.

And I think maybe 3 sets of pics throughout the grow would suffice. Maybe a late veg set. A week 6 flower set. And a harvest/ finished product set. How's that for a comprimise.

Looking forward to it either way cap. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply's all. I really appreciate them.

I am sure I will do pics, just have to talk myself into it, lol.

The girls are doing well, except for the GDP and PD. The GDP just started to produce feeder roots after 14 days, really annoying because I like an even canopy but whats a guy to do??

The only prob withe the PD is that I transplanted her later than the rest. She has only been vegging under the HID's for 2 days because my tent was filled with a couple girls for my outdoor plot.

Those that were with me for the last run will noticed I have changed my technique, graduating from GH waterfarms to my own DWC buckets. The reason for this is that I can fit 5 in my tent and IMO the smaller bucket size shouldn't affect the size of the girls. I know every "bubble head" swears by 5 gall buckets but I would rather have room for bigger plants than for buckets that I will never fully utilize.

I am smoking on some dreamqueen from the last run, she has a heavy fruity - spicy taste, hashy even. Extemely heavy body high, with a nice soaring head. Very nice.

I am hella rambling...



Well-Known Member
Well, I did my taxes today and to celebrate my small refund, I am buying myself a new tent, this time measuring 40X40X78 inches, that mean I will have roughly 30% more room! Gone will be the vertical worries that have plagued my runs! Obviously, I am very excited over this cause more room means bigger plants!

I am also considering stepping and going with the full AN lineup, there is nothing like using your tax refund to stick it to the man!!



Well-Known Member
I run DWC too and I think that smaller containers are good. I grew monsters last grow and still didn't fill the 5 gal buckets with roots... just extra space/ water/ nutes. As long as you aren't needing to water them everyday... I think the small (3 gal) containers are good.

Also... I am a big fan of Dutch Master nutes... might want to check them out too. I think my results from using them should be a good endorsement. I've pulled some top shelf smoke from my first 3 grows... and the weight was definitely there. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I run DWC too and I think that smaller containers are good. I grew monsters last grow and still didn't fill the 5 gal buckets with roots... just extra space/ water/ nutes. As long as you aren't needing to water them everyday... I think the small (3 gal) containers are good.

Also... I am a big fan of Dutch Master nutes... might want to check them out too. I think my results from using them should be a good endorsement. I've pulled some top shelf smoke from my first 3 grows... and the weight was definitely there. :bigjoint:
Thanks for the heads up on DM nutes, have heard a few things but nothing as in depth as your journal (got through 10 pages so far)

Once I get off my ass and take some pics I will post them, the rain has me wanting to stay indoors today.



Well-Known Member
One thing that has totally changed my RIU experience has been to make my settings for 20 posts a page. I have to link to the next page half as many times.

If you go in "my Rollitup" on the left is "Edit Options" then about 3/4 of the way down you can change how many posts per page from 10 to 20, 30, or 40.

You can make my journal (and yours) half as long, lol.


Well-Known Member
Okay, first I just wanna say damn Oakland. Every time I go up there I come home with something other than what I went up there looking for...argh. Today it was the Trainwreck. Supposedly true arcata 32, we will see.

I went looking for my cam today but couldnt find it, I will look again tomorrow.

The GDP has grown nicely, its gonna be a short bushy SOB. She is about 8 inches tall, nicely stacked, typical xmas tree shape.

The romulan is out growing everything. Already 18 inches tall, branching nicely but they are narrow, typical sativa dom. May be a problem in flower if she continues the upward growth.

The querkle is growing well also, branching nicely, long xmas tree type branches.

The blue dream is growing similarly to the querkle, although a little taller.

The purple diesel's roots just hit the res, I should see an explosion of growth shortly.

My outdoor starts look good, although I really need to decide on whether I am gonna do hempy buckets or soil. The strains for outdoor are:

Trainwreck (Arcata 32 cut)
Querkle (tga subcool)
Sogouda (soma)
Lemon skunk (GH)

The 6th indoor plant is going to be either sour grapes or blue sky cotton candy, those are the two strains I keep heading to the o to find but keep just missing.

Also, I decided to try the complete GH line. I have already been using the 3 part flora series and am adding diamond nectarand floralicious grow to the veg cycle, adding floralicious bloom and liquid kool bloom to flower as well as adding flora shield for the roots.

I also picked up some H & G roots exceluator to add to my mix.

I decided to go with GH instead of AN because GH has done me good so far, I figured I would show some faith and try the rest of the line before jumpng ship to AN.

I am heading to LA in a few weeks, if anyone can gimme some dispensary advice for DJ short clones or clones of elite strains, please PM me.

Also, Please be sure to attend the 2010 cannabis and hemp expo at the cow palace, San Francisco, California. The event will be taking place April 17 & 18th. PM me if you want to meet up at the event!



Well-Known Member
Damn man, I am going to vegas during that weekend or I would go for sure. Hey let me ask you, have you had any issues with the clones ie. bus or pm fromt he oakland? Also, which is better, harborside or blue sky?


Well-Known Member
Damn man, I am going to vegas during that weekend or I would go for sure. Hey let me ask you, have you had any issues with the clones ie. bus or pm fromt he oakland? Also, which is better, harborside or blue sky?
I have been a loyal customer at both of these dispensaries. To me, they are both awesome but for different reasons.

BS is small, tiny, looks like a news stand but is owned by the same guy who owns oaksterdam university so you can find unique strains because of their involvement in garden rescues and the fact that they have 3 campuses in cali, one in socal and two further north so they get alot of strains that wouldnt normally be available. For instance, oaksterdam nursery has some real fine genetics, particularly the house champange (reeferman genetics, so good luck finding that!) the blue sky cotton candy and the sour grapes.

Harborside has tons of clones, much bigger selection but they are varieties I see all the time like sour deisel, grapefruit deisel, etc. The nice thing is that you can get say, a whole runs worth of clones, up to 72 usually very easily as opposed to bs where you have to work a lil to get what you want.

So far, both clubs have provided me with good, bug free clones. I did get some PW on one clone but PW is something that is rampant around my area anyways, so it could have just been susceptible to PW and picked it up here.

Its hard for me to say anything bad about either, they are both awesome just different, ya dig?



Well-Known Member
Okay, res change today. Now officially using the entire GH line up. My nutes are as follows:

Flora gro: 10
Flora Micro: 5
Flora Bloom: 5
Diamond Nectar: 10
Floralicious grow: 5
Flora Shield : 30
H & G Roots Exelurator: 1

This recipe is per gallon and all measurements are in Mils

This was PH'd to 5.9

My outdoor girls are out and potted. I am supplementing the 10 hours of daylight with 8 hours of CFL light.

I am running two cuts of trainwreck, one in a hempy bucket, the other in soil. I should really run the 3rd in my hydro setup but I want to save my 6th pot for the strains I am looking for.

Feeling rather tired tonight. Need to clean up, smoke one and relax.



Well-Known Member
Hi CK, how do you supplement the outdoor girls with light? Do you move then at night? I vegged and flowered a girl at my window sill a couple of years back over the winter Dec-May. The biggest hassle was remembering to get home near the end to close the blinds...many a night I sat in the bar with a cider thinking, I should really get going, it's 8 oclock and the blinds need to be closed...many a night I never made it, hahaha.

All sounds well in Shark City.

Peace out, DST


Well-Known Member
Hi CK, how do you supplement the outdoor girls with light? Do you move then at night?
Exactly, each night they come inside, into the warm fold of my clone/seedling starter room. Then, come morning out they go into the wild world to get grow'n again.



Well-Known Member
Woo, I dodged a bullet today...


Was checking my pots and what do I see, a bunch of brown sludge, starin at me...

So I went through the inconvenience of changing all the pots. The average PH in my rez was exactly 6.8! I have never had PH swings like that. Kinda crazy. I changed all the nutes and disinfected the pots and airstones, will check the pots tomorrow and see how they look. I am eliminating the Roots excelurator and will only use it on my soil girls from now on.



Well-Known Member
Well, the outdoor girls are doing well. Better than the indoor girls at the moment. All have adjusted to the outdoors and are no doubt expanding their root systems. Should she some growth in the next 10 days. At this stage is is like watching paint dry. A quick group photo below:

From left to right, top row:

Trainwreck, OG Kush, Kryptonite

Left to right bottom row:

Trainwreck, odyssey, Querkle

Here are the indoor girls. You will notice that some of the leaves are droopy and generally unhappy looking. Some have brown necrotic spots. If you read my previous post you will know that I recently had some serious root rot issues that were caused by adding H & G roots excelurator. I believe the unhappyness and brown spots are due to the PH swing and root rot problems.

From left to right, top row:
GDP, Querkle

Top Center: Purple Diesel

Bottom Center: So Gouda

Left to right, bottom:
Romulan, Blue dream

Individual girls:

The Romulan

The Blue Dream

The Querkle


The Purple Diesel

& So Gouda

As always, feedback is welcome.




Well-Known Member
After further study and research I think that my adding the floralicious line to my system is what actually set this whole thing off. The organics fucked things up. Apparently, from what I can tell, the ph and (what I thought was root rot) is actually brown slime. Apparently, it loves organics...still researching but my best bet is the floralicious since it is organic.

I found a great thread about it on another site, link is below:

I will be picking up some Physan 20 ASAP, I will also be taking the floralicious out of the mix.



Well-Known Member
Woo, I dodged a bullet today...


Was checking my pots and what do I see, a bunch of brown sludge, starin at me...

So I went through the inconvenience of changing all the pots. The average PH in my rez was exactly 6.8! I have never had PH swings like that. Kinda crazy. I changed all the nutes and disinfected the pots and airstones, will check the pots tomorrow and see how they look. I am eliminating the Roots excelurator and will only use it on my soil girls from now on.

Did you use 1ml per gal of root excel Bro? I use root excel in my aero cloner and have never had any sludge build up. I use it in my DTW res too and it has always been clean. do run drip clean with it though. My ph always stays stable too. 'scathin my head' Are you sure it wasn't something else that caused the sludge?