WTF Medical Marijuana

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Well-Known Member
i think the point is why do some people get cards and others dont when your just getting high nomatter what the case if you need weed to help whatever it mybe you should get the fucking card who the fuck has the right to say this person has the right to smoke and this one doesent come on it comes down to is controll and power fucking land of the free let me know where to find this place


New Member
Oh I'm not the least bit offended. I'm long over that. :lol::lol::lol:

I am thinking this over in a more objective point of view.

Skunk:Thats where you take yourself 'out' of the equation.:-|
But I highly doubt you are able to do that.:roll:

I certainly don't think I'm ignorant either. :? But its freedom of speech and you have the right to 'your' opinion.

If medical marijuana is starting to be even considered then why knock it?
I noticed that you didn't answer my question whether you would get a card if you had the opportunity or not.
Of course you would. You are just pissed off because you don't have the same opportunity so you have to knock the entire subject about medical marijuana. If I am reading into this then at LEAST 80% of the people that have responded to this thread have also.

When medical marijuana was first allowed in Canada it was only allowed for the people that were dying. No if's or buts. A few years later they added more illnesses that could be considered. As of last August they changed it again. Now they are considering mental disorders also.
So more and more people are getting involved.

Sorry. I tried to be civil, friendly and respectful skunk but since you chose to be so rude, well:

You are just:

Stuck on Stupid!!!!!

Misrepresented? WTF medical marijuana is the title of the thread.

Yes, it is... and? WTF Medical Marijuana? What is it? It is only a half truth... this world will never change because people like yourself are ignorant to what is really going on. as can be viewed by my, by now, almost certain misinterpretation of my posts. You do not see clearly enough what I'm talking about. Now I have had enough of explaining myself to you.
BR> I can only repeat myself so much. You want to take offence, that's up to you... I no longer give a fuck.


New Member
Yes I agree bongspit. And besides, did you see crazy' last harvest? It was awesome!!!:clap::clap::clap: Check it out!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

I do not think any of us here are in a position to laugh at anyones first grow. you come to a place like this to learn and share. :peace::-?


New Member
Maybe he finally shut the fook up.:-| I hope so:roll:

Oh I'm not the least bit offended. I'm long over that. :lol::lol::lol:

I am thinking this over in a more objective point of view.

Skunk:Thats where you take yourself 'out' of the equation.:-|
But I highly doubt you are able to do that.:roll:

I certainly don't think I'm ignorant either. :? But its freedom of speech and you have the right to 'your' opinion.

If medical marijuana is starting to be even considered then why knock it?
I noticed that you didn't answer my question whether you would get a card if you had the opportunity or not.
Of course you would. You are just pissed off because you don't have the same opportunity so you have to knock the entire subject about medical marijuana. If I am reading into this then at LEAST 80% of the people that have responded to this thread have also.

When medical marijuana was first allowed in Canada it was only allowed for the people that were dying. No if's or buts. A few years later they added more illnesses that could be considered. As of last August they changed it again. Now they are considering mental disorders also.
So more and more people are getting involved.

Sorry. I tried to be civil, friendly and respectful skunk but since you chose to be so rude, well:

You are just:

Stuck on Stupid!!!!!


Too many brownies
Maybe he finally shut the fook up.:-| I hope so:roll:

Oh I'm not the least bit offended. I'm long over that. :lol::lol::lol:

I am thinking this over in a more objective point of view.

Skunk:Thats where you take yourself 'out' of the equation.:-|
But I highly doubt you are able to do that.:roll:

I certainly don't think I'm ignorant either. :? But its freedom of speech and you have the right to 'your' opinion.

If medical marijuana is starting to be even considered then why knock it?
I noticed that you didn't answer my question whether you would get a card if you had the opportunity or not.
Of course you would. You are just pissed off because you don't have the same opportunity so you have to knock the entire subject about medical marijuana. If I am reading into this then at LEAST 80% of the people that have responded to this thread have also.

When medical marijuana was first allowed in Canada it was only allowed for the people that were dying. No if's or buts. A few years later they added more illnesses that could be considered. As of last August they changed it again. Now they are considering mental disorders also.
So more and more people are getting involved.

Sorry. I tried to be civil, friendly and respectful skunk but since you chose to be so rude, well:

You are just:

Stuck on Stupid!!!!!

Lacy im telling can write out a huge response he will just scan over it and give an ignorant and angry response like he has been doing to you along with others....

Well except the ones that agreed with him 100% those are the only ones he actually gave a nice long in depth response too....

just scanning through the last 10 pages check out everything he has said....not once did he give a thoughtful response to anyones opinions except the ones in his favor.


New Member
i can't believe this thread is still alive.

who cares what avenues are used toward the legalization of pot. the government has behaved dispicably and back-handedly in their efforts to criminalize us for years. if we get thru the back, side or front door - let's just beat these fascist dictators at any cost!


New Member
Yes Mr. W. I agree. That's why he's a prick!!!!:spew:

Maybe he finally shut the fook up.:-| I hope so:roll:

Lacy im telling can write out a huge response he will just scan over it and give an ignorant and angry response like he has been doing to you along with others....

Well except the ones that agreed with him 100% those are the only ones he actually gave a nice long in depth response too....

just scanning through the last 10 pages check out everything he has said....not once did he give a thoughtful response to anyones opinions except the ones in his favor.


New Member
I can't believe this damn thread is still going either. Your point cult is exactly the way I feel. Unfortunately here because SKUNK isn't a happy camper (they don't have mm laws where he lives) he's gotta attack the entire medical marijuana community.

And then has the balls to wonder what the fuck everyone everyelse problem is. Unbelievable!!!

If anyone is getting in anywhere whether it is through the back door or side doors they HAVE to be SHOT down because lets ALL FACE IT EVERYONE its not fair to skunk here. :cry:

You poor baby!!!!!!!! :cry::cry::cry:

And skunk, if you think I'm being a beotch now:? keep this up and you ain't seen nothin.'
i can't believe this thread is still alive.

who cares what avenues are used toward the legalization of pot. the government has behaved dispicably and back-handedly in their efforts to criminalize us for years. if we get thru the back, side or front door - let's just beat these fascist dictators at any cost!


Well-Known Member
If you went into a hospital emergency room with a broken finger you wouldn't expect to get in front line before the guy dying from the heart attack. At least, I would hope you wouldn't. I, personally, think it just comes down to respect and consideration.
Amen Lacy. +rep.

P.S. - Sorry about your dog, she was really cute! Once your mourning period is up though, it's awful fun finding a new dog.
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