1st (proper) Journal. Lemon Haze, Blue Cheese, UK Exodus Cheese. Airpots trial.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member

i'm laughing but thats minging.

re-potted and watered all of em while i was at it. i'm gonna take some snaps after a coffee and a zoot. slight deviation of last nights plan but just throwing another lady in the mix. she's a indica dominant but have not got a clue.
i think that i will get a quicker yeald (of the indica) but have the "big girls" (bc + lh) coming in a week or so later on the schedual. then 3-4 weeks time add the airpots into the 12/12 room, then it will be spread out.

edit - the "big girls" in normal pots

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hi las fingerez, looks like you are getting on fine there bru. I read that one of the plants you topped the main branch was taking over again. If you want to even it out, just tie the main branch below the level of the nodes of the other branch, this will re-direct and should even them back out...it's all about getting the main top below the others.

Good luck with everything, sub'd now.

Peace, DST
i thought about what you and jester said about tying the branch down, the plant would grow quicker this way wouldnt it? i'm guessing so after thinkin about it coz the girl wouldnt have to put up with the cut stress, just the bending stress. wo ho i'm learing of u guys already!
done that, stuck the branch in a bit of the airpot. seems 2 work for now. cheers bro's. pics coming next post :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member

Airpots have arrived...

Re-potted 1x Lemon 1x Blue

Bent the big branch on the blue in the airport so the other little branches catch up. stuck in in a ridge of the pot.

the profile/hight of the room, need 2 get some of them up higher but i'm high myself. lol

i've got another little lady, she needs a name really so she deserves her own post :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member

pic from the top

Another pic from the side. just repotted.

Right gents she needs a name, i belive she is an strong indica due to her short leaves. what do u lot think?

willy - its an unknown snip from my mate sold 2 him as cheese but its clearly not.

don - cant wait 2 see what these babys are cabable of, they grow trees in them for fooks sake lol


Active Member
na cool baisicly u suck more air out than u pump in. this then creates a vacum meaning everything goes out via the carbon filter not cracks in the door etc. negative pressure is supposed 2 be better air exchange than normal pressure or positive pressure. kinda looked into it a while ago. if ur bathroom fan is of any decency with no kinks or bends in the tube then u should be creating negative pressure in ur room. dont mean to be mean but dont get ur hopes up, mine didnt it was the centrifugal one from homebase, supposed 2 go 10m couldnt even go 2 lol.


these are my fans (well i have 2, want another 2), good quality and fairly quiet for a fan when wrapped in a duvet/accoustic ducting.
I see what you mean now...
The bathroom fan (85m3/hr) is pulling air from the cupboard above, no tubing running to or from, and the fan which i will be gettin from the link i showed u will be 137m3/hr and that will be sucking air from the carbon filter and pumpin it into the attic about 3ft above, pretty much straight up.

Noise isnt an issue really, cupboard is at the back of the bedroom and no one uses it, door always closed so think i;ll be ok, and for £10 i can cope with havin to buy a newer one if needed later on.

and i cant post pics for some reason, but im eatin anyway so the less fat chicks i see the more food i keep down lol

Ladies are lookin nice now they repotted, just been lookin at the airpots, seem like a good idea, might have to look into those myself.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
I see what you mean now...
The bathroom fan (85m3/hr) is pulling air from the cupboard above, no tubing running to or from, and the fan which i will be gettin from the link i showed u will be 137m3/hr and that will be sucking air from the carbon filter and pumpin it into the attic about 3ft above, pretty much straight up.

Noise isnt an issue really, cupboard is at the back of the bedroom and no one uses it, door always closed so think i;ll be ok, and for £10 i can cope with havin to buy a newer one if needed later on.

and i cant post pics for some reason, but im eatin anyway so the less fat chicks i see the more food i keep down lol

Ladies are lookin nice now they repotted, just been lookin at the airpots, seem like a good idea, might have to look into those myself.
easy mate been thinkin, u use 1x blue and 1x red the whole way through right? maby the other guys will back me up or correct me but you need blue for growing, red for flowering. i was under the understanding that blue in flower wasn't so great? can one of the old skool correct me?


Active Member
easy mate been thinkin, u use 1x blue and 1x red the whole way through right? maby the other guys will back me up or correct me but you need blue for growing, red for flowering. i was under the understanding that blue in flower wasn't so great? can one of the old skool correct me?
Hey mate

Nah.. got 2 x 125 CFL blue, one over each plant thats just for vegin, i have another 2 x 125 CFL red, which in old grows i used for flowering, but on this grow in gonna flower under a 400HPS, when i buy it.

I might add 1 x 125 CFL blue to the 400HPS, which i have been told might help with stretchin, if there is any, but will have to check on what heat the 400 throws out first. * but if u think its not wise then i dunno, sometimes conflicting ideas from threads lol... i think though with the 2x125 i have at the min the temp is a constant 79, so maybe 400 and 125 would be to much*


Well-Known Member
Quality thread here las fingerez , subsribed!! looking forward to seeing how your airpots trial goes, havent seen them before until this day....
Got some SLH about 60 days into flower, ill put some pics up on my own thread soon check it out you'l luuurve it.
daaaang real desperate to get some original exodus cheese up north, i know its about but its extremely illusive.
good luck keep up the passion!