Global Warming Update



i would trust the people who arent trying to take more of my families money ie freedom....but thats just me. you do what you need to do.
How does passing off green technology, renewable energy, alternative sources of energy, etc. "take more of my families money or freedom"?

Have you ever done any research into the gas/oil corporations who are currently the number one supplier of the worlds energy? Have you ever considered they might want to keep it that way? Have you ever considered these guys have millions of dollars to throw at politicians and media moguls?

Or do you just think everyone trying to pass off anything green is out to get your money by conning you into believing something is real that isn't?

Seriously consider the likelihood of each of these scenarios.

jeff f

New Member
How does passing off green technology, renewable energy, alternative sources of energy, etc. "take more of my families money or freedom"?

Have you ever done any research into the gas/oil corporations who are currently the number one supplier of the worlds energy? Have you ever considered they might want to keep it that way? Have you ever considered these guys have millions of dollars to throw at politicians and media moguls?

Or do you just think everyone trying to pass off anything green is out to get your money by conning you into believing something is real that isn't?

Seriously consider the likelihood of each of these scenarios.
so its a giant kabal af oil barons that are driving the bus?

pad, the reason "green" technology hasnt taken off is because it cant meet demands at a reasonable price. if it ever does, you wont need to shut down the oil companies. they will get shut down by the market.

comn pad, you are smarter than this. it is re-god-damn-diculous to even think that IF we are causing it, we know what to do to stop it.

so, one must ask hiself, why are they so quick to take our money? to do what? to punish oil companies? how does that help cool the planet? or warm the planet? or give the planet what "it" needs...this is fucking stupid. so if we the people get punished by more expensive energy costs and 25 years from now we figure out its not the right solution...then what?

after you put POOR people, cuz remember who an energy tax is gonna punish the most, the poor, further in the gutter what do you say to them? sorry we fucked up?

tell me my pool is dirty. i add chlorine, why? cuz i know chlorine fixes it. they have no idea what will fix anything. so i have to pay you until you figure out what to do to fix it?

please pad, this is fucking stupid. its nothing more than raising up the people to punish the oil companies who inturn punish us.

if you or me or rick or cj or fdd want to go green....knock yourself out dude. thats fine and i want you to live however you want to live. but dont punish a guy who drives a beatup pickup truck cuz he cant afford more. thats immoral. :-|

besides, when you get your cute little prius stuck in a mud puddle because you over loaded it with groceries (2 bags), i can bring my big ole f250 deisel suckin truck to pull your ass out for 50 bucks and a beer. :mrgreen:bongsmilie

Big P

Well-Known Member
check out this story pad, how about we let india decide, they seem like they actully wanna know the truth too before they sign up to put more burdons on thier people as the UN is asking of them

and you can look at all the comments of what the public really thinks

India forms new climate change body

The Indian government has established its own body to monitor the effects of global warming because it “cannot rely” on the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the group headed by its own leading scientist Dr R.K Pachauri.

By Dean Nelson in New Delhi
Published: 3:47PM GMT 04 Feb 2010
Comments 181 | Comment on this article

Scientists believe it could take more than 300 years for the HImalayan glaciers to disappear Photo: ALAMY

The move is a significant snub to both the IPCC and Dr Pachauri as he battles to defend his reputation following the revelation that his most recent climate change report included false claims that most of the Himalayan glaciers would melt away by 2035. Scientists believe it could take more than 300 years for the glaciers to disappear.
The body and its chairman have faced growing criticism ever since as questions have been raised on the credibility of their work and the rigour with which climate change claims are assessed.

In India the false claims have heightened tensions between Dr Pachauri and the government, which had earlier questioned his glacial melting claims. In Autumn, its environment minister Mr Jairam Ramesh said while glacial melting in the Himalayas was a real concern, there was evidence that some were actually advancing despite global warming.
Dr Pachauri had dismissed challenges like these as based on “voodoo science”, but last night Mr Ramesh effectively marginalized the IPC chairman even further.

He announced the Indian government will established a separate National Institute of Himalayan Glaciology to monitor the effects of climate change on the world’s ‘third ice cap’, and an ‘Indian IPCC’ to use ‘climate science’ to assess the impact of global warming throughout the country.
“There is a fine line between climate science and climate evangelism. I am for climate science. I think people misused [the] IPCC report, [the] IPCC doesn’t do the original research which is one of the weaknesses… they just take published literature and then they derive assessments, so we had goof-ups on Amazon forest, glaciers, snow peaks.

“I respect the IPCC but India is a very large country and cannot depend only on [the] IPCC and so we have launched the Indian Network on Comprehensive Climate Change Assessment (INCCA),” he said.

It will bring together 125 research institutions throughout India, work with international bodies and operate as a “sort of Indian IPCC,” he added.
The body, which he said will not rival the UN’s panel, will publish its own climate assessment in November this year, with reports on the Himalayas, India’s long coastline, the Western Ghat highlands and the north-eastern region close to the borders with Bangladesh, Burma, China and Nepal. “Through these we will demonstrate our commitment to climate science,” he said.

The UN panel’s claims of glacial meltdown by 2035 “was clearly out of place and didn’t have any scientific basis,” he said, while stressing the government remained concerned about the health of the Himalayan ice flows. “Most glaciers are melting, they are retreating, some glaciers, like the Siachen glacier, are advancing. But overall one can say incontrovertibly that the debris on our glaciers is very high the snow balance is very low. We have to be very cautious because of the water security particularly in north India which depends on the health of the Himalayan glaciers,” he added.

The new National Institute of Himalayan Glaciology will be based in Dehradun, in Uttarakhand, and will monitor glacial changes and compare results with those from glaciers in Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan.

Comments: 181

  • This is intolerable! Now we finally find out that the IPCC's much vaunted "The Science is Settled" Reports rely incestuously on "fundraising pamphlets" from Global Warming pushers such as Greenpeace and WWF!!

    These are Not scientific sources at all. They are simply propaganda leaflets designed to shake down donations using scare stories.

    The UN's IPCC report recycles these scare stories and claims they are rigorous science. Then the UN and our government rips us all off for Billions of pounds in carbon taxes. But these aren't just any new taxes that we can protest about. Oh no, the UN, IPCC and HM Government are trying to "Save the World" before it is too late! So don't be a denialist flat-earther and dare to complain!

    We all know that third world countries have completely corrupt governments. But somehow we thought that by putting hundreds of third world government sponsored bureaucrats together and calling them the UN, suddenly they would be honest and incorruptible?!? Pure idiocy...

    It is high time people sent the government and the UN-IPCC a strong message: "You can't fool all of the people all of the time."

    Email your MP now and tell it that you want the fraudulent carbon taxes canceled AND your money back.

    Stephen Just
    on February 11, 2010
    at 08:43 AM
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  • Al Gore....Anti-Christ of the Church of Climatology. And his blind faith about extremists..

    on February 09, 2010
    at 06:35 AM
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  • Thank You India at least someones country has their head screwed on right.

    on February 08, 2010
    at 11:08 PM
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    OIL Used 12 MnT/Day=4320 MnT/Yr. CO2e=7560.MnT/Yr
    COAL Used 9 MnT/Day=3240 MnT/Yr. CO2e=7560.MnT/Yr
    GLOBAL CO2e= I5 BnT/Yr….ANDY CO2e=I5/3=5 BnT/Yr
    GLOBAL OIL Fuel Saved =2880 MnT/Yr= 2160 Bn$/Yr
    GLOBAL COAL Fuel Saved =2160 MnT/Yr= 324 Bn$/Yr
    INV 690 Bn$..Return 5400 Bn$/Yr..CER 1O BnT/yr
    INV.. 69 Bn$..Return.. 540 Bn$/Yr..CER 1.O BnT/yr
    INV.. 23 Bn$..Return.. 180 Bn$/Yr..CER 333 MnT/yr
    INV 6900 Mn$..Return.. 54 Bn$/Yr..CER 1OO MnT/yr
    Cost Normal
    M A APPAN M E 45 Yrs EXPERT Ph.. 91 09840463337
    E mail [email protected]
    By FUEL.COAL 9 MnT/Day ;OIL 12 MnT/Day
    Reduced to 12 MnT/Day
    CER…… …..15.0 - 5.0 = 10.0 BnT/Yr
    COAL..12+2*8=28+E……………..12:16= 1:1.33
    OIL…...12+4+4*8=28+2*10+E…...16:32= 1:2.00
    . NOW
    FUEL……..COAL………OIL .
    USED………9.0…+……12.0 MnT/Day =21
    OXYGEN…12.0…+……24.0 MnT/Day =36
    CO2e………21.0...+.…...21.0 MnT/Day =42
    . ANDY
    FUEL……..COAL………OIL .
    USED………3.0…+……4.0.. MnT/Day =7.0
    OXYGEN…..4.0…+……8.0.. MnT/Day =12
    CO2e…….....7.0…+……7.0...MnT/Day =14
    CO2e………14*360=5.04 BnT/Yr
    CER…… ….15 - 5 = 10 BnT/Yr
    .. VC 15 Mn$ …3 yrs
    INV 700 Bn$ Ret 5400 Bn$/Yr Profit 15 Bn$/Day
    M A APPAN M E 45 Yrs EXPERT Ph.. 91 09840463337
    E mail [email protected]

    andy appan
    on February 08, 2010
    at 08:10 PM
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  • @Bruce
    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:17 AM
    I emailed in to point out that the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Mr Gore and the IPCC not the Mr Pachauri, and the Telegraph e-mailed me to say that they had corrected the article. Good for the Telegraph to correct errors. Well done India. How long before the IPCC tries to curb methane-producing curries?

    on February 08, 2010
    at 07:03 PM
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  • likely address back prepared

    on February 08, 2010
    at 09:08 AM
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    on February 08, 2010
    at 06:31 AM
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  • Dr. Bhattacharyya:

    Absolutely they are socialists. But their religion, like all belief systems, is getting old in a hurry. Thank goodness.

    moray watson
    on February 07, 2010
    at 09:26 PM
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  • Moray Watson:

    If AGW is the new religion for socialists as you stated, am I to assume that Al Gore and his likes are ardent socialist? If they are socialists, I retract.

    Dr Alok Bhattacharyya
    on February 07, 2010
    at 05:51 PM
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  • Paul Levy on February 06, 2010
    at 12:51 PM wrote " ought to read up on the basic science of global warming. There's a very clear picture of causation, which is related to the absorption of infra-red electromagnetic energy by carbon dioxide molecules in the earth's atmosphere. This is extremely well understood at the level of basic physics. A warming of the earth with increasing CO2 emissions was a *prediction* of climate science long before the evidence showed it happening."

    While CO2 does absorb IR, that is not the only process occurring. In fact, it is not a dominant process, and
    the results of ERBE satellite data show that all 11 IPCC atmospheric models used to predict climate change are incorrect(see quote below from Geophys. Res. Lett. abstract).
    Therefore the IPCC climate models should be revised and predictions be redone. Also since the positive feedback(warming) mechanism assumed in the climate models is mostly from longwave radiation, ie "greenhouse effect", while ERBE shows negative feedback(cooling) from shortwave radiation, this implies that man caused global warming from CO2 increase must be a small effect if not negligible.
    Quote below is from

    ... 'The observed behavior of radiation fluxes implies negative feedback processes associated with relatively low climate sensitivity. This is the opposite of the behavior of 11 atmospheric models forced by the same SSTs. Therefore, the models display much higher climate sensitivity than is inferred from ERBE, though it is difficult to pin down such high sensitivities with any precision. Results also show, the feedback in ERBE is mostly from shortwave radiation while the feedback in the models is mostly from longwave radiation. Although such a test does not distinguish the mechanisms, this is important since the inconsistency of climate feedbacks constitutes a very fundamental problem in climate prediction.'
    Citation: Lindzen, R. S., and Y.-S.
    Choi (2009), On the determination of climate feedbacks from
    ERBE data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L16705, doi:10.1029/

    Some more data to consider from

    "Water vapor drop may have led to warming slowdown"
    The slowdown in global warming in the last few years may have been caused by a decline in water vapor in the stratosphere, a new report suggests.
    Balloon and satellite observations show the amount of water vapor in a layer about 10 miles high declined after 2000. The stratosphere extends from about eight to 30 miles above the Earth's surface.
    The reason for the decline is unknown, according to researchers led by Susan Solomon of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. They report their findings in Thursday's [Jan. 28, 2010] online edition of the journal Science.
    Water vapor is a potent greenhouse gas, and its decline in the stratosphere would reduce the rate of global warming expected from other gases such as carbon dioxide, the researchers said.

    The Data
    on February 07, 2010
    at 12:43 PM
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  • For 2Confused:

    "And what does Odumbo say during his State of the Union address? In spite of all the falsification and manipulation of data he fully intends to try to jam his "Cap & Tax" legislation down our throats."

    Climategate, Snowmageddon and the loss of a Senate seat mean that Cap & Trade is dead.
    There is no chance that this will become legislation.
    Poor old Goldman Sachs.

    Charles Lee
    on February 07, 2010
    at 10:52 AM
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  • Paul Levy on February 06, 2010 at 12:51 PM - "to Reginald Hightower, who waffles on about correlation and causation - you ought to read up on the basic science"

    Really? What luck - we're down to do Basic Science next term! I'll catch up on that and get back to you afterwards. When are you guys down to do Basic Comprehension?

    Reginald Hightower
    on February 07, 2010
    at 08:54 AM
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  • If we do not address global pollution we will slowly poison ourselves...the issue is health!!!

    Jill Storch
    on February 07, 2010
    at 07:11 AM
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  • The carbon taxers are through. Their con-job is exposed by Climategate and increasing colder temperatures. They need another crisis now so look for a drift-tax to combat the catastrophic consequences of continental drift or something like that.

    Norm Smith
    on February 07, 2010
    at 06:33 AM
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  • "Global Warming" true believers have been following leaders whose goal is power and money. Global carbon trading, carbon options, and the carbon market will make new "carbon billionairs" out of this scam. With the scam now out in the open, with the science shown as manipulated, no rational person can pursue this foolish path. Climate change is a part of earths history. Both warmer and colder climates have prevailed for hundreds of years in documented history. The current blizzards and cold temperatures freezing out Copenhagen and Washington, D.C. are a cold blast in the face to this attempted theft of public resources on a global scale.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 11:58 PM
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  • Someone should ask "Choo Choo" Pachauri why, during the last interglacial (like the one we are in now), sea levels rose 15-18 feet (yes, FEET), not the few inches the global warming fanatics are crying about. Oh yeah: that last interglacial occurred about 120,000 years ago.

    Maybe he can give an answer as he sips cognac at Golf Links, the ultra rich gated community he lives in. Did Tata buy that for him?

    on February 06, 2010
    at 11:40 PM
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  • Dr. Bhattacharya:

    AGW is NOT the new religion for the "otherwise athiests". That is assinine.

    AGW is the new religion for socialists.

    moray watson
    on February 06, 2010
    at 11:11 PM
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  • IPCC could not do emperical scientific investigation. It was set up to prove by hook or by crook that the cause of global warming is antropogenic. They could have never say otherwise. Their funding was solely dependent upon imposing the dogma of AGW on everybody. They never allowed any dissention. AGW is the new religion for the otherwise atheists.

    I went to meetings in the UK where school and college teachers were given Al Gore's DVD to be shown to the students. I asked questions about the IPCC's reports. Without answering my question, the presenter took an evangelical. The AGW crowd do not want to answer questions as scientists. They want to just shout down anyone asking questions about their assertion.

    By the way, I am not saying anybody should waste energy. Energy is a gift from Nature to all. We cannot create or destroy it. If we waste it it is an abuse and we will have less to use later on and their will be consequences.

    I am an Indian and a Hindu. At the most fundamental level, our eternal religion gave the most important Goddess, the cause of the whole universe, the name Shakti which literally means energy. Her mantra states that She is present in everything as energy which present day physics agrees to. (Om namah! Ya Devu sharbavuteSu Shakti rupen sangsthita.) The mantra also says that we should be respecful to energy. The next mantra says that from creation, propagation and destruction She remains constant as energy.(Om namah! SriSTi, sthiti, binashanam Shaki vute sanatani.)

    Hopefully present day Indians will start looking at our own heritage and try to understand our relation with energy and use energy with respect.

    Disrespect to energy can only bring ruination. It is not based on faith. It is a fact from physics.

    All empires, all past civilisations that got destroyed did not get so because of any foreign invation or natural disaster, but because they abused energy. The present day empire(s) are heading surely that way too.

    Dr Alok Bhattacharyya
    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:09 PM
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  • Ever since the evidence of data tampering came out, the whole hoax is falling like a house of cards. Real scientists see it, while the hacks want a paycheck and keep lying.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:04 PM
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  • And what does Odumbo say during his State of the Union address? In spite of all the falsification and manipulation of data he fully intends to try to jam his "Cap & Tax" legislation down our throats.

    In fact, Obama has even included taxes he theoretically would collect from the bill that hasn't even been brought up in the Senate yet, in his latest, bloated, ridiculous budget. He thinks we are nothing but a bunch of gross morons incapable of walking and chewing gum at the same time, let alone comprehend his budget. But trust me, WE KNOW full well what is in it and we will let our opinions be heard LOUD and clear.

    The whole global warming/climate change thing is NOT about saving the earth, it is about money, billions and billions the ruling elite can steal for their own pesonal use. They "say" it is for the poor, undeveloped countries. The very same countries whose leaders steal virtually all charitable donations provided by wealthier nations. The family starving in the street sees nothing.

    This is just another method to eliminate the quickly dwindling middle class so all that will be left are the very poor (us) and them--the ruling, elitist class. Make no mistake about it.

    We are soooo screwed.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 07:33 PM
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  • Wait, the IPCC has an agenda? NO. Check out this hilarious parody called "Global Disastrification:"

    on February 06, 2010
    at 07:05 PM
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  • Let's start an international panel to investigate the tooth fairy and Santa Claus as well. There are polar bears at stake!

    Seriously, though... How much fraud has to surface before people, (especially the bloated idiots in governments around the world), wake up to the fact that it's all a hoax? The "scientists" made it all up. After all... No crisis=no funding.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:00 PM
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  • If only America were as erudite as India in this matter.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 05:43 PM
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  • I believe it's the case that the great rivers of Asia are fed mostly by snow melt in the Himalayas rather than glacial melt.

    Charles Lee
    on February 06, 2010
    at 05:41 PM
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  • But, what do the the "egg-spurts" have to say?

    on February 06, 2010
    at 04:47 PM
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  • Kudos to India!!!

    I hope in their studies they consider the possibility weather is warming or cooling that it may not have anything to do with human existence and is just the ever changing earth.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 04:41 PM
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  • Lets forget about what causes global warming for a minute and ask what causes skepticism about global warming. We are always told it is caused by polluting companies and countries (like India) who know better but have a financial interest to look the other way. Maybe but I think environmental groups and left-leaning politicians desere some blame.

    The are so set on using global warming to push for public policy change that they make exaggerated claims of doom and Armageddon. They mock dissenters and compare them to flat-earthers. They talk about science as if it is more than an empirical discipline--as if it is a generator of public policy proscriptions. "Science say we should govern the world like X (where X is a liberal public policy). If you disagree with the policy you are anti-science. They have mixed the line between dispassionate empirical investigation and shrill, panicked, left-leaning public policy proscriptions.

    (They do the same thing with the controversy of contraceptives. They don't stop at saying "the best evidence is that handing out condoms lowers pregnancy rates and STDs." They use the authority of science to tell how we should do sex-ed. We need facts to form public policy but good public policy is also based on values, resources, the will of the people. "Science" isn't supposed to tell us what to do. It just tells us the empirical facts about the world. We take that information and MANY OTHER FACTORS into account when we decide what our public policy is.)

    What causes skepticism about global warming? The irony is that it is those who complain loudly about skeptics. Their methods and attitudes lead sane people think there there is something fishy going on here (even if there is not).

    So, settle down! Treat your opponents with respect. Use debate to convince rather than shutting down debate with "the debate is over" or "flat earthers!."

    Political promoters global warming deserve as much, if not more, blame for creating skepticism about global warming as does "corporate interest."

    George Farrell
    on February 06, 2010
    at 04:20 PM
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  • Where's the lie about disappearing Himalayan glaciers? The carefully selected, I think, photo accompanying this article clearly shows most of the snow and glaciers have already disappeared (or photo-shopped away.)

    on February 06, 2010
    at 04:19 PM
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  • The indian metereorology dept has been measuring some parts of the glaciers for many years now, even from british times before indian independence. Its not comprehensive data but it shows that

    a) Himalayan glaciers are melting
    b) The rate of melting has come down in the past 2 decades.

    So they said the glaciers will probably survive for a few hundred years more and not be all over by 2035 as predicted by IPCC.

    But Pachauri went on an offensive calling them voodoo scientists etc.

    India faced a lot of pressure at the climate summit because all this alarmist reports on India was authorized by the indian delegate, pachauri, in IPCC.

    Indian govt feels that making pachauri the head of IPCC and then getting him to attack india is a clever tactic by UN to arm twist india. So this move by govt to have their own comprehensive and reliable data.

    India is worried about climate changes and it knows that any potential fixes would be very costly. So before people get taxed and money is spent, we should know how much and when.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 04:00 PM
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  • India, Russia, China, already half the poor nations of the world after reading the treaty from the COP15 summit.
    BTW, yes it has been shown that CO2 may absorb the heat, but WE produce less than 2% of all CO2 which has been scientifically proven to be able to be off-set by re-forestation. PS, that was an Indian researcher's work.
    Plant a tree or pay the Al Gore goons and the Rothschilds atonement for breathing.

    I have over 12 trees in my small yard and 5 are evergreen....
    I believe that a credit (tax reimbursement) is due to me.

    Rob Wick
    on February 06, 2010
    at 03:49 PM
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  • BBC are compromised on IPCC up to their elbows-which they cannot distinguish from other parts

    on February 06, 2010
    at 03:33 PM
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  • India may lead the world in other areas if thy will indeed take the capitalistic and moral high ground. With the future in focus logic and reputation in mind I say, congratulations to India for the wisdom that may be expressed by other countries.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 03:25 PM
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  • Obama needs to learn a lesson from India! However, Obama is in on the power grab to be realized by selling the so-called global warming. Google, and read about, Maurice Strange, formally with the UN, and David DeRothschild.

    Good job India!

    on February 06, 2010
    at 03:18 PM
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  • thanks india.
    if man causes gobal warming,
    then man should be able cause
    gobal cooling.
    remember tne mid 70's.
    time mag cover. in 25 years
    gobal ice age coming.
    that was done by experts.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 02:16 PM
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  • Time will show that 'global warming' is the biggest scam ever. Al Gore is doing nothing but making money off this crap. It's so hard to believe that highly educated people believe global warming really exists. Temperatures flucuate! Why is that so hard for some to accept solar cycles? And doesn't anyone find it strange that a polititian who will profit hugely from 'global warming' was the one sounding the alarms? Shouldn't it have been someone with a scientific background? Global warming is a scam....all you believers need to face up to the fact that you've been duped.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 01:51 PM
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  • For many years running Al Gore has been a charlatan, not only in his "Global Warming" hoax but also in the multitude of goofy ideas that he's instinctively embraced, and his pathological urge to chew on his Nikes.

    Gore should be jailed for the same reasons that Bernie Madoff was, namely, perpetrating fraud on a global basis.

    Good on, ya, India!!

    Fritz Steiner
    on February 06, 2010
    at 01:29 PM
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  • to Reginald Hightower, who waffles on about correlation and causation - you ought to read up on the basic science of global warming. There's a very clear picture of causation, which is related to the absorption of infra-red electromagnetic energy by carbon dioxide molecules in the earth's atmosphere. This is extremely well understood at the level of basic physics. A warming of the earth with increasing CO2 emissions was a *prediction* of climate science long before the evidence showed it happening.

    So no, it is absolutely not true to say that "correlation is all [climate scientists] have to go on".

    Paul Levy
    on February 06, 2010
    at 12:51 PM
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  • The IPCC has manipulated, exaggerated and falsified data in a manner more suited to the Nazi Propaganda machine than to a publicly funded body seeking the facts. Al Gore should hang his head in shame. A self serving failed politician who is noticable by his absence in the current debate.

    David Ingram
    on February 06, 2010
    at 11:26 AM
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  • First we had "truthers", then we had "birthers"...and now..."MELTERS"...Yes, that name suits these fellows nicely..

    on February 06, 2010
    at 10:37 AM
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  • There is absolutely nothing good that I can think of has, is or will, come from the UN.

    Wobbly one
    on February 06, 2010
    at 10:12 AM
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  • Turboblocke on February 05, 2010 at 09:43 PM - "The Indian Agency was set up in October 2009: see Foreward, paragraph 2 (page 5) here: Also Indian primeminister supports IPCC:"

    I could be wrong, but I don't think you're meant to sully these climate change rant columns with facts.

    Reginald Hightower
    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:45 AM
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  • rocky on February 05, 2010 at 04:01 PM - "Here in the real world of evidence, the last decade was the warmest on record, and Jan 2010 was the warmest Jan on record. Globally of course. 2009 was also the warmest year in Tibet since records began - but facts are no use to those who live in scepticland."

    I suspect that it's at least as much to do with recent revelations and long harboured suspicions that facts and their critical assessment are not regarded as being of much use by the leaders in accepticland, either.

    It's not difficult to see why the acceptics behave in a way that's every bit as numbskulled as the sceptics. Firstly, as a poster notes in another currently active column here, correlation does not imply causation. In all the hard sciences (as he puts it) correlation hunting (a.k.a. induction) is properly frowned on. However, history being what it is, correlation is all that the acceptics have to go on. Of course they'd like it to be different, but it isn't. To put it politely, they're winging it. You might think they're making a good case (looks like you do) or you might not but, either way, in putting it at all they are, of necessity, declaiming in a courtroom rather than researching in a lab, as only history can be the final judge. In case you hadn't observed lawyers close up, in our jurisdiction they're a rowdy, fractious bunch. Naturally, then, the bar(rack) room variety that frequent places like this and the corridors of political power can be expected to be even more so. Perhaps even in India. The acceptics problem, given (pace Popper) the "unscientific" methodology available to them, is that the exponential is as invisible to the average, so-called "sapient" primate as it is to a frog in a slow cooker (an unfortunate analogy in this particular case, but one that's easily cognized by the not excessively dim) so, by virtue of their fellow apes' ranidaen stupidity, those movers and shakers of any stripe who see a dangerous phenomenon clearly picking up exponentially have, of necessity, to nail their flags to the front of the nearest fast-moving object, because pointing to a factor whose momentary acceleration is anything less than limb-rendingly vertical invites only aggressively smug complacency, if not downright jeering and ostracization (as our economic, cough, experts, cough, recently intimated to the Queen by way of an excuse for something else). Thus those few less fashionable, more ostracized chappies from a different, cough, discipline, cough, who see - possibly accurately, but possibly merely as a function of ressentiment and consequent projection - an approaching eco-disaster of biblical proportions, wrought this time not by God but by our own fair hand (though - inconveniently, to choose a good word - not back then and still not starkly obvious at even just the Bear-Stearns stage of the curve), alighted - not necessarily cynically: they probably believe they were and are "doing science", but more likely as a result of the very considerable limitations of human ratiocination - on the fair bet of fast-moving climate anomalies as being the most promising vehicle on which to hang sufficient bunting to alarm the natives, alerting them to an approaching holocaust. The bet was, of course, that by the time that particular vehicle came off the rails - as, like all theoretical vehicles racketing along theoretical tracks, it might theoretically do, however temporarily - then at least one of the other, equally or (as some suspect) far more disastrous phenomena coming behind it would be sufficiently along the curve to keep up the pressure for pre-emptive eco-action. The facts you quote may indeed be facts, but at least some of the facts other acceptists have been quoting have recently been shown to be demonstrably and devastatingly less than substantial, for less than noble reasons. So the bar(rack) room lawyers on the sceptics case are having a field day, headroom (in all senses of the word) not being big in their world (and curiously small in the acceptics' presented case for pre-empting any anthropogenic element in any global warming as well, come to that).

    Reginald Hightower
    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:36 AM
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  • For Peter Salonius:

    Thanks for the devastating link, which I would recommend to everyone:

    I particularly liked the following:

    "Here we address the specific claim that the global mean surface temperature of the twentieth century can be adequately simulated by combining the effects of GH gases, aerosols, and such natural influences as volcanoes and solar radiation. Closer
    examination reveals this so-called agreement is little
    more than an exercise in ‘curve fitting’ with the use of several adjustable parameters. (The famed mathematician John von Neumann once said: “Give
    me four adjustable parameters and I can simulate an elephant. Give me one more and I can make his trunk wiggle.”)"

    Charles Lee
    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:35 AM
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  • I live in Mexifornia (previously known as California before the Democrats took over) I have a friend who bought fraud hook, line and sinker. One time recently he was giving us a ride to the airport and some global warming nonsense came on the radio and my friend started practically frothing at the mouth that man made global warming was "settled science" and that only idiots would argue against it. If we tried to say anything against it even aska question like: how come it was so cold outside this year he would get loud and obnoxious and tell us he was a "scientist". My friend like "Dr." Fraudfest Pachurai has a certificate for some night school thing he did, I have an actual science degree and work in technology but my nutter friend gets angry when you question him...idiot: absolute proof he was clueless. Anyway on the way to the airport with my friend I pointed to a highway cut that the road ran through. It just so happens that it shows massive climate change over millions of years with each different color of rock a completely different climate. I pointed out to him that he could see back about 100 million years past oceans, plains, forests, deserts and jungles that had all been right where we were today and long long before anyone drove a car...he just snapped back at me that there was nothing to say to someone like me that chose to be so ignorant. Hahahaha I now send him links to stories like this :-)

    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:35 AM
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  • Where is Al fraud Gore? The walking progressive joke of the century. Nice job India and thank you for using common sense.

    Joe R.
    on February 06, 2010
    at 07:42 AM
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  • Good on you India. At least you have the courage to call a spade a spade and to work independently. Now for all the other leaders of the world to ditch the IPCC and do their own scientific research.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:42 AM
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  • FINALLY !!!! We've wondered for a long time where in the world the last surviving little bit of grey matter resides -- and lo and behold -- who would ever have thought it was hiding out in India ??!! Go, go India. Here's hoping that some of your intelligence will rub off on the rest of the world!!

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:42 AM
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  • The next shoe to drop will very likely be China.

    While it is hard to imagine India and China working together on anything this might be the issue they can agree on.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:41 AM
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  • I am very glad that India has some sort of science behind them instead of "theory only" like the US Government and the evil UN.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:34 AM
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  • Natural cycles account for climate change over thousands of years and then some idiot, born yesterday, will claim the weather is acting weird this year, must be global warming!
    Hello Dinosaur?

    Peter Ramsey
    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:31 AM
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  • The next shoe to drop will very likely be China.

    While it is hard to imagine India and China working together on anything this might be the issue they can agree on.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:31 AM
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  • Bravo India!

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:29 AM
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  • About time! India is beginning to act like the responsible global power it is, while the liberal left loonies in the US/UK/EU are tying themselves up in knots over fake science, slick PR campaigns and shrill activism of professional complainers... If this keeps up, I may look forward to the Asian century!

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:27 AM
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  • Dr. Pachauri has a joint doctorate in Industrial Engineering and Economics. How does this entitle him to be referred to as a "leading scientist"?

    He has done irreparable damage to an already discredited (and increasingly disreputable) IPCC.

    Sadly, politicians will not let go of this potential golden goose, no matter how ridiculous the IPCC's claims appear to be.

    Ralph Loveland
    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:25 AM
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  • Rob
    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:49 PM

    The Northeastern US states formed a thingie called the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, as the engineering community raised a big stink about a decade ago respecting the emergence of Europeans trying (again) to tell the US how to run its own business.

    This is a cap-and-trade system, but it is nothing like the monstrosity Kablama and Paunch Awry would like to see in place. RGGI's sytem works fine, while the IPCC and Kyoto-based flimflams are just a wino's grab for loose cash left on the table by industry.

    Walt O'Brien
    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:24 AM
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  • I hate it when papers and other media outlets continue to call Pachauri a scientist. He is not. He is a former railways (mechanical) engineer, and an economist. He has absolutely no background in climatology, physics, meteorology, hydrography, geology, or physical geography. All these are the core sciences that contribute real, meaningful work to what has been called climatology.

    Also, let us not forget thet the IPCC has not won any of the Nobel prizes in science. It won the beauty contest, the Nobel Peace Prize. And let's look at how valuable that has become when they also gave it to Dr. Utopia, er I mean Obama.

    Hagbard Celine
    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:17 AM
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  • I'm happy to see the reference to Pachauri being a Nobel Prize winner removed from the earlier version of this article. 1. He himself didn't win it; he leads an organization that shared in it. 2. It was the Nobel Peace Prize, not one of the Nobels for scientific achievement. It should always be identified as such in any article that addresses matters of science, in order not to lend credence to the scientific claims made by its winners.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:17 AM
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  • Good for you India!

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:15 AM
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  • Pappyhappy @ 9.57.
    Good comment,the OWO are like sunspots...when they're active (and my havn't they been busy over recent years) things tend to get a little hotter.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:14 AM
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  • Way to go India. At least they
    have the balls to be real

    tim ashmore
    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:57 PM
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  • I congratulate all Indians and their leaders and their ability to lead. It's a shame all word leadersare not as bold and forward thinking, not being lead against common sense.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:05 PM
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  • Other countries would be wise to follow India's lead. This appears to be an attempt on the part of the OLD WORLD ORDER to fool their citizens into paying UNREQUIRED taxes based on a total HOAX! Some will bite -- others will be sharp enough to oust their politicians pushing such ideas!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:57 PM
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  • Government funded science equals millions of dollars in funding. Why else would these scientist keep supporting Global Warming theories? It is just a matter of making huge sums of money at tax payers expense. What a racket!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:49 PM
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  • Perhaps the INCCA will liaise with the SPPI.
    We then only need governments to find the output of this coalition to be more interesting than the fiction from the IPCC.
    Of course, they would be pushed into coming up with lots of new weird and wonderful taxes to replace the junked 'green' taxes.
    The real benefit of getting this right will be not having to listen to the drivel that issues forth from the mouths of tree-hugging, bean-eating, hair-shirted nit wits.

    Peter the Painter
    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:44 PM
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  • The Indian Agency was set up in October 2009: see Foreward, paragraph 2 (page 5) here:

    Also Indian primeminister supports IPCC:

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:43 PM
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  • Kudos to India for leading where the US government refuses to.
    In November, vote them all out!!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:55 PM
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  • If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, smells like a duck it is not a chicken.

    Anyone who actually believes we can change mother nature is crazy. The earth has been in flux since it began.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:41 PM
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  • The IPCC isn't practicing "Climatology", it's pushing "Climatism".

    Otto Zeit
    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:32 PM
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  • I see this another obama failure. global warming was debunked. his health care snafu failed. he's running up the budget so high that the entire US economy will collapse unless smart people become involved. his teleprompter guru failed him...again. his political appointees are proven time and again as corrupt cronies and not confirmed. his senate and house majorities are gone. the American--and now Indian- people have spoken and demand he stop the insanity. will he wait for his mentors in iran, north korea and chicago to give him the green light?

    you failed dude. miserably. let someone who knows what they're doing take it from here.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:27 PM
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    First: Create a flat pre-1970 climate history:

    Michael Mann et al. managed to straighten the HANDLE on the iconic, and now infamous, hockey stick graph so as to portray the 500 year climate history before 1970 as stable and without much stressfull change by eliminating the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. This deception has been known for some time, see:

    ‘Nature not human activity, rules the climate’ at:


    Second: Exaggerate post-1970 climate warming:

    A recent report deals with how the temperature increase of the last few decades, that makes the BLADE on the hockey stick graph, was made to look as if it was historically unprecedented , see:


    Third: Popularize climate models that make the assumption that the global climate is driven primarily by carbon containing gases, as opposed to solar variation and ocean current cycles.

    The IPCC's myopic AGW hypothesis has led the international community toward expensive policies and regulations, and draconian/dangerous schemes such as underground carbon capture and storage, and to seriously consider proposals to fire relectors into orbit to bounce sunlight back into space -- risking the onset of a new ice age, as well as to seed the oceans with iron to increase CO2 utilising photosynthesis by plankton -- all to avoid the future CATASTROPHIC climate warming that is PREDICTED by global climate modellers.

    The AGW hypothesis, which is rapidly loosing its crdebility, is shaping up to be the biggest hoax in the history of science.

    Peter Salonius

    Peter Salonius
    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:25 PM
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  • IPCC - International Piltown Climate Conceit

    Don of Croy
    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:10 PM
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  • Al Gore had tried so hard to stifle any critical views of AGW. It must be very disconcerting to him, indeed, that the nation of India has now voiced their scepticism of the legitimacy of the IPCC conclusions.

    What is Gore now to do? Declare that India's environment minister, Mr Jairam Ramesh, is now comparable to a "flat earther"?

    For me, Al Gore's silence on the many disconcerting AGW revelations since November 2009, is deafening!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 07:48 PM
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  • It is interesting that there seems to be a lot more common sense in third world countries like China and India than there is among the Western culture elites of Europe and the U.S.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 07:12 PM
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  • The whole thing is part of an attempt toward globalization of all governments. Gore has been and always will be a "one worlder". Climate change is irrelevant to these folks. They just want a cause.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 07:09 PM
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  • the IPCC should employ bollywood actors instead of Perchauri...
    the indan public will lap up any crap those mooneylaundering idiots sell them

    on February 05, 2010
    at 07:09 PM
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  • I think he should receive one more Nobel price with Al gore, nancy peplosi,reid and obama

    on February 05, 2010
    at 06:46 PM
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  • The UN "clearly out of place and didn’t have any scientific basis"

    Thats right, yet another country waking up to the fact that the UN is no more then a bunch of Marxist elitists with an ulterior motive and genocidal agendas behind all their lying propaganda.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 06:45 PM
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  • Good for India, someone in their government has common sense. The REAL common sense move, however, would be to drop out, ignore the UN, and not waste the money on their own panel to invesitate this bogus, fear-mongering psuedo-science.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 06:28 PM
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  • Good for India ...,common sense.
    Vote for Bobby Jindal
    I'd rather have global warming than global cooling.
    If you live in an area that is below sea level do what is so easy even a caveman would do it: "move to higher ground"

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:55 PM
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  • An interesting development. One may be more inclined to see this as the "Indian Scientists Employment Act of 2010" than anything else.

    Interestingly, the Indian government continues to blast the IPCC while demanding they be exempt from any climate change requirements in climate change treaties but still maintain they accept man-made global warming.

    There appear to be a few contradictions here.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:44 PM
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  • The Indians (and Chinese) demonstrate common sense on this issue. Meanwhile, our politicos continue to swallow the lot. There's no hope for Miliband and co, but David Cameron needs to wake up and get his head out of the sand. He seems to be burying it deeper by the week (Lord Stern? Give me a break).

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:43 PM
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  • Well done India. How nice it would be if Cameron decided to do the same and set up a small but well staffed British Climate Study Group.

    Some hopes. The Tories are hoping to get Lord Stern to help them set up a Green Investment Bank. What an utter waste of time.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:29 PM
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  • Does anyone know if there is a link to this agency? I am a layman but if I could get e-mail updates I would LOVE a source of information that I could trust, or if it is going to be slanted, be slanted toward skepticism so I have information to balance Goradio. Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] thanks much.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:22 PM
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  • Now, why would you AGWers get mad when someone else wants to take a look at Climate Change ?

    Can you not handle a 2nd opinion ? Are we to just bend over and kiss the feet of the IPCC ?

    Your lead scientists Mann and Jones got caught red-handed in the cookie jar.

    Do you not realize the Copenhagen Summit, Al Gore, Mann and Jones were set to debunk the World out of $Trillions of dollars, and you get pee-od when we question that ? You are lucky we haven't tarred and feathered your arse.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:16 PM
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  • If you think the UN has your best interests in mind just google Kofi Annan's son

    The UN makes the US politicians look like saints

    Kofi Annan
    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:07 PM
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  • India - good on you! Now perhaps we can drill for oil off shore and have the Saudis pound sand!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:55 PM
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  • God is great! science is a lie.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:55 PM
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  • Hasn't the IPCC been thoroughly discredited yet? Today the Netherlands came out to refute a claim in the IPCC report that half of their country is below sea level (actually its only 26%). Who but the most ardent True Believers could possibly still believe anything the IPCC says?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:51 PM
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  • One needs to look farther back in time to understand climatic events. None of these scientists do. Any child can do the geological reference work and discover we are not in a oeriod of global warming. We are in a thaw from an ice age. We shall enter another before we thaw to the warmest recorded levels. Quit lying folks. Get an education. Learn deductive reasoning. Stop government sponsored science. They lie worse than indusry.

    Odins Acolyte
    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:32 PM
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  • Al Gore should give back the NObel peace Joke!! So I can believe in it again!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:27 PM
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  • I don't understand. This BBC article says that India "backs Pachauri to the hilt". Are these articles reconcilable?

    Brian Williams
    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:25 PM
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  • Smart move by the Indians. They should be focusing on real environmental issues like water cleanliness and effiency of water distribution networks. Pollution (real pollution), sprawl, deforestation are real environmental concerns. You get the feeling that some of these global warming nuts put CO2 in the same category as mercury and hexane.

    Ryan P
    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:19 PM
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  • Unfortunately, I don't think this will change anything.

    When you pay a bureaucracy to find a problem, and their fat paychecks and lush benefits hang in the balance, they will find a problem whether one exists or not.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:19 PM
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  • Dr R.K Pachauriand and Al Gore should be shot and pissed on and not necessarily in that order.

    Peter Martin
    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:07 PM
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  • Great work India! Shove it up the tail-pipe of these raving slobbering eco-Marxists!!! They can go strait to hell and take their idiot theories with them.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:07 PM
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  • Kudos to India for taking a stand. Stop relying on unreliable sources that act in an unreliable fashion. The IPCC and the UN have some serious issues. Having big buildings and prestige are not enough.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:07 PM
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  • Kudos to India, who'll be the next in line? And kudos to the Brit papers for printing what the American press buries. The scandalous AGW house of cards is collapsing. Shame on Al Gore, and many others.

    Paul B.
    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:02 PM
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  • Here in the real world of evidence, the last decade was the warmest on record, and Jan 2010 was the warmest Jan on record. Globally of course. 2009 was also the warmest year in Tibet since records began - but facts are no use to those who live in scepticland.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:01 PM
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  • I belive in climate change; Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

    Mike, USA
    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:42 PM
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  • More on what I wrote earlier...this looks every bit as bad as Glaciergate: regarding sea level, here is an egregious error in IPCC AR4 from the text on their own website:

    which states "The Netherlands is an example of a country highly susceptible to both sea-level rise and river flooding because 55% of its territory is below sea level where 60% of its population lives and 65% of its Gross National Product (GNP) is produced."

    The real figure for Netherlands territory is a lot less than half that 55% figure. Currently, the Dutch consider that 20% of land below sea level is about right as a round figure. The figure changes because more land is being reclaimed. As far as the IPCC is concerned, giving them the benefit of a few years before 2007, they could have checked official government statistics from CBS (Central Bureau of Statistics, "Statistics Netherlands"), which in their Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands 2004, page 451, gives the figure as 24%.

    Of course, what else is wrong with the part I quoted is that it takes the Netherlands as a classic example: "The Netherlands is an example of a country highly susceptible to both sea-level rise and river flooding..."

    But this is what the Dutch government has to say in "Sustainability Monitor for the Netherlands 2009"

    "In its 2006 climate scenarios, the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) predicts that sea levels along the Dutch coast may rise by 35 to 85 centimetres. This is larger than the global average rise foreseen by the IPCC. Current technology enables the Dutch to reinforce its shore protection systems at socially acceptable costs (MNP, 2007b), even if the rate of sea level rise increases to 1.5 metres per century as a result of the increasing melting rates of the large land ice caps.
    ...The Netherlands will probably be able to withstand climate change and rising sea levels for a number of centuries to come. The safety of the country appears to be guaranteed to 2100 with respect to rising sea levels and river drainage. Even in the worst-case sea level rise of 1.5 metres per century, flooding will be able to be prevented with existing technology (reinforcing and raising dykes, at a cost of a maximum of 0.15 percent of GDP)."

    Highly susceptible, my foot! - it can easily withstand sea level rise FOR CENTURIES at moderate cost and existing technology, i.e. it's business as normal for the Dutch. Looks like Glaciergate all over again. What is in the IPCC report is a lie, and a cruel hoax.

    Kevin McGrane
    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:42 PM
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  • @David Welch. "The Himalayan glaciers are melting rapidly and the great majority are retreating."

    What utter nonsense. If you only rely on one source of information you will be misled, especially if it's from Pachuari's IPCC. Please broaden your reading. Try this as your starter for ten:

    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:29 PM
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  • India was looking for an excuse to walk out of climate talks and what better than a panel headed by their one of their own, making false claims. At least now, no one can accuse them of xenophobia.

    While Dr. Pachauri and his like might have over-exaggerated global warming claims, the fact remains that the earth is warming and warming primarily because of human activities.

    It has taken us 200 years since the Industrial revolution to figure out that the earth is warming. If we wait another 200 to do something about it, then you might as well kiss the Himalayan glaciers and the polar ice-caps goodbye.

    There is voodoo science on both sides of this debate. So let's not get selective in our criticisms, shall we?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:22 PM
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  • Kudos to the Indian Government!
    Standing up for truth against the prevailing winds of climate change hysteria!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:03 PM
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  • I just want to give kudos to the Times and Telegraph for covering the GW scandals when most American media is doing their best to ignore it. At least some papers haven't forgotten what true journalism is really about.

    Pedro Roman
    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:03 PM
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  • Al Gore has disappeared. Apparently he went south for the winter - too cold in the USA again this winter.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:59 PM
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  • Dr R.K Pachauriand Al Gore must both be investigated for how they profitted from their lies and distortions, then tried and imprisoned for fraud.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:59 PM
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  • Awesome India. Make sure you keep all those lying, self-serving, Al Gore worshiping 'scientists' out of it. Remember the good old days when the USA used to take the lead in the right things to do?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:51 PM
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  • A historic change of the guard. The IPCC puppet of US-UK's giant, combined "climate science" effort doesn't meet a 3rd world country's science standard...tsk, tsk

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:43 PM
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  • This new Indian body will not make a pennyworth of difference to the story.

    The Himalayan glaciers are melting rapidly and the great majority are retreating.

    Which the new body is bound to report, and then will be totally condemned by all the Coolists who have decided they know better than climatologists and scientists who spent their working careers monitoring these things.

    David Welch
    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:43 PM
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  • New Ice Age Aphorisms

    In this new ice age, whilst engaged in a snowball fight with the neighborhood AGW believer, it's a good idea to bring one's dog along for that special something extra.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:36 PM
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  • Good for India! Pachauri is always mentioned as "the scientist, Dr. Pachauri"......His PHD is in ECONOMICS ! This global warming crap is not about changing the climate--(and we cannot change climate if we wanted). It is about redistribution of wealth. Period. This bearded BOZO Pachauri and his data fudging "experts" at East Anglia should be put in prison.

    Its the Sun Stupid
    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:36 PM
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  • I wish the US was as sensible as India. The know how to deal with pirates AND they distance themselves from this fraudulent group known as the IPCC. Maybe in 2012 reason and accountability will return to Washington.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:36 PM
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  • Pauchuri is not a "scientist" at all, his degrees are in economics. Why don't the London papers ever get that?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:20 PM
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  • China ?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:20 PM
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  • Hello. First, THANK YOU, India. Does anybody know where Algore is lurking these days? Doesn't seem to have those TV or conference speeches scheduled... at least not bannered across the TV news/screen. I think we should erect a statue of him here in one of our northern states and stick a weather thermometer in its hand. What will Gorey do to make money now... will he help destroy the USDollar so "greener" currency can be "made" for Americans to handle? We want to keep our beautiful dollars and coins, they mean something to us besides bartering and exchange... they are part of our history that bad people (who have put Obama up as their puppet) are trying to destroy. We are rousting up to say NO to lots of stuff here, including man-made global warming. Sorry folks, we love you and always have and always will... but we WILL regain and keep our sovereignty and we WILL fight and defend it from insiders or outsiders... and WE know that YOU love us for THAT!!! We are having big probs with the slick slime that have slipped into our Educational System to destroy it and we are going to dry them out, for starters. Stay with us.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:19 PM
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  • Thank you, India. I hope the day is coming soon when the UN is abolished altogether.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:19 PM
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  • By the way, this isn't just grandstanding by the Indians.
    Knowing what is truly happening to the glaciers that feed their great rivers is of critical importance to their country.
    Personal agendas,propaganda, hearsay, gossip, guesswork and straight lies are dangerous.

    Charles Lee
    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:18 PM
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  • Hurrah for India! Don't ya just hate it when reason, logic, and facts get in the way of propaganda?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:18 PM
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  • Dehradun ... now THERE's a name that brings back memories. :-)

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:18 PM
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  • Right.
    If we want an authoritative view on what is happening with glaciers, we now ignore the IPCC and talk to the Indian National Institute of Himalayan Glaciology.

    Clearly, this is such a shameful turn of events for the IPCC that Pachauri has to go.
    Will he go willingly?
    I doubt it.
    He's going to be one of those brass-necked, undignified people who have to be carried out of their offices still gripping their very important chairs with white knuckles.

    Charles Lee
    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:18 PM
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  • ...Where is this India decision going to live Al Gore, Obama,McCain, G.W.Bush, the majority of american congresmen and senators and all the "scientists" joining the man made warming? I am not going to give them the name they deserve, they have no shame.

    Zamolxes helper
    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:18 PM
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  • Good on you India! Finally a country that says no to the hyper hysteria of Global Warming/Cooling and bad science. Better yet, India has credibility because of its emerging status as an economic tiger. Cheers.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:57 PM
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  • We need to remember that it is not only the IPCC and Dr Pachauri. There is still the Goreoracle who has become damn near a billionaire by peddling this crap. Glad to see India is seeing through this smoke and mirrors game.

    Arlo Ogden
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:57 PM
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  • Good for India. Too bad Obama is a moron and too stupid to follow India's lead. Unreliable data is the basis for the global warming scam.

    Jason Thomas
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:57 PM
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  • Now, if we could only get the UN out of the US!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pat Bass
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • It's not about Climate change Anyway,It's all about Money and Power over others. How to get money by FEAR and TAXATION,WAKE UP! Good Work India!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • What's disturbing is that America used to lead the way in everything, including Common Sense. The fact that we may have been saved by India, is both welcome, but depressing.

    Tom Genin
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • A proud moment indeed for the FIRST country brave enough to admit the UN is a socialist endeavor by the worst of the wealth redistribution vermin!!!!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • At least credibility ,honesty and Facts matters to India not Lies or count covers up and trashed records illegally .

    You will notice sadly it doesn't matter to Obama , his administration on "Global Warming " or the media in America unlike England .
    In fact This information is coming from a very liberal new paper not our major networks or papers .

    To quote Saul Alinsky where Obama worked for many years .

    Winning has nothing to do with truth or honesty .

    Sam Moore
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • Al Gore made millions in this scheme; he should be held accountable for inciting the hysteria and then profiting from it.

    And our president w/ his Democratic cronies who supported this panic for control purposes have again had their failed logic exposed.

    Up next, Beware of ManBearPig!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • Only 3 countries seem to be thinking before they act - Russia, China and India. But they are half the world.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:40 PM
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  • Go India.... if you beleive in global warming, you have ignored real science to adopt the Al Gore.... Kenyan take over the world.... junk minipulated science!

    I hope the USA quits the UN completely in my lifetime.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:40 PM
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  • The IPCC is a laugh a minute! Not only falsehoods with respect to India, here is another glaring error in IPCC AR4 from the text on their own website:

    It states "The Netherlands is an example of a country highly susceptible to both sea-level rise and river flooding because 55% of its territory is below sea level where 60% of its population lives and 65% of its Gross National Product (GNP) is produced."

    The real figure for Netherlands territory below sea level is 26%, so AR4 has it more than double. A schoolkid with an encyclopedia would do a better job!

    Kevin McGrane
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:40 PM
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  • I can hardly wait for the day when Al Gore and his merry band of thieves are brought up on charges and sent to the pokie - forever. That will make the world safe for democracy. Let's hope it's soon.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:40 PM
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    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:40 PM
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  • Good for you, India.

    Al Phresceaux
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:11 PM
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  • According to BBC Radio 4 this morning the Indian government was 100% behind the IPCC and Dr R.K Pachauri - but that is the BBC version of events for you.

    Thank goodness for the Indian government in showing some guts and commonsense.

    Whereas the UK government seems to be gripped by group insanity and a yellow streak a mile wide!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:11 PM
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  • Good on you India, you have shown common sense and have seen what a scam this whole UN counsel has become. They take billions and billions of dollars from countries that could use it for thier own country. We never get anything back from them except corruption. India, you have shown the way and I just hope other counties do the same..USA!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:11 PM
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  • Good on you India, you have shown common sense and have seen what a scam this whole UN counsel has become. They take billions and billions of dollars from countries that could use it for thier own country. We never get anything back from them except corruption. India, you have shown the way and I just hope other counties do the same..USA!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:11 PM
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  • If glaciers are disappearing ut is because the rate of deposition from snow and ice does not exceed the rate of melting and sublimation. This is not an indicator of temperature but precipitation.

    Ice will dissapear in your freezer because it will lose moisture to the dry air around it.

    Oscar Myer
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:01 PM
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  • If the other BASIC countries, Brazil, South Africa and China join, the IPCC is definitely toast.
    I suspect that other countries would also seek to join such, there have been occasional mutterings of the neo colonialism the UN and the Developed nations bring with them in their zeal to control all things profit making.

    Mick J
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:01 PM
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  • Smart move. Kudos to India.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:01 PM
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  • Good for India, and good for the world.
    Am happy to see that you guys have class and independence.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:50 PM
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  • The man made climate change hoax and the man made swine flu pandemic are strong reasons for countries to remain sovereign. The unelected EU leaders under the directorsip of the UN(IPCC and WHO) are meglomaniacal institutions completely out of control.

    The UK needs to pull out of the EU.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:50 PM
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  • Way to go India! Now if the rest of the leading nations with real scientists would just stand up and refute the obvious, maybe we could put a stop to B. Hussein Obama's plan to take over the world.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:30 PM
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  • Whats the difference between these people and Madoff? They lie, cheat and bend scientific proof to get billions of dollars paid by different governments. Its fraud just like madoff did! They deserve jail time!!

    concerned Person
    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:29 PM
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  • Thank You India, now if we could all agree that the UN is nothing but a useless debating society we could end this once and for all!

    The UN has no value whatsoever and the US and Britain pay for all of it!


    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:29 PM
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  • A blizzard is expected to hit my home later today. I fully support research and scientists seeking the truth. But the advocates for Global Warming have gone much too far and can't be trusted. As an example, if you saw it, they ran a TV advertisement in the US that cost a fortune - with life-like polar bears dropping from the sky and crashing/bursting in a modern city. To my way of thinking Glaciers have been melting since the end of the last Ice Age about 10,000 years ago, and it will be a disaster when the next Ice Age arrives.

    John Harnes
    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • IPCC - Indian Panel on Climate Change? Bravo! A truly excellent move by the Indian scientists and others who are sick to the teeth of the incompetence of Pachauri's organisation.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • Woohoo!

    Time for a party!

    Bring it on India!
    I think it wise that we observe objective conservation and protection, but it is high time that the Marxist pigs of climate science fiction be confronted on an effective scale.

    Let's hope that other nations join in and create their own climate study panels.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • Hahahaha love that climate hoax....

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • Inda has its priorities straight. Do what is good for India. Frankly, I am tired of American do gooders messing with other people's lives. Respect multiculturalism and let people alone.

    John Nostromo
    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • This is great. Our Dutch left-wing parties are in so much trouble now, finding a way of talking their asses out of this one.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • Detta är helt fantastiska nyheter. Det glädjer mig.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:36 AM
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  • Now, if only the U.S. will do the same. Unfortunately, we are stuck with the Kenyan Miscreant in the Whitehouse. Unbeknownst to most, Obama and Maurice Strong were the creators of the Chicago Climate Exchange which is the worlds only Cap & Trade market. Its where Obama intends to make his fortune by perverting U.S. laws to supply an endless stream of customers.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:36 AM
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  • I love it! Another blow to Al Gore and to all his followers whom believe in Global Warming, Climate Change or whatever they're calling it this week.

    Scott, Tucson
    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:33 AM
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  • This is great news, I'm so glad for India and for the world.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:33 AM
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  • All these Man Made predictions.

    Anyone remember ‘Y2k,’

    My good friend and computer geek told me that even if they fixed government and business computers my car and thousands of other products we use would be useless,
    our computers matrix was out of time.

    Those that wanted to survive ‘Y2k’ needed to buy MREs,
    canned goods, 100 gallon water containers and move into the basement.

    Computer geeks and Y2k company’s made billions fixing the problem.

    Now we have ‘Man made’ Global warming Climate change.


    You need to buy more MREs,
    canned goods, 100 gallon water containers and move into the basement..

    I find it Ironic that Washington and these left wing-nuts are going to be buried under 2 feet of snow, my prediction-

    February 5 2010.

    My only other 'man made' prediction is that the Colts will win the Super Bowl and New Orleans will have to go back and clean up its act.

    Fearless Leader
    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:33 AM
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  • It is good to see sovereign countries turning their backs on the UN and the EU. The impact of excess human population on global climate is unknown and will remain so as long as "global warming" remains the religion of the power mad and money hungry.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:26 AM
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  • I say kudos, as well. Enough of this scam. We need also to pull back from the previous scam - that of "the hole in the ozone". Now the fear mongers are floating balloons to test the acceptability of fear of asteroids that could collide with earth. Is there no end to this?
    How can I subscribe to the Indian report when it comes out?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:46 AM
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  • I wasn't aware that you could drink ice.

    Charles Sheffield
    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:46 AM
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  • Now if the world would only see that the "climate evangelism" is a symptom of a larger collectivist/marxist scheme for world control, humanity might get somewhere. A time when each person can enjoy the fruits of his/her own labors without looters mascarading as government elites.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:30 AM
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  • "Most glaciers are melting"

    So ? Raindrops keep falling on my head too, but that doesn't prove anything either.

    Glaciers move as well. Always have and always will. Look at the geology of our country for evidence. Glaciers aren't frozen in place like the bag of peas in your deep freeze.

    Climate scientists (of the IPCC variety) don't factor in heat from below, which is quite ridiculous considering that we exist on a planet with a molten core. What we don't know about climate far outweighs what we do know. The IPCC have only created confusion by their premature and simplistic conclusions, and highlighted their own ignorance.

    All we do now know is that if you want a stupid idea - who ya gonna ring ? - the IPCC.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:20 AM
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  • Where's the Goreacle?? The fat lady is finally singing. Congratulations to India! No surprise here, we all knew that the Indians are a lot smarter than the liberal European and American Political hacks. American liberals have all fled DC in anticipation of a record 2 foot snow this weekend rather than stay and work on passing their cap and tax lunacy.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:19 AM
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  • This may be the first major crack in the facade of AGW built up by the sensationalist IPCC.

    I trust we will soon see a whole bunch of countries reverting to proper "science" where the theories are adapted to fit all apparent facts with no preconceived ideas and cherry picking and suppressing or even tweaking.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:18 AM
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  • OMG! OMG! There soon won't be anything left to panic about!

    John Ledbury
    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:14 AM
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  • Excellent news! This should provide a, hopefully well funded, qualified independent review of the work of the IPCC, something I've been recommending for several years.

    Now, could there be other sectors of the UN deserving a bit of scrutiny..?

    Dr N Bjergstrom
    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:14 AM
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  • Surely the acronym INCCA (or is it INCCCA) would be more appropriate for a body monitoring the Andes.

    John Bull
    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:14 AM
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  • Absolutely the correct move. Pity they're soooo much smarter than the USA. All of the UN is worthless.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:14 AM
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  • It's a shame the Netherlands has become a totalitair dictatorship.

    We may not go independent like india is doing now. Although we should as free people of the world. But we must comply to LIES!

    However we MUST pay billions as citizens because of the faulse claims by the 'scientists' and 'poltics'

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:21 AM
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  • There is a fine line between climate science and climate evangelism ; and a world of difference!
    Is this the beginning of the end of the evangelistic IPCC?

    Maurice Stewart
    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:16 AM
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  • Well done India for showing initiative and having the guts to stand up and say the IPCC cannot be trusted. I only hope Australia follows in your footsteps because at the moment we are going around and around in circles. Good luck and I'm sure you will come back to the world in just a few short weeks to confirm our ever growing suspicions that Man made global warming is a hoax.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:16 AM
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  • I agree that an objective monitoring of the glaciers is a laudable objective.

    I further suggest that the IPCC in it's present form should be dismantled as it is fatally tainted.

    We need a true and objective scientific bodies which will report facts and results, not scaremongering cherry picked sensational claims which were obviously meant to drum up funding.

    What we don't need is a body which has already made up it's mind and is only going to report evidence that supports it's own views and of course financial interests.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:11 AM
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  • Melting? When does the temperature in the Himalayas get warm enough? Maybe you should do some actual research before submitting articles, Dean.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:04 AM
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  • It hardly seems worth commenting on the efforys to revive this scam that attempts to impoverish and de-industrialise the entire world. The breadth and the depth of crookedness shown by all concerned have killed this idiotic con of AGW. Meanwhile the term "Climate Change" is oxymoronic given that tomorrows weather might be significantly different from todays. This scheme is a con driven by the greediest, albeit the most powerful men on earth. People must stand firm now, and refuse to climb on board this scam train for idiots.

    harry fredericks
    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:04 AM
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  • Well done. Genuine science, climate science in particular, can only benefit by objective peer review by independent bodies. We desperately need science not tainted by vested interests or agendas to make sound decisions.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:04 AM
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  • The Indian government has done humanity a great service by openly questioning the hokum that passes for science.

    Bill Carter
    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:42 AM
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  • nice work India! kudos

    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:29 AM
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  • Amazing!

    This is a great day for India, today it has secured half its future.

    I congratulate all Indians on this occasion and advice other nations to build up pressure on their govt. to do the same.


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Well-Known Member
check out this story pad, how about we let india decide, they seem like they actully wanna know the truth too before they sign up to put more burdons on thier people as the UN is asking of them

and you can look at all the comments of what the public really thinks

India forms new climate change body

The Indian government has established its own body to monitor the effects of global warming because it “cannot rely” on the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the group headed by its own leading scientist Dr R.K Pachauri.

By Dean Nelson in New Delhi
Published: 3:47PM GMT 04 Feb 2010
Comments 181 | Comment on this article

Scientists believe it could take more than 300 years for the HImalayan glaciers to disappear Photo: ALAMY

The move is a significant snub to both the IPCC and Dr Pachauri as he battles to defend his reputation following the revelation that his most recent climate change report included false claims that most of the Himalayan glaciers would melt away by 2035. Scientists believe it could take more than 300 years for the glaciers to disappear.
The body and its chairman have faced growing criticism ever since as questions have been raised on the credibility of their work and the rigour with which climate change claims are assessed.

In India the false claims have heightened tensions between Dr Pachauri and the government, which had earlier questioned his glacial melting claims. In Autumn, its environment minister Mr Jairam Ramesh said while glacial melting in the Himalayas was a real concern, there was evidence that some were actually advancing despite global warming.
Dr Pachauri had dismissed challenges like these as based on “voodoo science”, but last night Mr Ramesh effectively marginalized the IPC chairman even further.

He announced the Indian government will established a separate National Institute of Himalayan Glaciology to monitor the effects of climate change on the world’s ‘third ice cap’, and an ‘Indian IPCC’ to use ‘climate science’ to assess the impact of global warming throughout the country.
“There is a fine line between climate science and climate evangelism. I am for climate science. I think people misused [the] IPCC report, [the] IPCC doesn’t do the original research which is one of the weaknesses… they just take published literature and then they derive assessments, so we had goof-ups on Amazon forest, glaciers, snow peaks.

“I respect the IPCC but India is a very large country and cannot depend only on [the] IPCC and so we have launched the Indian Network on Comprehensive Climate Change Assessment (INCCA),” he said.

It will bring together 125 research institutions throughout India, work with international bodies and operate as a “sort of Indian IPCC,” he added.
The body, which he said will not rival the UN’s panel, will publish its own climate assessment in November this year, with reports on the Himalayas, India’s long coastline, the Western Ghat highlands and the north-eastern region close to the borders with Bangladesh, Burma, China and Nepal. “Through these we will demonstrate our commitment to climate science,” he said.

The UN panel’s claims of glacial meltdown by 2035 “was clearly out of place and didn’t have any scientific basis,” he said, while stressing the government remained concerned about the health of the Himalayan ice flows. “Most glaciers are melting, they are retreating, some glaciers, like the Siachen glacier, are advancing. But overall one can say incontrovertibly that the debris on our glaciers is very high the snow balance is very low. We have to be very cautious because of the water security particularly in north India which depends on the health of the Himalayan glaciers,” he added.

The new National Institute of Himalayan Glaciology will be based in Dehradun, in Uttarakhand, and will monitor glacial changes and compare results with those from glaciers in Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan.

Comments: 181

  • This is intolerable! Now we finally find out that the IPCC's much vaunted "The Science is Settled" Reports rely incestuously on "fundraising pamphlets" from Global Warming pushers such as Greenpeace and WWF!!

    These are Not scientific sources at all. They are simply propaganda leaflets designed to shake down donations using scare stories.

    The UN's IPCC report recycles these scare stories and claims they are rigorous science. Then the UN and our government rips us all off for Billions of pounds in carbon taxes. But these aren't just any new taxes that we can protest about. Oh no, the UN, IPCC and HM Government are trying to "Save the World" before it is too late! So don't be a denialist flat-earther and dare to complain!

    We all know that third world countries have completely corrupt governments. But somehow we thought that by putting hundreds of third world government sponsored bureaucrats together and calling them the UN, suddenly they would be honest and incorruptible?!? Pure idiocy...

    It is high time people sent the government and the UN-IPCC a strong message: "You can't fool all of the people all of the time."

    Email your MP now and tell it that you want the fraudulent carbon taxes canceled AND your money back.

    Stephen Just
    on February 11, 2010
    at 08:43 AM
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  • Al Gore....Anti-Christ of the Church of Climatology. And his blind faith about extremists..

    on February 09, 2010
    at 06:35 AM
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  • Thank You India at least someones country has their head screwed on right.

    on February 08, 2010
    at 11:08 PM
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    OIL Used 12 MnT/Day=4320 MnT/Yr. CO2e=7560.MnT/Yr
    COAL Used 9 MnT/Day=3240 MnT/Yr. CO2e=7560.MnT/Yr
    GLOBAL CO2e= I5 BnT/Yr….ANDY CO2e=I5/3=5 BnT/Yr
    GLOBAL OIL Fuel Saved =2880 MnT/Yr= 2160 Bn$/Yr
    GLOBAL COAL Fuel Saved =2160 MnT/Yr= 324 Bn$/Yr
    INV 690 Bn$..Return 5400 Bn$/Yr..CER 1O BnT/yr
    INV.. 69 Bn$..Return.. 540 Bn$/Yr..CER 1.O BnT/yr
    INV.. 23 Bn$..Return.. 180 Bn$/Yr..CER 333 MnT/yr
    INV 6900 Mn$..Return.. 54 Bn$/Yr..CER 1OO MnT/yr
    Cost Normal
    M A APPAN M E 45 Yrs EXPERT Ph.. 91 09840463337
    E mail [email protected]
    By FUEL.COAL 9 MnT/Day ;OIL 12 MnT/Day
    Reduced to 12 MnT/Day
    CER…… …..15.0 - 5.0 = 10.0 BnT/Yr
    COAL..12+2*8=28+E……………..12:16= 1:1.33
    OIL…...12+4+4*8=28+2*10+E…...16:32= 1:2.00
    . NOW
    FUEL……..COAL………OIL .
    USED………9.0…+……12.0 MnT/Day =21
    OXYGEN…12.0…+……24.0 MnT/Day =36
    CO2e………21.0...+.…...21.0 MnT/Day =42
    . ANDY
    FUEL……..COAL………OIL .
    USED………3.0…+……4.0.. MnT/Day =7.0
    OXYGEN…..4.0…+……8.0.. MnT/Day =12
    CO2e…….....7.0…+……7.0...MnT/Day =14
    CO2e………14*360=5.04 BnT/Yr
    CER…… ….15 - 5 = 10 BnT/Yr
    .. VC 15 Mn$ …3 yrs
    INV 700 Bn$ Ret 5400 Bn$/Yr Profit 15 Bn$/Day
    M A APPAN M E 45 Yrs EXPERT Ph.. 91 09840463337
    E mail [email protected]

    andy appan
    on February 08, 2010
    at 08:10 PM
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  • @Bruce
    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:17 AM
    I emailed in to point out that the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Mr Gore and the IPCC not the Mr Pachauri, and the Telegraph e-mailed me to say that they had corrected the article. Good for the Telegraph to correct errors. Well done India. How long before the IPCC tries to curb methane-producing curries?

    on February 08, 2010
    at 07:03 PM
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  • likely address back prepared

    on February 08, 2010
    at 09:08 AM
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    on February 08, 2010
    at 06:31 AM
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  • Dr. Bhattacharyya:

    Absolutely they are socialists. But their religion, like all belief systems, is getting old in a hurry. Thank goodness.

    moray watson
    on February 07, 2010
    at 09:26 PM
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  • Moray Watson:

    If AGW is the new religion for socialists as you stated, am I to assume that Al Gore and his likes are ardent socialist? If they are socialists, I retract.

    Dr Alok Bhattacharyya
    on February 07, 2010
    at 05:51 PM
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  • Paul Levy on February 06, 2010
    at 12:51 PM wrote " ought to read up on the basic science of global warming. There's a very clear picture of causation, which is related to the absorption of infra-red electromagnetic energy by carbon dioxide molecules in the earth's atmosphere. This is extremely well understood at the level of basic physics. A warming of the earth with increasing CO2 emissions was a *prediction* of climate science long before the evidence showed it happening."

    While CO2 does absorb IR, that is not the only process occurring. In fact, it is not a dominant process, and
    the results of ERBE satellite data show that all 11 IPCC atmospheric models used to predict climate change are incorrect(see quote below from Geophys. Res. Lett. abstract).
    Therefore the IPCC climate models should be revised and predictions be redone. Also since the positive feedback(warming) mechanism assumed in the climate models is mostly from longwave radiation, ie "greenhouse effect", while ERBE shows negative feedback(cooling) from shortwave radiation, this implies that man caused global warming from CO2 increase must be a small effect if not negligible.
    Quote below is from

    ... 'The observed behavior of radiation fluxes implies negative feedback processes associated with relatively low climate sensitivity. This is the opposite of the behavior of 11 atmospheric models forced by the same SSTs. Therefore, the models display much higher climate sensitivity than is inferred from ERBE, though it is difficult to pin down such high sensitivities with any precision. Results also show, the feedback in ERBE is mostly from shortwave radiation while the feedback in the models is mostly from longwave radiation. Although such a test does not distinguish the mechanisms, this is important since the inconsistency of climate feedbacks constitutes a very fundamental problem in climate prediction.'
    Citation: Lindzen, R. S., and Y.-S.
    Choi (2009), On the determination of climate feedbacks from
    ERBE data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L16705, doi:10.1029/

    Some more data to consider from

    "Water vapor drop may have led to warming slowdown"
    The slowdown in global warming in the last few years may have been caused by a decline in water vapor in the stratosphere, a new report suggests.
    Balloon and satellite observations show the amount of water vapor in a layer about 10 miles high declined after 2000. The stratosphere extends from about eight to 30 miles above the Earth's surface.
    The reason for the decline is unknown, according to researchers led by Susan Solomon of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. They report their findings in Thursday's [Jan. 28, 2010] online edition of the journal Science.
    Water vapor is a potent greenhouse gas, and its decline in the stratosphere would reduce the rate of global warming expected from other gases such as carbon dioxide, the researchers said.

    The Data
    on February 07, 2010
    at 12:43 PM
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  • For 2Confused:

    "And what does Odumbo say during his State of the Union address? In spite of all the falsification and manipulation of data he fully intends to try to jam his "Cap & Tax" legislation down our throats."

    Climategate, Snowmageddon and the loss of a Senate seat mean that Cap & Trade is dead.
    There is no chance that this will become legislation.
    Poor old Goldman Sachs.

    Charles Lee
    on February 07, 2010
    at 10:52 AM
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  • Paul Levy on February 06, 2010 at 12:51 PM - "to Reginald Hightower, who waffles on about correlation and causation - you ought to read up on the basic science"

    Really? What luck - we're down to do Basic Science next term! I'll catch up on that and get back to you afterwards. When are you guys down to do Basic Comprehension?

    Reginald Hightower
    on February 07, 2010
    at 08:54 AM
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  • If we do not address global pollution we will slowly poison ourselves...the issue is health!!!

    Jill Storch
    on February 07, 2010
    at 07:11 AM
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  • The carbon taxers are through. Their con-job is exposed by Climategate and increasing colder temperatures. They need another crisis now so look for a drift-tax to combat the catastrophic consequences of continental drift or something like that.

    Norm Smith
    on February 07, 2010
    at 06:33 AM
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  • "Global Warming" true believers have been following leaders whose goal is power and money. Global carbon trading, carbon options, and the carbon market will make new "carbon billionairs" out of this scam. With the scam now out in the open, with the science shown as manipulated, no rational person can pursue this foolish path. Climate change is a part of earths history. Both warmer and colder climates have prevailed for hundreds of years in documented history. The current blizzards and cold temperatures freezing out Copenhagen and Washington, D.C. are a cold blast in the face to this attempted theft of public resources on a global scale.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 11:58 PM
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  • Someone should ask "Choo Choo" Pachauri why, during the last interglacial (like the one we are in now), sea levels rose 15-18 feet (yes, FEET), not the few inches the global warming fanatics are crying about. Oh yeah: that last interglacial occurred about 120,000 years ago.

    Maybe he can give an answer as he sips cognac at Golf Links, the ultra rich gated community he lives in. Did Tata buy that for him?

    on February 06, 2010
    at 11:40 PM
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  • Dr. Bhattacharya:

    AGW is NOT the new religion for the "otherwise athiests". That is assinine.

    AGW is the new religion for socialists.

    moray watson
    on February 06, 2010
    at 11:11 PM
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  • IPCC could not do emperical scientific investigation. It was set up to prove by hook or by crook that the cause of global warming is antropogenic. They could have never say otherwise. Their funding was solely dependent upon imposing the dogma of AGW on everybody. They never allowed any dissention. AGW is the new religion for the otherwise atheists.

    I went to meetings in the UK where school and college teachers were given Al Gore's DVD to be shown to the students. I asked questions about the IPCC's reports. Without answering my question, the presenter took an evangelical. The AGW crowd do not want to answer questions as scientists. They want to just shout down anyone asking questions about their assertion.

    By the way, I am not saying anybody should waste energy. Energy is a gift from Nature to all. We cannot create or destroy it. If we waste it it is an abuse and we will have less to use later on and their will be consequences.

    I am an Indian and a Hindu. At the most fundamental level, our eternal religion gave the most important Goddess, the cause of the whole universe, the name Shakti which literally means energy. Her mantra states that She is present in everything as energy which present day physics agrees to. (Om namah! Ya Devu sharbavuteSu Shakti rupen sangsthita.) The mantra also says that we should be respecful to energy. The next mantra says that from creation, propagation and destruction She remains constant as energy.(Om namah! SriSTi, sthiti, binashanam Shaki vute sanatani.)

    Hopefully present day Indians will start looking at our own heritage and try to understand our relation with energy and use energy with respect.

    Disrespect to energy can only bring ruination. It is not based on faith. It is a fact from physics.

    All empires, all past civilisations that got destroyed did not get so because of any foreign invation or natural disaster, but because they abused energy. The present day empire(s) are heading surely that way too.

    Dr Alok Bhattacharyya
    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:09 PM
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  • Ever since the evidence of data tampering came out, the whole hoax is falling like a house of cards. Real scientists see it, while the hacks want a paycheck and keep lying.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:04 PM
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  • And what does Odumbo say during his State of the Union address? In spite of all the falsification and manipulation of data he fully intends to try to jam his "Cap & Tax" legislation down our throats.

    In fact, Obama has even included taxes he theoretically would collect from the bill that hasn't even been brought up in the Senate yet, in his latest, bloated, ridiculous budget. He thinks we are nothing but a bunch of gross morons incapable of walking and chewing gum at the same time, let alone comprehend his budget. But trust me, WE KNOW full well what is in it and we will let our opinions be heard LOUD and clear.

    The whole global warming/climate change thing is NOT about saving the earth, it is about money, billions and billions the ruling elite can steal for their own pesonal use. They "say" it is for the poor, undeveloped countries. The very same countries whose leaders steal virtually all charitable donations provided by wealthier nations. The family starving in the street sees nothing.

    This is just another method to eliminate the quickly dwindling middle class so all that will be left are the very poor (us) and them--the ruling, elitist class. Make no mistake about it.

    We are soooo screwed.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 07:33 PM
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  • Wait, the IPCC has an agenda? NO. Check out this hilarious parody called "Global Disastrification:"

    on February 06, 2010
    at 07:05 PM
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  • Let's start an international panel to investigate the tooth fairy and Santa Claus as well. There are polar bears at stake!

    Seriously, though... How much fraud has to surface before people, (especially the bloated idiots in governments around the world), wake up to the fact that it's all a hoax? The "scientists" made it all up. After all... No crisis=no funding.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:00 PM
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  • If only America were as erudite as India in this matter.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 05:43 PM
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  • I believe it's the case that the great rivers of Asia are fed mostly by snow melt in the Himalayas rather than glacial melt.

    Charles Lee
    on February 06, 2010
    at 05:41 PM
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  • But, what do the the "egg-spurts" have to say?

    on February 06, 2010
    at 04:47 PM
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  • Kudos to India!!!

    I hope in their studies they consider the possibility weather is warming or cooling that it may not have anything to do with human existence and is just the ever changing earth.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 04:41 PM
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  • Lets forget about what causes global warming for a minute and ask what causes skepticism about global warming. We are always told it is caused by polluting companies and countries (like India) who know better but have a financial interest to look the other way. Maybe but I think environmental groups and left-leaning politicians desere some blame.

    The are so set on using global warming to push for public policy change that they make exaggerated claims of doom and Armageddon. They mock dissenters and compare them to flat-earthers. They talk about science as if it is more than an empirical discipline--as if it is a generator of public policy proscriptions. "Science say we should govern the world like X (where X is a liberal public policy). If you disagree with the policy you are anti-science. They have mixed the line between dispassionate empirical investigation and shrill, panicked, left-leaning public policy proscriptions.

    (They do the same thing with the controversy of contraceptives. They don't stop at saying "the best evidence is that handing out condoms lowers pregnancy rates and STDs." They use the authority of science to tell how we should do sex-ed. We need facts to form public policy but good public policy is also based on values, resources, the will of the people. "Science" isn't supposed to tell us what to do. It just tells us the empirical facts about the world. We take that information and MANY OTHER FACTORS into account when we decide what our public policy is.)

    What causes skepticism about global warming? The irony is that it is those who complain loudly about skeptics. Their methods and attitudes lead sane people think there there is something fishy going on here (even if there is not).

    So, settle down! Treat your opponents with respect. Use debate to convince rather than shutting down debate with "the debate is over" or "flat earthers!."

    Political promoters global warming deserve as much, if not more, blame for creating skepticism about global warming as does "corporate interest."

    George Farrell
    on February 06, 2010
    at 04:20 PM
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  • Where's the lie about disappearing Himalayan glaciers? The carefully selected, I think, photo accompanying this article clearly shows most of the snow and glaciers have already disappeared (or photo-shopped away.)

    on February 06, 2010
    at 04:19 PM
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  • The indian metereorology dept has been measuring some parts of the glaciers for many years now, even from british times before indian independence. Its not comprehensive data but it shows that

    a) Himalayan glaciers are melting
    b) The rate of melting has come down in the past 2 decades.

    So they said the glaciers will probably survive for a few hundred years more and not be all over by 2035 as predicted by IPCC.

    But Pachauri went on an offensive calling them voodoo scientists etc.

    India faced a lot of pressure at the climate summit because all this alarmist reports on India was authorized by the indian delegate, pachauri, in IPCC.

    Indian govt feels that making pachauri the head of IPCC and then getting him to attack india is a clever tactic by UN to arm twist india. So this move by govt to have their own comprehensive and reliable data.

    India is worried about climate changes and it knows that any potential fixes would be very costly. So before people get taxed and money is spent, we should know how much and when.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 04:00 PM
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  • India, Russia, China, already half the poor nations of the world after reading the treaty from the COP15 summit.
    BTW, yes it has been shown that CO2 may absorb the heat, but WE produce less than 2% of all CO2 which has been scientifically proven to be able to be off-set by re-forestation. PS, that was an Indian researcher's work.
    Plant a tree or pay the Al Gore goons and the Rothschilds atonement for breathing.

    I have over 12 trees in my small yard and 5 are evergreen....
    I believe that a credit (tax reimbursement) is due to me.

    Rob Wick
    on February 06, 2010
    at 03:49 PM
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  • BBC are compromised on IPCC up to their elbows-which they cannot distinguish from other parts

    on February 06, 2010
    at 03:33 PM
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  • India may lead the world in other areas if thy will indeed take the capitalistic and moral high ground. With the future in focus logic and reputation in mind I say, congratulations to India for the wisdom that may be expressed by other countries.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 03:25 PM
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  • Obama needs to learn a lesson from India! However, Obama is in on the power grab to be realized by selling the so-called global warming. Google, and read about, Maurice Strange, formally with the UN, and David DeRothschild.

    Good job India!

    on February 06, 2010
    at 03:18 PM
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  • thanks india.
    if man causes gobal warming,
    then man should be able cause
    gobal cooling.
    remember tne mid 70's.
    time mag cover. in 25 years
    gobal ice age coming.
    that was done by experts.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 02:16 PM
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  • Time will show that 'global warming' is the biggest scam ever. Al Gore is doing nothing but making money off this crap. It's so hard to believe that highly educated people believe global warming really exists. Temperatures flucuate! Why is that so hard for some to accept solar cycles? And doesn't anyone find it strange that a polititian who will profit hugely from 'global warming' was the one sounding the alarms? Shouldn't it have been someone with a scientific background? Global warming is a scam....all you believers need to face up to the fact that you've been duped.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 01:51 PM
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  • For many years running Al Gore has been a charlatan, not only in his "Global Warming" hoax but also in the multitude of goofy ideas that he's instinctively embraced, and his pathological urge to chew on his Nikes.

    Gore should be jailed for the same reasons that Bernie Madoff was, namely, perpetrating fraud on a global basis.

    Good on, ya, India!!

    Fritz Steiner
    on February 06, 2010
    at 01:29 PM
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  • to Reginald Hightower, who waffles on about correlation and causation - you ought to read up on the basic science of global warming. There's a very clear picture of causation, which is related to the absorption of infra-red electromagnetic energy by carbon dioxide molecules in the earth's atmosphere. This is extremely well understood at the level of basic physics. A warming of the earth with increasing CO2 emissions was a *prediction* of climate science long before the evidence showed it happening.

    So no, it is absolutely not true to say that "correlation is all [climate scientists] have to go on".

    Paul Levy
    on February 06, 2010
    at 12:51 PM
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  • The IPCC has manipulated, exaggerated and falsified data in a manner more suited to the Nazi Propaganda machine than to a publicly funded body seeking the facts. Al Gore should hang his head in shame. A self serving failed politician who is noticable by his absence in the current debate.

    David Ingram
    on February 06, 2010
    at 11:26 AM
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  • First we had "truthers", then we had "birthers"...and now..."MELTERS"...Yes, that name suits these fellows nicely..

    on February 06, 2010
    at 10:37 AM
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  • There is absolutely nothing good that I can think of has, is or will, come from the UN.

    Wobbly one
    on February 06, 2010
    at 10:12 AM
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  • Turboblocke on February 05, 2010 at 09:43 PM - "The Indian Agency was set up in October 2009: see Foreward, paragraph 2 (page 5) here: Also Indian primeminister supports IPCC:"

    I could be wrong, but I don't think you're meant to sully these climate change rant columns with facts.

    Reginald Hightower
    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:45 AM
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  • rocky on February 05, 2010 at 04:01 PM - "Here in the real world of evidence, the last decade was the warmest on record, and Jan 2010 was the warmest Jan on record. Globally of course. 2009 was also the warmest year in Tibet since records began - but facts are no use to those who live in scepticland."

    I suspect that it's at least as much to do with recent revelations and long harboured suspicions that facts and their critical assessment are not regarded as being of much use by the leaders in accepticland, either.

    It's not difficult to see why the acceptics behave in a way that's every bit as numbskulled as the sceptics. Firstly, as a poster notes in another currently active column here, correlation does not imply causation. In all the hard sciences (as he puts it) correlation hunting (a.k.a. induction) is properly frowned on. However, history being what it is, correlation is all that the acceptics have to go on. Of course they'd like it to be different, but it isn't. To put it politely, they're winging it. You might think they're making a good case (looks like you do) or you might not but, either way, in putting it at all they are, of necessity, declaiming in a courtroom rather than researching in a lab, as only history can be the final judge. In case you hadn't observed lawyers close up, in our jurisdiction they're a rowdy, fractious bunch. Naturally, then, the bar(rack) room variety that frequent places like this and the corridors of political power can be expected to be even more so. Perhaps even in India. The acceptics problem, given (pace Popper) the "unscientific" methodology available to them, is that the exponential is as invisible to the average, so-called "sapient" primate as it is to a frog in a slow cooker (an unfortunate analogy in this particular case, but one that's easily cognized by the not excessively dim) so, by virtue of their fellow apes' ranidaen stupidity, those movers and shakers of any stripe who see a dangerous phenomenon clearly picking up exponentially have, of necessity, to nail their flags to the front of the nearest fast-moving object, because pointing to a factor whose momentary acceleration is anything less than limb-rendingly vertical invites only aggressively smug complacency, if not downright jeering and ostracization (as our economic, cough, experts, cough, recently intimated to the Queen by way of an excuse for something else). Thus those few less fashionable, more ostracized chappies from a different, cough, discipline, cough, who see - possibly accurately, but possibly merely as a function of ressentiment and consequent projection - an approaching eco-disaster of biblical proportions, wrought this time not by God but by our own fair hand (though - inconveniently, to choose a good word - not back then and still not starkly obvious at even just the Bear-Stearns stage of the curve), alighted - not necessarily cynically: they probably believe they were and are "doing science", but more likely as a result of the very considerable limitations of human ratiocination - on the fair bet of fast-moving climate anomalies as being the most promising vehicle on which to hang sufficient bunting to alarm the natives, alerting them to an approaching holocaust. The bet was, of course, that by the time that particular vehicle came off the rails - as, like all theoretical vehicles racketing along theoretical tracks, it might theoretically do, however temporarily - then at least one of the other, equally or (as some suspect) far more disastrous phenomena coming behind it would be sufficiently along the curve to keep up the pressure for pre-emptive eco-action. The facts you quote may indeed be facts, but at least some of the facts other acceptists have been quoting have recently been shown to be demonstrably and devastatingly less than substantial, for less than noble reasons. So the bar(rack) room lawyers on the sceptics case are having a field day, headroom (in all senses of the word) not being big in their world (and curiously small in the acceptics' presented case for pre-empting any anthropogenic element in any global warming as well, come to that).

    Reginald Hightower
    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:36 AM
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  • For Peter Salonius:

    Thanks for the devastating link, which I would recommend to everyone:

    I particularly liked the following:

    "Here we address the specific claim that the global mean surface temperature of the twentieth century can be adequately simulated by combining the effects of GH gases, aerosols, and such natural influences as volcanoes and solar radiation. Closer
    examination reveals this so-called agreement is little
    more than an exercise in ‘curve fitting’ with the use of several adjustable parameters. (The famed mathematician John von Neumann once said: “Give
    me four adjustable parameters and I can simulate an elephant. Give me one more and I can make his trunk wiggle.”)"

    Charles Lee
    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:35 AM
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  • I live in Mexifornia (previously known as California before the Democrats took over) I have a friend who bought fraud hook, line and sinker. One time recently he was giving us a ride to the airport and some global warming nonsense came on the radio and my friend started practically frothing at the mouth that man made global warming was "settled science" and that only idiots would argue against it. If we tried to say anything against it even aska question like: how come it was so cold outside this year he would get loud and obnoxious and tell us he was a "scientist". My friend like "Dr." Fraudfest Pachurai has a certificate for some night school thing he did, I have an actual science degree and work in technology but my nutter friend gets angry when you question him...idiot: absolute proof he was clueless. Anyway on the way to the airport with my friend I pointed to a highway cut that the road ran through. It just so happens that it shows massive climate change over millions of years with each different color of rock a completely different climate. I pointed out to him that he could see back about 100 million years past oceans, plains, forests, deserts and jungles that had all been right where we were today and long long before anyone drove a car...he just snapped back at me that there was nothing to say to someone like me that chose to be so ignorant. Hahahaha I now send him links to stories like this :-)

    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:35 AM
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  • Where is Al fraud Gore? The walking progressive joke of the century. Nice job India and thank you for using common sense.

    Joe R.
    on February 06, 2010
    at 07:42 AM
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  • Good on you India. At least you have the courage to call a spade a spade and to work independently. Now for all the other leaders of the world to ditch the IPCC and do their own scientific research.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:42 AM
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  • FINALLY !!!! We've wondered for a long time where in the world the last surviving little bit of grey matter resides -- and lo and behold -- who would ever have thought it was hiding out in India ??!! Go, go India. Here's hoping that some of your intelligence will rub off on the rest of the world!!

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:42 AM
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  • The next shoe to drop will very likely be China.

    While it is hard to imagine India and China working together on anything this might be the issue they can agree on.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:41 AM
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  • I am very glad that India has some sort of science behind them instead of "theory only" like the US Government and the evil UN.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:34 AM
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  • Natural cycles account for climate change over thousands of years and then some idiot, born yesterday, will claim the weather is acting weird this year, must be global warming!
    Hello Dinosaur?

    Peter Ramsey
    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:31 AM
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  • The next shoe to drop will very likely be China.

    While it is hard to imagine India and China working together on anything this might be the issue they can agree on.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:31 AM
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  • Bravo India!

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:29 AM
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  • About time! India is beginning to act like the responsible global power it is, while the liberal left loonies in the US/UK/EU are tying themselves up in knots over fake science, slick PR campaigns and shrill activism of professional complainers... If this keeps up, I may look forward to the Asian century!

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:27 AM
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  • Dr. Pachauri has a joint doctorate in Industrial Engineering and Economics. How does this entitle him to be referred to as a "leading scientist"?

    He has done irreparable damage to an already discredited (and increasingly disreputable) IPCC.

    Sadly, politicians will not let go of this potential golden goose, no matter how ridiculous the IPCC's claims appear to be.

    Ralph Loveland
    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:25 AM
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  • Rob
    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:49 PM

    The Northeastern US states formed a thingie called the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, as the engineering community raised a big stink about a decade ago respecting the emergence of Europeans trying (again) to tell the US how to run its own business.

    This is a cap-and-trade system, but it is nothing like the monstrosity Kablama and Paunch Awry would like to see in place. RGGI's sytem works fine, while the IPCC and Kyoto-based flimflams are just a wino's grab for loose cash left on the table by industry.

    Walt O'Brien
    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:24 AM
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  • I hate it when papers and other media outlets continue to call Pachauri a scientist. He is not. He is a former railways (mechanical) engineer, and an economist. He has absolutely no background in climatology, physics, meteorology, hydrography, geology, or physical geography. All these are the core sciences that contribute real, meaningful work to what has been called climatology.

    Also, let us not forget thet the IPCC has not won any of the Nobel prizes in science. It won the beauty contest, the Nobel Peace Prize. And let's look at how valuable that has become when they also gave it to Dr. Utopia, er I mean Obama.

    Hagbard Celine
    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:17 AM
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  • I'm happy to see the reference to Pachauri being a Nobel Prize winner removed from the earlier version of this article. 1. He himself didn't win it; he leads an organization that shared in it. 2. It was the Nobel Peace Prize, not one of the Nobels for scientific achievement. It should always be identified as such in any article that addresses matters of science, in order not to lend credence to the scientific claims made by its winners.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:17 AM
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  • Good for you India!

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:15 AM
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  • Pappyhappy @ 9.57.
    Good comment,the OWO are like sunspots...when they're active (and my havn't they been busy over recent years) things tend to get a little hotter.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:14 AM
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  • Way to go India. At least they
    have the balls to be real

    tim ashmore
    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:57 PM
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  • I congratulate all Indians and their leaders and their ability to lead. It's a shame all word leadersare not as bold and forward thinking, not being lead against common sense.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:05 PM
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  • Other countries would be wise to follow India's lead. This appears to be an attempt on the part of the OLD WORLD ORDER to fool their citizens into paying UNREQUIRED taxes based on a total HOAX! Some will bite -- others will be sharp enough to oust their politicians pushing such ideas!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:57 PM
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  • Government funded science equals millions of dollars in funding. Why else would these scientist keep supporting Global Warming theories? It is just a matter of making huge sums of money at tax payers expense. What a racket!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:49 PM
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  • Perhaps the INCCA will liaise with the SPPI.
    We then only need governments to find the output of this coalition to be more interesting than the fiction from the IPCC.
    Of course, they would be pushed into coming up with lots of new weird and wonderful taxes to replace the junked 'green' taxes.
    The real benefit of getting this right will be not having to listen to the drivel that issues forth from the mouths of tree-hugging, bean-eating, hair-shirted nit wits.

    Peter the Painter
    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:44 PM
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  • The Indian Agency was set up in October 2009: see Foreward, paragraph 2 (page 5) here:

    Also Indian primeminister supports IPCC:

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:43 PM
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  • Kudos to India for leading where the US government refuses to.
    In November, vote them all out!!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:55 PM
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  • If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, smells like a duck it is not a chicken.

    Anyone who actually believes we can change mother nature is crazy. The earth has been in flux since it began.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:41 PM
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  • The IPCC isn't practicing "Climatology", it's pushing "Climatism".

    Otto Zeit
    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:32 PM
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  • I see this another obama failure. global warming was debunked. his health care snafu failed. he's running up the budget so high that the entire US economy will collapse unless smart people become involved. his teleprompter guru failed him...again. his political appointees are proven time and again as corrupt cronies and not confirmed. his senate and house majorities are gone. the American--and now Indian- people have spoken and demand he stop the insanity. will he wait for his mentors in iran, north korea and chicago to give him the green light?

    you failed dude. miserably. let someone who knows what they're doing take it from here.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:27 PM
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    First: Create a flat pre-1970 climate history:

    Michael Mann et al. managed to straighten the HANDLE on the iconic, and now infamous, hockey stick graph so as to portray the 500 year climate history before 1970 as stable and without much stressfull change by eliminating the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. This deception has been known for some time, see:

    ‘Nature not human activity, rules the climate’ at:


    Second: Exaggerate post-1970 climate warming:

    A recent report deals with how the temperature increase of the last few decades, that makes the BLADE on the hockey stick graph, was made to look as if it was historically unprecedented , see:


    Third: Popularize climate models that make the assumption that the global climate is driven primarily by carbon containing gases, as opposed to solar variation and ocean current cycles.

    The IPCC's myopic AGW hypothesis has led the international community toward expensive policies and regulations, and draconian/dangerous schemes such as underground carbon capture and storage, and to seriously consider proposals to fire relectors into orbit to bounce sunlight back into space -- risking the onset of a new ice age, as well as to seed the oceans with iron to increase CO2 utilising photosynthesis by plankton -- all to avoid the future CATASTROPHIC climate warming that is PREDICTED by global climate modellers.

    The AGW hypothesis, which is rapidly loosing its crdebility, is shaping up to be the biggest hoax in the history of science.

    Peter Salonius

    Peter Salonius
    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:25 PM
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  • IPCC - International Piltown Climate Conceit

    Don of Croy
    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:10 PM
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  • Al Gore had tried so hard to stifle any critical views of AGW. It must be very disconcerting to him, indeed, that the nation of India has now voiced their scepticism of the legitimacy of the IPCC conclusions.

    What is Gore now to do? Declare that India's environment minister, Mr Jairam Ramesh, is now comparable to a "flat earther"?

    For me, Al Gore's silence on the many disconcerting AGW revelations since November 2009, is deafening!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 07:48 PM
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  • It is interesting that there seems to be a lot more common sense in third world countries like China and India than there is among the Western culture elites of Europe and the U.S.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 07:12 PM
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  • The whole thing is part of an attempt toward globalization of all governments. Gore has been and always will be a "one worlder". Climate change is irrelevant to these folks. They just want a cause.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 07:09 PM
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  • the IPCC should employ bollywood actors instead of Perchauri...
    the indan public will lap up any crap those mooneylaundering idiots sell them

    on February 05, 2010
    at 07:09 PM
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  • I think he should receive one more Nobel price with Al gore, nancy peplosi,reid and obama

    on February 05, 2010
    at 06:46 PM
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  • The UN "clearly out of place and didn’t have any scientific basis"

    Thats right, yet another country waking up to the fact that the UN is no more then a bunch of Marxist elitists with an ulterior motive and genocidal agendas behind all their lying propaganda.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 06:45 PM
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  • Good for India, someone in their government has common sense. The REAL common sense move, however, would be to drop out, ignore the UN, and not waste the money on their own panel to invesitate this bogus, fear-mongering psuedo-science.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 06:28 PM
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  • Good for India ...,common sense.
    Vote for Bobby Jindal
    I'd rather have global warming than global cooling.
    If you live in an area that is below sea level do what is so easy even a caveman would do it: "move to higher ground"

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:55 PM
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  • An interesting development. One may be more inclined to see this as the "Indian Scientists Employment Act of 2010" than anything else.

    Interestingly, the Indian government continues to blast the IPCC while demanding they be exempt from any climate change requirements in climate change treaties but still maintain they accept man-made global warming.

    There appear to be a few contradictions here.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:44 PM
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  • The Indians (and Chinese) demonstrate common sense on this issue. Meanwhile, our politicos continue to swallow the lot. There's no hope for Miliband and co, but David Cameron needs to wake up and get his head out of the sand. He seems to be burying it deeper by the week (Lord Stern? Give me a break).

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:43 PM
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  • Well done India. How nice it would be if Cameron decided to do the same and set up a small but well staffed British Climate Study Group.

    Some hopes. The Tories are hoping to get Lord Stern to help them set up a Green Investment Bank. What an utter waste of time.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:29 PM
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  • Does anyone know if there is a link to this agency? I am a layman but if I could get e-mail updates I would LOVE a source of information that I could trust, or if it is going to be slanted, be slanted toward skepticism so I have information to balance Goradio. Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] thanks much.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:22 PM
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  • Now, why would you AGWers get mad when someone else wants to take a look at Climate Change ?

    Can you not handle a 2nd opinion ? Are we to just bend over and kiss the feet of the IPCC ?

    Your lead scientists Mann and Jones got caught red-handed in the cookie jar.

    Do you not realize the Copenhagen Summit, Al Gore, Mann and Jones were set to debunk the World out of $Trillions of dollars, and you get pee-od when we question that ? You are lucky we haven't tarred and feathered your arse.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:16 PM
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  • If you think the UN has your best interests in mind just google Kofi Annan's son

    The UN makes the US politicians look like saints

    Kofi Annan
    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:07 PM
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  • India - good on you! Now perhaps we can drill for oil off shore and have the Saudis pound sand!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:55 PM
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  • God is great! science is a lie.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:55 PM
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  • Hasn't the IPCC been thoroughly discredited yet? Today the Netherlands came out to refute a claim in the IPCC report that half of their country is below sea level (actually its only 26%). Who but the most ardent True Believers could possibly still believe anything the IPCC says?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:51 PM
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  • One needs to look farther back in time to understand climatic events. None of these scientists do. Any child can do the geological reference work and discover we are not in a oeriod of global warming. We are in a thaw from an ice age. We shall enter another before we thaw to the warmest recorded levels. Quit lying folks. Get an education. Learn deductive reasoning. Stop government sponsored science. They lie worse than indusry.

    Odins Acolyte
    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:32 PM
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  • Al Gore should give back the NObel peace Joke!! So I can believe in it again!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:27 PM
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  • I don't understand. This BBC article says that India "backs Pachauri to the hilt". Are these articles reconcilable?

    Brian Williams
    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:25 PM
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  • Smart move by the Indians. They should be focusing on real environmental issues like water cleanliness and effiency of water distribution networks. Pollution (real pollution), sprawl, deforestation are real environmental concerns. You get the feeling that some of these global warming nuts put CO2 in the same category as mercury and hexane.

    Ryan P
    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:19 PM
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  • Unfortunately, I don't think this will change anything.

    When you pay a bureaucracy to find a problem, and their fat paychecks and lush benefits hang in the balance, they will find a problem whether one exists or not.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:19 PM
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  • Dr R.K Pachauriand and Al Gore should be shot and pissed on and not necessarily in that order.

    Peter Martin
    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:07 PM
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  • Great work India! Shove it up the tail-pipe of these raving slobbering eco-Marxists!!! They can go strait to hell and take their idiot theories with them.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:07 PM
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  • Kudos to India for taking a stand. Stop relying on unreliable sources that act in an unreliable fashion. The IPCC and the UN have some serious issues. Having big buildings and prestige are not enough.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:07 PM
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  • Kudos to India, who'll be the next in line? And kudos to the Brit papers for printing what the American press buries. The scandalous AGW house of cards is collapsing. Shame on Al Gore, and many others.

    Paul B.
    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:02 PM
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  • Here in the real world of evidence, the last decade was the warmest on record, and Jan 2010 was the warmest Jan on record. Globally of course. 2009 was also the warmest year in Tibet since records began - but facts are no use to those who live in scepticland.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:01 PM
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  • I belive in climate change; Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

    Mike, USA
    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:42 PM
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  • More on what I wrote earlier...this looks every bit as bad as Glaciergate: regarding sea level, here is an egregious error in IPCC AR4 from the text on their own website:

    which states "The Netherlands is an example of a country highly susceptible to both sea-level rise and river flooding because 55% of its territory is below sea level where 60% of its population lives and 65% of its Gross National Product (GNP) is produced."

    The real figure for Netherlands territory is a lot less than half that 55% figure. Currently, the Dutch consider that 20% of land below sea level is about right as a round figure. The figure changes because more land is being reclaimed. As far as the IPCC is concerned, giving them the benefit of a few years before 2007, they could have checked official government statistics from CBS (Central Bureau of Statistics, "Statistics Netherlands"), which in their Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands 2004, page 451, gives the figure as 24%.

    Of course, what else is wrong with the part I quoted is that it takes the Netherlands as a classic example: "The Netherlands is an example of a country highly susceptible to both sea-level rise and river flooding..."

    But this is what the Dutch government has to say in "Sustainability Monitor for the Netherlands 2009"

    "In its 2006 climate scenarios, the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) predicts that sea levels along the Dutch coast may rise by 35 to 85 centimetres. This is larger than the global average rise foreseen by the IPCC. Current technology enables the Dutch to reinforce its shore protection systems at socially acceptable costs (MNP, 2007b), even if the rate of sea level rise increases to 1.5 metres per century as a result of the increasing melting rates of the large land ice caps.
    ...The Netherlands will probably be able to withstand climate change and rising sea levels for a number of centuries to come. The safety of the country appears to be guaranteed to 2100 with respect to rising sea levels and river drainage. Even in the worst-case sea level rise of 1.5 metres per century, flooding will be able to be prevented with existing technology (reinforcing and raising dykes, at a cost of a maximum of 0.15 percent of GDP)."

    Highly susceptible, my foot! - it can easily withstand sea level rise FOR CENTURIES at moderate cost and existing technology, i.e. it's business as normal for the Dutch. Looks like Glaciergate all over again. What is in the IPCC report is a lie, and a cruel hoax.

    Kevin McGrane
    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:42 PM
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  • @David Welch. "The Himalayan glaciers are melting rapidly and the great majority are retreating."

    What utter nonsense. If you only rely on one source of information you will be misled, especially if it's from Pachuari's IPCC. Please broaden your reading. Try this as your starter for ten:

    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:29 PM
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  • India was looking for an excuse to walk out of climate talks and what better than a panel headed by their one of their own, making false claims. At least now, no one can accuse them of xenophobia.

    While Dr. Pachauri and his like might have over-exaggerated global warming claims, the fact remains that the earth is warming and warming primarily because of human activities.

    It has taken us 200 years since the Industrial revolution to figure out that the earth is warming. If we wait another 200 to do something about it, then you might as well kiss the Himalayan glaciers and the polar ice-caps goodbye.

    There is voodoo science on both sides of this debate. So let's not get selective in our criticisms, shall we?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:22 PM
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  • Kudos to the Indian Government!
    Standing up for truth against the prevailing winds of climate change hysteria!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:03 PM
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  • I just want to give kudos to the Times and Telegraph for covering the GW scandals when most American media is doing their best to ignore it. At least some papers haven't forgotten what true journalism is really about.

    Pedro Roman
    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:03 PM
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  • Al Gore has disappeared. Apparently he went south for the winter - too cold in the USA again this winter.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:59 PM
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  • Dr R.K Pachauriand Al Gore must both be investigated for how they profitted from their lies and distortions, then tried and imprisoned for fraud.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:59 PM
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  • Awesome India. Make sure you keep all those lying, self-serving, Al Gore worshiping 'scientists' out of it. Remember the good old days when the USA used to take the lead in the right things to do?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:51 PM
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  • A historic change of the guard. The IPCC puppet of US-UK's giant, combined "climate science" effort doesn't meet a 3rd world country's science standard...tsk, tsk

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:43 PM
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  • This new Indian body will not make a pennyworth of difference to the story.

    The Himalayan glaciers are melting rapidly and the great majority are retreating.

    Which the new body is bound to report, and then will be totally condemned by all the Coolists who have decided they know better than climatologists and scientists who spent their working careers monitoring these things.

    David Welch
    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:43 PM
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  • New Ice Age Aphorisms

    In this new ice age, whilst engaged in a snowball fight with the neighborhood AGW believer, it's a good idea to bring one's dog along for that special something extra.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:36 PM
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  • Good for India! Pachauri is always mentioned as "the scientist, Dr. Pachauri"......His PHD is in ECONOMICS ! This global warming crap is not about changing the climate--(and we cannot change climate if we wanted). It is about redistribution of wealth. Period. This bearded BOZO Pachauri and his data fudging "experts" at East Anglia should be put in prison.

    Its the Sun Stupid
    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:36 PM
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  • I wish the US was as sensible as India. The know how to deal with pirates AND they distance themselves from this fraudulent group known as the IPCC. Maybe in 2012 reason and accountability will return to Washington.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:36 PM
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  • Pauchuri is not a "scientist" at all, his degrees are in economics. Why don't the London papers ever get that?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:20 PM
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  • China ?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:20 PM
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  • Hello. First, THANK YOU, India. Does anybody know where Algore is lurking these days? Doesn't seem to have those TV or conference speeches scheduled... at least not bannered across the TV news/screen. I think we should erect a statue of him here in one of our northern states and stick a weather thermometer in its hand. What will Gorey do to make money now... will he help destroy the USDollar so "greener" currency can be "made" for Americans to handle? We want to keep our beautiful dollars and coins, they mean something to us besides bartering and exchange... they are part of our history that bad people (who have put Obama up as their puppet) are trying to destroy. We are rousting up to say NO to lots of stuff here, including man-made global warming. Sorry folks, we love you and always have and always will... but we WILL regain and keep our sovereignty and we WILL fight and defend it from insiders or outsiders... and WE know that YOU love us for THAT!!! We are having big probs with the slick slime that have slipped into our Educational System to destroy it and we are going to dry them out, for starters. Stay with us.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:19 PM
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  • Thank you, India. I hope the day is coming soon when the UN is abolished altogether.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:19 PM
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  • By the way, this isn't just grandstanding by the Indians.
    Knowing what is truly happening to the glaciers that feed their great rivers is of critical importance to their country.
    Personal agendas,propaganda, hearsay, gossip, guesswork and straight lies are dangerous.

    Charles Lee
    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:18 PM
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  • Hurrah for India! Don't ya just hate it when reason, logic, and facts get in the way of propaganda?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:18 PM
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  • Dehradun ... now THERE's a name that brings back memories. :-)

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:18 PM
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  • Right.
    If we want an authoritative view on what is happening with glaciers, we now ignore the IPCC and talk to the Indian National Institute of Himalayan Glaciology.

    Clearly, this is such a shameful turn of events for the IPCC that Pachauri has to go.
    Will he go willingly?
    I doubt it.
    He's going to be one of those brass-necked, undignified people who have to be carried out of their offices still gripping their very important chairs with white knuckles.

    Charles Lee
    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:18 PM
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  • ...Where is this India decision going to live Al Gore, Obama,McCain, G.W.Bush, the majority of american congresmen and senators and all the "scientists" joining the man made warming? I am not going to give them the name they deserve, they have no shame.

    Zamolxes helper
    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:18 PM
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  • Good on you India! Finally a country that says no to the hyper hysteria of Global Warming/Cooling and bad science. Better yet, India has credibility because of its emerging status as an economic tiger. Cheers.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:57 PM
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  • We need to remember that it is not only the IPCC and Dr Pachauri. There is still the Goreoracle who has become damn near a billionaire by peddling this crap. Glad to see India is seeing through this smoke and mirrors game.

    Arlo Ogden
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:57 PM
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  • Good for India. Too bad Obama is a moron and too stupid to follow India's lead. Unreliable data is the basis for the global warming scam.

    Jason Thomas
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:57 PM
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  • Now, if we could only get the UN out of the US!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pat Bass
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • It's not about Climate change Anyway,It's all about Money and Power over others. How to get money by FEAR and TAXATION,WAKE UP! Good Work India!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • What's disturbing is that America used to lead the way in everything, including Common Sense. The fact that we may have been saved by India, is both welcome, but depressing.

    Tom Genin
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • A proud moment indeed for the FIRST country brave enough to admit the UN is a socialist endeavor by the worst of the wealth redistribution vermin!!!!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • At least credibility ,honesty and Facts matters to India not Lies or count covers up and trashed records illegally .

    You will notice sadly it doesn't matter to Obama , his administration on "Global Warming " or the media in America unlike England .
    In fact This information is coming from a very liberal new paper not our major networks or papers .

    To quote Saul Alinsky where Obama worked for many years .

    Winning has nothing to do with truth or honesty .

    Sam Moore
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • Al Gore made millions in this scheme; he should be held accountable for inciting the hysteria and then profiting from it.

    And our president w/ his Democratic cronies who supported this panic for control purposes have again had their failed logic exposed.

    Up next, Beware of ManBearPig!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • Only 3 countries seem to be thinking before they act - Russia, China and India. But they are half the world.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:40 PM
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  • Go India.... if you beleive in global warming, you have ignored real science to adopt the Al Gore.... Kenyan take over the world.... junk minipulated science!

    I hope the USA quits the UN completely in my lifetime.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:40 PM
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  • The IPCC is a laugh a minute! Not only falsehoods with respect to India, here is another glaring error in IPCC AR4 from the text on their own website:

    It states "The Netherlands is an example of a country highly susceptible to both sea-level rise and river flooding because 55% of its territory is below sea level where 60% of its population lives and 65% of its Gross National Product (GNP) is produced."

    The real figure for Netherlands territory below sea level is 26%, so AR4 has it more than double. A schoolkid with an encyclopedia would do a better job!

    Kevin McGrane
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:40 PM
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  • I can hardly wait for the day when Al Gore and his merry band of thieves are brought up on charges and sent to the pokie - forever. That will make the world safe for democracy. Let's hope it's soon.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:40 PM
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    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:40 PM
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  • Good for you, India.

    Al Phresceaux
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:11 PM
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  • According to BBC Radio 4 this morning the Indian government was 100% behind the IPCC and Dr R.K Pachauri - but that is the BBC version of events for you.

    Thank goodness for the Indian government in showing some guts and commonsense.

    Whereas the UK government seems to be gripped by group insanity and a yellow streak a mile wide!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:11 PM
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  • Good on you India, you have shown common sense and have seen what a scam this whole UN counsel has become. They take billions and billions of dollars from countries that could use it for thier own country. We never get anything back from them except corruption. India, you have shown the way and I just hope other counties do the same..USA!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:11 PM
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  • Good on you India, you have shown common sense and have seen what a scam this whole UN counsel has become. They take billions and billions of dollars from countries that could use it for thier own country. We never get anything back from them except corruption. India, you have shown the way and I just hope other counties do the same..USA!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:11 PM
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  • If glaciers are disappearing ut is because the rate of deposition from snow and ice does not exceed the rate of melting and sublimation. This is not an indicator of temperature but precipitation.

    Ice will dissapear in your freezer because it will lose moisture to the dry air around it.

    Oscar Myer
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:01 PM
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  • If the other BASIC countries, Brazil, South Africa and China join, the IPCC is definitely toast.
    I suspect that other countries would also seek to join such, there have been occasional mutterings of the neo colonialism the UN and the Developed nations bring with them in their zeal to control all things profit making.

    Mick J
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:01 PM
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  • Smart move. Kudos to India.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:01 PM
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  • Good for India, and good for the world.
    Am happy to see that you guys have class and independence.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:50 PM
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  • The man made climate change hoax and the man made swine flu pandemic are strong reasons for countries to remain sovereign. The unelected EU leaders under the directorsip of the UN(IPCC and WHO) are meglomaniacal institutions completely out of control.

    The UK needs to pull out of the EU.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:50 PM
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  • Way to go India! Now if the rest of the leading nations with real scientists would just stand up and refute the obvious, maybe we could put a stop to B. Hussein Obama's plan to take over the world.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:30 PM
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  • Whats the difference between these people and Madoff? They lie, cheat and bend scientific proof to get billions of dollars paid by different governments. Its fraud just like madoff did! They deserve jail time!!

    concerned Person
    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:29 PM
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  • Thank You India, now if we could all agree that the UN is nothing but a useless debating society we could end this once and for all!

    The UN has no value whatsoever and the US and Britain pay for all of it!


    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:29 PM
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  • A blizzard is expected to hit my home later today. I fully support research and scientists seeking the truth. But the advocates for Global Warming have gone much too far and can't be trusted. As an example, if you saw it, they ran a TV advertisement in the US that cost a fortune - with life-like polar bears dropping from the sky and crashing/bursting in a modern city. To my way of thinking Glaciers have been melting since the end of the last Ice Age about 10,000 years ago, and it will be a disaster when the next Ice Age arrives.

    John Harnes
    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • IPCC - Indian Panel on Climate Change? Bravo! A truly excellent move by the Indian scientists and others who are sick to the teeth of the incompetence of Pachauri's organisation.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • Woohoo!

    Time for a party!

    Bring it on India!
    I think it wise that we observe objective conservation and protection, but it is high time that the Marxist pigs of climate science fiction be confronted on an effective scale.

    Let's hope that other nations join in and create their own climate study panels.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • Hahahaha love that climate hoax....

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • Inda has its priorities straight. Do what is good for India. Frankly, I am tired of American do gooders messing with other people's lives. Respect multiculturalism and let people alone.

    John Nostromo
    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • This is great. Our Dutch left-wing parties are in so much trouble now, finding a way of talking their asses out of this one.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • Detta är helt fantastiska nyheter. Det glädjer mig.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:36 AM
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  • Now, if only the U.S. will do the same. Unfortunately, we are stuck with the Kenyan Miscreant in the Whitehouse. Unbeknownst to most, Obama and Maurice Strong were the creators of the Chicago Climate Exchange which is the worlds only Cap & Trade market. Its where Obama intends to make his fortune by perverting U.S. laws to supply an endless stream of customers.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:36 AM
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  • I love it! Another blow to Al Gore and to all his followers whom believe in Global Warming, Climate Change or whatever they're calling it this week.

    Scott, Tucson
    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:33 AM
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  • This is great news, I'm so glad for India and for the world.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:33 AM
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  • All these Man Made predictions.

    Anyone remember ‘Y2k,’

    My good friend and computer geek told me that even if they fixed government and business computers my car and thousands of other products we use would be useless,
    our computers matrix was out of time.

    Those that wanted to survive ‘Y2k’ needed to buy MREs,
    canned goods, 100 gallon water containers and move into the basement.

    Computer geeks and Y2k company’s made billions fixing the problem.

    Now we have ‘Man made’ Global warming Climate change.


    You need to buy more MREs,
    canned goods, 100 gallon water containers and move into the basement..

    I find it Ironic that Washington and these left wing-nuts are going to be buried under 2 feet of snow, my prediction-

    February 5 2010.

    My only other 'man made' prediction is that the Colts will win the Super Bowl and New Orleans will have to go back and clean up its act.

    Fearless Leader
    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:33 AM
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  • It is good to see sovereign countries turning their backs on the UN and the EU. The impact of excess human population on global climate is unknown and will remain so as long as "global warming" remains the religion of the power mad and money hungry.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:26 AM
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  • I say kudos, as well. Enough of this scam. We need also to pull back from the previous scam - that of "the hole in the ozone". Now the fear mongers are floating balloons to test the acceptability of fear of asteroids that could collide with earth. Is there no end to this?
    How can I subscribe to the Indian report when it comes out?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:46 AM
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  • I wasn't aware that you could drink ice.

    Charles Sheffield
    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:46 AM
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  • Now if the world would only see that the "climate evangelism" is a symptom of a larger collectivist/marxist scheme for world control, humanity might get somewhere. A time when each person can enjoy the fruits of his/her own labors without looters mascarading as government elites.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:30 AM
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  • "Most glaciers are melting"

    So ? Raindrops keep falling on my head too, but that doesn't prove anything either.

    Glaciers move as well. Always have and always will. Look at the geology of our country for evidence. Glaciers aren't frozen in place like the bag of peas in your deep freeze.

    Climate scientists (of the IPCC variety) don't factor in heat from below, which is quite ridiculous considering that we exist on a planet with a molten core. What we don't know about climate far outweighs what we do know. The IPCC have only created confusion by their premature and simplistic conclusions, and highlighted their own ignorance.

    All we do now know is that if you want a stupid idea - who ya gonna ring ? - the IPCC.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:20 AM
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  • Where's the Goreacle?? The fat lady is finally singing. Congratulations to India! No surprise here, we all knew that the Indians are a lot smarter than the liberal European and American Political hacks. American liberals have all fled DC in anticipation of a record 2 foot snow this weekend rather than stay and work on passing their cap and tax lunacy.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:19 AM
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  • This may be the first major crack in the facade of AGW built up by the sensationalist IPCC.

    I trust we will soon see a whole bunch of countries reverting to proper "science" where the theories are adapted to fit all apparent facts with no preconceived ideas and cherry picking and suppressing or even tweaking.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:18 AM
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  • OMG! OMG! There soon won't be anything left to panic about!

    John Ledbury
    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:14 AM
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  • Excellent news! This should provide a, hopefully well funded, qualified independent review of the work of the IPCC, something I've been recommending for several years.

    Now, could there be other sectors of the UN deserving a bit of scrutiny..?

    Dr N Bjergstrom
    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:14 AM
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  • Surely the acronym INCCA (or is it INCCCA) would be more appropriate for a body monitoring the Andes.

    John Bull
    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:14 AM
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  • Absolutely the correct move. Pity they're soooo much smarter than the USA. All of the UN is worthless.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:14 AM
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  • It's a shame the Netherlands has become a totalitair dictatorship.

    We may not go independent like india is doing now. Although we should as free people of the world. But we must comply to LIES!

    However we MUST pay billions as citizens because of the faulse claims by the 'scientists' and 'poltics'

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:21 AM
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  • There is a fine line between climate science and climate evangelism ; and a world of difference!
    Is this the beginning of the end of the evangelistic IPCC?

    Maurice Stewart
    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:16 AM
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  • Well done India for showing initiative and having the guts to stand up and say the IPCC cannot be trusted. I only hope Australia follows in your footsteps because at the moment we are going around and around in circles. Good luck and I'm sure you will come back to the world in just a few short weeks to confirm our ever growing suspicions that Man made global warming is a hoax.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:16 AM
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  • I agree that an objective monitoring of the glaciers is a laudable objective.

    I further suggest that the IPCC in it's present form should be dismantled as it is fatally tainted.

    We need a true and objective scientific bodies which will report facts and results, not scaremongering cherry picked sensational claims which were obviously meant to drum up funding.

    What we don't need is a body which has already made up it's mind and is only going to report evidence that supports it's own views and of course financial interests.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:11 AM
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  • Melting? When does the temperature in the Himalayas get warm enough? Maybe you should do some actual research before submitting articles, Dean.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:04 AM
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  • It hardly seems worth commenting on the efforys to revive this scam that attempts to impoverish and de-industrialise the entire world. The breadth and the depth of crookedness shown by all concerned have killed this idiotic con of AGW. Meanwhile the term "Climate Change" is oxymoronic given that tomorrows weather might be significantly different from todays. This scheme is a con driven by the greediest, albeit the most powerful men on earth. People must stand firm now, and refuse to climb on board this scam train for idiots.

    harry fredericks
    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:04 AM
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  • Well done. Genuine science, climate science in particular, can only benefit by objective peer review by independent bodies. We desperately need science not tainted by vested interests or agendas to make sound decisions.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:04 AM
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  • The Indian government has done humanity a great service by openly questioning the hokum that passes for science.

    Bill Carter
    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:42 AM
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  • nice work India! kudos

    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:29 AM
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  • Amazing!

    This is a great day for India, today it has secured half its future.

    I congratulate all Indians on this occasion and advice other nations to build up pressure on their govt. to do the same.

Hey moron... learn a thing called 'links'.

The stupidity on this thread is ridiculous. Just know that the world is laughing at all of you.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Hey moron... learn a thing called 'links'.

The stupidity on this thread is ridiculous. Just know that the world is laughing at all of you.

kiss my ass ill post anythin i see fit

is that the best reply you can come up with to my post which obviously has disturbed you greatly

are your walls tumbling?

dont worry sweetie we all have been wrong before its not a reason to get your panties in a bunch

just admit it gracfully and move on


Well-Known Member
THis is sooo fucking stupid.....

Read a fucking book....

Seriously... people all over the world are laughing at people who think this is an argument for anything... this is the height of stupidity...

You can post anything in the world you want... I still be here to laugh and mock you...

Do you even understand what a logical fallacy is... this is text book...

... just... the stupid... I... I'm both amused and sad for the state of the US right now... that someone can be so confused and think they... just baffling!



Well-Known Member
i would trust the people who arent trying to take more of my families money ie freedom....but thats just me. you do what you need to do.
Fucking hate those scientist always trying to pickpocket us.




Still stupid!

Big P

Well-Known Member
THis is sooo fucking stupid.....

Read a fucking book....

Seriously... people all over the world are laughing at people who think this is an argument for anything... this is the height of stupidity...

You can post anything in the world you want... I still be here to laugh and mock you...

Do you even understand what a logical fallacy is... this is text book...

... just... the stupid... I... I'm both amused and sad for the state of the US right now... that someone can be so confused and think they... just baffling!


keep bangin your head on that wall sister, i think the laughing is all at people like you.

here an example from the congress laughs at obama during his state of the union speach last month when he tries to bring up climate change even after its been proven as false and manipulated data for political reasons


look at the cheesy grin on bidens face at the end of the video, cuz presidents remarks are so redicules since the recent whistlblower revealed they have been activly deceiving us through false science.

I guess you belive it when you get pissed on and they tell you its just raining,:-P


Well-Known Member
dude, no offense but your "science" has been well debunked, over and over in the last six months. many many scientists are totally against man made global warming theory and their science seems to be way more on track.

if you are gona come on and act like a dick, at least get up to date on where the argument currently is. half the shit youre talking about it several years old.

remember, the cats out of the bag and you aint gonna be able to put it back in. so go research a REAL crisis and get bact to us.

oh yes, and go look in the mirror and say, "forgive me dad, i got duped" 15 times. it helps with the deprogramming that the church of global warming priests have implanted in your brain.

By many, many scientist are against global warming... you mean 1% because that is what the number is... the more accomplished a scientist is, the more likely they are to accept it... Climatologist are in nearly complete agreement... the ones that don't agree tend to be on guess whos pay roll.

The deniers actually don't have any science to back up their claims.

Point me to a link that proves you're not an idiot... I don't believe you have a single fact to back up anything... just ignorant criticisms of works that are miles beyond your ability to grasp.

Conspiracy theory is religion for the weak minded! So much sexier and easier than actually trying to fucking read up on a complex topic.


Well-Known Member
kiss my ass ill post anythin i see fit

is that the best reply you can come up with to my post which obviously has disturbed you greatly

are your walls tumbling?

dont worry sweetie we all have been wrong before its not a reason to get your panties in a bunch

just admit it gracfully and move on

actually, my cursor is so tiny i can barely grab it to scroll PAST all the shit you just ruined this thread with.

as a MOD, i ask that in the future you simply post a link. thank you.


Well-Known Member
keep bangin your head on that wall sister, i think the laughing is all at people like you.

here an example from the congress laughs at obama during his state of the union speach last month when he tries to bring up climate change even after its been proven as false and manipulated data for political reasons


look at the cheesy grin on bidens face at the end of the video, cuz presidents remarks are so redicules since the recent whistlblower revealed they have been activly deceiving us through false science.

Yeah, the grin on Bidens face says everything, uh. Great analysis on such a complex topic... keep up the good work.

Seriously though, get your head out of your ass and try and think clearly for a while. How does a world wide conspiracy, consisting of millions of people over 50 year period stay so well hidden?

By any chance have you been abducted by aliens and probed?


Well-Known Member
check out this story pad, how about we let india decide, they seem like they actully wanna know the truth too before they sign up to put more burdons on thier people as the UN is asking of them

and you can look at all the comments of what the public really thinks

India forms new climate change body

The Indian government has established its own body to monitor the effects of global warming because it “cannot rely” on the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the group headed by its own leading scientist Dr R.K Pachauri.

By Dean Nelson in New Delhi
Published: 3:47PM GMT 04 Feb 2010
Comments 181 | Comment on this article

Scientists believe it could take more than 300 years for the HImalayan glaciers to disappear Photo: ALAMY

The move is a significant snub to both the IPCC and Dr Pachauri as he battles to defend his reputation following the revelation that his most recent climate change report included false claims that most of the Himalayan glaciers would melt away by 2035. Scientists believe it could take more than 300 years for the glaciers to disappear.
The body and its chairman have faced growing criticism ever since as questions have been raised on the credibility of their work and the rigour with which climate change claims are assessed.

In India the false claims have heightened tensions between Dr Pachauri and the government, which had earlier questioned his glacial melting claims. In Autumn, its environment minister Mr Jairam Ramesh said while glacial melting in the Himalayas was a real concern, there was evidence that some were actually advancing despite global warming.
Dr Pachauri had dismissed challenges like these as based on “voodoo science”, but last night Mr Ramesh effectively marginalized the IPC chairman even further.

He announced the Indian government will established a separate National Institute of Himalayan Glaciology to monitor the effects of climate change on the world’s ‘third ice cap’, and an ‘Indian IPCC’ to use ‘climate science’ to assess the impact of global warming throughout the country.
“There is a fine line between climate science and climate evangelism. I am for climate science. I think people misused [the] IPCC report, [the] IPCC doesn’t do the original research which is one of the weaknesses… they just take published literature and then they derive assessments, so we had goof-ups on Amazon forest, glaciers, snow peaks.

“I respect the IPCC but India is a very large country and cannot depend only on [the] IPCC and so we have launched the Indian Network on Comprehensive Climate Change Assessment (INCCA),” he said.

It will bring together 125 research institutions throughout India, work with international bodies and operate as a “sort of Indian IPCC,” he added.
The body, which he said will not rival the UN’s panel, will publish its own climate assessment in November this year, with reports on the Himalayas, India’s long coastline, the Western Ghat highlands and the north-eastern region close to the borders with Bangladesh, Burma, China and Nepal. “Through these we will demonstrate our commitment to climate science,” he said.

The UN panel’s claims of glacial meltdown by 2035 “was clearly out of place and didn’t have any scientific basis,” he said, while stressing the government remained concerned about the health of the Himalayan ice flows. “Most glaciers are melting, they are retreating, some glaciers, like the Siachen glacier, are advancing. But overall one can say incontrovertibly that the debris on our glaciers is very high the snow balance is very low. We have to be very cautious because of the water security particularly in north India which depends on the health of the Himalayan glaciers,” he added.

The new National Institute of Himalayan Glaciology will be based in Dehradun, in Uttarakhand, and will monitor glacial changes and compare results with those from glaciers in Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan.

Comments: 181

  • This is intolerable! Now we finally find out that the IPCC's much vaunted "The Science is Settled" Reports rely incestuously on "fundraising pamphlets" from Global Warming pushers such as Greenpeace and WWF!!

    These are Not scientific sources at all. They are simply propaganda leaflets designed to shake down donations using scare stories.

    The UN's IPCC report recycles these scare stories and claims they are rigorous science. Then the UN and our government rips us all off for Billions of pounds in carbon taxes. But these aren't just any new taxes that we can protest about. Oh no, the UN, IPCC and HM Government are trying to "Save the World" before it is too late! So don't be a denialist flat-earther and dare to complain!

    We all know that third world countries have completely corrupt governments. But somehow we thought that by putting hundreds of third world government sponsored bureaucrats together and calling them the UN, suddenly they would be honest and incorruptible?!? Pure idiocy...

    It is high time people sent the government and the UN-IPCC a strong message: "You can't fool all of the people all of the time."

    Email your MP now and tell it that you want the fraudulent carbon taxes canceled AND your money back.

    Stephen Just
    on February 11, 2010
    at 08:43 AM
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  • Al Gore....Anti-Christ of the Church of Climatology. And his blind faith about extremists..

    on February 09, 2010
    at 06:35 AM
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  • Thank You India at least someones country has their head screwed on right.

    on February 08, 2010
    at 11:08 PM
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    OIL Used 12 MnT/Day=4320 MnT/Yr. CO2e=7560.MnT/Yr
    COAL Used 9 MnT/Day=3240 MnT/Yr. CO2e=7560.MnT/Yr
    GLOBAL CO2e= I5 BnT/Yr….ANDY CO2e=I5/3=5 BnT/Yr
    GLOBAL OIL Fuel Saved =2880 MnT/Yr= 2160 Bn$/Yr
    GLOBAL COAL Fuel Saved =2160 MnT/Yr= 324 Bn$/Yr
    INV 690 Bn$..Return 5400 Bn$/Yr..CER 1O BnT/yr
    INV.. 69 Bn$..Return.. 540 Bn$/Yr..CER 1.O BnT/yr
    INV.. 23 Bn$..Return.. 180 Bn$/Yr..CER 333 MnT/yr
    INV 6900 Mn$..Return.. 54 Bn$/Yr..CER 1OO MnT/yr
    Cost Normal
    M A APPAN M E 45 Yrs EXPERT Ph.. 91 09840463337
    E mail [email protected]
    By FUEL.COAL 9 MnT/Day ;OIL 12 MnT/Day
    Reduced to 12 MnT/Day
    CER…… …..15.0 - 5.0 = 10.0 BnT/Yr
    COAL..12+2*8=28+E……………..12:16= 1:1.33
    OIL…...12+4+4*8=28+2*10+E…...16:32= 1:2.00
    . NOW
    FUEL……..COAL………OIL .
    USED………9.0…+……12.0 MnT/Day =21
    OXYGEN…12.0…+……24.0 MnT/Day =36
    CO2e………21.0...+.…...21.0 MnT/Day =42
    . ANDY
    FUEL……..COAL………OIL .
    USED………3.0…+……4.0.. MnT/Day =7.0
    OXYGEN…..4.0…+……8.0.. MnT/Day =12
    CO2e…….....7.0…+……7.0...MnT/Day =14
    CO2e………14*360=5.04 BnT/Yr
    CER…… ….15 - 5 = 10 BnT/Yr
    .. VC 15 Mn$ …3 yrs
    INV 700 Bn$ Ret 5400 Bn$/Yr Profit 15 Bn$/Day
    M A APPAN M E 45 Yrs EXPERT Ph.. 91 09840463337
    E mail [email protected]

    andy appan
    on February 08, 2010
    at 08:10 PM
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  • @Bruce
    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:17 AM
    I emailed in to point out that the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Mr Gore and the IPCC not the Mr Pachauri, and the Telegraph e-mailed me to say that they had corrected the article. Good for the Telegraph to correct errors. Well done India. How long before the IPCC tries to curb methane-producing curries?

    on February 08, 2010
    at 07:03 PM
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  • likely address back prepared

    on February 08, 2010
    at 09:08 AM
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    on February 08, 2010
    at 06:31 AM
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  • Dr. Bhattacharyya:

    Absolutely they are socialists. But their religion, like all belief systems, is getting old in a hurry. Thank goodness.

    moray watson
    on February 07, 2010
    at 09:26 PM
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  • Moray Watson:

    If AGW is the new religion for socialists as you stated, am I to assume that Al Gore and his likes are ardent socialist? If they are socialists, I retract.

    Dr Alok Bhattacharyya
    on February 07, 2010
    at 05:51 PM
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  • Paul Levy on February 06, 2010
    at 12:51 PM wrote " ought to read up on the basic science of global warming. There's a very clear picture of causation, which is related to the absorption of infra-red electromagnetic energy by carbon dioxide molecules in the earth's atmosphere. This is extremely well understood at the level of basic physics. A warming of the earth with increasing CO2 emissions was a *prediction* of climate science long before the evidence showed it happening."

    While CO2 does absorb IR, that is not the only process occurring. In fact, it is not a dominant process, and
    the results of ERBE satellite data show that all 11 IPCC atmospheric models used to predict climate change are incorrect(see quote below from Geophys. Res. Lett. abstract).
    Therefore the IPCC climate models should be revised and predictions be redone. Also since the positive feedback(warming) mechanism assumed in the climate models is mostly from longwave radiation, ie "greenhouse effect", while ERBE shows negative feedback(cooling) from shortwave radiation, this implies that man caused global warming from CO2 increase must be a small effect if not negligible.
    Quote below is from

    ... 'The observed behavior of radiation fluxes implies negative feedback processes associated with relatively low climate sensitivity. This is the opposite of the behavior of 11 atmospheric models forced by the same SSTs. Therefore, the models display much higher climate sensitivity than is inferred from ERBE, though it is difficult to pin down such high sensitivities with any precision. Results also show, the feedback in ERBE is mostly from shortwave radiation while the feedback in the models is mostly from longwave radiation. Although such a test does not distinguish the mechanisms, this is important since the inconsistency of climate feedbacks constitutes a very fundamental problem in climate prediction.'
    Citation: Lindzen, R. S., and Y.-S.
    Choi (2009), On the determination of climate feedbacks from
    ERBE data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L16705, doi:10.1029/

    Some more data to consider from

    "Water vapor drop may have led to warming slowdown"
    The slowdown in global warming in the last few years may have been caused by a decline in water vapor in the stratosphere, a new report suggests.
    Balloon and satellite observations show the amount of water vapor in a layer about 10 miles high declined after 2000. The stratosphere extends from about eight to 30 miles above the Earth's surface.
    The reason for the decline is unknown, according to researchers led by Susan Solomon of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. They report their findings in Thursday's [Jan. 28, 2010] online edition of the journal Science.
    Water vapor is a potent greenhouse gas, and its decline in the stratosphere would reduce the rate of global warming expected from other gases such as carbon dioxide, the researchers said.

    The Data
    on February 07, 2010
    at 12:43 PM
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  • For 2Confused:

    "And what does Odumbo say during his State of the Union address? In spite of all the falsification and manipulation of data he fully intends to try to jam his "Cap & Tax" legislation down our throats."

    Climategate, Snowmageddon and the loss of a Senate seat mean that Cap & Trade is dead.
    There is no chance that this will become legislation.
    Poor old Goldman Sachs.

    Charles Lee
    on February 07, 2010
    at 10:52 AM
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  • Paul Levy on February 06, 2010 at 12:51 PM - "to Reginald Hightower, who waffles on about correlation and causation - you ought to read up on the basic science"

    Really? What luck - we're down to do Basic Science next term! I'll catch up on that and get back to you afterwards. When are you guys down to do Basic Comprehension?

    Reginald Hightower
    on February 07, 2010
    at 08:54 AM
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  • If we do not address global pollution we will slowly poison ourselves...the issue is health!!!

    Jill Storch
    on February 07, 2010
    at 07:11 AM
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  • The carbon taxers are through. Their con-job is exposed by Climategate and increasing colder temperatures. They need another crisis now so look for a drift-tax to combat the catastrophic consequences of continental drift or something like that.

    Norm Smith
    on February 07, 2010
    at 06:33 AM
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  • "Global Warming" true believers have been following leaders whose goal is power and money. Global carbon trading, carbon options, and the carbon market will make new "carbon billionairs" out of this scam. With the scam now out in the open, with the science shown as manipulated, no rational person can pursue this foolish path. Climate change is a part of earths history. Both warmer and colder climates have prevailed for hundreds of years in documented history. The current blizzards and cold temperatures freezing out Copenhagen and Washington, D.C. are a cold blast in the face to this attempted theft of public resources on a global scale.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 11:58 PM
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  • Someone should ask "Choo Choo" Pachauri why, during the last interglacial (like the one we are in now), sea levels rose 15-18 feet (yes, FEET), not the few inches the global warming fanatics are crying about. Oh yeah: that last interglacial occurred about 120,000 years ago.

    Maybe he can give an answer as he sips cognac at Golf Links, the ultra rich gated community he lives in. Did Tata buy that for him?

    on February 06, 2010
    at 11:40 PM
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  • Dr. Bhattacharya:

    AGW is NOT the new religion for the "otherwise athiests". That is assinine.

    AGW is the new religion for socialists.

    moray watson
    on February 06, 2010
    at 11:11 PM
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  • IPCC could not do emperical scientific investigation. It was set up to prove by hook or by crook that the cause of global warming is antropogenic. They could have never say otherwise. Their funding was solely dependent upon imposing the dogma of AGW on everybody. They never allowed any dissention. AGW is the new religion for the otherwise atheists.

    I went to meetings in the UK where school and college teachers were given Al Gore's DVD to be shown to the students. I asked questions about the IPCC's reports. Without answering my question, the presenter took an evangelical. The AGW crowd do not want to answer questions as scientists. They want to just shout down anyone asking questions about their assertion.

    By the way, I am not saying anybody should waste energy. Energy is a gift from Nature to all. We cannot create or destroy it. If we waste it it is an abuse and we will have less to use later on and their will be consequences.

    I am an Indian and a Hindu. At the most fundamental level, our eternal religion gave the most important Goddess, the cause of the whole universe, the name Shakti which literally means energy. Her mantra states that She is present in everything as energy which present day physics agrees to. (Om namah! Ya Devu sharbavuteSu Shakti rupen sangsthita.) The mantra also says that we should be respecful to energy. The next mantra says that from creation, propagation and destruction She remains constant as energy.(Om namah! SriSTi, sthiti, binashanam Shaki vute sanatani.)

    Hopefully present day Indians will start looking at our own heritage and try to understand our relation with energy and use energy with respect.

    Disrespect to energy can only bring ruination. It is not based on faith. It is a fact from physics.

    All empires, all past civilisations that got destroyed did not get so because of any foreign invation or natural disaster, but because they abused energy. The present day empire(s) are heading surely that way too.

    Dr Alok Bhattacharyya
    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:09 PM
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  • Ever since the evidence of data tampering came out, the whole hoax is falling like a house of cards. Real scientists see it, while the hacks want a paycheck and keep lying.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:04 PM
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  • And what does Odumbo say during his State of the Union address? In spite of all the falsification and manipulation of data he fully intends to try to jam his "Cap & Tax" legislation down our throats.

    In fact, Obama has even included taxes he theoretically would collect from the bill that hasn't even been brought up in the Senate yet, in his latest, bloated, ridiculous budget. He thinks we are nothing but a bunch of gross morons incapable of walking and chewing gum at the same time, let alone comprehend his budget. But trust me, WE KNOW full well what is in it and we will let our opinions be heard LOUD and clear.

    The whole global warming/climate change thing is NOT about saving the earth, it is about money, billions and billions the ruling elite can steal for their own pesonal use. They "say" it is for the poor, undeveloped countries. The very same countries whose leaders steal virtually all charitable donations provided by wealthier nations. The family starving in the street sees nothing.

    This is just another method to eliminate the quickly dwindling middle class so all that will be left are the very poor (us) and them--the ruling, elitist class. Make no mistake about it.

    We are soooo screwed.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 07:33 PM
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  • Wait, the IPCC has an agenda? NO. Check out this hilarious parody called "Global Disastrification:"

    on February 06, 2010
    at 07:05 PM
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  • Let's start an international panel to investigate the tooth fairy and Santa Claus as well. There are polar bears at stake!

    Seriously, though... How much fraud has to surface before people, (especially the bloated idiots in governments around the world), wake up to the fact that it's all a hoax? The "scientists" made it all up. After all... No crisis=no funding.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:00 PM
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  • If only America were as erudite as India in this matter.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 05:43 PM
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  • I believe it's the case that the great rivers of Asia are fed mostly by snow melt in the Himalayas rather than glacial melt.

    Charles Lee
    on February 06, 2010
    at 05:41 PM
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  • But, what do the the "egg-spurts" have to say?

    on February 06, 2010
    at 04:47 PM
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  • Kudos to India!!!

    I hope in their studies they consider the possibility weather is warming or cooling that it may not have anything to do with human existence and is just the ever changing earth.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 04:41 PM
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  • Lets forget about what causes global warming for a minute and ask what causes skepticism about global warming. We are always told it is caused by polluting companies and countries (like India) who know better but have a financial interest to look the other way. Maybe but I think environmental groups and left-leaning politicians desere some blame.

    The are so set on using global warming to push for public policy change that they make exaggerated claims of doom and Armageddon. They mock dissenters and compare them to flat-earthers. They talk about science as if it is more than an empirical discipline--as if it is a generator of public policy proscriptions. "Science say we should govern the world like X (where X is a liberal public policy). If you disagree with the policy you are anti-science. They have mixed the line between dispassionate empirical investigation and shrill, panicked, left-leaning public policy proscriptions.

    (They do the same thing with the controversy of contraceptives. They don't stop at saying "the best evidence is that handing out condoms lowers pregnancy rates and STDs." They use the authority of science to tell how we should do sex-ed. We need facts to form public policy but good public policy is also based on values, resources, the will of the people. "Science" isn't supposed to tell us what to do. It just tells us the empirical facts about the world. We take that information and MANY OTHER FACTORS into account when we decide what our public policy is.)

    What causes skepticism about global warming? The irony is that it is those who complain loudly about skeptics. Their methods and attitudes lead sane people think there there is something fishy going on here (even if there is not).

    So, settle down! Treat your opponents with respect. Use debate to convince rather than shutting down debate with "the debate is over" or "flat earthers!."

    Political promoters global warming deserve as much, if not more, blame for creating skepticism about global warming as does "corporate interest."

    George Farrell
    on February 06, 2010
    at 04:20 PM
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  • Where's the lie about disappearing Himalayan glaciers? The carefully selected, I think, photo accompanying this article clearly shows most of the snow and glaciers have already disappeared (or photo-shopped away.)

    on February 06, 2010
    at 04:19 PM
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  • The indian metereorology dept has been measuring some parts of the glaciers for many years now, even from british times before indian independence. Its not comprehensive data but it shows that

    a) Himalayan glaciers are melting
    b) The rate of melting has come down in the past 2 decades.

    So they said the glaciers will probably survive for a few hundred years more and not be all over by 2035 as predicted by IPCC.

    But Pachauri went on an offensive calling them voodoo scientists etc.

    India faced a lot of pressure at the climate summit because all this alarmist reports on India was authorized by the indian delegate, pachauri, in IPCC.

    Indian govt feels that making pachauri the head of IPCC and then getting him to attack india is a clever tactic by UN to arm twist india. So this move by govt to have their own comprehensive and reliable data.

    India is worried about climate changes and it knows that any potential fixes would be very costly. So before people get taxed and money is spent, we should know how much and when.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 04:00 PM
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  • India, Russia, China, already half the poor nations of the world after reading the treaty from the COP15 summit.
    BTW, yes it has been shown that CO2 may absorb the heat, but WE produce less than 2% of all CO2 which has been scientifically proven to be able to be off-set by re-forestation. PS, that was an Indian researcher's work.
    Plant a tree or pay the Al Gore goons and the Rothschilds atonement for breathing.

    I have over 12 trees in my small yard and 5 are evergreen....
    I believe that a credit (tax reimbursement) is due to me.

    Rob Wick
    on February 06, 2010
    at 03:49 PM
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  • BBC are compromised on IPCC up to their elbows-which they cannot distinguish from other parts

    on February 06, 2010
    at 03:33 PM
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  • India may lead the world in other areas if thy will indeed take the capitalistic and moral high ground. With the future in focus logic and reputation in mind I say, congratulations to India for the wisdom that may be expressed by other countries.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 03:25 PM
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  • Obama needs to learn a lesson from India! However, Obama is in on the power grab to be realized by selling the so-called global warming. Google, and read about, Maurice Strange, formally with the UN, and David DeRothschild.

    Good job India!

    on February 06, 2010
    at 03:18 PM
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  • thanks india.
    if man causes gobal warming,
    then man should be able cause
    gobal cooling.
    remember tne mid 70's.
    time mag cover. in 25 years
    gobal ice age coming.
    that was done by experts.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 02:16 PM
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  • Time will show that 'global warming' is the biggest scam ever. Al Gore is doing nothing but making money off this crap. It's so hard to believe that highly educated people believe global warming really exists. Temperatures flucuate! Why is that so hard for some to accept solar cycles? And doesn't anyone find it strange that a polititian who will profit hugely from 'global warming' was the one sounding the alarms? Shouldn't it have been someone with a scientific background? Global warming is a scam....all you believers need to face up to the fact that you've been duped.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 01:51 PM
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  • For many years running Al Gore has been a charlatan, not only in his "Global Warming" hoax but also in the multitude of goofy ideas that he's instinctively embraced, and his pathological urge to chew on his Nikes.

    Gore should be jailed for the same reasons that Bernie Madoff was, namely, perpetrating fraud on a global basis.

    Good on, ya, India!!

    Fritz Steiner
    on February 06, 2010
    at 01:29 PM
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  • to Reginald Hightower, who waffles on about correlation and causation - you ought to read up on the basic science of global warming. There's a very clear picture of causation, which is related to the absorption of infra-red electromagnetic energy by carbon dioxide molecules in the earth's atmosphere. This is extremely well understood at the level of basic physics. A warming of the earth with increasing CO2 emissions was a *prediction* of climate science long before the evidence showed it happening.

    So no, it is absolutely not true to say that "correlation is all [climate scientists] have to go on".

    Paul Levy
    on February 06, 2010
    at 12:51 PM
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  • The IPCC has manipulated, exaggerated and falsified data in a manner more suited to the Nazi Propaganda machine than to a publicly funded body seeking the facts. Al Gore should hang his head in shame. A self serving failed politician who is noticable by his absence in the current debate.

    David Ingram
    on February 06, 2010
    at 11:26 AM
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  • First we had "truthers", then we had "birthers"...and now..."MELTERS"...Yes, that name suits these fellows nicely..

    on February 06, 2010
    at 10:37 AM
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  • There is absolutely nothing good that I can think of has, is or will, come from the UN.

    Wobbly one
    on February 06, 2010
    at 10:12 AM
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  • Turboblocke on February 05, 2010 at 09:43 PM - "The Indian Agency was set up in October 2009: see Foreward, paragraph 2 (page 5) here: Also Indian primeminister supports IPCC:"

    I could be wrong, but I don't think you're meant to sully these climate change rant columns with facts.

    Reginald Hightower
    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:45 AM
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  • rocky on February 05, 2010 at 04:01 PM - "Here in the real world of evidence, the last decade was the warmest on record, and Jan 2010 was the warmest Jan on record. Globally of course. 2009 was also the warmest year in Tibet since records began - but facts are no use to those who live in scepticland."

    I suspect that it's at least as much to do with recent revelations and long harboured suspicions that facts and their critical assessment are not regarded as being of much use by the leaders in accepticland, either.

    It's not difficult to see why the acceptics behave in a way that's every bit as numbskulled as the sceptics. Firstly, as a poster notes in another currently active column here, correlation does not imply causation. In all the hard sciences (as he puts it) correlation hunting (a.k.a. induction) is properly frowned on. However, history being what it is, correlation is all that the acceptics have to go on. Of course they'd like it to be different, but it isn't. To put it politely, they're winging it. You might think they're making a good case (looks like you do) or you might not but, either way, in putting it at all they are, of necessity, declaiming in a courtroom rather than researching in a lab, as only history can be the final judge. In case you hadn't observed lawyers close up, in our jurisdiction they're a rowdy, fractious bunch. Naturally, then, the bar(rack) room variety that frequent places like this and the corridors of political power can be expected to be even more so. Perhaps even in India. The acceptics problem, given (pace Popper) the "unscientific" methodology available to them, is that the exponential is as invisible to the average, so-called "sapient" primate as it is to a frog in a slow cooker (an unfortunate analogy in this particular case, but one that's easily cognized by the not excessively dim) so, by virtue of their fellow apes' ranidaen stupidity, those movers and shakers of any stripe who see a dangerous phenomenon clearly picking up exponentially have, of necessity, to nail their flags to the front of the nearest fast-moving object, because pointing to a factor whose momentary acceleration is anything less than limb-rendingly vertical invites only aggressively smug complacency, if not downright jeering and ostracization (as our economic, cough, experts, cough, recently intimated to the Queen by way of an excuse for something else). Thus those few less fashionable, more ostracized chappies from a different, cough, discipline, cough, who see - possibly accurately, but possibly merely as a function of ressentiment and consequent projection - an approaching eco-disaster of biblical proportions, wrought this time not by God but by our own fair hand (though - inconveniently, to choose a good word - not back then and still not starkly obvious at even just the Bear-Stearns stage of the curve), alighted - not necessarily cynically: they probably believe they were and are "doing science", but more likely as a result of the very considerable limitations of human ratiocination - on the fair bet of fast-moving climate anomalies as being the most promising vehicle on which to hang sufficient bunting to alarm the natives, alerting them to an approaching holocaust. The bet was, of course, that by the time that particular vehicle came off the rails - as, like all theoretical vehicles racketing along theoretical tracks, it might theoretically do, however temporarily - then at least one of the other, equally or (as some suspect) far more disastrous phenomena coming behind it would be sufficiently along the curve to keep up the pressure for pre-emptive eco-action. The facts you quote may indeed be facts, but at least some of the facts other acceptists have been quoting have recently been shown to be demonstrably and devastatingly less than substantial, for less than noble reasons. So the bar(rack) room lawyers on the sceptics case are having a field day, headroom (in all senses of the word) not being big in their world (and curiously small in the acceptics' presented case for pre-empting any anthropogenic element in any global warming as well, come to that).

    Reginald Hightower
    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:36 AM
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  • For Peter Salonius:

    Thanks for the devastating link, which I would recommend to everyone:

    I particularly liked the following:

    "Here we address the specific claim that the global mean surface temperature of the twentieth century can be adequately simulated by combining the effects of GH gases, aerosols, and such natural influences as volcanoes and solar radiation. Closer
    examination reveals this so-called agreement is little
    more than an exercise in ‘curve fitting’ with the use of several adjustable parameters. (The famed mathematician John von Neumann once said: “Give
    me four adjustable parameters and I can simulate an elephant. Give me one more and I can make his trunk wiggle.”)"

    Charles Lee
    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:35 AM
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  • I live in Mexifornia (previously known as California before the Democrats took over) I have a friend who bought fraud hook, line and sinker. One time recently he was giving us a ride to the airport and some global warming nonsense came on the radio and my friend started practically frothing at the mouth that man made global warming was "settled science" and that only idiots would argue against it. If we tried to say anything against it even aska question like: how come it was so cold outside this year he would get loud and obnoxious and tell us he was a "scientist". My friend like "Dr." Fraudfest Pachurai has a certificate for some night school thing he did, I have an actual science degree and work in technology but my nutter friend gets angry when you question him...idiot: absolute proof he was clueless. Anyway on the way to the airport with my friend I pointed to a highway cut that the road ran through. It just so happens that it shows massive climate change over millions of years with each different color of rock a completely different climate. I pointed out to him that he could see back about 100 million years past oceans, plains, forests, deserts and jungles that had all been right where we were today and long long before anyone drove a car...he just snapped back at me that there was nothing to say to someone like me that chose to be so ignorant. Hahahaha I now send him links to stories like this :-)

    on February 06, 2010
    at 09:35 AM
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  • Where is Al fraud Gore? The walking progressive joke of the century. Nice job India and thank you for using common sense.

    Joe R.
    on February 06, 2010
    at 07:42 AM
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  • Good on you India. At least you have the courage to call a spade a spade and to work independently. Now for all the other leaders of the world to ditch the IPCC and do their own scientific research.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:42 AM
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  • FINALLY !!!! We've wondered for a long time where in the world the last surviving little bit of grey matter resides -- and lo and behold -- who would ever have thought it was hiding out in India ??!! Go, go India. Here's hoping that some of your intelligence will rub off on the rest of the world!!

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:42 AM
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  • The next shoe to drop will very likely be China.

    While it is hard to imagine India and China working together on anything this might be the issue they can agree on.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:41 AM
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  • I am very glad that India has some sort of science behind them instead of "theory only" like the US Government and the evil UN.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:34 AM
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  • Natural cycles account for climate change over thousands of years and then some idiot, born yesterday, will claim the weather is acting weird this year, must be global warming!
    Hello Dinosaur?

    Peter Ramsey
    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:31 AM
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  • The next shoe to drop will very likely be China.

    While it is hard to imagine India and China working together on anything this might be the issue they can agree on.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:31 AM
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  • Bravo India!

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:29 AM
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  • About time! India is beginning to act like the responsible global power it is, while the liberal left loonies in the US/UK/EU are tying themselves up in knots over fake science, slick PR campaigns and shrill activism of professional complainers... If this keeps up, I may look forward to the Asian century!

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:27 AM
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  • Dr. Pachauri has a joint doctorate in Industrial Engineering and Economics. How does this entitle him to be referred to as a "leading scientist"?

    He has done irreparable damage to an already discredited (and increasingly disreputable) IPCC.

    Sadly, politicians will not let go of this potential golden goose, no matter how ridiculous the IPCC's claims appear to be.

    Ralph Loveland
    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:25 AM
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  • Rob
    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:49 PM

    The Northeastern US states formed a thingie called the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, as the engineering community raised a big stink about a decade ago respecting the emergence of Europeans trying (again) to tell the US how to run its own business.

    This is a cap-and-trade system, but it is nothing like the monstrosity Kablama and Paunch Awry would like to see in place. RGGI's sytem works fine, while the IPCC and Kyoto-based flimflams are just a wino's grab for loose cash left on the table by industry.

    Walt O'Brien
    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:24 AM
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  • I hate it when papers and other media outlets continue to call Pachauri a scientist. He is not. He is a former railways (mechanical) engineer, and an economist. He has absolutely no background in climatology, physics, meteorology, hydrography, geology, or physical geography. All these are the core sciences that contribute real, meaningful work to what has been called climatology.

    Also, let us not forget thet the IPCC has not won any of the Nobel prizes in science. It won the beauty contest, the Nobel Peace Prize. And let's look at how valuable that has become when they also gave it to Dr. Utopia, er I mean Obama.

    Hagbard Celine
    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:17 AM
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  • I'm happy to see the reference to Pachauri being a Nobel Prize winner removed from the earlier version of this article. 1. He himself didn't win it; he leads an organization that shared in it. 2. It was the Nobel Peace Prize, not one of the Nobels for scientific achievement. It should always be identified as such in any article that addresses matters of science, in order not to lend credence to the scientific claims made by its winners.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:17 AM
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  • Good for you India!

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:15 AM
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  • Pappyhappy @ 9.57.
    Good comment,the OWO are like sunspots...when they're active (and my havn't they been busy over recent years) things tend to get a little hotter.

    on February 06, 2010
    at 06:14 AM
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  • Way to go India. At least they
    have the balls to be real

    tim ashmore
    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:57 PM
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  • I congratulate all Indians and their leaders and their ability to lead. It's a shame all word leadersare not as bold and forward thinking, not being lead against common sense.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:05 PM
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  • Other countries would be wise to follow India's lead. This appears to be an attempt on the part of the OLD WORLD ORDER to fool their citizens into paying UNREQUIRED taxes based on a total HOAX! Some will bite -- others will be sharp enough to oust their politicians pushing such ideas!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:57 PM
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  • Government funded science equals millions of dollars in funding. Why else would these scientist keep supporting Global Warming theories? It is just a matter of making huge sums of money at tax payers expense. What a racket!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:49 PM
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  • Perhaps the INCCA will liaise with the SPPI.
    We then only need governments to find the output of this coalition to be more interesting than the fiction from the IPCC.
    Of course, they would be pushed into coming up with lots of new weird and wonderful taxes to replace the junked 'green' taxes.
    The real benefit of getting this right will be not having to listen to the drivel that issues forth from the mouths of tree-hugging, bean-eating, hair-shirted nit wits.

    Peter the Painter
    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:44 PM
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  • The Indian Agency was set up in October 2009: see Foreward, paragraph 2 (page 5) here:

    Also Indian primeminister supports IPCC:

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:43 PM
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  • Kudos to India for leading where the US government refuses to.
    In November, vote them all out!!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:55 PM
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  • If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, smells like a duck it is not a chicken.

    Anyone who actually believes we can change mother nature is crazy. The earth has been in flux since it began.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:41 PM
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  • The IPCC isn't practicing "Climatology", it's pushing "Climatism".

    Otto Zeit
    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:32 PM
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  • I see this another obama failure. global warming was debunked. his health care snafu failed. he's running up the budget so high that the entire US economy will collapse unless smart people become involved. his teleprompter guru failed him...again. his political appointees are proven time and again as corrupt cronies and not confirmed. his senate and house majorities are gone. the American--and now Indian- people have spoken and demand he stop the insanity. will he wait for his mentors in iran, north korea and chicago to give him the green light?

    you failed dude. miserably. let someone who knows what they're doing take it from here.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:27 PM
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    First: Create a flat pre-1970 climate history:

    Michael Mann et al. managed to straighten the HANDLE on the iconic, and now infamous, hockey stick graph so as to portray the 500 year climate history before 1970 as stable and without much stressfull change by eliminating the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. This deception has been known for some time, see:

    ‘Nature not human activity, rules the climate’ at:


    Second: Exaggerate post-1970 climate warming:

    A recent report deals with how the temperature increase of the last few decades, that makes the BLADE on the hockey stick graph, was made to look as if it was historically unprecedented , see:


    Third: Popularize climate models that make the assumption that the global climate is driven primarily by carbon containing gases, as opposed to solar variation and ocean current cycles.

    The IPCC's myopic AGW hypothesis has led the international community toward expensive policies and regulations, and draconian/dangerous schemes such as underground carbon capture and storage, and to seriously consider proposals to fire relectors into orbit to bounce sunlight back into space -- risking the onset of a new ice age, as well as to seed the oceans with iron to increase CO2 utilising photosynthesis by plankton -- all to avoid the future CATASTROPHIC climate warming that is PREDICTED by global climate modellers.

    The AGW hypothesis, which is rapidly loosing its crdebility, is shaping up to be the biggest hoax in the history of science.

    Peter Salonius

    Peter Salonius
    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:25 PM
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  • IPCC - International Piltown Climate Conceit

    Don of Croy
    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:10 PM
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  • Al Gore had tried so hard to stifle any critical views of AGW. It must be very disconcerting to him, indeed, that the nation of India has now voiced their scepticism of the legitimacy of the IPCC conclusions.

    What is Gore now to do? Declare that India's environment minister, Mr Jairam Ramesh, is now comparable to a "flat earther"?

    For me, Al Gore's silence on the many disconcerting AGW revelations since November 2009, is deafening!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 07:48 PM
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  • It is interesting that there seems to be a lot more common sense in third world countries like China and India than there is among the Western culture elites of Europe and the U.S.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 07:12 PM
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  • The whole thing is part of an attempt toward globalization of all governments. Gore has been and always will be a "one worlder". Climate change is irrelevant to these folks. They just want a cause.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 07:09 PM
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  • the IPCC should employ bollywood actors instead of Perchauri...
    the indan public will lap up any crap those mooneylaundering idiots sell them

    on February 05, 2010
    at 07:09 PM
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  • I think he should receive one more Nobel price with Al gore, nancy peplosi,reid and obama

    on February 05, 2010
    at 06:46 PM
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  • The UN "clearly out of place and didn’t have any scientific basis"

    Thats right, yet another country waking up to the fact that the UN is no more then a bunch of Marxist elitists with an ulterior motive and genocidal agendas behind all their lying propaganda.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 06:45 PM
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  • Good for India, someone in their government has common sense. The REAL common sense move, however, would be to drop out, ignore the UN, and not waste the money on their own panel to invesitate this bogus, fear-mongering psuedo-science.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 06:28 PM
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  • Good for India ...,common sense.
    Vote for Bobby Jindal
    I'd rather have global warming than global cooling.
    If you live in an area that is below sea level do what is so easy even a caveman would do it: "move to higher ground"

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:55 PM
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  • An interesting development. One may be more inclined to see this as the "Indian Scientists Employment Act of 2010" than anything else.

    Interestingly, the Indian government continues to blast the IPCC while demanding they be exempt from any climate change requirements in climate change treaties but still maintain they accept man-made global warming.

    There appear to be a few contradictions here.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:44 PM
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  • The Indians (and Chinese) demonstrate common sense on this issue. Meanwhile, our politicos continue to swallow the lot. There's no hope for Miliband and co, but David Cameron needs to wake up and get his head out of the sand. He seems to be burying it deeper by the week (Lord Stern? Give me a break).

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:43 PM
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  • Well done India. How nice it would be if Cameron decided to do the same and set up a small but well staffed British Climate Study Group.

    Some hopes. The Tories are hoping to get Lord Stern to help them set up a Green Investment Bank. What an utter waste of time.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:29 PM
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  • Does anyone know if there is a link to this agency? I am a layman but if I could get e-mail updates I would LOVE a source of information that I could trust, or if it is going to be slanted, be slanted toward skepticism so I have information to balance Goradio. Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] thanks much.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:22 PM
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  • Now, why would you AGWers get mad when someone else wants to take a look at Climate Change ?

    Can you not handle a 2nd opinion ? Are we to just bend over and kiss the feet of the IPCC ?

    Your lead scientists Mann and Jones got caught red-handed in the cookie jar.

    Do you not realize the Copenhagen Summit, Al Gore, Mann and Jones were set to debunk the World out of $Trillions of dollars, and you get pee-od when we question that ? You are lucky we haven't tarred and feathered your arse.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:16 PM
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  • If you think the UN has your best interests in mind just google Kofi Annan's son

    The UN makes the US politicians look like saints

    Kofi Annan
    on February 05, 2010
    at 05:07 PM
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  • India - good on you! Now perhaps we can drill for oil off shore and have the Saudis pound sand!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:55 PM
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  • God is great! science is a lie.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:55 PM
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  • Hasn't the IPCC been thoroughly discredited yet? Today the Netherlands came out to refute a claim in the IPCC report that half of their country is below sea level (actually its only 26%). Who but the most ardent True Believers could possibly still believe anything the IPCC says?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:51 PM
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  • One needs to look farther back in time to understand climatic events. None of these scientists do. Any child can do the geological reference work and discover we are not in a oeriod of global warming. We are in a thaw from an ice age. We shall enter another before we thaw to the warmest recorded levels. Quit lying folks. Get an education. Learn deductive reasoning. Stop government sponsored science. They lie worse than indusry.

    Odins Acolyte
    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:32 PM
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  • Al Gore should give back the NObel peace Joke!! So I can believe in it again!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:27 PM
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  • I don't understand. This BBC article says that India "backs Pachauri to the hilt". Are these articles reconcilable?

    Brian Williams
    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:25 PM
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  • Smart move by the Indians. They should be focusing on real environmental issues like water cleanliness and effiency of water distribution networks. Pollution (real pollution), sprawl, deforestation are real environmental concerns. You get the feeling that some of these global warming nuts put CO2 in the same category as mercury and hexane.

    Ryan P
    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:19 PM
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  • Unfortunately, I don't think this will change anything.

    When you pay a bureaucracy to find a problem, and their fat paychecks and lush benefits hang in the balance, they will find a problem whether one exists or not.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:19 PM
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  • Dr R.K Pachauriand and Al Gore should be shot and pissed on and not necessarily in that order.

    Peter Martin
    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:07 PM
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  • Great work India! Shove it up the tail-pipe of these raving slobbering eco-Marxists!!! They can go strait to hell and take their idiot theories with them.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:07 PM
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  • Kudos to India for taking a stand. Stop relying on unreliable sources that act in an unreliable fashion. The IPCC and the UN have some serious issues. Having big buildings and prestige are not enough.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:07 PM
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  • Kudos to India, who'll be the next in line? And kudos to the Brit papers for printing what the American press buries. The scandalous AGW house of cards is collapsing. Shame on Al Gore, and many others.

    Paul B.
    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:02 PM
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  • Here in the real world of evidence, the last decade was the warmest on record, and Jan 2010 was the warmest Jan on record. Globally of course. 2009 was also the warmest year in Tibet since records began - but facts are no use to those who live in scepticland.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 04:01 PM
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  • I belive in climate change; Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

    Mike, USA
    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:42 PM
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  • More on what I wrote earlier...this looks every bit as bad as Glaciergate: regarding sea level, here is an egregious error in IPCC AR4 from the text on their own website:

    which states "The Netherlands is an example of a country highly susceptible to both sea-level rise and river flooding because 55% of its territory is below sea level where 60% of its population lives and 65% of its Gross National Product (GNP) is produced."

    The real figure for Netherlands territory is a lot less than half that 55% figure. Currently, the Dutch consider that 20% of land below sea level is about right as a round figure. The figure changes because more land is being reclaimed. As far as the IPCC is concerned, giving them the benefit of a few years before 2007, they could have checked official government statistics from CBS (Central Bureau of Statistics, "Statistics Netherlands"), which in their Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands 2004, page 451, gives the figure as 24%.

    Of course, what else is wrong with the part I quoted is that it takes the Netherlands as a classic example: "The Netherlands is an example of a country highly susceptible to both sea-level rise and river flooding..."

    But this is what the Dutch government has to say in "Sustainability Monitor for the Netherlands 2009"

    "In its 2006 climate scenarios, the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) predicts that sea levels along the Dutch coast may rise by 35 to 85 centimetres. This is larger than the global average rise foreseen by the IPCC. Current technology enables the Dutch to reinforce its shore protection systems at socially acceptable costs (MNP, 2007b), even if the rate of sea level rise increases to 1.5 metres per century as a result of the increasing melting rates of the large land ice caps.
    ...The Netherlands will probably be able to withstand climate change and rising sea levels for a number of centuries to come. The safety of the country appears to be guaranteed to 2100 with respect to rising sea levels and river drainage. Even in the worst-case sea level rise of 1.5 metres per century, flooding will be able to be prevented with existing technology (reinforcing and raising dykes, at a cost of a maximum of 0.15 percent of GDP)."

    Highly susceptible, my foot! - it can easily withstand sea level rise FOR CENTURIES at moderate cost and existing technology, i.e. it's business as normal for the Dutch. Looks like Glaciergate all over again. What is in the IPCC report is a lie, and a cruel hoax.

    Kevin McGrane
    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:42 PM
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  • @David Welch. "The Himalayan glaciers are melting rapidly and the great majority are retreating."

    What utter nonsense. If you only rely on one source of information you will be misled, especially if it's from Pachuari's IPCC. Please broaden your reading. Try this as your starter for ten:

    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:29 PM
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  • India was looking for an excuse to walk out of climate talks and what better than a panel headed by their one of their own, making false claims. At least now, no one can accuse them of xenophobia.

    While Dr. Pachauri and his like might have over-exaggerated global warming claims, the fact remains that the earth is warming and warming primarily because of human activities.

    It has taken us 200 years since the Industrial revolution to figure out that the earth is warming. If we wait another 200 to do something about it, then you might as well kiss the Himalayan glaciers and the polar ice-caps goodbye.

    There is voodoo science on both sides of this debate. So let's not get selective in our criticisms, shall we?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:22 PM
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  • Kudos to the Indian Government!
    Standing up for truth against the prevailing winds of climate change hysteria!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:03 PM
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  • I just want to give kudos to the Times and Telegraph for covering the GW scandals when most American media is doing their best to ignore it. At least some papers haven't forgotten what true journalism is really about.

    Pedro Roman
    on February 05, 2010
    at 03:03 PM
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  • Al Gore has disappeared. Apparently he went south for the winter - too cold in the USA again this winter.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:59 PM
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  • Dr R.K Pachauriand Al Gore must both be investigated for how they profitted from their lies and distortions, then tried and imprisoned for fraud.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:59 PM
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  • Awesome India. Make sure you keep all those lying, self-serving, Al Gore worshiping 'scientists' out of it. Remember the good old days when the USA used to take the lead in the right things to do?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:51 PM
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  • A historic change of the guard. The IPCC puppet of US-UK's giant, combined "climate science" effort doesn't meet a 3rd world country's science standard...tsk, tsk

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:43 PM
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  • This new Indian body will not make a pennyworth of difference to the story.

    The Himalayan glaciers are melting rapidly and the great majority are retreating.

    Which the new body is bound to report, and then will be totally condemned by all the Coolists who have decided they know better than climatologists and scientists who spent their working careers monitoring these things.

    David Welch
    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:43 PM
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  • New Ice Age Aphorisms

    In this new ice age, whilst engaged in a snowball fight with the neighborhood AGW believer, it's a good idea to bring one's dog along for that special something extra.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:36 PM
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  • Good for India! Pachauri is always mentioned as "the scientist, Dr. Pachauri"......His PHD is in ECONOMICS ! This global warming crap is not about changing the climate--(and we cannot change climate if we wanted). It is about redistribution of wealth. Period. This bearded BOZO Pachauri and his data fudging "experts" at East Anglia should be put in prison.

    Its the Sun Stupid
    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:36 PM
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  • I wish the US was as sensible as India. The know how to deal with pirates AND they distance themselves from this fraudulent group known as the IPCC. Maybe in 2012 reason and accountability will return to Washington.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:36 PM
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  • Pauchuri is not a "scientist" at all, his degrees are in economics. Why don't the London papers ever get that?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:20 PM
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  • China ?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:20 PM
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  • Hello. First, THANK YOU, India. Does anybody know where Algore is lurking these days? Doesn't seem to have those TV or conference speeches scheduled... at least not bannered across the TV news/screen. I think we should erect a statue of him here in one of our northern states and stick a weather thermometer in its hand. What will Gorey do to make money now... will he help destroy the USDollar so "greener" currency can be "made" for Americans to handle? We want to keep our beautiful dollars and coins, they mean something to us besides bartering and exchange... they are part of our history that bad people (who have put Obama up as their puppet) are trying to destroy. We are rousting up to say NO to lots of stuff here, including man-made global warming. Sorry folks, we love you and always have and always will... but we WILL regain and keep our sovereignty and we WILL fight and defend it from insiders or outsiders... and WE know that YOU love us for THAT!!! We are having big probs with the slick slime that have slipped into our Educational System to destroy it and we are going to dry them out, for starters. Stay with us.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:19 PM
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  • Thank you, India. I hope the day is coming soon when the UN is abolished altogether.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:19 PM
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  • By the way, this isn't just grandstanding by the Indians.
    Knowing what is truly happening to the glaciers that feed their great rivers is of critical importance to their country.
    Personal agendas,propaganda, hearsay, gossip, guesswork and straight lies are dangerous.

    Charles Lee
    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:18 PM
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  • Hurrah for India! Don't ya just hate it when reason, logic, and facts get in the way of propaganda?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:18 PM
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  • Dehradun ... now THERE's a name that brings back memories. :-)

    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:18 PM
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  • Right.
    If we want an authoritative view on what is happening with glaciers, we now ignore the IPCC and talk to the Indian National Institute of Himalayan Glaciology.

    Clearly, this is such a shameful turn of events for the IPCC that Pachauri has to go.
    Will he go willingly?
    I doubt it.
    He's going to be one of those brass-necked, undignified people who have to be carried out of their offices still gripping their very important chairs with white knuckles.

    Charles Lee
    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:18 PM
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  • ...Where is this India decision going to live Al Gore, Obama,McCain, G.W.Bush, the majority of american congresmen and senators and all the "scientists" joining the man made warming? I am not going to give them the name they deserve, they have no shame.

    Zamolxes helper
    on February 05, 2010
    at 02:18 PM
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  • Good on you India! Finally a country that says no to the hyper hysteria of Global Warming/Cooling and bad science. Better yet, India has credibility because of its emerging status as an economic tiger. Cheers.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:57 PM
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  • We need to remember that it is not only the IPCC and Dr Pachauri. There is still the Goreoracle who has become damn near a billionaire by peddling this crap. Glad to see India is seeing through this smoke and mirrors game.

    Arlo Ogden
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:57 PM
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  • Good for India. Too bad Obama is a moron and too stupid to follow India's lead. Unreliable data is the basis for the global warming scam.

    Jason Thomas
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:57 PM
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  • Now, if we could only get the UN out of the US!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pat Bass
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • It's not about Climate change Anyway,It's all about Money and Power over others. How to get money by FEAR and TAXATION,WAKE UP! Good Work India!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • What's disturbing is that America used to lead the way in everything, including Common Sense. The fact that we may have been saved by India, is both welcome, but depressing.

    Tom Genin
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • A proud moment indeed for the FIRST country brave enough to admit the UN is a socialist endeavor by the worst of the wealth redistribution vermin!!!!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • At least credibility ,honesty and Facts matters to India not Lies or count covers up and trashed records illegally .

    You will notice sadly it doesn't matter to Obama , his administration on "Global Warming " or the media in America unlike England .
    In fact This information is coming from a very liberal new paper not our major networks or papers .

    To quote Saul Alinsky where Obama worked for many years .

    Winning has nothing to do with truth or honesty .

    Sam Moore
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • Al Gore made millions in this scheme; he should be held accountable for inciting the hysteria and then profiting from it.

    And our president w/ his Democratic cronies who supported this panic for control purposes have again had their failed logic exposed.

    Up next, Beware of ManBearPig!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:43 PM
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  • Only 3 countries seem to be thinking before they act - Russia, China and India. But they are half the world.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:40 PM
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  • Go India.... if you beleive in global warming, you have ignored real science to adopt the Al Gore.... Kenyan take over the world.... junk minipulated science!

    I hope the USA quits the UN completely in my lifetime.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:40 PM
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  • The IPCC is a laugh a minute! Not only falsehoods with respect to India, here is another glaring error in IPCC AR4 from the text on their own website:

    It states "The Netherlands is an example of a country highly susceptible to both sea-level rise and river flooding because 55% of its territory is below sea level where 60% of its population lives and 65% of its Gross National Product (GNP) is produced."

    The real figure for Netherlands territory below sea level is 26%, so AR4 has it more than double. A schoolkid with an encyclopedia would do a better job!

    Kevin McGrane
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:40 PM
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  • I can hardly wait for the day when Al Gore and his merry band of thieves are brought up on charges and sent to the pokie - forever. That will make the world safe for democracy. Let's hope it's soon.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:40 PM
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    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:40 PM
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  • Good for you, India.

    Al Phresceaux
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:11 PM
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  • According to BBC Radio 4 this morning the Indian government was 100% behind the IPCC and Dr R.K Pachauri - but that is the BBC version of events for you.

    Thank goodness for the Indian government in showing some guts and commonsense.

    Whereas the UK government seems to be gripped by group insanity and a yellow streak a mile wide!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:11 PM
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  • Good on you India, you have shown common sense and have seen what a scam this whole UN counsel has become. They take billions and billions of dollars from countries that could use it for thier own country. We never get anything back from them except corruption. India, you have shown the way and I just hope other counties do the same..USA!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:11 PM
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  • Good on you India, you have shown common sense and have seen what a scam this whole UN counsel has become. They take billions and billions of dollars from countries that could use it for thier own country. We never get anything back from them except corruption. India, you have shown the way and I just hope other counties do the same..USA!

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:11 PM
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  • If glaciers are disappearing ut is because the rate of deposition from snow and ice does not exceed the rate of melting and sublimation. This is not an indicator of temperature but precipitation.

    Ice will dissapear in your freezer because it will lose moisture to the dry air around it.

    Oscar Myer
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:01 PM
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  • If the other BASIC countries, Brazil, South Africa and China join, the IPCC is definitely toast.
    I suspect that other countries would also seek to join such, there have been occasional mutterings of the neo colonialism the UN and the Developed nations bring with them in their zeal to control all things profit making.

    Mick J
    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:01 PM
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  • Smart move. Kudos to India.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 01:01 PM
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  • Good for India, and good for the world.
    Am happy to see that you guys have class and independence.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:50 PM
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  • The man made climate change hoax and the man made swine flu pandemic are strong reasons for countries to remain sovereign. The unelected EU leaders under the directorsip of the UN(IPCC and WHO) are meglomaniacal institutions completely out of control.

    The UK needs to pull out of the EU.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:50 PM
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  • Way to go India! Now if the rest of the leading nations with real scientists would just stand up and refute the obvious, maybe we could put a stop to B. Hussein Obama's plan to take over the world.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:30 PM
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  • Whats the difference between these people and Madoff? They lie, cheat and bend scientific proof to get billions of dollars paid by different governments. Its fraud just like madoff did! They deserve jail time!!

    concerned Person
    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:29 PM
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  • Thank You India, now if we could all agree that the UN is nothing but a useless debating society we could end this once and for all!

    The UN has no value whatsoever and the US and Britain pay for all of it!


    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:29 PM
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  • A blizzard is expected to hit my home later today. I fully support research and scientists seeking the truth. But the advocates for Global Warming have gone much too far and can't be trusted. As an example, if you saw it, they ran a TV advertisement in the US that cost a fortune - with life-like polar bears dropping from the sky and crashing/bursting in a modern city. To my way of thinking Glaciers have been melting since the end of the last Ice Age about 10,000 years ago, and it will be a disaster when the next Ice Age arrives.

    John Harnes
    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • IPCC - Indian Panel on Climate Change? Bravo! A truly excellent move by the Indian scientists and others who are sick to the teeth of the incompetence of Pachauri's organisation.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • Woohoo!

    Time for a party!

    Bring it on India!
    I think it wise that we observe objective conservation and protection, but it is high time that the Marxist pigs of climate science fiction be confronted on an effective scale.

    Let's hope that other nations join in and create their own climate study panels.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • Hahahaha love that climate hoax....

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • Inda has its priorities straight. Do what is good for India. Frankly, I am tired of American do gooders messing with other people's lives. Respect multiculturalism and let people alone.

    John Nostromo
    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • This is great. Our Dutch left-wing parties are in so much trouble now, finding a way of talking their asses out of this one.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 12:28 PM
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  • Detta är helt fantastiska nyheter. Det glädjer mig.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:36 AM
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  • Now, if only the U.S. will do the same. Unfortunately, we are stuck with the Kenyan Miscreant in the Whitehouse. Unbeknownst to most, Obama and Maurice Strong were the creators of the Chicago Climate Exchange which is the worlds only Cap & Trade market. Its where Obama intends to make his fortune by perverting U.S. laws to supply an endless stream of customers.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:36 AM
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  • I love it! Another blow to Al Gore and to all his followers whom believe in Global Warming, Climate Change or whatever they're calling it this week.

    Scott, Tucson
    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:33 AM
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  • This is great news, I'm so glad for India and for the world.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:33 AM
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  • All these Man Made predictions.

    Anyone remember ‘Y2k,’

    My good friend and computer geek told me that even if they fixed government and business computers my car and thousands of other products we use would be useless,
    our computers matrix was out of time.

    Those that wanted to survive ‘Y2k’ needed to buy MREs,
    canned goods, 100 gallon water containers and move into the basement.

    Computer geeks and Y2k company’s made billions fixing the problem.

    Now we have ‘Man made’ Global warming Climate change.


    You need to buy more MREs,
    canned goods, 100 gallon water containers and move into the basement..

    I find it Ironic that Washington and these left wing-nuts are going to be buried under 2 feet of snow, my prediction-

    February 5 2010.

    My only other 'man made' prediction is that the Colts will win the Super Bowl and New Orleans will have to go back and clean up its act.

    Fearless Leader
    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:33 AM
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  • It is good to see sovereign countries turning their backs on the UN and the EU. The impact of excess human population on global climate is unknown and will remain so as long as "global warming" remains the religion of the power mad and money hungry.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 11:26 AM
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  • I say kudos, as well. Enough of this scam. We need also to pull back from the previous scam - that of "the hole in the ozone". Now the fear mongers are floating balloons to test the acceptability of fear of asteroids that could collide with earth. Is there no end to this?
    How can I subscribe to the Indian report when it comes out?

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:46 AM
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  • I wasn't aware that you could drink ice.

    Charles Sheffield
    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:46 AM
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  • Now if the world would only see that the "climate evangelism" is a symptom of a larger collectivist/marxist scheme for world control, humanity might get somewhere. A time when each person can enjoy the fruits of his/her own labors without looters mascarading as government elites.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:30 AM
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  • "Most glaciers are melting"

    So ? Raindrops keep falling on my head too, but that doesn't prove anything either.

    Glaciers move as well. Always have and always will. Look at the geology of our country for evidence. Glaciers aren't frozen in place like the bag of peas in your deep freeze.

    Climate scientists (of the IPCC variety) don't factor in heat from below, which is quite ridiculous considering that we exist on a planet with a molten core. What we don't know about climate far outweighs what we do know. The IPCC have only created confusion by their premature and simplistic conclusions, and highlighted their own ignorance.

    All we do now know is that if you want a stupid idea - who ya gonna ring ? - the IPCC.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:20 AM
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  • Where's the Goreacle?? The fat lady is finally singing. Congratulations to India! No surprise here, we all knew that the Indians are a lot smarter than the liberal European and American Political hacks. American liberals have all fled DC in anticipation of a record 2 foot snow this weekend rather than stay and work on passing their cap and tax lunacy.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:19 AM
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  • This may be the first major crack in the facade of AGW built up by the sensationalist IPCC.

    I trust we will soon see a whole bunch of countries reverting to proper "science" where the theories are adapted to fit all apparent facts with no preconceived ideas and cherry picking and suppressing or even tweaking.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:18 AM
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  • OMG! OMG! There soon won't be anything left to panic about!

    John Ledbury
    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:14 AM
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  • Excellent news! This should provide a, hopefully well funded, qualified independent review of the work of the IPCC, something I've been recommending for several years.

    Now, could there be other sectors of the UN deserving a bit of scrutiny..?

    Dr N Bjergstrom
    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:14 AM
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  • Surely the acronym INCCA (or is it INCCCA) would be more appropriate for a body monitoring the Andes.

    John Bull
    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:14 AM
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  • Absolutely the correct move. Pity they're soooo much smarter than the USA. All of the UN is worthless.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 10:14 AM
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  • It's a shame the Netherlands has become a totalitair dictatorship.

    We may not go independent like india is doing now. Although we should as free people of the world. But we must comply to LIES!

    However we MUST pay billions as citizens because of the faulse claims by the 'scientists' and 'poltics'

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:21 AM
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  • There is a fine line between climate science and climate evangelism ; and a world of difference!
    Is this the beginning of the end of the evangelistic IPCC?

    Maurice Stewart
    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:16 AM
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  • Well done India for showing initiative and having the guts to stand up and say the IPCC cannot be trusted. I only hope Australia follows in your footsteps because at the moment we are going around and around in circles. Good luck and I'm sure you will come back to the world in just a few short weeks to confirm our ever growing suspicions that Man made global warming is a hoax.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:16 AM
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  • I agree that an objective monitoring of the glaciers is a laudable objective.

    I further suggest that the IPCC in it's present form should be dismantled as it is fatally tainted.

    We need a true and objective scientific bodies which will report facts and results, not scaremongering cherry picked sensational claims which were obviously meant to drum up funding.

    What we don't need is a body which has already made up it's mind and is only going to report evidence that supports it's own views and of course financial interests.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:11 AM
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  • Melting? When does the temperature in the Himalayas get warm enough? Maybe you should do some actual research before submitting articles, Dean.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:04 AM
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  • It hardly seems worth commenting on the efforys to revive this scam that attempts to impoverish and de-industrialise the entire world. The breadth and the depth of crookedness shown by all concerned have killed this idiotic con of AGW. Meanwhile the term "Climate Change" is oxymoronic given that tomorrows weather might be significantly different from todays. This scheme is a con driven by the greediest, albeit the most powerful men on earth. People must stand firm now, and refuse to climb on board this scam train for idiots.

    harry fredericks
    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:04 AM
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  • Well done. Genuine science, climate science in particular, can only benefit by objective peer review by independent bodies. We desperately need science not tainted by vested interests or agendas to make sound decisions.

    on February 05, 2010
    at 09:04 AM
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  • The Indian government has done humanity a great service by openly questioning the hokum that passes for science.

    Bill Carter
    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:42 AM
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  • nice work India! kudos

    on February 05, 2010
    at 08:29 AM
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  • Amazing!

    This is a great day for India, today it has secured half its future.

    I congratulate all Indians on this occasion and advice other nations to build up pressure on their govt. to do the same.
This is still funny! I might keep quoting this! Or better yet, put it in my signature!
