Global Warming Update

Big P

Well-Known Member
ok heres the nutral facts:

my post with all the comments was really annoying long

Global warming granola thumpers changed the term to climate change and the earth has been cooling since 1998


and now to embarass you

There IS a problem with global warming... it stopped in 1998 ...


CHURCHVILLE VA—Now it’s not just the sunspots that predict a 23-year global cooling. The new Jason oceanographic satellite shows that 2007 was a “cool” La Nina year—but Jason also says something more important is at work: The much larger and more persistent Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) has turned into its cool phase, telling us to expect moderately lower global temperatures until 2030 or so.

Global Cooling? [1998-2005 data shows cooling trend]

High price for load of hot air | The Courier-Mail
Jun 17, 2007 ... Change show that no ground-based warming has occurred since 1998. ... stasis will be followed by climatic cooling over the next few decades. .... We know that the earth had been warming for more than 1000 years since ...

No Global Warming Since 1998 As Planet Cools Off
Apr 4, 2008 ... Top UN scientists have been forced to admit that natural weather occurrences are ... cooling trend means there has been no global warming since 1998. ... surveys shows that the earth's upper oceans and the troposphere, ...

NASA - The Ups and Downs of Global Warming
Sep 23, 2009 ... Naturally occurring periods of no warming or even slight cooling could ... the planet has been cooling since a peak in global temperature in 1998. .... Although scientists continue to study the nuances of Earth's climate ...

now im no sherlock holmes or anything but sombody it lieing

somebody is coordinating a lie, how else can you find stories opposing each other?

people have been caught lieing, which side was it?


is it raining again over there Missmoss:bigjoint:

and i lke the belly in jeffs pic. although he did promise more pics:bigjoint:

but I hate to say it jeff even these noobs didnt catch your mistake but greenland was called greenland by the vikings to trick people into going there to help establish thier colony. it was frozen back then too

hmmmm interesting even viking leaders like to lie and decieve thier people:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i know ice expands thats why it can float ;)
you said that about 90% of the iceberg is underwater. that leaves about 10% of the iceberg above water...
now i showed that water expands about 9%
now round about 9% expansion and about 10% floating seems to match to me?

if you took 2 liters/kgs of frozen water
and you took 2 liters/ kgs of unfrozen water and gently placed both into 2 buckets full of water both buckets would have 2 liter/kgs of water pour out of them. try it i bet you anything the ice displaces the same amount as the other

I think we might be fighting a losing battle here. How do you cram 10 years of elementary science into one of these posts?


Well-Known Member

Illegal Smile

I'm impressed by the political savvy of dems here. Everytime global warming or climate change is mentioned nowadays, it is an embarrassment to the left. Yet they keep talking about it and talking about it.


Well-Known Member
AT least it is a good sign that you understand that when water freezes it expands.

Now take that Idea and run it backwards.
so once again you agree with me. melting ice contracts. which means water levels lower. :dunce:

you keep stating my same points, only you are yelling them back. chill out. lol


Well-Known Member
Listen buddy... the issue we are talking about is will ice that is floating in water, when melted, change the level of the water.

The answer is very OBVIOUS if you paid any attention in school.
can you make your point without insults/name calling? or is that just your rage showing?


so fucking water if it raises or lowers. if it raises just move the fuck back. if it lowers, go collect shells. it will not KILL you. :eyesmoke:

global warming will not kills us. we will simply have to adapt. survival of the fittest. if we can't survive global warming as a species we are doomed anyways. this is not politics. :sleep:


Well-Known Member
ok heres the nutral facts:

my post with all the comments was really annoying long

Global warming granola thumpers changed the term to climate change and the earth has been cooling since 1998


and now to embarass you

There IS a problem with global warming... it stopped in 1998 ...


CHURCHVILLE VA—Now it’s not just the sunspots that predict a 23-year global cooling. The new Jason oceanographic satellite shows that 2007 was a “cool” La Nina year—but Jason also says something more important is at work: The much larger and more persistent Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) has turned into its cool phase, telling us to expect moderately lower global temperatures until 2030 or so.

Global Cooling? [1998-2005 data shows cooling trend]

High price for load of hot air | The Courier-Mail
Jun 17, 2007 ... Change show that no ground-based warming has occurred since 1998. ... stasis will be followed by climatic cooling over the next few decades. .... We know that the earth had been warming for more than 1000 years since ...

No Global Warming Since 1998 As Planet Cools Off
Apr 4, 2008 ... Top UN scientists have been forced to admit that natural weather occurrences are ... cooling trend means there has been no global warming since 1998. ... surveys shows that the earth's upper oceans and the troposphere, ...

NASA - The Ups and Downs of Global Warming
Sep 23, 2009 ... Naturally occurring periods of no warming or even slight cooling could ... the planet has been cooling since a peak in global temperature in 1998. .... Although scientists continue to study the nuances of Earth's climate ...

now im no sherlock holmes or anything but sombody it lieing

somebody is coordinating a lie, how else can you find stories opposing each other?

people have been caught lieing, which side was it?


is it raining again over there Missmoss:bigjoint:

and i lke the belly in jeffs pic. although he did promise more pics:bigjoint:

but I hate to say it jeff even these noobs didnt catch your mistake but greenland was called greenland by the vikings to trick people into going there to help establish thier colony. it was frozen back then too

hmmmm interesting even viking leaders like to lie and decieve thier people:blsmoke:

That's a fucking trick your pulling... 1998 was the warmest year on record, so if you pick that as your starting year, than all the other years will be less. As I just mentioned, last year was the second hots year... average global temperatures are still on the rise.

What you have been tricked into believing is deceptive propaganda. If you take in years from 1999 on, you get a different picture... but the whole fucking point is to look at long term trends... you're way over your head now.

People are trying to trick you... and you don't have the mental capacity to understand the real science, or the deceptive ideologues. In short, you're fucked.


Well-Known Member
Fact:The entire US by the end of the weekend,all 50 states may have snow.
Fact: a foot of snow in Dallas.
fact:Snow in Florida.
Fact:A rare snow in Rome
Fact:Just in the last 25 yrs(late 80's) we were told that there was a coming ice age(look it up)The same idiots also warned us of ACID RAIN you have got to be fucking kidding me!
And it is an umistakeable FACT that Greenland was green and there were settlements.This is Fact.There is plenty of evidence on Greenland.
There are people now saying its cold because of climate change AKA global warming.Bullshit.We have spent so much money on GREEN bullshit.Its all a big fucking scam.WAKE UP


Well-Known Member
can you make your point without insults/name calling? or is that just your rage showing?


so fucking water if it raises or lowers. if it raises just move the fuck back. if it lowers, go collect shells. it will not KILL you. :eyesmoke:

global warming will not kills us. we will simply have to adapt. survival of the fittest. if we can't survive global warming as a species we are doomed anyways. this is not politics. :sleep:

It's just my lovable nature shining through. :) Your not that thin skinned are you?

I'm sorry but ignorance of this magnitude NEEDS to be called out.

I don't mean to offend you, and you seem like a nice guy and intelligent on some issues... but your posts here show a truly inept understanding of science.

Also, I agree that GW won't kill us and that we will have to adapt (it will cost us Trillions of dollars though). You're right too that this is not politics, it is science... and if you want to debate science, (sigh) you need to have some understanding of what it is, how it works, etc. that all the global warming deniers show a great lack of. I have little patience for people who misrepresent basic/conclusive science.


Well-Known Member
It's just my lovable nature shining through. :) Your not that thin skinned are you?

I'm sorry but ignorance of this magnitude NEEDS to be called out.

I don't mean to offend you, and you seem like a nice guy and intelligent on some issues... but your posts here show a truly inept understanding of science.
once again, i am a mod and it's not the attitude we encourage here. you are calling everyone "retards". if it weren't the politics section you'd be banned right now. it is NOT your duty to call out anyone. this is a discussion not a fight. i have asked you to chill-out numerous times. use some of your brilliance to follow the rules please. thanks.

jesus christ. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Quote:"1998 was the warmest on RECORD"What fucking record?How far back do the records go.Not far enough,records for a few hundred years?The earth been around billions of years before man.I guarantee you there have been hotter.Man does not have the capabilities to warm the fucking planet.How about the sun?Do realize that in many of these studies that sun spots and solar flares are not even accounted for?Your delusional.


Well-Known Member
frozen lakes are different tho to icebergs one is contained by the lake banks and the other is fully supported by water...

i thought we were speaking "globally" as if the globe were one giant lake.

guess i really am retarded. it's pretty fucked up of some people to call me it. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Fact:The entire US by the end of the weekend,all 50 states may have snow.
Fact: a foot of snow in Dallas.
fact:Snow in Florida.
Fact:A rare snow in Rome
Fact:Just in the last 25 yrs(late 80's) we were told that there was a coming ice age(look it up)The same idiots also warned us of ACID RAIN you have got to be fucking kidding me!
And it is an umistakeable FACT that Greenland was green and there were settlements.This is Fact.There is plenty of evidence on Greenland.
There are people now saying its cold because of climate change AKA global warming.Bullshit.We have spent so much money on GREEN bullshit.Its all a big fucking scam.WAKE UP

I don't follow anything you wrote... that fact that it snowed doesn't prove/disprove anything. We already went over that.

If it gets dark tonight does that mean it won't become light tomorrow... this is the kind of fault logic you are using.