friendly stranger


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah it'll knock him out. After you punch him in his lower forehead you gotta jump up and ninja whammy kick him in his right armpit. Now this is gonna paralize him for about 20 minutes so make sure you got a tuna and peanutbutter sandwich to eat (keeps him down a little longer) One time when i was driving my toyota mitsubishi coronado with the el camino top this dude was talking aome crazy shit about my pistol packing e eating hobby so kickapowyow straight to the bottom of the fore domb piece went bruce lee chop of fury. After my bitches licked my slurpee straw they all looked on as i ate my sammich and made him poo like a three toed sloth. When the seeds fell out of his ear hole i knew my work was done for the day. How dare somebody get my conan slap on before the smurfs and my killa o's breakfast. Oh yeah and my sunflowers are being attacked by little green army men. Though my 18 foot earthquake wall would stop them. Must have been so wrong. My doctor says if i learn the secret knee bumb my boy would show me another bag of coke, hold his pistol , and sell me seeds for 10 bucks

FUCK!!!! I just spit out my drink from laughing!!!:joint::mrgreen:


Active Member
jaw next to the ear unless its tuesday if so maybe turkey if your dealer has a wrist watch cause that can be tricky wear a handball when you toster the lettuce so testicals on wendsday if your oven reads apples then you might need to rub a cactus with your apron and the bitches will be like awe shit


New Member
200 dollars for old hee haw episodes??? whooa... I pay raggady ann vtech and some studfinder then take to the streets like huey lewis, or was that robert palmer??? like the snorkels always said....bros before ho,s virpro member??? your sisters beat de jones for two burgers last tuesday, i seen them....sticky tapes holds down lanoleum pretty good houston, we have lifted ony 49ers kick freeloaders ass with a punch to the forehead. what was that black dudes name on that flick.... PUTTYTANG i think, lemme quote him.......naw taw to da bitty naw naw ratatattat nee haw nay putty putty..hah.... no what i mean virpro....chity chity bang bang man.....did ya do the forehead bing dang???? i eat lil debbie....ssssssssssss


Well-Known Member
200 dollars for old hee haw episodes??? whooa... I pay raggady ann vtech and some studfinder then take to the streets like huey lewis, or was that robert palmer??? like the snorkels always said....bros before ho,s virpro member??? your sisters beat de jones for two burgers last tuesday, i seen them....sticky tapes holds down lanoleum pretty good houston, we have lifted ony 49ers kick freeloaders ass with a punch to the forehead. what was that black dudes name on that flick.... PUTTYTANG i think, lemme quote him.......naw taw to da bitty naw naw ratatattat nee haw nay putty putty..hah.... no what i mean virpro....chity chity bang bang man.....did ya do the forehead bing dang???? i eat lil debbie....ssssssssssss

This thread is the fricking gift that keeps on giving!

All I want for xmas is my very own Virpro...He is like a retarded teddy ruxbin...



Active Member
i duno, i have to chek sometimes they can be expensive

like $200?

maybe not quite that much
maybe like 20-30 per seed


You can get a whole pack of seeds, like 20-30 of them, for 30 bucks.

Whoever's selling you the seeds is ripping you off.

Punch him in the lower forehead.

u neeed seeds?


how many?

my outdoor spot should be up around april /may
its by the ocean

sweet, how many seeds do you want? and do you want just normal ones or crazy ones?

and male
I think they make new seeds

how much are they?
like 5 seeeds

i duno, i have to chek sometimes they can be expensive

i duno, i have to chek sometimes they can be expensive

like $200?

maybe not quite that much
maybe like 20-30 per seed
:!:can someone help me make this untraceable...


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or is this kid in his own strange as hell way slowly making sense? I mean now he's asked one question that was understandable about wrapping the seed first.
jaw next to the ear unless its tuesday if so maybe turkey if your dealer has a wrist watch cause that can be tricky wear a handball when you toster the lettuce so testicals on wendsday if your oven reads apples then you might need to rub a cactus with your apron and the bitches will be like awe shit
do you have a picture of this??? sorry I get lost with my connections...