Club 600

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Well-Known Member
Solcyn, the mazar, have you grown it before? I had one experience with mazar and it made me feel like the old wendy's commercials...where's the bud? The most leafy plant I've seen out of the sixty or so girls we've grown so far. I sure hope you have better luck with yours than I did.

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Well-Known Member
well today i saw some orange hairs on my lc plants so i pulled the calyx off and bam a really small seed i checked a few more for them on both plants and both seem to have been seeded, i dont know how though. i have been keeping a very close eye on them every day ever since my last plant was seeded,and i didnt want oit to happen again. i still cannot find any pollin sacs or bannas. im pissed, but this time i am going to just let them finish, seeded bud is better than no bud i guess.
I ended up with some seeds in some of my plants and never saw a banana on any of the girls until about three days before I harvested and none had popped. Saw none when we were trimming either now that I think about it. The bud was by far the best of my three grows and every time I rip into one of them they still smell, taste and smoke sweet. I'm pleased, seeds or no seeds.


Well-Known Member
Solcyn, the mazar, have you grown it before? I had one experience with mazar and it made me feel like the old wendy's commercials...where's the bud? The most leafy plant I've seen out of the sixty or so girls we've grown so far. I sure hope you have better luck with yours than I did.
havent smoked it yet grew it once had to chop early tho so i never got to see its have to top for max yeiald indoorss or so i,ve heard,,good thing she topped herself from seed


Well-Known Member
well today i saw some orange hairs on my lc plants so i pulled the calyx off and bam a really small seed i checked a few more for them on both plants and both seem to have been seeded, i dont know how though. i have been keeping a very close eye on them every day ever since my last plant was seeded,and i didnt want oit to happen again. i still cannot find any pollin sacs or bannas. im pissed, but this time i am going to just let them finish, seeded bud is better than no bud i guess.
Its most likely that one got missed or opened that you couldnt see, but...since you had the problem last round there could have still been pollen in the room from last run. Did you thourghly clean and wipe down the room inbetween grows? Only thing I couldthink of if your sure it wasnt from one this round. And just like the guy above, My outdoor was seeded. And that was still fantastic bud that everyone who got to smoke it wish they could get some.


Well-Known Member

I got my new 600w and it's been really great.

My plants are getting their dark-time right now, so flowering should start in just a day :D

I'm really excited :bigjoint:

Take a look!

Looking very good Rich, plants are looking very happy. And, they don't need to go far if they need a dump:mrgreen:.

Here are some pics from todays update. The start of bud porn and a little root pron for ya.

Loving the scrog Integra. Thanks for the share.

well today i saw some orange hairs on my lc plants so i pulled the calyx off and bam a really small seed i checked a few more for them on both plants and both seem to have been seeded, i dont know how though. i have been keeping a very close eye on them every day ever since my last plant was seeded,and i didnt want oit to happen again. i still cannot find any pollin sacs or bannas. im pissed, but this time i am going to just let them finish, seeded bud is better than no bud i guess.
Ride it through lad.

Man that really sucks MCP. Got the double wammy. Yeah i would finish em too. hell i wish i had finished mine now that i didnt.

Headsup I hear ya bud.

Bender420 Welcome to the club. I was checking out your grow, Looking good man. Nice zip tie trick

DST Im no longer a union guy. I wont throw a picket LOL.

Some good news my state is one step closer to reclassifying the criminal penalties for posseion to schedule 2 so we may be a med state sooner than i thought. Sweeeet. I can already see the coffee
You could call it the
Brickies Coffeeshop. And also sell greasy breakfasts for all the construction'd make a mint bru.

dude i have a mazar seedling that i dropped a cfl fixture on by the time i noticed it burned my first set of serated leaves right at the i pulled them of but the stem still looked good and it still had one seed leaf(non-serated) left on it so i kept it watered and to my surprised four true leaves grow in the burnt ones i now have a mazar seedling with two heads right from the stem..dude if i had my camera i would take a pic but i think i described it ok.....i cant wait to see how it grows out but ur baby look wild too it should b intresting
Runt plants can be fun for sure. Get some pics for us bru?

I ended up with some seeds in some of my plants and never saw a banana on any of the girls until about three days before I harvested and none had popped. Saw none when we were trimming either now that I think about it. The bud was by far the best of my three grows and every time I rip into one of them they still smell, taste and smoke sweet. I'm pleased, seeds or no seeds.
I have read of some people not being happy with their bud unless they have some bananas in it...shows the plant has gone through it's full natural cycle...can't remember which post I read that on...interesting though.

Its most likely that one got missed or opened that you couldnt see, but...since you had the problem last round there could have still been pollen in the room from last run. Did you thourghly clean and wipe down the room inbetween grows? Only thing I couldthink of if your sure it wasnt from one this round. And just like the guy above, My outdoor was seeded. And that was still fantastic bud that everyone who got to smoke it wish they could get some.
I guess it's like Oranges, just because you get a seed, doesn't mean it won't be juicy!!!!;-)


Active Member
Looking very good Rich, plants are looking very happy. And, they don't need to go far if they need a dump:mrgreen:.
LOL Thank you very much! They have a few leaf problems here and there, but they should be fine, I just repotted from 1.5 to 3 gallon pots. :bigjoint:


Beautiful, healthy ladies. What flavor and how long did you veg?

Thanks ;-)

I've got 6 girls, each of em different strains. Nebula, Hashberry, White Russian, White Widow, AK47 and a Super Silve Haze.

I've been vegging for just over 3 months now.

It's my first grow, so hopefully everything will turn out cool :mrgreen:


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hey 600 thinktank anyone got any recommendations for a scrog strain? or am i good to use any strain and just veg the thing for a good while?


Active Member
Update coming from me in the next few min 600 waters.
will all be in journal

and don i think any strain would do good if u veg long enough


Well-Known Member
hey 600 thinktank anyone got any recommendations for a scrog strain? or am i good to use any strain and just veg the thing for a good while?
okay, so you might tell me to bore off, but I would recommend the New York 47. If you want something that grows quick (which I imagine is quite important with a scrog) then she is a winner bru. Even repotting it a few weeks into flowering she has roots coming out the bottom of the new pot, the clones grow roots as you are cutting them (not quite but it seesm like it.) It just seems like a real strong strain...and I have yet to smoke it, but 20%+ THC can't be bad....


Well-Known Member
Integra... amazing roots my man. I am defnitely jealous of that mass right there. Do you use any root booster stuff. I don't know what they call it.

Everyone else... yall are looking good too. McP, don't stress the little seeds bro. Much of my stuff has tiny tiny seeds in it, still absolute fire (if I do say so myself).

Here's what I got going on. It's only under 250w MH now. Not too exciting, but wanted to share with all my best buds in club 600.



Well-Known Member
Heres a dumb question. How do you link your journal to your sig?

Looking good everyone. Man the club is really getting big lol. Peace


Well-Known Member
Heres a dumb question. How do you link your journal to your sig?
Go to your journals first page... copy the url address... now press 'My rollitup' and along the left is 'Edit Signature'... go there.

Now you can just put your link in... but that's no fun. So write what you want your sig to say... then highlight the part you want to be a link... then press the

button. NOW.... paste that url address in that link box.

Make sense. Maybe not. Let me know if you get stuck.


Well-Known Member
Go to your journals first page... copy the url address... now press 'My rollitup' and along the left is 'Edit Signature'... go there.

Now you can just put your link in... but that's no fun. So write what you want your sig to say... then highlight the part you want to be a link... then press the

button. NOW.... paste that url address in that link box.

Make sense. Maybe not. Let me know if you get stuck.
Yep got it thanks jig.