The mysterious life of my mystery nug


Well-Known Member
only one worked and it took a looong time. im sure i was doing something wrong tho. it was a while back.
It all helped you get to were you are now thou!

I just checked and 3 of the 4 MN clones have roots and the 4th looks ready. Just 1 of the 6 PJ haven't rooted. Another week and they'll go in the dirt and I'll take more clones (from the PJ)!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
I love it!! I find myself spending a lot of time staring through it!!

The first 2 pics are the Purple and the 2nd 2 are the green MN. The GMN has trichs so thick in a few spots it almost looked like mold, I double checked and it's just VERY thick trichs!!

They're looking mostly cloudy to me now!!


Well-Known Member
Fo real, those pics are Stellar!
Thanks ditty!!

I think I'm might rename them now. It was only mystery nug because I had no idea what it was. Now that they have grown and are almost done I think they need a proper name, especially since I'm going to try and keep them going.

So I thought what would Charlie Browns pot plant look like? Probably a lot like his x-mas tree.

Seems close too me.:lol: So maybe we should call it Charlie Brown. Any other suggestions?

Still very frosty.:leaf:




Well-Known Member
it turned out some nice purps didn't it!!!!yeah I think your high ph tap water locked out your nutes, esp Mg...nice looking smoke never the less!!!


Well-Known Member
Mayb Alpha Bravo??:blsmoke:

Crazy nuggage man!! lol.
Why Alpha Bravo? The name needs meaning, for me anyway.:eyesmoke:

it turned out some nice purps didn't it!!!!yeah I think your high ph tap water locked out your nutes, esp Mg...nice looking smoke never the less!!!
An amazing purple!! I'm sure the PH caused several issues. Hopefully keeping the PH in line will help the clones I have grow normal. I appreciate the visit!

CB! Ill hear about it in the clubs inna few months:):)
I wish!! By the time I'm anywhere near a club she probably won't be around any more. Or I'll get lucky and these clones will take off, and my new seeds will give me a nice strong male to cross her with!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Charlie fucking Brown looks wild bro.

Which one is all crystaled up? damn

can't wait to hear how they smoke. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Charlie fucking Brown looks wild bro.

Which one is all crystaled up? damn

can't wait to hear how they smoke. :leaf:
The early samples smoked real well! It wasn't as smooth as the finished product should be thou. Good flavor and head high. When I took a good hit of the purple it gave me an instant tingle in my face that slowly moved around my skull and ended up on the back of my head before it went away!! I can't wait for her to finish!!!

We need pics on this page any!:weed:

This one is the purple...

And this is the lighter one, that is slowly getting darker...

I think the purple has a few more crystals but not much!!


Well-Known Member
OMG! <<< Ive always wanted to type that, just never had the reason. CPH, Pleaseeeee do me a HUGE favor.... Take a pic like that^^^^^ W/out the HPS. I dying to see her au naturál.


Well-Known Member
OMG! <<< Ive always wanted to type that, just never had the reason. CPH, Pleaseeeee do me a HUGE favor.... Take a pic like that^^^^^ W/out the HPS. I dying to see her au naturál.
I'll try, she's kinda tied up at the moment. :lol: I might be able to get in flower room with a flashlight or some thing before the lights turn on. I'll figure something out for ya!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Good lookin! If it looks that good with HID, I cant wait to see, what u get to look at. No hurry, just before u chop or somethin...