DEA at it again

and a hard read it was some are making sense some are just blowing smoke and some are just looking for a fight...damn politics i in the truly hippy way of looking at things...

fuck the MAN
and leave us the hell alone in PEACE to live our lives AS WE SEE FIT

now who is gettin on this bad boy with me


COUNT ME IN!!!.........and oh yea........FUCK THE MAN!!!
DAMN THATS SUM SHWAGGY SHIZZNIT!!! sorry, HAD to say that. heres wat im toking...some of this, and sum of that!




lol i don't smoke shwagg son .. that is northern lights i just keep about a eight broke up and in the bottle ...easier to carry that wayy and don't have to fuck with a stupid baggy.. and just for the record we smokin that hash next :)
lol i don't smoke shwagg son .. that is northern lights i just keep about a eight broke up and in the bottle ...easier to carry that wayy and don't have to fuck with a stupid baggy.. and just for the record we smokin that hash next :)

ME NEITHER!!! its hard to smoke the free grams that the clinic hook up sumtimes. they just arent up to par. :roll:

ill post a pik of the free stuff, hold on a sec tho. lemme take one first.

ME NEITHER!!! its hard to smoke the free grams that the clinic hook up sumtimes. they just arent up to par. :roll:

ill post a pik of the free stuff, hold on a sec tho. lemme take one first.

see in America we get to hear the words FREE...and WEED in the same sentence...I LOVE THIS LAND !!:bigjoint:

If you want to give a more accurate cost analysis you can’t depreciate the total cost of lights, and equipment against a single harvest. Most businesses depreciate equipment over several years.

Your equipment will last several years which equates to three harvests per year multiplied by the number of years it lasts, so realistically you are getting 12 or more harvests from the equipment excluding bulbs of course which have a shorter lifespan.

I have logged all costs, and time devoted to grows and know that total costs including paying the grower a good hourly wage is less than $800 per pound.

There are many industries who face crop loss and other natural and manmade disasters and they make much less of a markup than you propose.

I read one of your posts belittling another poster for selling pounds for $3000 when you were selling for $4400.

Even at the other posters rate it would be a markup of 375%, and at your price - a markup of 550%. Those are pretty ridiculous profit margins for a “compassionate industry“ - and to think everyone complains about those evil , greedy bastards at Exxon who made a profit of 6.77%.
I don't have to defend my profit margins. If I had a dying or truly sick patient in front of me I'd hook them up huge. I could never charge a terminal patient. But that 20 year old mother fucker with chronic pain driving the 35k truck daddy bought him is paying $1100/QP if he wants to hook his homies up with my bubba kush. Most of the patients I provide for are the latter, and I sleep like a baby. Peace.

P.S., there was a brief time when I tried to offer a "compassionate" price to my patients and you know what happened? I made a bunch of little drug dealers. Bastards were selling it to their buddies at a marked up price. Sounds to me like you need a little more experience in the game before you judge me.
I don't have to defend my profit margins. If I had a dying or truly sick patient in front of me I'd hook them up huge. I could never charge a terminal patient. But that 20 year old mother fucker with chronic pain driving the 35k truck daddy bought him is paying $1100/QP if he wants to hook his homies up with my bubba kush. Most of the patients I provide for are the latter, and I sleep like a baby. Peace.

P.S., there was a brief time when I tried to offer a "compassionate" price to my patients and you know what happened? I made a bunch of little drug dealers. Bastards were selling it to their buddies at a marked up price. Sounds to me like you need a little more experience in the game before you judge me.

its exactly how i look at it.. i dont mind helping out people i knwo need it but if i choose to set a price high or if i choose to set a price low or even if i decide the harvest is too good and i wanna take the whole damn thing and put it to the prerogative :bigjoint:
The trim pros suck period... You ever seen kubby with the new one???...He was still pulling off leaf after 15 mins. Waste of good bud. Hand manicure that shat with the spring loaded fiskers and a couple of friends. Make some brownies and herbamate and share some good times. I've sheared 6lb in 12 hours with one other person. Cali-cut and beutiful with no shake. Thats how you rock that shat...
The trim pros suck period... You ever seen kubby with the new one???...He was still pulling off leaf after 15 mins. Waste of good bud. Hand manicure that shat with the spring loaded fiskers and a couple of friends. Make some brownies and herbamate and share some good times. I've sheared 6lb in 12 hours with one other person. Cali-cut and beutiful with no shake. Thats how you rock that shat...

true enough! Almost like that Aardvark Flow-bee type trimmer that was from the U.K... overpriced and prone to breakage. Fiskars or Bonzai trim shears for the win!;)
1. I think its madd funny, the whole Obama lied? He is a politician you don’t judge or trust him from what he says. But what he does. The cannabis industry whether you like it or not is totally about money. You want to make money legit then create a cannabis bud harvester. That harvests and trims the bud. So, then we can use our tractors to harvest :P We can call it the Auto Trim 4000 deluxe Cannabis Combine. For example who made all the money off of all the gold miners during the gold rush. The people who sold the equipment and supplies. A small business owner makes what 100k to 1 million dollars a year. If it is successful. So, 400k selling herb well I can expect some are making a hell alot more than that and they are not going on the news showing their life style. Maybe on Americas most wanted. :)

I get where you are coming from, but you aren't factoring in all the costs. Production costs are only part of it, you also have to factor in your overhead. Licensing, rent, insurance costs, security, etc. I do think that some growers are running a much higher profit margin then is common in many businesses, but I see that problem being corrected by the market. If it truly is possible to grow and sell medical grade MJ for less then $100 oz while making a profit then sooner or later someone is going to start doing it on a large enough scale to force everyone else to follow suit or be put out of business. I'm still not sure just how low you can actually get your cost if you pay a decent labor rate because it's hard for me to estimate the amount of labor used per plant by a large scale grower. I know how long I spend with mine (less then 3 minutes per plant per day on average) but I can't base large grow estimates on my own small scale operations numbers.

As for depreciating the costs of your equipment over multiple grows, you're correct. Light fixtures and such are depreciated on a 3 year schedule using the straight line method usually, so if you paid $500 for a light you would accrue $13.88 worth of expense for each month. If your grow took 3 months then your cost for lighting equipment would be $41.66 for the entire grow. If you had a yield of 10 oz then your cost per oz for lighting equipment (for that grow) would be $4.16. Now, assuming the light lasts past the 3 year mark where it is totally depreciated you no longer have any cost for the equipment at all, which lowers your total cost per oz even farther. You still have to factor in the cost to actually run the lights, as well as the costs of any replacement bulbs you end up needing, but that's how the IRS is going to expect you to account for fixed asset expenses if you have a business license and are running a commercial dispensary/grow op in an MMJ state.

Colorado new MM son????... well, not exactly cause lawyers are also out there trying to make money from all of us... This Robert Corry lawyer guy is really making a name for himself in the mm community in the state of Colorado...he has won a mm case ruling in the district court of Colorado and that in itself might open and affect other future potiential rulings... however, one should not be too over joy as it is only a "district court" ruling and it still might go through the appealate court of Colorado and Colorado Supreme Court if it ever get there... a few days ago, his law firm filed an official complaint to the Department of Justice: Office of Inspector General which oversee the DEA about the recent DEA raid in Colorado.. (of course, the dummie did it to himself)

this is just a complaint filed to make it offical and on paper...nothing more than that, but its just a step lawyers usually do if they decide they want to duke it out in federal court (although he is licensed to practice in federal court, mr. robert corry is unwilling to do so in this case cause he know his chances are very slim to none):neutral:.. however, this complaint has a little teeth to the bark cause if you look down in the link, you will see that the complaint was also joined by two powerful judiciary, this is one of the Hypocrisy that exist in politics from both side!!! as i posted earlier, these chairmans both are from mmp states and supporters, oversee confirmation hearings, have juristrictions over the DEA, but yet they both confirm one of bush-era drug czar..while on the other hand, they did an about-face and join in on the official complaint filed to the department of justice: inspector general office about the DEA not following the guidelines of the Attorney General policies regarding Medical Marijuana???? believe it when someone tell you that all politicans are liar in one way or the other...

just like someone said: f@#$% the establishment, f$#! the man or woman, and question the authority!:mrgreen: ;-)

Colorado new MM son????... well, not exactly cause lawyers are also out there trying to make money from all of us... This Robert Corry lawyer guy is really making a name for himself in the mm community in the state of Colorado...he has won a mm case ruling in the district court of Colorado and that in itself might open and affect other future potiential rulings... however, one should not be too over joy as it is only a "district court" ruling and it still might go through the appealate court of Colorado and Colorado Supreme Court if it ever get there... a few days ago, his law firm filed an official complaint to the Department of Justice: Office of Inspector General which oversee the DEA about the recent DEA raid in Colorado.. (of course, the dummie did it to himself)

this is just a complaint filed to make it offical and on paper...nothing more than that, but its just a step lawyers usually do if they decide they want to duke it out in federal court (although he is licensed to practice in federal court, mr. robert corry is unwilling to do so in this case cause he know his chances are very slim to none):neutral:.. however, this complaint has a little teeth to the bark cause if you look down in the link, you will see that the complaint was also joined by two powerful judiciary, this is one of the Hypocrisy that exist in politics from both side!!! as i posted earlier, these chairmans both are from mmp states and supporters, oversee confirmation hearings, have juristrictions over the DEA, but yet they both confirm one of bush-era drug czar..while on the other hand, they did an about-face and join in on the official complaint filed to the department of justice: inspector general office about the DEA not following the guidelines of the Attorney General policies regarding Medical Marijuana???? believe it when someone tell you that all politicans are liar in one way or the other...

just like someone said: f@#$% the establishment, f$#! the man or woman, and question the authority!:mrgreen: ;-)

and a little bit of herb for me :bigjoint: