Colorado new MM son????... well, not exactly cause lawyers are also out there trying to make money from all of us... This Robert Corry lawyer guy is really making a name for himself in the mm community in the state of Colorado...he has won a mm case ruling in the district court of Colorado and that in itself might open and affect other future potiential rulings... however, one should not be too over joy as it is only a "district court" ruling and it still might go through the appealate court of Colorado and Colorado Supreme Court if it ever get there... a few days ago, his law firm filed an official complaint to the Department of Justice: Office of Inspector General which oversee the DEA about the recent DEA raid in Colorado.. (of course, the dummie did it to himself)
this is just a complaint filed to make it offical and on paper...nothing more than that, but its just a step lawyers usually do if they decide they want to duke it out in federal court (although he is licensed to practice in federal court, mr. robert corry is unwilling to do so in this case cause he know his chances are very slim to none)

.. however, this complaint has a little teeth to the bark cause if you look down in the link, you will see that the complaint was also joined by two powerful judiciary, this is one of the Hypocrisy that exist in politics from both side!!! as i posted earlier, these chairmans both are from mmp states and supporters, oversee confirmation hearings, have juristrictions over the DEA, but yet they both confirm one of bush-era drug czar..while on the other hand, they did an about-face and join in on the official complaint filed to the department of justice: inspector general office about the DEA not following the guidelines of the Attorney General policies regarding Medical Marijuana???? believe it when someone tell you that all politicans are liar in one way or the other...
just like someone said: f@#$% the establishment, f$#! the man or woman, and question the authority!