Why the Conservatives will NEVER allow any legalized Marijuana, medical or otherwise.

A New York Medical College team discovered a number of dramatic and striking differences between the drug users and the nonusers. The largest difference by far had to do with religion. Over half of the nonusers (54 percent ) said that they attended religious services. Not one of the users said that they ever attended religious services. The Simon-Gagnon college youth study corroborated these findings. Among men who had tried marijuana, 4 percent attended church frequently, while 36 percent of those who had not tried and did not wish to try marijuana, attended services frequently. Expressed differently, 2 percent of the frequent church attenders had tried pot, while 24 percent of those who said that they attended rarely or never had done so. Political Orientation One of the most empirically verified of all relationships with marijuana use is political ideology and activity. Marijuana users are far more likely to hold what are considered in America today liberal or radical views. The New York Medical College study of private school youths showed that the users (all but two had used marijuana) were far more active and radical politically. All but two of the thirteen users had joined a Vietnam march or demonstration, whereas just over one-third of the nonusers had done so; about two-thirds of the users agreed that the civil rights movement is not "militant enough," while only about one-fifth of the nonusers agreed. In Blum's study of college drug use, a direct and linear relationship between political leftism and the use of any single illicit drug, including marijuana, was found. The more radical the student was, the greater the chance that he used any drug; the more conservative he was, the lower was this chance (The two Marxists in the study had not used marijuana, however; I will touch upon this point presently. ) The CBS study, Generations Apart, also documented the powerful relationship between political ideology and the acceptance or rejection of the marijuana prohibition The more radical the student, the greater were his chances of rejecting the marijuana laws.

President Nixon believed that pot created liberals and that is why he started the war on pot, Reagan just increased the funding for it and made it publicly known he was going after pot smokers. In all actuality it is the other way around, it is because of a persons liberal mindset that he is more willing to experiment with differing states of consciousness. Reagan also believed that smoking "the pot" would give people "the gay disease".

The true story behind the prohibition of pot has a lot to do with Henry Ford. In the early 20th century Henry Ford decided to use hemp fibers to make a car. In an old news reel it shows Ford taking a 20 pound sledge hammer to the hood of a "hemp mobile", the hammer bounced off the hood of the car without leaving so much as a scratch. Edison and Ford were also working to make altenative energy vehicles using a combination of Edisons electricity and hemp seed oil. They were going up against some heavy political players, Bacher and the other steel giants and Rockefeller's Standard Oil. The nail in the coffin for pot and hemp was RACISM, Mexican immigrants were bringing pot across the border as they entered the US looking for work. Southern Whites, still bitter from loosing their slaves and being forced to actually work the fields themselves began to blame every little crime on black and mexicans claiming they were driven insane with lust by the "demon weed".

These three groups formed a very powerful political coalition and with the use of some Fox News type propoganda soon had the uneducated masses (conservatives) believing pot was the root of all evil. Rockefellar, who was instrumental in linking hemp and Marijuana to the same Bill, even stated in his later years that he simply didn't want people to be able to grow fuel (hemp seed oil) in their own back yard, he felt it was "UnAmerican" to not buy it from his corporation.

No matter what the wingnuts that post on here say a new conservative administration will do just as the last one did and go after the med growers with a vengence. They truly believe that pot will create more liberals along with take profit from big Phrama and Big Oil.

President Obama told Eric Holder (the nations head cop) to back off the med growers in the states that have legalized it. Bush and Ashcroft spent billions attacking medical marijuana and ignoring states rights to make their own mind up. Conservatives do not believe in personal freedoms and liberties only corporate freedom and they feel pot will hurt corporate profits and create more liberals in the process.

Do some reasearch and see which party takes away more of your personal freedoms and you will find over the years that it has been the Republicans, over and over, who have denied us the personal freedoms that our founding father intended us to have. They will ignore states rights and raid all of the med marijuana facilities that have sprung up over the last year of liberal control. They want everyone in this country to be a good capitalist christian and in their opinion growing medicine (the demon weed) in your back yard makes you neither.

I am sure the wing nuts on here will continue to give me negative rep points but I could care less, they are on here for one reason and one reason only and that is to spread their propoganda and lies so you will vote against your best interest come election time.
Dems run the gov. why not bitch to them?

And what has happened since the Dems have been running the Government? The states have been allowed to choose for themselves and the medical growers have not been raided.

Yes most, if not all liberals are for not just medical use but full legalization.
And what has happened since the Dems have been running the Government? The states have been allowed to choose for themselves and the medical growers have not been raided.
It's definitely a stride towards legalization, but MMJ growers are still being shut down every now and then.
The Democratic mantra is to help the "people", not the capitalists. Conservatives pretty much are a selfish bunch that can't see past their wallets. Helping others is not in their language. It's all for us and fuck the rest. Although I must say thet democratic politicians have recently become more selfish and more interested in re-election that the peoples business. The recent defection from the health care bill and caving in to republican demands shows the poor quality of democratic leaders. In the old days, (A few years back) Democrats would have pushed through a 60 Vote majority public option health care bill without hesitation, no more. They are too worried about re-election.
Conservatives pretty much are a selfish bunch that can't see past their wallets.

It saddens me when church-goers (you call conservatives) spill their hearts out and volunteer their time ,money, sweat and tears supporting relief efforts like Katrina Indo-Tsunami and Haiti just to read a comment like that. Total fucking buzz-kill
Your statement is retarded and illogical. I'm a political conservative and you don't speak for me.

I'll leave you with a statement from Ronald Reagan. "It's not that liberals are ignorant, it's that's so much of what they believe just isn't true."

Now, go smoke a bowl, and I will too. That is all.

What a rude and pointless statement.

There is every reason to believe that the government would wish to curb radicalism and liberalism. Good Christian right American's let them get away with murder and rape of the any country with brown people they call evil.

You may be a political conservative, but realize that YOU don't speak for THEM. And they would never let you, but you're not speaking their language. Which is, unfortunately, just as he said: ultra-right conservatives hate drug users, and ultra-right conservative presidents enact the strictest drug policies. It is YOU that is out of sync with the majority of your party.
The OP is nonsense. I have seen discussion of legalized MJ on Conservative forums and most are for legalization.

Why can't you people stop stereotyping people with opinions other than your own. The Religious Right makes up a tiny minority of all Conservatives just as full fledged Communists make up a small minority of Liberals.

Just because most Liberals view life through the prism of dogma, doesn't mean the same is necessarily true of the Right. Sure, some do, but in my experience most are highly analytical, logic based thinkers. I often post articles demonstrative of this and it is seldom the case that Liberals respond in kind. Much more frequently, the response is name calling. Or, the assumption that like them, the author must be thinking from dogma, at which point it becomes an issue of why Left Dogma is superior to what is assumed to be the other guy's.

William F. Buckley if you have ever heard of him was for legalization. Damn near everyone I know if for legalization. Stop making up false stereotypes and address issues on their merit.

Oh, and BTW, it is the Government that wants to keep pot illegal. The war on drugs is a billion dollar industry that employs numerous judges, lawyers, cops, prison personell, etc. Making weed legal would put thousands of high paid people out of work - you do the math.
It saddens me when church-goers (you call conservatives) spill their hearts out and volunteer their time ,money, sweat and tears supporting relief efforts like Katrina Indo-Tsunami and Haiti just to read a comment like that. Total fucking buzz-kill

Just because someone hides behind the cloak of religion does not make them a good person. Most of the church goers you speak of don't volunteer their time without the motive of pushing their beliefs down someone elses throat. It's all about bringing more people into the flock to increase the weekly income of the preacher, it's missionary work not out of the goodness of their haerts.

Indoctrination or extermination was the christian battle cry when it came to "helping" the native Americans.
The OP is nonsense. I have seen discussion of legalized MJ on Conservative forums and most are for legalization.

Why can't you people stop stereotyping people with opinions other than your own. The Religious Right makes up a tiny minority of all Conservatives just as full fledged Communists make up a small minority of Liberals.

Just because most Liberals view life through the prism of dogma, doesn't mean the same is necessarily true of the Right. Sure, some do, but in my experience most are highly analytical, logic based thinkers. I often post articles demonstrative of this and it is seldom the case that Liberals respond in kind. Much more frequently, the response is name calling. Or, the assumption that like them, the author must be thinking from dogma, at which point it becomes an issue of why Left Dogma is superior to what is assumed to be the other guy's.

William F. Buckley if you have ever heard of him was for legalization. Damn near everyone I know if for legalization. Stop making up false stereotypes and address issues on their merit.

Oh, and BTW, it is the Government that wants to keep pot illegal. The war on drugs is a billion dollar industry that employs numerous judges, lawyers, cops, prison personell, etc. Making weed legal would put thousands of high paid people out of work - you do the math.

that is the biggest lie I have ever heard on here. I have been a member of NORML since 1976 so don't attempt to spread your lies here, I know which side supports our cause and which doesn't. BUT there are those like Ron Paul who believe the Federal Government has no place making those type of laws, but Ron Paul is no Conservative he is a Constitutionalist and there is a HUGE difference mainly RELIGION. Conservatives want to force religion into our Governement and they want to force us all to live by some set of archaic moral standards that they themselves can't live up to. I am probably old enough to be your father so yes I know who the nut job Buckley is, he is actually more sane than Beck or Hannity but still a loon. I am not sure which "conservative blogs" you are speaking of but I am a frequent political blogger none of the conservatives that frequent any of those blogs have anything other than contempt for marijuana, medical or otherwise. Maybe a few young Ron Paul supporters back leagalization but overall the conservative movement is dead set against it. I have been fighting the evil that is the conservative movement for over 30 years, they will say anything to get what they want and then they will do just the opposite once in power. You can lie to the rest of these people but not to me. I actually went undercover in 1983 and joined one of their psycho groups, The CR's, because I was working for the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy and we found out they infiltrated our goroup and were actually lobbying against us when they were supposed to be lobbying for us, similar to what Abramoff did to the Native American Casinos. Conservatives have no morals or ethics and they have no p[roblem lying, cheating, stealing even murdering to get what they want. There is nothing you could =ever do or say to make me believe other wise because I have seen their dirty tricks first hand. So you are either very stupid and easily manipulated or you are one of them and are just on here to sway public opinion so you sick fucks can get back in power and continue to destroy this country and the freedoms it offers us.

"DOGMA" what the hell are you talking about that is what drives the conservative movement, religious dogma. I view life through reality, I gave up my imaginary friend when I was 6 and grew a frigging brain so I could think for myself rather than letting some book written by a bunch of superstitious sheepherders do my thinking for me.

Listen, I like Ron Paul and actually worked on his campaign in 2004 because I did not want another Skull and Bones ahole in office. But Ron can't seem to move away from the Republican party which is controlled by the extremists of the conservative movement.

You need to read the Wrecking Crew and The Family, both written by former Conservative insiders. you will change your stripes very quickly, maybe not to liberalism but if you have a half a brain you will no longer call yourslef a "Conservative".
What a rude and pointless statement.
Rude?? How's that? I was also very clear making my point. I tried to do so in a very non-confrontational way. You're trippin.

There is every reason to believe that the government would wish to curb radicalism and liberalism. Good Christian right American's let them get away with murder and rape of the any country with brown people they call evil.

You may be a political conservative, but realize that YOU don't speak for THEM. And they would never let you, but you're not speaking their language. Which is, unfortunately, just as he said: ultra-right conservatives hate drug users, and ultra-right conservative presidents enact the strictest drug policies. It is YOU that is out of sync with the majority of your party.
This is the only statement that even comes close to some semblance of fact. I never claimed to be ultra-right wing, but I did say I was a conservative. What that means is, (not that you'll pay attention enough, OR CARE), i.e. when an issue comes up for a ballot vote, I take the time to evaluate whether or not that particular issue meshes with MY core conservative beliefs (and those of our founding fathers) and vote accordingly, unlike the sheep out there that need to be told which way to vote by their respective elected dumbshit, or preferred biased media outlet. But continue on, try as you might to paint me into corner. I'm not for legalization, but for decriminalization for one major reason- I don't want to see the entire central valley growing it by Phillip Morris. Got a problem with that?
that is the biggest lie I have ever heard on here. I have been a member of NORML since 1976 so don't attempt to spread your lies here, I know which side supports our cause and which doesn't.

The City of Los Angeles is run, and has been run for years, by a city council that is so far to the left, its ready to fall over the Marxist cliff. They have just voted to close down hundreds of compassion clinics in the city. What say you about that? bongsmilie
The City of Los Angeles is run, and has been run for years, by a city council that is so far to the left, its ready to fall over the Marxist cliff. They have just voted to close down hundreds of compassion clinics in the city. What say you about that? bongsmilie
Is there anything on the left that isn't a communistic, Nazi, socialistic, fucked to the bone Idea???
Your answer will reflect your sanity, or lack of it.
Is there anything on the left that isn't a communistic, Nazi, socialistic, fucked to the bone Idea???
Your answer will reflect your sanity, or lack of it.

Nope, I can't think of anything at the moment. Give me a couple of years to think about it.

Again ... turn in your pilot's license. :bigjoint: