Hey any folks here know me??

he looked like a cool guy... with a big garden... too bad it seems like he left our lovly site... and way before I ever got here :(
there evil nazis... nazii? hmmm
that sucks... he could have put FDD into place :P
too bad he left, he probably would have helped the site out some...
overgrow would really have 1000 people on the site at a time?
Tooo many dummies tried to start fights with him for no real reason other then jealousy from what I could tell

No. Lou could grow, if we are to believe everything he said. People didn't like him much because he was often insulting, pompous, and condescending. He did a double-dose of bragging and would at times more or less tell people he was superior to them (in growing), even when helping out newbies. This is one of the most welcoming communities out there, and that was frowned upon.

I had no problem with him other than his attitude. When people called him out on it, he just laughed it off and said that they were jealous. And eventually, those people made up the vast majority of the members on the site, and thus he left because people weren't tolerating him very well anymore. But, damn, the man COULD grow, as I said. Just needed a massive ego deflation.

I just read all 33 pages. why did i do that i dont know ...probably cuz im high and it was entertaining really...
dude that guy can suck a dick. I dont care if he can grow 866 plants or not that doesnt give him the right to constantly brag and tell people hes better than them. some of you say you wish he was still here, NOT ME. I hope hes in jail,. I dislike people like that.
yo, totally agree with you all that say this guy can eat a dick...he sounded real interesting at first, then all of a sudden someone questioned, suggested a typo and his insecurities came flowing out!!!

I cant stand people who brag about their grows, making it sound like no one can do as good as them...in fact i think he even said that in one of his sorry ass posts! Its one thing to show off your grows, but to make it sound like your the GOD of growing is pathetic!

Go back to your stuck up buddies on whatever fucking forum you came from...we dont need arogant assholes like you on here!

Im normally not controversal, but this guy twixed my melon!
i know i have seen that pic with the bottle next to it...i wish i could remember where. def wasnt ht ...where the fuck was it damnit
I;m only commenting on his plants, I only read like 5 posts, than just looked at pics

Well, if you read his posts, especially the ones in other threads, you'll start to see a pattern. I still can't believe he talked to new growers the way he did.

Some people even doubted he grew those plants himself... but that given his immature attitude, he pasted them from the grow logs of other people on various sites.
