My Current set up: journal?

Hey heruk and blue welcome, nice of you to stop bye. From the time I start flowering these WW, Crystal and Ice strains is around (12) weeks. Hey, I'm just learning. Don't judge the lights based on my efforts. You will notice the flowering time was the same when I was using the hps lights. Those were 400watt, the t-5's are 440 watt.
As far as taking clones and flowering them in a few weeks, I know many say they do, I wasn't successful with the first mothers I was going to use. I don't normally top plants. For mothers I should have. So what I'm taking clones from is the vegging plants just before I put them in flowering. SInce my cycle will be three tables four weeks each I won't need them for a month, which fits right in with the rotation.
I say the are right for new growers because of the way they can add them to the setup as they go while virtually eliminating the heat problems associated with the hid's and the fact that you only need one fixture. You could start as many seedlings as you could fit under 1 fixture. I could do 96 with lots of room to spare. When you want to switch them to flowering just change the light schedule the same light will veg and flower the plants. You can wait to purchase the next light until you need more than 1.
Having said that, I am thinking very seriously about trying some led lights.
The next yield will give us a better picture of how the T-5's perform. So far I like what I see, I am not that experienced, maybe I'm seeing what I want too??
The first table that I vegged under the t-5's is one I trimmed last week. I had to remove 3 of the plants from the table yesterday. I'll post a picture or two from it tonight. The lights come on at 9:00Pm est. VV
Some folks seem to have some questions about what I am showing here. I posted pictues of this table when I trimmed it. Its repeated here so you have something for comparison. This first one is from 11/15. The next one you see is what they looked like 11/22, one week later,:blsmoke: and then 11/24 from the front and from the side. This is the first table that will be done exclusively with the t-5's. The first (6) are ice plants, the next (6) are WW and the back (6) are Crystal. As i stated I had to remove three plants from that table already. And here is what that bud I knocked off three weeks early looks like after drying for two days. Turn the page. VV


  • The whole table after trim11_15.JPG
    The whole table after trim11_15.JPG
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  • TrimRecovery to flowring11_22.JPG
    TrimRecovery to flowring11_22.JPG
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  • TrimRecovery 11_24 front view.JPG
    TrimRecovery 11_24 front view.JPG
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  • Trim recovery 11_24 side view.JPG
    Trim recovery 11_24 side view.JPG
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  • Manicured 2  days later.JPG
    Manicured 2 days later.JPG
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You can interpet these for your self. The first is the table that will be 10 weeks flowering tomorrow, the next is 6 weeks flowering and the third is mixed 10 weeks and 6 weeks flowering. Please remember we introduced 'Fossil fuel' to our nute solution so we were already expecting some increase. VV:hump:


  • !0 weeks flowering.JPG
    !0 weeks flowering.JPG
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  • 6 weeks flowering.JPG
    6 weeks flowering.JPG
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  • Mixed 10 weeks and 6 weeks .JPG
    Mixed 10 weeks and 6 weeks .JPG
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  • CoolPicture.JPG
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I've been trying to figure out that too..
These Strains flower in 12 weeks.

Yeah VV, I'd like to hear how they compair to hps as far as flowering times and final product go.

Yeah , I'd like to know that too. I don't suppose you would think it was fair of me to compare the 440 watt t-5's to what I got from the 400watt hps I was using?
Believe me, I thought long and hard about wether I was ready to accept the challenge before I ever made it. For a comparison of final product you are welcome to stop and check that when you are in the area.
You are welcome. VV
Hi Im trying to decide on t5's or hps. I know you say t5's is best for beginners, but they take considerably longer to reach harvesting. Correct? How long did it take you from beginning veg to harvest under t5's?
If you count from the time they went under the t-5's it will be just under 16 weeks total. My clones are just under t-12's or t-8's. I am not trying to rush them. My tables are full. I don't have anywhere to put them and I'm not building another table... yet? VV
vv I just won a auction on ebay for four 225 led lights per square. 900 led set equivalent to 600 hps for 187.00 canadian the proper mixture of red an blue forall stages. I am going to put one in each corner of my new t5 eight bulb fixture on a slight angle I am moving this week as soon as I move iam starting a journal. PEACE AN POT
You can interpet these for your self. The first is the table that will be 10 weeks flowering tomorrow, the next is 6 weeks flowering and the third is mixed 10 weeks and 6 weeks flowering. Please remember we introduced 'Fossil fuel' to our nute solution so we were already expecting some increase. VV:hump:
that first pic is just beautiful looking close to another pound of bud
vv I just won a auction on ebay for four 225 led lights per square. 900 led set equivalent to 600 hps for 187.00 canadian the proper mixture of red an blue forall stages. I am going to put one in each corner of my new t5 eight bulb fixture on a slight angle I am moving this week as soon as I move iam starting a journal. PEACE AN POT

That will be awesome. When you get them take pictures as you set up the installation. Put them in that journal. How did the lights and price compare to the first web site you posted here. Sounds like they are similar but already built?

Thanx for your next comment as well. I stand in that room and end up looking at everyone of them. I never used to take the time to do that. Now it's scary. You do have the numbers right though. I think I have a pound per table, thats just a guess. All except the last one have stopped upward growth, (20) of them still have 6 weeks to flower.
flowering is genetic. A plant will flower for a set period of time, and that's it.

I'm so glad someone said that. get sick of hearing ppl say flowering will be slower under fluro as apposed to HID. Its genetic end of story. Yeild may differ due to different light source but flowering maturity wont.

Excellent grow journal VV. I just read it from cover to cover and have enjoyed it all.

That first guy comptuerconsulting said the equvalent of a 1000 hps would be 30 strips at about 50 a strip But if I understood him right he uses less parts an gets the same amount of light. But he also said something about wavelengths an what ever plant iam growing i need to learn that an then I can make a estimate on how many strips I would need but I am not going that way. The one that I am getting looks good four squares at 225 per square they seem to be coming out of California the store is on ebay LED WHOLESALERS INC also check out great lights 4 less store on EBAY I got a MONSTER T5 flourescent 8 bulb fixture I got 16 bulbs 8 veg an 8 bloom about the coolest reflector you can make angled on the ends for better light penetration all that for 289.00 an then 45.00 for shipping an around 40 I have to pay the ups dude for duty an such so alltogether around 375.00 best I have seen yet an the rerviews over 3000 of them are 98 per cent positive which is frickin good when dealing with fragile glass tubes. PEACE AN POT
I have done that. I get many more than 90. The problem is no one is addressing our issues yet, the need to cover tables of plants with lights. The closets I have seen was the one NSW posted from HTG. The panels in it don't match the one's Ryan has. His make sense to me. Its just about 5" sq. easy to center in a frame of pvc, which I will work on before vacation, should be a snap, well in this case a push, still easy to do. There are holes down the sides of the panels so using wire ties to secure them to a grid should be easy. They come with cords, he has had some inquiries about linking them and is working on possibilities. I e-mailed him and got two responses back in one day, that is impressive, makes me think he cares about his business. I think 'we' should work with this man. It sounds to me like he is one of 'us'. Small business people that have found a need and a way to fill it. Much like GK just did with his book and the cfl's. I am sure a few of us, myself included, bought his book. Maybe this is a bad idea. Any mods or rollitup want to weigh in here. Should we use the purchasing power we have as a group?? Or would we be asking for trouble if we did?? VV
I have checked out HTG they dont ship to Canada. Are you thinking the 900 four square 64 watts total set wont work VV. Are you thinking more along the line of the BUlb set fior direction. One seller has what I think from my research the best one they are called gro-tec guy boasts of a 20 year warranty. He goes by qaz661 gad rden plants electrical solar on ebay check it ou I will be down toady VV maybe tomorrow to I am moving to the new PAD way out in the middle of no where in Northern Ontario PEACE AN POT
No I am not thinking that one won't work, I believe it will. I think Ryans is the most logical I have seen. Its about 5" sq. has more bulbs and you saw the information on the test of the 14 watt light. He is working on making improvements to adapt it for the kind of use we would put them to. The 5" sq covering one square foot of surface should help maximize the light use. And his has more bulbs in the panel than any I have seen. I think we need to start a discussion of what is available etc. I see several folks posting questions about them. I'm working on the grid design now. Maybe you can post some pics of your light especially the frame work that ties them together?? VV
If you count from the time they went under the t-5's it will be just under 16 weeks total. My clones are just under t-12's or t-8's. I am not trying to rush them. My tables are full. I don't have anywhere to put them and I'm not building another table... yet? VV

Thanks VV
Nice Grow Journal BTW.
I got a nice hps setup for cheap. Im gonna run that 1st and see how that works. I am vegging with some flo's that I had laying around. If I start a journal it would be a nice comparison. But I am not working anywhere near your scale. you could supply YOUR BLOCK if you wanted to.:hump:
Thanks VV
Nice Grow Journal BTW.
I got a nice hps setup for cheap. Im gonna run that 1st and see how that works.

The only difference is I had the room so I bought three instead of one. I think I paid around $400. for the three of them. I started my vegging plants under t-12 lights that I took down from my garage and two from the room I use. The first picture is what I used to veg my first seedlings until I had to put them in the field across the road.

I am vegging with some flo's that I had laying around. If I start a journal it would be a nice comparison. But I am not working anywhere near your scale. you could supply YOUR BLOCK if you wanted to.:hump:

I understand where you are because I have been there. I'm not done with mine yet and neither are you, thats makes us even. Its taken my well over a year to get to this point and it will probably be another year before I am satisfied. I haven't been able to accomplish any of the improvements I want to do yet. I had to work out the setup first. I may get one of them done today. Steady progress. I could eat a giant bear, all by my bite at a time.
Ok a few other pics. The table that was trimmed two weeks ago, it has three less plants on it and this is lights out.
About twoweeks from harvest. 6 weeks, and mixed 2 weeks/6 weeks. I may lose this, computer problem. I'll post the pics as soon as I can. VV