To Hell with the Baby Boomers!

Wow, a snowman. Well, certainly that disproves the vast amounts of data showing the ice caps receding, plankton levels dropping, and ocean levels rising during a 30 year period where they should have been doing the exact opposite.
So, if we want to debate global warming - opps climate change, we will know who to call.
Should have? So you believe in God?

Is your understanding that feeble?

The warming trend caused by the industrial revolution fit in very nicely with predicted global climate changes....up until about 30 years ago. We should have seen a natural cooling trend, but have seen the exact an accelerated fashion.

Gee, hottest decade on record...and you have what to say?
I hate all of these old fucks who are saying public option and healthcare reform is some how some step to turning America into some Nazi State. Have they never heard of medicare? I love how now they complain medicare is bankrupt and corrupt. Although they enjoyed it's benifits for how long now?

Whether medicare is good or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is two wrongs do not make right. It's sort of like when something is fucked up BY government, expecting MORE government to solve it.
Is your understanding that feeble?

Gee, hottest decade on record...and you have what to say?

The Earth is billions of years old.

Continents have drifted thousands of miles.

Mountains rose.

Mountains crumbled.

Seas rose.

Seas dried.

Man evolved from pond scum.

And this decade "should have" been cooler?

Because your team has access to 100 years of manipulated surface temperature data?

:lol: (I scoff at you.)
More like Pascal's Wager.

Ultimately, an infinity in heaven was merely a byproduct of the choice. The real advantage of a religious existence was living a happy LIFE, said Pascal.

"Now, what harm will befall you in taking this side? You will be faithful, honest, humble, grateful, generous, a sincere friend, truthful. Certainly you will not have those poisonous pleasures, glory and luxury; but will you not have others? I will tell you that you will thereby gain in this life, and that, at each step you take on this road, you will see so great certainty of gain, so much nothingness in what you risk, that you will at last recognize that you have wagered for something certain and infinite, for which you have given nothing."
...Forcing women into the workforce contrary to their nature and best interest...

Uh, your misogyny is showing. Who forced women into the workforce? How is it contrary to their nature? How is it contrary to their best interest?

I have seen so much drivel out of you these last few days it is sickening. Rather than spend hours composing detailed arguments like you so demand, I am going to turn the table on you and ask you to justify just this one statement. Once you attempt a justiication, I will tell you why you are wrong.

Hint: One thing you may want to adress is why in the fuck you would be so retarded as to believe that it is in womens' best interests to remain dependent/subservient to a male breadwinner. That might be a good start.

With every post like this, your idiocy shows more and more and more. Quite revealing.

Shove your misogyny and your other personal attacks up your ass.

I could write a 50 thousand word essay on the subject but it would be lost on you and you would only make unreasonable demands for proof ad-infinitum. That is what Leftists do.

Society has an epidemic of depressed women who feel robbed and betrayed by morons such as yourself who sold them the bull shit bill of goods that is Feminism. The need to feel protected and cared for by a male is a fundamental part of the female psyche and it isn't my job to educate you on this. Even if I tired, your mind is so filled with old, obsolete Left wing drivel that getting anything else in there is impossible.

People like you are the cause for most of the problems in society today - you are just too hard headed to see why and no effort to explain it to you will ever make you see the light.

Retardation is the inability to learn. There are a number of reasons a person might be unable to learn. Stubbornly adhering to obsolete Liberal dogma without any genuine examination of issues is one of them.
I could write a 50 thousand word essay on the subject but it would be lost on you and you would only make unreasonable demands for proof ad-infinitum. That is what Leftists do.

Ann Coulter's book "Guilty" tackles the subject, pulling no punches. Explains how custody laws, changed by the supreme court in the seventies, was the last straw. A man no longer had to be married to the mother to gain custody of the child, or, for the unwed mother to siphon the unmarried fathers wages. Before this decision, if the man wasn't married to the mother, he had no claim to the child, unless he married the mother. And, the mother had no claim to the fathers money, unless wed to the father when the child was born.
Shove your misogyny and your other personal attacks up your ass.

I could write a 50 thousand word essay on the subject but it would be lost on you and you would only make unreasonable demands for proof ad-infinitum. That is what Leftists do.

Society has an epidemic of depressed women who feel robbed and betrayed by morons such as yourself who sold them the bull shit bill of goods that is Feminism. The need to feel protected and cared for by a male is a fundamental part of the female psyche and it isn't my job to educate you on this. Even if I tired, your mind is so filled with old, obsolete Left wing drivel that getting anything else in there is impossible.

People like you are the cause for most of the problems in society today - you are just too hard headed to see why and no effort to explain it to you will ever make you see the light.

Retardation is the inability to learn. There are a number of reasons a person might be unable to learn. Stubbornly adhering to obsolete Liberal dogma without any genuine examination of issues is one of them.

And I might add, stubornly adhering to antiquated conservative dogma may do the same. Progressive, (Which group I fall into) is forward looking. Progressives look for progress in elevating the plight of all humanity, not just themselves as do conservatives. They see the big picture, not just the landscape outside their window. They see people as worth something for being human, not their bank account. When all is said and done, it will not be the size of your bank account that counts, but what you have contributed to making the earth a better place for all. The selfishness that I see on this website makes me want to barf.
I agree. They screwed things up in more ways than we even know. Forcing women into the workforce contrary to their nature and best interest was one of their more brilliant ideas. They were so drunk off the notion of equality that they failed to think about the ramifications. And nobody likes to talk about this either - it's one of those taboo subjects.

So, what happens when you cause a sudden massive spike in the work force without increasing jobs while simultaneously pairing wage earners into two income homes based largely on income? You wind up with an exploding crevasse between the rich and poor, high rates of unemployment and a bunch of poorly raised crappy citizens and miserable people.

Yep, they had some great ideas alright.
i love women...i think "women in the workforce" or 2 income familys has lowered our standard of we do twice the work and pay twice the money to have a place to sleep and food on the table and you have someone else rasing your kids...seems like everyone loses
What was the U.S. like when they took over? Look at the shitwhole we have now!

Back to your post...

I'm a baby boomer. I didn't take anything over. In fact, the "boomers" I think you refer to are just fucked up old white people that are scared to death with a black man in the WH. Bush was a boomer and so are most of the fuck heads in D.C. Maybe those old people (I'm old too but not scared of other races) just can't handle new ideas or "color"? The Repubes scare the hell out of us with terrorism threats and the Demons scare the hell out of everyone by trying to fix healthcare.

I grew up voting against a bigot and racist but Nixon still won?! WTF was that when everyone knew he was a crook and still he was elected? Oh, I remember. It was "push back" from the 1968 Democratic Conv. riots, growing drug concerns, long hairs showing disrespect, free love, and everyone wanted to forget that we just lost our first war. Watergate was just another chapter in Nixon's debacle. I think we're all lucky to be alive. Nothing really has changed much.
Shove your misogyny and your other personal attacks up your ass.

OK, I'm sure it gets better from here....

I could write a 50 thousand word essay on the subject but it would be lost on you and you would only make unreasonable demands for proof ad-infinitum. That is what Leftists do.

I was not askng for proof of anything or a 50,000 word essay. Just a brief justification of your original statement. I'm sure it is coming soon....

Society has an epidemic of depressed women who feel robbed and betrayed by morons such as yourself who sold them the bull shit bill of goods that is Feminism.

I wasn't even alive when the feminist movement was in full stride, so hard to say I sold them that 'bull shit bill of goods'. Where is this epidemic of depressed women you speak of? It doesn't exist. You made that up, 100%.

The need to feel protected and cared for by a male is a fundamental part of the female psyche and it isn't my job to educate you on this.

To save myself some time, I asked my fiance, who has a doctoral degree in psychology, about this. She tells me this sentiment is one of those Freudian or psychoanalytic viewpoints. Definitely not shared by even a small minority of psychologists. But I'm sure you will start making sense sometime....

Even if I tired, your mind is so filled with old, obsolete Left wing drivel that getting anything else in there is impossible.

More attack, but I'm sure you are going to write something substatntive at some point to support your assertion. Wait for it....wait for it....

People like you are the cause for most of the problems in society today - you are just too hard headed to see why and no effort to explain it to you will ever make you see the light.

I must be causing most of the problems in society today by sitting around, growing cannabis, posting in the political section of a cannabis growing forum while supporting my fiance through school. I am scum. But I am not hard-headed, I am often swayed by a well articulated argument. Heck, I used to hold views very similar to yours on many issues that have been discussed. Apparently, it is only by seeing things your way that one may 'see the light'. Now that is hard headed. Your criticism is hollow.

Retardation is the inability to learn. There are a number of reasons a person might be unable to learn. Stubbornly adhering to obsolete Liberal dogma without any genuine examination of issues is one of them.

Again, this rings quite hollow as I used to be on the other side of the debate and, after genuine examination and vigorous debate, switched sides.

Are you seriously this upset that I asked you to provide justification for a statement you yourself made? You made a statement, I asked you to justify that statement, and this is your justification? Are you a coward who is too pathetic to stand behind what you said?

Give me a few sentences, that is all. Tell me who forced women into the workforce (besides themselves). Tell me how it is against their 'nature'. And tell me how it is against their best interests'. Just a few sentences. No need for indignant outrage.
