Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
hey ninja, how are the babies going?
They had a little bit of a wilt on last night, but looked like they were picking back up this morning.
I usually get 100% on my clones (strain dependent of course), but i havent set my magic spot back up since the move.. So im sorta winging it right now.


Well-Known Member
Hey 8E let me know how the muffins go. I want a muffin right now. Hope you put some blueberries in there too.
Jimmy whats a 'prgs'?


Well-Known Member
They had a little bit of a wilt on last night, but looked like they were picking back up this morning.
I usually get 100% on my clones (strain dependent of course), but i havent set my magic spot back up since the move.. So im sorta winging it right now.
it will all turn out good.

in the mean time i wish i could share. the 6 on the left are the normal ones and the mull muffins on the right. i think the mull muffins turned out looking better



Well-Known Member
i am so bad with chocolate. i have been known to eat a large block of cadburys in 2 mins.
I lived off sour cream and chives pringles and sprite for about a month once. Not that huge on cadburys but, i like it although i can destroy a cornetto in about a minute. I havent smoked in months and am going to get 2X 6 packs of them when my mrs goes away. I want some of those muffins too 8.


Well-Known Member
it's pretty much lost at this point.

oh well.

all this talk of chocolate, i'm gonna go buy a cream egg.

clones still haven't died, hooray.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, that muffin was good. it felt like my whole body was concrete. i couldnt even get up to get the chocolate out of the fridge.


Well-Known Member
nice one eighty, i'm thinkin of making some cannabutter. weed buzz just aint lasting as long as it should lol bah

nice one knickers, i fuckin love those crazy sugary little eggs. i watched that cannabiz last night, interesting. i want to find a doco about the history of cannabis and such, marc emery is a gun lol very articulate guy for a pot head


Once when I was a young tacker me n some mates grew a heap and got a few males. We sat there pulled all the seeds out n chopped it up to put un a choc cake about half way through choppin a oz n a half we gave up n chucked it in the cake. Mull choc buds didnt taste to nice they had a small slice each I had over 3/4 cake in about 5m. I was FUCKED I spent most of the night walking around the neighbourhood n gettin on trains then walkin home then gettin on a train again I was so bombed. lol


Well-Known Member
nice one eighty, i'm thinkin of making some cannabutter. weed buzz just aint lasting as long as it should lol bah

nice one knickers, i fuckin love those crazy sugary little eggs. i watched that cannabiz last night, interesting. i want to find a doco about the history of cannabis and such, marc emery is a gun lol very articulate guy for a pot head

I found an almost 30gig compilation of cannabis docos and educational movies... Jorges, history, conspiracy, all th good stuff!


Well-Known Member
knickers how do u think clones/cuttings would go in a Deep water grow ? the growing roots would be stuck in 100% humidity ..or is it just the top half that needs the humidity ?


Well-Known Member
jesus knix it'd take me ages to download that much lol i just found one called "grass" you seen it?

lol@scooby wandering around like a loon lol trains are good mate, i might go a little easier than that tho! ha