I dentify this Bug! (micro) | GO Pikachu!


Active Member
Caught this sucker runnin crawling around my topsoil like it was six flags. Adhered to duck tape on its back. 6 legs. 100X

Thanks in advance


lol, almost looks like lice.

you werent shaking your hair over your plant were you ? :) ... jk... i have no clue.

someone else might have a better answer but is there not all pouropose plant insecticides that can be used in advance?

good luck! :bigjoint:


well whats that a photo of?

most common is spider mite infestation.... check the undersides of the leaves, look for tiny tiny little black eggs.. were talking Very tiny!

kinda looks like this depiction of a spider mite



Active Member
Second photo is from here.

I think they are young and the eggs were able to hatch due to a heavy water flush. Been a week and soil still has not dried out yet from the flush. Not sure if its the one that live in the soil and eat roots. I think they come from the crappy MG soil. Not in my other 3 plants Plant has been havin problems but nothing is on the leaves except nute burn and possible ph fluctuation. It recovered quite a bit and seems stable. I am going to transplant it from 2 gal to 5 gal of FFOF.


Active Member
Now that i look at them they are not as round.They have more of a slender shape. I will try capture another photograph of its back.


Active Member
There not abundant. I have to like dig around and search for a while to find one.

Im not really worried unless there gona crawl up my plant or fly or something.
Ma bey ductape on the stem? And perhaps a ductape cover on the soil for a few days?


I've found that a good drench of Neem Oil applied two times, in 10 day intervals kills these suckers proper.

and You are right - If you picked up your MG Soil from Home Depot or another big box store, you most likely brought the suckers home. I challenge anyone to hunt around the garden section of a HD and NOT find spider mites all over soil and or the bases of sale-able plants.


Active Member
I've found that a good drench of Neem Oil applied two times, in 10 day intervals kills these suckers proper.

and You are right - If you picked up your MG Soil from Home Depot or another big box store, you most likely brought the suckers home. I challenge anyone to hunt around the garden section of a HD and NOT find spider mites all over soil and or the bases of sale-able plants.

Lol. Thats a young spider mite. Still see through. Hasnt reached full maturity yet. Once that happends, the mite turns dark. Kill them off now or youll be sorry:shock:

Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
You guys are right. Totally spider mites. Check google images. Good work. :clap: bongsmilie

I have heard if you allow your plants to suck up a dilluted mix of neem oil and slightly warm water a few times in early to mid veg and that usually wards off those bastards. They say to apply this mix on the foliage. More of a preventative measure.

I'm not sure if the neem works systemically(absorption by roots and into the vascular system of the plant). :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
You guys are right. Totally spider mites. Check google images. Good work. :clap: bongsmilie

I have heard if you allow your plants to suck up a dilluted mix of neem oil and slightly warm water a few times in early to mid veg and that usually wards off those bastards. They say to apply this mix on the foliage. More of a preventative measure.

I'm not sure if the neem works systemically(absorption by roots and into the vascular system of the plant). :bigjoint:
Doktor Doom Fogger and Knoutout Spray. The one two punch that works. And you can safely use it right up until harvest if needed. Its all natural..


Active Member

Here are two more pics of natures best

I think im gona try the neem oil in all 4 of my plants as a preventative measure. I was gona replant the one plant showing them in Miracle grow Organic(dont wana waste my good foxfarm bags on it. Not my best plant although pre sex Fem)


Active Member
Its funny how the heat from my scope kills then in few mins. Im assuming Neem oil is best organic kill. There not on leaves yet and im still in Veg day 45 or so. I also give my plants seltzy spray baths which spray the leaves hard with co2. They love the stuff and blow up every use.



Active Member
lol, almost looks like lice.

you werent shaking your hair over your plant were you ? :) ... jk... i have no clue.

someone else might have a better answer but is there not all pouropose plant insecticides that can be used in advance?

good luck! :bigjoint:
Here is a piece of dandruff for you
Mite Free to me! :bigjoint:



Active Member
Seems the plant with the mites in soil is growin a fat nut!
May have to assassinate it in a few days.