If You Voted For Bush STFU


New Member
I maintain my principles ... no matter who is in office.

Not like some others on this thread.... :wink:

That's not principles folks..... that partisan politics. If you didn't like Bush....you CANNOT like Obama. He is the same song in the spending dept.... AMPLIFIED GREATLY. The only thing different is Obama pisses the money away in entitlements and favors for BIG LABOR (which completely OWN Obama).


there is a lot of denial coming from londonfog

it doesnt matter how many facts we throw in his face obama is still jesus and can do no wrong

according to his faulty logic, its bush's fault when obama does something against the will of the people

third party projectionism?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I think President Obama (with all propaganda aside, taking away biased political opinions.. and READING FACTUAL information about his current campaign) has been extremely amazing and productive in his time in office. I do not understand how people still say that George Bush was a better President than Obama. I am utterly baffled when I hear it..


Well-Known Member
Poor Poor Cracker can't get over Obama POTUS. You still one of those that don't think Obama was born in America??? or have you changed in that view....LOL....Well you should have never voted for Bush and allowed this to happen...and for the first year in Obama is doing a great job seeing how much BS he has to deal with...and dude please check your facts...you still never showed me how you came up with the figure 300 billion...are you just pulling numbers out your azz ( a place where you keep all your important info ).


Well-Known Member
Well GWB may have been an idiot but at least he never took a trillion dollar loan that gives China the right to seize the US by eminant domain if we default on paying it back. The amount of cash he gave to the banks and big business , he could have gave every american over 18 $450,000.00 and would have spent the same amount cept the govt would immediately have gotten over $100k back from each in taxes, plus they would pay off their mortgages solving the housing crisi and they would buy tons of stuff sparking the economy.

Now of course that doesn't seem sensible but why not? What is better about giving it to big businesses like AIG who used it to give top execs millions in bonuses...so he isn't fixing anything and he is just as much in wall st's pocket as GWB was if not more. Plus he was the most socialist person in the senate. If it wasn't for all the unemployed minorities who thought that "spreading the wealth" would mean free handouts....he never would have won without the votes of the welfare population (regardless of race)....but I bet he wont get elected a 2nd time and he will be the 1st president not to in a long time...

but since we have gotten to see "the progress" made when democrats and liberals are both president and controlling the house and senate and people are madder than ever. Hell, when Mass elected Scot Brown that should have sent fear through the hearts of liberals everywhere. Mass is a very liberal state but nationwide there are far more conservatives, though not all Republicans.....many independants and many don't usually vote but after seein the direction things are going it seems Obamma's purpose was to re-wake the sleeping giant so it can take back it's country....and they will.

I think conservatives were let down by GWB but we saw with his 1st election that when the moral majority actually are paying attention, they will crush the opposition. I think people are starting to realize that demoralizing America is not progress and has hurt this country terribly. Plus the militias are growing in record numbers and so is the Christian church. But GWB let us down so when this smooth talking motivational speaker starts talking about change, people started to get excited but forgot that politicians, especially liberals will say anything you want to hear just to further their agenda, politicians in general on both parties will.

People should be furious that the govt isn't interested in protecting our constitutional rights and all about growing their businesses and portfolios. This country was established for smaller Govt. the states are supposed to make the laws and our laws were supposed to be basic like the 10 commandments and common sense shit, not making up all sorts of rules that have no purpose but to trap citizens for fines or jail for victimless offenses....Like how can you ban a plant that is proven harmless other than short term memory issues? Yet tabbacco which only serves to give you cancer and get you addicted yet it is illegal, or alcohol that makes people violent and can even kill you, yet pot is illegal? WTF?

We need to elect middle to low class citizens to represent us, not rich people who have never worked a day in their lives, like we have now...if you aren't worth millions or from a rich family you have lil chance of getting far in politics today...and that is part of the problem. Issues like gay marriage and abortion should be voted on by the people, and majority rule. There is no reason why my kids should have to see the acts of the immoral minority and have their ideals slammed down their throats when straight people don't run similar campaigns.

We are a product of our environment and while we can choose what thoughts are inserted into our head, we don't have to accept them as our own, if it doesn't line up with what is right, in my case if it doesn't line up with the Word aka the Bible, then I reject the thought and think of something else....which is especially easy with dank nugs...lol....but everything is a choice. Accepting sinful behavior, promoting it and calling it natural so people don't feel bad is just wrong IMO. We should strengthen people so they will work to behave in a moral fashion. Our mindset has gotten us where we are today....I Choose not to live in a immoral fashion and likewise we need to elect people who will be honest and serve the people, not puff out their chest and boast of how great they are, like I said EVERYTHING in life, every thought we choose to accept as our own and act on, every idea and ideology are all choices we make. The way we make our descisions is based on our life's experiences but we still ultimately are in control and politically they have all taken the low road.

People need to call their local politicians and let them know they will be unemployed if they do not represent the people's wishes. That is their job....There should be term limits for the house and senate too, no more career politicians, they are strictly a conduit to act as the voice of the people in their district and nothing more...and they don't need 6 figure incomes either.

They should destroy all additional laws to the constitution that don't revolve around protection, not control. Obviously stealing and deceptive practises would be crimes but if it doesn't have a victim it shouldn't be an offense IMO.

But ultimately I don't think it is going to change until several hundred thousand of us with rifles march on the Capital and physically remove all of the House and Senate and maybe even the President...and then a more specific constitution in context with the original but written in a way that activists can't twist it to justify things it was never meant to.

Like the separation of church and state. It wasn't to take the church out of everything, it was so the govt wouldn't pick a favorite denomination of Christianity, that is what they were fleeing from. The converted or killed the indians and they weren't talking about other religions when they said freedom of religion, they used it in context of freedom to worhip Christ in any denomination they so choose. But you had to swear publically that Jesus was the Son of God and your savior before you could hold a public office for the 1st hundred years of this country...and 4 yrs after the supposed separation, they passed a law making it manditory the Bible be taught in ALL public schools because it is the moral framework from which our country is held together. They would be rolling in their graves to see what we have become....but the liberals lie and used it to take God out of everything...cept it's funny they are too scared to take "In God we Trust" off their money, cuz that is what is most important to them so they don't dare take a chance with that...my point is this country has been on a downward spiral since the late 60's....then Hippies decided to be friends with their kids instead of parents too them and it just got worse from there....so I think we need to go back to the way things were in the 50's + the technology and minus the slavery and life will be much better.

Everyone wants something for nothing these days. I used to be like that when I was a junkie but I went from being a die-hard left wing liberal warrior and then one day I had an epiphany and I realized that every action has a butterfly effect and the ripples of right in wrong come back to you and the peace I have now is priceless. I realized that rukes aren't to stop us from having fun but to protect us from the consequences. Less law will only work if the people are morally sound and have a servants heart vs a prideful one...

This country is going to be what we make it but we should be trying to make it a better plce and why do we need to be taxed 30x on the same dollar, the govt is greedy and the IRS shouldn't exist. Plus since Obamma told the DEA to stop raiding pot growers who are legal and they are still doing it so I think that means they have gone rogue and need to be dismantled for attacking and destroying the lives of innocent harmless Americans. If Obamma wasn't such and idiot he would just repeal the Fed Law...but he doesn't want that on him so like every politician, more empty promises prior to election. I didn't really care for MCCain but he was the lesser of two evils....I think we need someone like Ron Paul instead though....McCain wa going to freeze all spending immediately and cut out all the useless spending, Obamma just added to the deficit and made it harder than ever to get financing on a house now...not to mention nothing has gotten much better and what has wasn't a result of the stimulus package...just regular market development but we still haven't broke even yet so whats the point?


Well-Known Member
I proudly voted for Bush and would gladly do so again. A hundred more times more blunders have been made by this fraud than in the previous 8 years. Soon you will see polls showing that a majority would rather have Bush back. Count on it!
i would rather have trig palin as president than endure any more of that huge failure g.w. bush.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
lol George Bush is a douche.. I mean what kind of a Presedent goes into another country (for oil) and makes a military operation called: Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL). What a silly fucker.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Max420thc.. from an educated standpoint (which your last post shows you are at a weak foothold in that regard), what the hell did that have anything to do with the Obama Administration? Besides some biased bullshit, what the hell did that relate to?


its too bad obama has broken so many campaign promises...

its too funny listening to his campaign clips then listening to things he says today

opposites of eachother

the man tells lies


Examples (including sources for those promises) please?
oh some denial, ok we can start with just 1 at a time since im trying to wake and bake before i spend the day playing bad company 2

lets start with the first

obama made a HUGE deal on his campaign trail about how he was not going to use "signing statements"

signing statements are the unconstitutional use of executive power to basically write in a little somethin somethin when the president is signing a bill

he made a huge deal about how president bush (just as bad of a president) used signing statements, and said "i will obey the constitution"

oh but guessed what he uses when he signs bills? signing statements

fucking hypocrite obama


you might want to pay attention before you defend a liar...

and this is only 1 of the instances

i expect you to completely deny this, even though its s reality

lets see what you have to say