UNK Types but their growing.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I got my closet issues worked out for the winter but I have to wait for summer to see about those temps.
I have 8 23w 65k CFL's along with 4) 2' long 65k t5 floro's, as my lighting. My temps are approx 80 deg. I have a bath exhaust fan drawing air through and into the attic.

I am using NIRVANA indoor grow mix so I don't know what type these babies are. The one thing that I do know is that they are growing in a different fashion then any thing I've ever done before, In a good way. I am including pics in a kronologic order to show there growth to this piont.



Well-Known Member
Here are the children again. waiting for the small one to catch up a little. I will flip them over at that point.

FYI: 4 Gal. tap water sat for min 24hr. nutes are 2 tsp. of dyna-gro Grow formula

1) going nice getting tall. (pic 1)

2) having an issue. looks to be a nutes burn. This is the only one of the 3 to be giving me this issue. I know every plant has it's own likes, but I have all sharing same res. (pic 2) (pic 4 issue)

3) staying short refuses to grow? It finally got roots to the res. I figured it would sprout up once that happened, but it hasn't. (pic 3)



Active Member
Hi jjmd,

Thanks for the link to the thread, I'm subscribed :-) First thing to say is you have a mix of indicas and sativas in that Nirvana pack? You are obviously not going to get uniform growth which could well explain the differences in size. The small one look s OK though, some just stay very short! Looking good overall I'd say and with the roots down they should start to take off now.

Not sure about the deficiency to be honest, it COULD be a touch of PH/nutrient inbalance, especially as the other 2 are fine, maybe your balance is good for 2 of those strains but a little too strong for the other 1? I'll let a more experienced DWC grower answer that one for you :-) Not sure how you can work that out but experience tells me that its nothing to worry about long term, early leaf burn never stops a plant doing well in flowering. You know my feelings about nutrients in soil grown plants, I don't touch them with ferts for a good 5 weeks or more then introduce slowly and build it up gradually.

Anyway, hope you get it worked out but dont worry too much, we've all burnt our plants early on and they still go on to flower normally, but I agree its painful to watch that happen.

Best of luck mate, I'll be following.


Well-Known Member
I am finding myself changing water about every 3 days. I think this is because of only having a 4 gal. res. with 3 plants in it. I also cut back some of my nutes to keep from burning Curly. Moe is growing like a weed, and shemp is slowly starting to do something. :shock:



Well-Known Member
Well, Today they surprized me. I took them out of the closet for 5 minutes to check out something in the closet and make it a little more quit from a hum from my air stones. done. while I had them out I took some more pics. and they were bigger then I thought. They are big enought that I am thinking that I might need a bigger container to space them out a little more. Opions are welcome and accepted. reason I did so close was for SOG, but may have under estimated my spacing.

I wish the one I named shemp would grow a little faster, but I am hoping that good things come to those that wait. I started both shemp and curly at the same time, huge diffrence in size; also diffrent types of plant. Moe I started about 2 weeks before the others and it shows.

I am adding a pic of the dimension of my Res. Pot. so you can tell some size. And a pic of the group.

Just for giggles I got a pic out of my album. I can't believe I thought this set up would work.



Well-Known Member
Ok So I can't wait any longer. I took my lights over to 2700K and cut the timer back to 12 and 12. I is biger then I want. I want to see about getting 2 clones from shemp. I will then be able to give them a little more time to grow else were. the middle one curly is very tempermental, I believe I am going to try for a clone of that and take it to dirt.



Well-Known Member
Changed out my water today as well as did some LST work. I took the big baby in the back and spread it out a bit. I also took a look at what I am going to get in possible clones as long as they are ladies. here are som pics of the progress. one pic is before LST other pic of canopy after. last pic where did the name plates go?



Well-Known Member
Ok I have 1 plant beginning to show. Waiting on the next two. They are the ones from Nirvana indoor mix. Would suck for both to be male. Which I think is what I have. A few more days will tell.
Pics of course. Closet depth is 24". Moe is that wide with LST. Canopy is one day after LST was applied. Also the close up is of Moe and her starting to show.

Other 2 just want females to get some kind of cuttings and begin anew from there.



Well-Known Member
ther look'n real good man. any thoughts of splitting that closet 1/3 veg. and 2/3 flower ? you mentioned clones ... so i guess you'll be running 2 different areas. A 600w HPS would be well supplied by your current lamps.


Well-Known Member
ther look'n real good man. any thoughts of splitting that closet 1/3 veg. and 2/3 flower ? you mentioned clones ... so i guess you'll be running 2 different areas. A 600w HPS would be well supplied by your current lamps.
I thought about possibly going to a 250w bulb, but a 600 would be over kill for 3 plants . those plants are allready taking up 50% of my closet. For my clones I have a small cabinet with about 130 w of cfl in it. I can fit about 6 plants in it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the look and compliment.
Looking real good there jjmd. You have things well under control :-)

I have sex out of one plant "female". Sativa #1. (First female plant it only took 5 tries.)
Not the one I was hoping for as a female. The other 2 plants have me wondering. I am only going to give it 1 more week for my answer. then pull them out. will take any clones at that time. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Did someone call for a strecher? Once that happens can I still get a clone? I believe I also have my other 2 sexes. Sativa #2 is female and the indica is male? Do I leave it for a cross breed or count it a loss?. here are a few pics. And how feasable is it to seperate the roots of plants once they share the same res.?



Well-Known Member
I did my clones I took 3 from curly (sativa#2), and I took 2 from Moe (sativa#1). Its about 4 hrs later and my check up on them is done they seam to be responding to the new evironment.

I took the male plant out. to bad I was interested in having an indica. cutting out the roots was difficult. I will have to go back in in the next few days to find any dead roots to remove.



Active Member
I did my clones I took 3 from curly (sativa#2), and I took 2 from Moe (sativa#1). Its about 4 hrs later and my check up on them is done they seam to be responding to the new evironment.

I took the male plant out. to bad I was interested in having an indica. cutting out the roots was difficult. I will have to go back in in the next few days to find any dead roots to remove.
All looking great jjmd :-) Glad you got your clones, what medium do you have them in?


Well-Known Member
All looking great jjmd :-) Glad you got your clones, what medium do you have them in?
Hey Mature thanks. I placed my clones into rockwool and stones. I let the roots get use to having the stones and try to keep them that way. I transplant to baskets and dwc.


Well-Known Member
Well I have lots of flowering happening. that is on sativa 1 (moe), Sativa 2 (curly) is slowly coming along. I am getting way more stretch then I thought I would. I actually hope it stops soon. just 3 days short of 3 weeks I thinks me should only get a little more. There I go thinking again. Will post picks next time.


Active Member
Hey jjmd, hope you manage to control those sativas :-) I do love the way they reach for the sky!!! Looking forward to the new pics.


Well-Known Member
  • Hey jjmd, hope you manage to control those sativas :-) I do love the way they reach for the sky!!! Looking forward to the new pics.
  • Reach for the sky??? My closet wasn't - isn't ready for what is happening. I am having to make some adjustments to my setup to allow for that reach. I went to Fla. Last week for a wedding and when I got back I had a whole diffrent looking baby then I when I left. I am still having trouble with the other plant I am not getting much of a flowering out of it. it is, but small. like it wasn't ready to flower. any thoughts? auto flower?
