There are no scientific facts. Thoes 'facts' always change for some reason.
It might be a 'fact', but for me it works better than the other method so why not?
I don't know any reason lack of light would create mold. when you dry your herb you do it in a dark place, right? (i don't but whatever)
that should decrease the chances of rot, said by some people with 'scientific facts'.
I've been using hard feeding of up to 12ml\L of BioBloom.
No they dont.. science is science & the results have been the same for atleast 150 years.
The IACR Rothampstead research station has had an ongoing experiment running continuously for over a 150 years.
Using a field that has never had any fertiliser added to it. It has had a crop after crop of wheat taken off it from the start. They measure how much nutrient the crop takes out every year.
They have sumps that collect the water that percolates through the top soil to ground water to check nutrient leaching.
The average rain fall has been round 612 ml a year. The nutrient reserves in the top 22cm of soil are still around 2520 kilos of phosphorus and 7017 kilos of potash per hectare.
The IACR soil research team are going to be really sad to hear every thing they have found to date has been totally wrong & all they had to do is come to Weed forum to find out the truth.

So are all the horticultural science and advisory institutions world wide. As they all use the IACR data as the primary source to calculate nearly every thing to do with soil science relating to nutrient retention and leaching in the temperate zone.
The nutrient reserve levels haven't changed in 150 years( to a field that has never been fertilized) because...
You can not flush chemicals out of plants.
Neither can you flush the nutrients from the compost.
You can dilute an excess of chemical salt held by the compost if you over fertilise as long as you run lots of water through the compost before it gets locked into it.
You not knowing something is not the same as it not existing, your flower room will have a higher relative humidity without any lights on to warm the air. Colder air will cause higher RH. More science.
12ml per litre of Biobizz bloom?!?!?! 
no wonder your bud tasted of biobizz, did you foilar feed too?

Without a doubt you are feeding incorrectly. The highest ive ever heard the bloom used is 3-4 ml /L , used at the peak of flower. Dude, i would do a lot more reading.(Not just in cannabis cultivation forums)