Poppy Seed Extraction


Well-Known Member
Some one I know is going to attempt to extract Morphine base from poppy seeds. No telling what he will really end up with. He is starting by soaking the crushed seeds in Everclear/95%Alc. for 5 days. Then, he will filter the Alcohol and let it evaporate. He will be repeating this process again, and then he will set the seeds out to dry for later use. The filtered liquid will be evaporated in a dish to leave behind a residue. He said when the seeds dry he will take a glass pot and heat some water to 150 F and add some lemon juice to lower PH levels to 6 or 5. He will then add the seeds from before and let soak in 150 F for 2 hours. After 2 hours he will filter the water and discard the seeds. He will take the water and add the residue from the seed extract and heat at 150 F until fully dissolved. He will then add pickling lime to the solution and filter, saving the liquid and discarding the goo or whatever may be in the filter. Now, If poppy seeds contain any Morphine base when he does the final step and adds some diluted ammonia to the mixture a precipitate should form. That will be Morphine base, he will let the liquid cool to room temperature and filter out the Morphine base. I will keep you all informed on his endeavor!

He read a site that sparked his interest called poppyseedtea, I think. Some kid drank poppy seed tea and died from Morphine overdose. It was in the coroner report.
Sounds cool, keep us informed. I tried that poppy seed tea after I seen it on youtube. It wasn't that great, maybe this will work better.
Sounds cool, keep us informed. I tried that poppy seed tea after I seen it on youtube. It wasn't that great, maybe this will work better.

To tell you the truth, he is not expecting anything. He is using 100 grams of seeds, and will weigh the end product(if there is something there) to come up with a ruff estiment of Morphine/Codine content. I have never drank poppy seeds tea. How would you compare it to opium? Is there any similar feelings, can you feel morphine?
Some one I know is going to attempt to extract Morphine base from poppy seeds. No telling what he will really end up with. He is starting by soaking the crushed seeds in Everclear/95%Alc. for 5 days. Then, he will filter the Alcohol and let it evaporate. He will be repeating this process again, and then he will set the seeds out to dry for later use. The filtered liquid will be evaporated in a dish to leave behind a residue. He said when the seeds dry he will take a glass pot and heat some water to 150 F and add some lemon juice to lower PH levels to 6 or 5. He will then add the seeds from before and let soak in 150 F for 2 hours. After 2 hours he will filter the water and discard the seeds. He will take the water and add the residue from the seed extract and heat at 150 F until fully dissolved. He will then add pickling lime to the solution and filter, saving the liquid and discarding the goo or whatever may be in the filter. Now, If poppy seeds contain any Morphine base when he does the final step and adds some diluted ammonia to the mixture a precipitate should form. That will be Morphine base, he will let the liquid cool to room temperature and filter out the Morphine base. I will keep you all informed on his endeavor!

He read a site that sparked his interest called poppyseedtea, I think. Some kid drank poppy seed tea and died from Morphine overdose. It was in the coroner report.

Sounds cool, keep us informed. I tried that poppy seed tea after I seen it on youtube. It wasn't that great, maybe this will work better.

i missed something........:-|:peace:
I have never drank poppy seeds tea. How would you compare it to opium? Is there any similar feelings, can you feel morphine?
It didn't do much, to tell ya the truth. It made me kinda nauseous and drowsy. I did get a slight feeling of euphoria but I fell asleep about a half hour after that. You can't even really compare it to opium.
It didn't do much, to tell ya the truth. It made me kinda nauseous and drowsy. I did get a slight feeling of euphoria but I fell asleep about a half hour after that. You can't even really compare it to opium.

A lot of spices give similar effects, for example nutmeg, saffron, parsly, etc. They say it is from the small amounts af toxic oils in these spices. I guess after this we will all know if poppy seeds contain morphine/codine.
im almost a 100% sure ive read on many sites poppie seeds dont contain morphine only the pods do before seeds are ripe.i might be wrong tho...really interested

update plz
He has never done this before, not even with opium. He just relized that he needs Ammonium chloride, instead of diluted ammonia at the end.
ha ha ha fdd2blk just was thinking that is it cool that the kid died or that he got poppy seed tea
if your really want to get fucked up like that get 10 dollars and buy a bag of fuckin dope your buddy prolly spent more than that on the bottle of grain he wasted
if your really want to get fucked up like that get 10 dollars and buy a bag of fuckin dope your buddy prolly spent more than that on the bottle of grain he wasted
He is not doing this to get fucked up! it is an experiment to see if poppy seeds really do contain morphine. He has read so many reports of people drinking the tea. He can not find anything on the internet proving this will NOT work.
im almost a 100% sure ive read on many sites poppie seeds dont contain morphine only the pods do before seeds are ripe.i might be wrong tho...really interested

update plz
i agree
i've read alot and the good stuff comes from the pods, so he would have th grow them out collect the opium and then try to refine it onto something stronger....
all I know and have done is grow the poppies and cut just the thin layer of skin, anywhere below and the good stuff flows into the seed chamber/pod. but an article in the Journal of Forensic Science reports that concentration of morphine in some batches of seeds may be as high as 251 µg/gr i also read the seeds had trace amounts of codeine. So if your friend had good/potent seeds I guess he could get up to 25mg of morphine from 100g. I dont know if you can smoke the morphine base but it would prob. better the eating it.
I am prtty sure my buddy knows a lot about how to extract opium from a poppy. I have never seen or heard of some one doing this before, I am sure it has been done though. How else would DMTER have gotten those numbers? To tell you all the truth I think he is just wasting his time, but him being the curious 1 will not let this go. He says he hears people saying it can be done and he is one of those people who doubts it is possible. Before he tells some one it can not be done, he will test the theory first. Have any of you that say this will not work tried this before? Did any of you even read the site poppyseedtea.com :confused: