Fox Farms Ocean Forest Rant


Well-Known Member
No, I THOUGHT they were spider mites but they're fungus gnats (I think). Definitely not spider mites. Still disgusting though.
I see. There is still a simple fix to this. Surprised no one has mentioned this yet. Where are the old schoolers?

A simple layer of sand on top of the soil is "supposed" to help kill and dry out the babies and prevent the adults from relaying in the soil.

Also read this:

You already have internet access so use Google and do a search. I'm sure you will find some very simple solutions to this problem. Like the potato.

Still sucks tho. I hate the lil bastards. I also get black flies. Wait till you get those. Quick lil fuckers :blsmoke:


Active Member
From what it seams to me, that FF is not your cause but most likely the conditions in which you store the fert. If it is stored in High humidity / heat then duh your soil will get hit with Mites.

I personally use Roots Organic, I would recommend getting a systemic solution for the mites, this will be sprayed on you plants once every 20 or so days, and will stay in your plants system and kill any mites that dare to bite into your plant.

Picking mites of by hand is worthless, unless you get every single one plus there larva and webbing, and fix the conditions which brought the mites in the first place, then you will continue to get mite.


From what it seams to me, that FF is not your cause but most likely the conditions in which you store the fert. If it is stored in High humidity / heat then duh your soil will get hit with Mites.
Dude, he already cleared it up that it wasn't mites, and he said he could see them already in the bag as soon as he got it from where he purchased it. They're just plain old fungus knats, I think have all had to deal with this one at one point or another.

....Sorry man, but what the hell does the way you store your "fert" have to do with getting spider mites? Just curious to hear what ya have to say on the topic?


Active Member
Man you all are fucking wrong.Don't go adding viniger or baking soda plants don't really like it.Adding sand on top wrong.It's not sand folks use it's it's some speacial shit you buy at grow store.I had this problem on my first indoor.This is what works for me.Bought GO GNATS 22 bucks.Some use gnatrol more expensive and hard to find.The little fuckers are in our soil.So everytime you repot pot or just add some new soil.Run go gnats threw soil and again in about 2 weeks.This kills the eggs befor they hatch.Clean grows from then on from gnats anyways.Mites are little baturds.I wrapped my stem at base and add tangle foot.Hope this helps Oregon024


Man you all are fucking wrong.Don't go adding viniger or baking soda plants don't really like it.
Dude....... you must read things. I didn't say put the vinegar in the plant dumb ass, I said put it near the plant, about 2 cups worth. .....and I know it works cause I've done it!


Active Member
Call me a dumb ass you stupid fuck.Who had the right answer.Fuck you I never called names just said wrong.And if your fucking stupid enough to use viniger.I know your shit is not as good as my med grow.So go read up on growing you little troll.Using viniger shows me your the dumbass


Well-Known Member
To prevent fungus gnats this is what I do.

1. I try to let the soil get dry between watering. Good watering habits go a long way to preventing them .

2. I spray a solution of GoGnats and water on the top of the soil after every watering. GoGnats is just cedar oil and does not harm the plants. I mix 1 shot glass amount of it with about a half gallon of water. Enough so when I mist the soil surface I get a nice whiff of cedar in the air. GoGnats does not kill gnats. They can't stand the smell of cedar so they don't lay their eggs in the soil. Gognats will help prevent and slowly end a infestation.I swear by it.

Pests are a part of growing. I still remember my first time finding bugs. Now I know to plan for and prevent them.
I have shitty soil and am upgrading to FF OF. But I have fungus gnats, have had them for a long time and I leave a glass of tea or something sweet next to my grow area, they drown themselves in it. But I was freaking out when I first found them, so I took my soil to the local hydro store and the guy said they do take nutrients from the soil but at the rate they die its not an issue. They're bodies are nutrients when they decompose according to the guy I talked to... anyone else think that sounds right?
Call me a dumb ass you stupid fuck.Who had the right answer.Fuck you I never called names just said wrong.And if your fucking stupid enough to use viniger.I know your shit is not as good as my med grow.So go read up on growing you little troll.Using viniger shows me your the dumbass
wtf, chill man. No need for bragging about grows or calling names and insulting people to such a lengthy degree man. Going on long winded rants that are full of cursing and stuff only makes you look dumb. Im saying so because Ive done it.. Deep breaths dude:blsmoke:


Call me a dumb ass you stupid fuck.Who had the right answer.Fuck you I never called names just said wrong.And if your fucking stupid enough to use viniger.I know your shit is not as good as my med grow.So go read up on growing you little troll.Using viniger shows me your the dumbass
WOW, Its kinda ironic that the douche calling me a "dumb ass" can't even spell vinegar. Hey Oregon, just what is viniger? Did you happen to notice a little red, squiggly line under viniger? Its also irony that you can't seem to grasp the fact that I put it NEAR my plants, not IN my plants! REPEAT: NEAR, not IN? Got that dumb ass? Is it clear enough for you? And once again, it works, I've done it!

PS. NEAR, not IN!!


I know your shit is not as good as my med grow.So go read up on growing you little troll.
Oh yeah, I forgot. WWWWOOOOOWWWW, your growing medical marijuana!!!!! You are absolutely my F'n hero. Tell me, how do I do it man? What books should I read? What literature should I inquire about? By the use of your brilliant grammar, your obviously a scholar. Tell me Oregon, should my bagseed look probably as good as your medical marijuana?

...... Awww, what's that my friend, you like the taste of crow? Oh, nevermind, your too much of a dumb ass to even know what that means. :finger:


Well-Known Member
Or people are blaming their ignorance on products they dont know how to use or used in the wrong way. Instead of trouble shooting they run to a forum and whine, not necessarily talking about the op. I am currently using 3 ff products for first grow but ive read more good threads on ff products then bad by a long shot.


Active Member
Well, well, well. Im a first time grower and everything was going fine until just about 2 days ago. I was looking at my plants and then notice something crawling on my pots and soil. I get all red and furious. I'm in total shock because the LAST thing I need is bug problems. I'm like where did this come from? My room is pretty clean. I dust. I vacuum. So I'm like shit, I have spider mites. I try to kill as many as possible with my hands and picked some out of the soil with a small metal device. I killed maybe 80-100.

Today, I wake up, see the same problem, only worse. I kill all of them that I can see. Pick up my pot, see the roots coming out of the holes and decide its time to transplant. ON TOP OF THAT, I see a larvae, now I'm in total shock, like just staring at my plant for like 15 minutes in disbelief.

Anyways, I open the bag of Fox Farms, take a cups worth, and what do you know? Yea. You guessed it. F'in mites, crawling in the soil. Now, I'm kinda relieved because I know the source of the problem but still. "Top-of-the-line soil"? "Best soil to grow pot in"? "amazing results"? Harmless or not. IT'S DISGUSTING. Im sleeping in the same room as these pests. Just knowing that. 20 minutes later a fucking gnat flies into my hps.

I'm disgusted with Fox Farms and their quality of soil. I researched this, and noticed a ton of people had the same problem. Word of advice, never buy Fox Farms ever again. You'd think a soil that cost me 23 dollars a bag would be a clean plant-friendly soil but no. I don't care whose fault it is. Manufacturer. Store. I don't care. I don't care if some of you experienced great results and never had bugs in your bag of Fox Farms. I feel ripped off.

NOW, I don't have any money left and was wondering if anyone knew any homemade options to get rid of them. I was thinking dumping the remainder of the soil into a large container and just submerging it with water for like an hour. Drown those fuckers. But I have absolutely no clue how to get rid of them from my soil which feeds my plants. HELPPPPPPP
Stop being a cluck and get it from somewhere that doesn't have bugs up in there soil?


Active Member
funny how people love to hate FF...but i guess thats what you get when you the shit...iv read/seen plenty of different brands have gnats,...but you find somthing better let me know bro...also the place you get your soil has alot to do with if you get them or not, like if your hydrostores are like mine they pile all the soil in a corner in the back...not exactly ideal for preventing cross contamination i dont think


Well-Known Member
Idk if your problem was solved or not, but if your still having trouble with fungus gnats...they feed on dead plant make sure everything is well kill them, go to Loews or some other garden store of your choosing and ask for diatomaceous kills the larve by piercing through their exoskeleton...apply 2 tbls/1 gal of h20.....apply 2x a week and you'll be good bud :) hope that helps


Active Member
11$ for the big bag here and 8 for the small.. I agree with the above statement. You're gettin played hard.