well heres some more info to convince you.
so i wasnt expecting it in the mail for a couple more days it was a nice little surprise right before i was going to do some homework with the lady friend. after a couple hours i decided i was going to take a small amount so it could kick in for the walk home. i went to the bathroom. prepared it. and parachuted about 100mgs. after i came back my girlfriend wanted to try some. initially she said she didnt want any of it ever. so i was eager to go make her a parachute. she then left for about 30 minutes. this is when i started coming up. i was in a cafe type setting at her school. it started kicking in around 1030pm. the come up was like nothing ive ever experienced. my hands started to shake a little for a couple minutes. then i felt really euphoric. i put on some music and sat back taking it all in. i texted my gf and she said she was coming up too. we then decided to walk around but i made 2 more parachutes for the walk. we walked all night through the streets going where ever felt right. smoked a pack of cigarettes that night, i couldnt get enough of them and it felt real good to smoke. we redosed ever few hours and decided to watch the sunrise on the beach. we were very open with each other. telling and admitting secrets. we felt unimaginable amounts of love. we texted old friends apologizing for past wrong doings. and made a consciious effort to be a better person.
i did experience some undesirable next day effect though. when i ate the roof of my mouth was in pain. i couldnt keep a boner. i think it restrcited my blood vessels. i was shaky and cold.
but since those are gone now. i can say it was all worth it. it does have a very nasty habit of making you wanna do more. cuz when the peaked ended i felt sober. and wanted to be back peaking. but in retrospect when i thought i was sober i really wasnt.
this doesnt even grasp how great of a time this was. i really enjoyed it.