Bubblelicious, New York Power Diesel, and Super Skunk in DWC

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Lol, what a verbose asshole I am, but I just happened to notice that and thought it was kinda funny.

Anywho, just thought I'd share a quickie update of where I'm (my ladies are) at......


Here's the bottom of my veg (flowering for the next two months) tent - there's a real hodgepodge (sp.?) of plants in there, gonna take a clone or two off of each strain in the next couple of days, and flower them out under fluoros - at least gimme a tease of some of the new strains (Ice, AK, and Master Kush) that I haven't flowered yet (gonna make hash with the weed, most likely).


And here's the 72 Super Skunks up top under the 400 - probably veg them for about another couple of days (they're abut 6-8" tall right now, would like about 8-10") and then flip - still trying to stay really vigilant about maintaining an even canopy, which is why all the shorties are in the center.


Just another batch of horrible looking clones..........really fucking hating rockwool at this point (although I'm pretty sure I need to get thermostats for my heating pads, as I think that's where the real trouble lies).

Anywho, wanted to go with 144 Bubblelicous, but with some of them being so shitty, had to revise that plan and go with 45 Indica bagseeds and 97 Bubblelicous (142 as opposed to 144 because of the drain fittings).


Although they look uber pitiful from above, the root systems on them were pretty decent, so all was not lost.


Here's a random shot of the roots that were coming out of the bottom of one of the trays fromm under the 400........pretty strong and healthy, IMO.


And here's what those clones look like in their newest home - the front three trays are the bagseed, the rest is the bubble.

So that's about it; figure I'll flip the switch on the SS and the plants under fluoros within a couple of days, and continue to veg the 142 for (best guess) another two weeks before I flip the switch.

Since the SS should take an extra week or two longer, that means that everyone should be finishing up right around May 31st.

Not sure when I'm gonna start a new journal up - conflicted between starting in a couple of weeks when I flip the switch on the 142 or waiting longer and starting it up around May 1st when they're a month in with a month to go.

Anyone's advice is welcome.


Well-Known Member
Aerocloner is the way to go. No rockwool, no humidity dome, heating pad. 100% rooting fast and always. Cloning went from an irritating, laborious process to something I look forward to doing. I use the Botanicare machine. I think they make a 50 site cloner, you might have to go DIY for the numbers you are seeking. You can stick more than one cutting in each site though, so your mileage may vary.


Well-Known Member
glad i got a chance to stop in and checkup on ur grow. great update. glad to see ure still goin strong. ll have to take time and catch up but best of luck.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
So after lots of careful consideration (as evidenced by the ten pages worth of posts regarding it), I've decided to say "fuck AC".

Just gonna run two more (powerful) centrifugal fans in and out of that gable vent (as Caz called it, so I assume that's what it's called :mrgreen:), and just do my cooling that way.

Have looked at the electric bill since I started this project, and the bill's up about 50 kilowatt hours a day, which is just not a very efficient use of electricity and I'm not gonna continue to do that - gonna change my veg time to 18/6 from 24/0, gonna be less crazy about using my dehumidifier, and I'm certainly not gonna add an 1800 watt AC to the equation, especially as I'm going to be adding 1000-1400 watts for flowering.

Have no problem using an extra 50 kilowatts a day, but adding an AC and more "flower power" wattage would get me up to a ludicrous number (bill has only gone from $120 to $200, but I'd like to keep it somewhat low-ish).

There are gonna be days/weeks where the temp gets up to 90+ in the garage (and some horrible days when it gets to 100F), but I'm just gonna deal with that, and with running the flowering room at night, I think the temps should at least stay "reasonable" for 95% of the year.


Active Member
Good call Bob. I'm not against the use of AC. I'm thinking about it myself too. But all works well without the CO2 and night time temps should be cool enough with the correct CFM air exchange to live without it. It's the day temps and the veg room that causes trouble in summer when hot. But if your keeping all the veg plants small until flower then floros work well while reducing heat somewhat.


Well-Known Member
I had an idea here guys, and I wanna through it out in Bob's thread since ya'll have been talkin cooling anyway. So we have mentioned the Ice box and a Chiller in the past. I am still going that route (as I already bought both). What I have been trying to figure out is how to get it to actually cool my tent. So I thought about it..I am already ducting the heat out the house so I don't need the Ice box attached to my lights ducting.

So I figured that by adding it (the Ice Box) onto the intake and setting it in my hut, under the grow table...and running off of my Sentinel. Then when the intake kicks on its cooling the inside of my hut. My chiller wont be fighting the heat from my light either. So it should be able to drop temps in the res. water no problem. Meaning the Chiller wont be running as often either, thus saving on power.

Thoughts guys? Think that's reasonable? I can adjust the res temp with the Chiller to make sure its not blowing too cold. Then have the Sentinel set to kick on the intake/exhaust when things get too hot.


Active Member
Should help out. I was thinking of getting two car radiators from the junk yard put one inside with a fan and drip tray and one just outside with another fan possibly a large res too not sure yet. Think it would work?
Sorry bob,.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, sorry for the hijack Bob. I just figured it kind of made sense since the main theme lately has been cooling.

IDK about that Caz, I'm not exactly sure how all that would be set up. I'm no mechanic...far from it. lmao

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Please don't ever apologize to me for hijacking this thread!!! :fire:

There's actually some good ideas you guys have there, and reading what you guys wrote made me realize that there may be some cooling options available to me on days when it gets to 95F outside.........so please, talk away - it's good for all.

No pics, still struggling to keep the clones alive, but it looks like we're gonna make it - I'll throw some pics up early next week - have a good and safe weekend everybody :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I had an idea here guys, and I wanna through it out in Bob's thread since ya'll have been talkin cooling anyway. So we have mentioned the Ice box and a Chiller in the past. I am still going that route (as I already bought both). What I have been trying to figure out is how to get it to actually cool my tent. So I thought about it..I am already ducting the heat out the house so I don't need the Ice box attached to my lights ducting.

So I figured that by adding it (the Ice Box) onto the intake and setting it in my hut, under the grow table...and running off of my Sentinel. Then when the intake kicks on its cooling the inside of my hut. My chiller wont be fighting the heat from my light either. So it should be able to drop temps in the res. water no problem. Meaning the Chiller wont be running as often either, thus saving on power.

Thoughts guys? Think that's reasonable? I can adjust the res temp with the Chiller to make sure its not blowing too cold. Then have the Sentinel set to kick on the intake/exhaust when things get too hot.
That's exactly what I'm building. EXACTLY... except I'm going to use the TV-2 controller for the fan, and I'll hook up the sentinel to the ice box water pump for cooling. That way the fan kicks on high when it gets warm but it's always on low at least. I'm going to do that for two 4x9 tents and one 4x4 tent in a garage. The garage will get a little warm because of the chiller, but I'll run a seperate exhaust (and fresh air intake) just for the garage. If we don't open the tent too much then we should be able to keep it Co2 saturated with bottles pretty easy.

My only problem is going to be 6 ducting lines for the lights and 2 ducts for the room exhaust, all running up into the attic.

I know I've been talking about building this setup for at least 2 months. We have been buying equipment. We've got everything except the 4 hoods. I'm trying to buy the Blockbuster hoods and they're on backorder. They said they're being redesigned by the company, so we might as well wait for the new design. The chiller is supposed to arrive on the same pallet. We've got all of the electrical installed: New 100 amp sub-panel, 2 240v boxes and 8 new 110v plugs. Each plug has it's own circuit!

Anyway, we should have everything set up in the next 2 weeks. Let's hope so, because tonight we are going to germinate the seeds. The baby seeds can do their thing on the side for the next two weeks while we get the tents ready. We're getting close.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
That's exactly what I'm building. EXACTLY... except I'm going to use the TV-2 controller for the fan, and I'll hook up the sentinel to the ice box water pump for cooling. That way the fan kicks on high when it gets warm but it's always on low at least. I'm going to do that for two 4x9 tents and one 4x4 tent in a garage. The garage will get a little warm because of the chiller, but I'll run a seperate exhaust (and fresh air intake) just for the garage. If we don't open the tent too much then we should be able to keep it Co2 saturated with bottles pretty easy.

My only problem is going to be 6 ducting lines for the lights and 2 ducts for the room exhaust, all running up into the attic.

I know I've been talking about building this setup for at least 2 months. We have been buying equipment. We've got everything except the 4 hoods. I'm trying to buy the Blockbuster hoods and they're on backorder. They said they're being redesigned by the company, so we might as well wait for the new design. The chiller is supposed to arrive on the same pallet. We've got all of the electrical installed: New 100 amp sub-panel, 2 240v boxes and 8 new 110v plugs. Each plug has it's own circuit!

Anyway, we should have everything set up in the next 2 weeks. Let's hope so, because tonight we are going to germinate the seeds. The baby seeds can do their thing on the side for the next two weeks while we get the tents ready. We're getting close.
Never heard of "Blockbuster" hoods, but the Magnum XXXL I got is pretty official - the fucker is almost as large as the 4x4 table it's covering.

Not sure how set you are on those hoods, but I'd imagine there's not much dropoff (if any) in productivity from a Magnum, especially if the hoods are backordered.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I don't believe it does (although I'd imagine the glass is fairly easy to remove and clean, which I guess is what you're going for), but I've never taken it out so I'm really not sure.

I can tell you with a large degree of certainty that the Magnum will beat the pants off of that reflector that you linked - in terms of coverage, that reflector is 25x25 and the Magnum 8" is 36x30 - since they're made by the same company, I'd assume the quality is equal, so all else equal, you want a bigger reflector - can get it closer and keep the footprint larger.

That being said, I'd be lying if I said that it was easy to install Magnums in tents because they are so fucking big, so if you're more comfy with the Blockbuster, I'm sure that'll workout fine for ya.


Well-Known Member
Since I'm going to be vegging for a few weeks in the tent, I will need to swap out the bulbs fairly often. Two screws and the whole glass swings down, makes opening the hood EXTREMELY simple. It's just a well thought-out design. The larger size would be preferred, except I also need to fit the carbon filter and two 18" oscillating fans in there. I would have to do some CAD to see if that would work.

If 2 weeks comes and goes, and they don't have the Blockbuster in stock yet, I'll be looking for different hoods.


Well-Known Member
That hinged feature is real nice. Both of my super sun II have it. Cleaning couldnt be easier. I didnt even know it was a feature when I ordered them. I feel you Smokingrubber, Now that I've had this convieniance, I dont know if I'd want a hood without it. Glad the clones are still coming along bob. Still waiting paitiently to see how you decide to set up the room and get them girls going. Not saying hurry up, just letting you know you still have my interest sparked. I'm just afraid if mine weighs out, you might change your mind again. I am really curious to know what 3 plants, a 600w light, and an average yield strain can produce.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Hey all, not dead but am I having some issues with Rollitup - haven't been able to log in for a while and keep on getting a "database" error, which is tweaking me out a little bit and stopping me from posting pics.

Had to top half the clones in the veg tent because I dragged my feet too long on setting up a temporary vegging room to keep my genetics, so that's kinda a shitshow (not really, but you'll see). The flowering tent clones are really starting to come around though, which is a good thing - gonna flip the switch on the Super Skunk as soon as I get my temp veg chamber setup (early next week), and hopefully within about ten days on the flowering tent.

Ordering a 6" filter for my veg tent, and I think a 10" inline and filter to exhaust the entire garage out the gable vent. Still not sure if I'll be okay with passive intake or if I should have a 425CFM fan for intake - would love anyone's input on this. If passive intake then I can't tarp up the garage and make it totally sealed, but smell shouldn't be an issue because air would constantly be coming through all the little holes and whatnot.

Anyhow, super busy but have been setting aside some time each way to do some work in there so these two harvests can go down without too many issues.

Since posting pics is a bitch, I'll make a movie and post it here within a couple/few days.

Hope everyone else is doing well.


Well-Known Member
I know it sucks, but I am GLAD I am not the only one having issues with RIU Bob. Same database error on my end. I just got to log in for the first time in 2 days! I set up my icebox/chiller the way I mentioned earlier...and its working GREAT! Temps dont get above 83! Chiller kicks on once in a while, runs for 5 minutes or so and that's it. Fans kick on and the air coming out the ice box is a nice 68 - 70 degrees. They run for about 5 minutes and my hut is back down to 78 to 75. It's already hit about 90 out towards the grow pad..so I think I'm good for the summer.


Well-Known Member
it think something was going on with their server. I have been having the same problem off and on for the last couple of days. Hope it was just for maintenance(usually the reason normal sites go down for a little), but with these ones you just never know.