The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Got home a while ago after a 25 min each way drive to pick up 2 of the shittest £20 bags I've ever seen... Just under half a bag gone in the first roll :( need to get growing asap haha, won ma light tho :) hoping to get the dwc aswell! Or I'm just saving the money and going with soil for the first grow, I'm that impatiant haha
itsa fuckin rip off world out there rite now buddy. i know a guy doin .9 for a tenner. i grow and punt(not a lot just enuff to get by) but i never rip people off, theres enuff cash in it anyway. i sold all my weed for £160 the oz and after i sat lsat nite with a calulator i worked out it had cost me just over £26 per oz to grow. now who the fuck isnt happy with that. that grow cost me around £600 and yeilded 23 oz and if u add on the factor that most of that outlay is still there in terms of tent,lights,pots etc it probably cost lest than a tenner to grow.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
half an oz of 'high grade' in london is 150quid lol
and 20bags weigh 1.5

you can buy standard weed for 2g for 20quid but for .5 of a gram fuck that rlly

but yeh dont get involved in buying/selling anymore since i have my own supply all 2 myself ;)


Well-Known Member
i just do enuff to get by, im in the trades and as theres no work rite now its just a way to get the bills paid, to be honest its maybe a bit of a hassle( i've been out three times tonite already) its still better than gettin up on a pissin wet monday mornin with a hangover and gettin shouted at by sum prick all day and then losing 20% of your pay to a govt full of corrupt fuckers that are floodin the country with non brits in order to keep wages low and there rich mates in good profits while screwing you over to get there moats cleaned and payin a bunch of wankers in uniforms to keep you in line , covering every square inch of the island in cctv to spy on you( for your own good from the bad muslims , that were really robbin oil from).......oh dear im offf on one again. fuck the system and beware of the vast machine.


Well-Known Member
morning all you fuckers, well another day without a hangover but here comes the hard bit ...the feckin weekend. its not as if i can drink anyway because of the medication( disulfirum/anti abuse) but just fuckin knowing that half the country will be tends to make me a shade envious; or just fuckin green eyed jealous you cunts. ah well got some good e put away for tomorrow along with some coke and maybe get sum valium to cushion the blow on sunday morning, maybe even get some 'cobra' non alc lager, i know this doesnt really sound like im trying to give up but in comparison to my usual weekends/weeklong drinking its about the same as ur average punter halving a quick pint on his lunch break, a mere dribble in the usual ocean of intoxication that i usually swim/drown in; i'm gonna blame the moon for the tides within that ocean that i have no control over draggin me around like a blind jellyfish and then i'm going to stop stretching the metaphor past absolute breaking point. i will bid you a good day gentlemen and retire to the smoking room, first checking upon my homemade soup, that no doubt will be a delicious repast later in the day. adeiu mon amie.........ta ta fur noo


Active Member
Sup UK growers!

i'm from south east and going to be growing 4 northern lights in my shed.. o yeah! haha

i am new to growing so going to look at some videos.

i have 1 125w blue 6400k bulb will this be enough for 4 plants ?

and also will i have to get the 2700k red bulb for flowering ?

thanks :)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey silver why a red light whats the advantage to a red light???
alright mate i'm no pro and still on my first grow but from what i understand blue light 6500k is best for vegging and the red light 2700k is used for flower the general theme is though that mixed spectrum is better, the lights themselves are no different just the light spectrum that they put out i'm not 100% sure but i think it's the same difference between warm white fl tubes and cool white but don't quote me on that mate


Active Member
alright mate i'm no pro and still on my first grow but from what i understand blue light 6500k is best for vegging and the red light 2700k is used for flower the general theme is though that mixed spectrum is better, the lights themselves are no different just the light spectrum that they put out i'm not 100% sure but i think it's the same difference between warm white fl tubes and cool white but don't quote me on that mate

thats exactly why i got the blue light, bluie 6400k is for growing and red 2700k for flowering

apparantly anyway thats what it says every were


Active Member
Afternoon! lazy day today, we have a part timer in friday so we dont have to get up:mrgreen: had a quick smoke before we left for work then hit up maccy D's :blsmoke: hows everyone?


Well-Known Member
throw as much light of any kind at them, blue is better for vegging and red is better for flower ( i believe its sumthin to do with the spectrum of sunlight during spring and summer/autum varying), i use a blue spec metal halide( 400 watt) alongside a 600 hps dual spectrum for veg and then take the 400 mh out at flower and replace it with another 400 hps dual spectrum. the blue spectrum bulb stops the plant stretching too much during veg this allows for tighter node spaceing and stops the plant being kinda bendy/spindly and therefore sturdier. extra stalk doesnt equal extra bud, ive pulled 6oz from a 42" tall plant and half that from a 60" tall one .at the end of the day as much light as poss is good only problem may be heat, if using fluorescent then no probs at all but mh/hps do produce a fair bit of heat.
mmmmm i love uncle ronalds im gud gotta go pick ma boy up from school in a min
just a qiuck question what strains can i use for a scrog needs to be low odor but still yeild a nice decent amount


Active Member
hey riffix, wassup mate? im feckin bored.
just remembered why im going out for a meal tonight, its my dads birthday! just frantically searched the net for a present and settled for a F1 game for him. now im just sat doing fuck all, quiet day at work, the shops dead today. could proper use going back to bed for a bit.


Well-Known Member
I like it when a girl screams my name during sex so I have changed my name by deed poll to 'Getoff Yacunt'.


Well-Known Member
im just gaunna sit and wait on people payin tic and beggin me for more, usual friday at the den. need ta sortout e as well.....back soon.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
thats exactly why i got the blue light, bluie 6400k is for growing and red 2700k for flowering

apparantly anyway thats what it says every were
that's my understanding aswell mate i would use the both for flower and add any extra cfl's u got lying around the more the light the better by all accounts, i'm setting my new spot up at the mo and i plan in using a few large cfl's with the hps and from the advice given to me and a bit of homework you wanna put the 2 of them together for flowering, or you can buy dual spectrum cfl's now but no need if you already have both spectrums you'll have to let us know how it goes with them mate i'm using a 150w blue for veg and am seriously impressed with it i used a 600w hps for veg last round and apart from them being a bit slower in growth i'm impressed with the cfl and plan on getting more of them mate