jeff f
New Member
a guy asked me today how the health care legislation would affect my business..
i told him it will make it almost imposable for small business to hire new employees because of the already low profit margins . any extra expense right now will hurt ALOT of small and medium sized business and keep them from hiring new employees without a doubt. now there is going to be extra withholding to pay for this scheme making it more expensive to hire employees.
not to mention extra capital gains tax all kinds of tax's. the IRS is going to hire 15K new agents to collect the moneys for health care that wouldnt start for around 4 to 5 years in the future.
good luck progressives on getting people back to work and increasing the work force so fewer people are sitting around with their hand out looking for obamas stash.
all these companys will continue to lay people off and will NOT hire them back for years to come.unless they hire them in a countrys whos business laws and tax's are reasonable unlike the USA.
these progressive idiots are working over time to destroy the american economy and the middle class in this country. looks like they are doing a fine job of it too.
maybe the million census takers obama is going to hire might offset the unemployment numbers for a short time.
1 million census workers .divide by 300 million people. that means each one of those census workers would have to count only 300 people in one years time or so..thats about how long they have planned to hire the census workers.2000 hours times 20 bucks a hour. (some census takers will make more some less than that. so i just used a median number.
that is 40000 a year to count 300 people each. 40Ktimes 1000000 is what? 40 billion dollars?
these fucking people running this country are complete fucking morons.almost as dumb as the people who voted for them.
(sarcasm engage) Hogwash! this bill will make it so easy for you to hire people. obama loves small business and would never do anything to hurt them.
besides who do you think you are running a business and expecting a "profit". you owe most of your hard work to obama and the progressives. so just fork over the money and forget about it.
and by the way, obama and the boys are gonna go after huge taxes on energy soon. that will make the economy boom. it will probably boom so much that you wont even need money anymore. everything you need to eat you will be able to trade stuff for cuz people are gonna be so happy. besides bartering is a way better way of life.
and then comes immigration where we say all you that snuck in are now totally legal and entitled to social security, free food, free healthcare, free education, its all free yippy!!......(sarcasm disengage)
the idiocy of progressives amazes me.