Teabaggers Mock Parkinsons Victim


Well-Known Member
Used "preconditions" to deny people coverage:

A baby being too tall
Organ donation
Family medical history, not personal, family
Being adopted (no way of knowing family history)
The use of many prescription drugs
spousal abuse - that's right, if you're spouse abused you it is a pre-existing condition


Well-Known Member
Mandated car insurance is a state issue. Income taxes are covered in the 16th Amendment. Sales taxes are a state, county and city issue. With all of that in mind, please point out from where the federal government derives the authority to DEMAND that any citizen MUST carry health insurance. Thanks ...
try HR3590


Well-Known Member
Oh, I see. So politicians just bestow themselves with rights? Well, WTF ... I'l just bestow myself with the right to a Ferrari. Now pay up, sucka! :lol:
well now see, you weren't elected. you lack the authority to demand a Ferrari.

but to answer your question, the politicians did not bestow rights upon themselves. you (the voter) empowered the politicians with not only the right, but the duty to enact laws in governance of the nation.

see how that works?