First Grow - 2,000 Watt - 30 Plants - Hydro (Help Me Grow)


Active Member
Day #9

Okay, so my camera messed up, no pictures today.. but here's what up... our plants might be dead in the morning. Here's why:

I soaked them in 5.8 balanced water for 14 hours... put them in rockwool. Then after I put them in rockwool... about 2 hours later for the fun of it I checked the PH of the water I soaked the cubes in... it was 6.8 (WTF...NO!!!!!) .. so I dunno if that's normal... but I hope it is...

to make matters worse I checked the PH of the water in the tub the blocks were in... it read 7.15 (we're DEAD!!!!)

On top of all this... I lowered the lights to about 2 inches and am realizing that was probably way way way too close.

They are also looking very light green and yellow so tomorrow if they are even alive I'm going to add 1/8th nutes and start feeding them/watering them about 3 times a day like that green guy in the famous GROW WEED video, b/c I can't really get a direct answer from anyone on how to feed/water them, and how often... so I'm gonna wing it (not the best idea...but what else should I do...)

I hope we're not in for a sad surprise tomorrow morning...


Well-Known Member
goodluck man if i was you i woulda started with soil much easier and i know alot of people who don't even test the ph and do fine just be carefull with the nutes i think there still prety young and for watering just check when ever they are kinda dry get them moist again


Active Member
Day #9 (Ut Oh!) (Part #2)

Okay, so here are some pictures... I went and raised the lights a little bit (4inches from the tallest plant) and boy do I need some opinions.

I don't know how far my lights should be, b/c I know they're strong and I don't wanna burn them... they still look like they're stretching, but they're also becoming lighter and discolored, and I don't wanna bleach them out b/c the lights are too close? (think that's the right term)

I'm wondering if they are wanting nutrients... b/c my lights are either frying them s..l...o..w...l..y... or they're starving... but I also don't wanna stunt them w/ nutes....(I think...1st grow..what do I know)

And I hope the whole PH thing was just a scare and isn't anything to worry about, b/c I have enough on my plate...

(Also, I think the pictures make the plants look a little bit more green... b/c in person they look very light green...almost w/ a white-ish tint)



Well-Known Member
Day #9 (Ut Oh!) (Part #2)

Okay, so here are some pictures... I went and raised the lights a little bit (4inches from the tallest plant) and boy do I need some opinions.

I don't know how far my lights should be, b/c I know they're strong and I don't wanna burn them... they still look like they're stretching, but they're also becoming lighter and discolored, and I don't wanna bleach them out b/c the lights are too close? (think that's the right term)

I'm wondering if they are wanting nutrients... b/c my lights are either frying them s..l...o..w...l..y... or they're starving... but I also don't wanna stunt them w/ nutes....(I think...1st grow..what do I know)

And I hope the whole PH thing was just a scare and isn't anything to worry about, b/c I have enough on my plate...

(Also, I think the pictures make the plants look a little bit more green... b/c in person they look very light green...almost w/ a white-ish tint)
still alive this morning then huh


Well-Known Member
My seedlings always look streched like that then i transplant and just cover most of the stem with dirt but just keep a small breeze blowin over them and mist just a little that will help toughin the stems up


Well-Known Member
its a rough life for a seedling, let em grow a bit and see then. i think u r OK personally. i have minor issues with seeds up til the got cotyledones or 3 fingered leafs


Active Member
Day #10

Okay, so b/c my PH jumped overnight the other night, and I didn't catch it I re-soaked all of the rockwool blocks in balanced 5.5 water and 720 PPM (EC: 1.02) nutrients.

I also lowered my lights to 3" from the plants.

They actually seem healthy, it's just this is my first grow and I'm unsure about most of my actions.

I took a picture so you can see my setup a little, but it's far from done. Tomorrow I'm installing my exhaust/intake.



Active Member
I'm unsure when I should re-soak/feed them...

I guess I'll go off of when they're dry.

Also if their PH isn't 5.5 today, gonna re-soak again.


Well-Known Member
yea havein babies has some stress =) now you go ta feeding sced bye bye stress =) i might hafta get it off you one day ya never know