From another VBulletin forum,,,,,,,,,
Will try to explain what these mean in reference to the picture.
Orange Bar: This is the points you have accumulated so far from joining the site and the level you have got to.
Blue Bar: This is the percentage needed and points before you move up to the next level (max 100)
Green Bar: This is you site usage, u get points for every day you are on the site and your posting etc, this is calculated over a rolling 31 day period and updated daily.
Points are earned for -
days online
album pictures
new threads
new posts
viewing a thread
thanking a post ( this is already done automatically when you download a NZB)
voting in polls
pictures in your albums
having a blog etc etc
you can also loose points if a member of staff has to give you a infraction
Just so people know and it is clear apart from the point level which is set at 0.5, the staff have no input including myself how the information is gathered, it is taken from within your own member account and how you use the site and your activity on the site, as listed in start of thread
We should tell RIU we want the blue bar LOL