First Grow - 2,000 Watt - 30 Plants - Hydro (Help Me Grow)


Active Member
Day #11

Gotta make this one quick... in a rush.

But the plants seem to be getting more and more light green... one of the Kandy Kush is starting to look brown in the middle... took the best pictures I could w/ my phone.

Didn't get a chance to install the exhaust or intake... WILL TOMORROW FOR SURE!!!

(On a side note: The Tora Bora is growing the biggest and strongest out of them all, and has been cince day one...their seeds were HUGE, TOO!!!)



i think you will be fine. that first time is nerve recking i know but you got a hell of a system for your first time but thats cool as shit tho. but yea ill help you as much as i can cus im a hydro guy all the way. i know a thing or two about it. And what ever i cant answer i know the man who can lol. but let me now the gallon of your system and we will go from thier.


Active Member
i think you will be fine. that first time is nerve recking i know but you got a hell of a system for your first time but thats cool as shit tho. but yea ill help you as much as i can cus im a hydro guy all the way. i know a thing or two about it. And what ever i cant answer i know the man who can lol. but let me now the gallon of your system and we will go from thier.
16 gallon. Sensi A + B

and that's it... T-5 light, 4 bulb...

and a drip system I have yet to instal.

Still soaking my rockwool to feed/water them.


Active Member
Day #16

Haven't updated in a while with the site being down a couple days back, and the site uploads pictures when it wants (frustrating)... so w/o pictures I tend not to update.

But here was day #16 (few days ago) ... I'll post more soon, getting ready to expand and set up the drip system, soon. Check out the new exhaust.

Few pictures show some plant flaws/problems... don't think it's too much to worry about though.



Active Member
Day #29


But since my last post the plants are doing okay. All are still alive, and all are in pretty decent health (for the most part.) As you can see in the pictures I have quite a few leaves that could be better on some plants.

As of right now the TSM seems to be the biggest standing a little over 12-13 inches, while some of the Kandy Kush/Tora Bora are barley 6-7 inches. All of the plants are filled out and strong, just some are a lot bigger(taller) than others. "Nute lock" isn't something I'm concerned about right now, but I'm hoping it isn't and won't be a problem for any of my plants (why are they so small?)

I also picked up an additional 8 bulb fluorescent because my plants were getting so big, and I wanted to make sure they all had enough space to grow.

My Cycle/Feeding Numbers:

Lighting: 24/0; Distance: 1.5 - 4 inches
pH: 5.5 (but sometimes the pH jumps to 6.1-6.5 overnight)
PPM/EC: 840(1.2) - 980(1.4) (but it always jumps! Sometimes as high as 1045 (1.492ish)

I originally had my feeding set for once a day but after the first day the rockwool felt DESERT dry so now they get fed 3 times a day:
3:15am - 3:45am
4:15pm - 4:45pm
10:30pm - 11:00pm

Temp set @ 75-77 Fahrenheit
Humidity 40% - 55%

