Attention Atheist



I know, I just wanted to know how you got him telling you to get an education and turned it into him being ignorant. Explain.

The truth is i never did understand any of his posts or threads they are like rambling in a diff language almost.


Well-Known Member
Let's take a second here and try to shift gears... Haze, what exactly do you believe? Now that you have started a thread to bash on athiests, evolution, and science by callling everyone ignorant, liars, and blind... i want to know exactly what you believe. I bet it's really easy to pick apart everyone's beliefs, work your B.S. arguments around in circles giving no definitive information or proof for anything in your beliefs. You say you aren't religious, you don't follow organized religion, you obviously aren't atheist, you don't believe science.. you say that nobody can prove anything, yet you sit in your tower and try to disprove everyone else's beliefs. What exactly do you believe, cause now you switching the subject to life forms on other planets and shit has me thinking you're a scientoligist or something? Let's hear your views for once....


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and be my guest, believe the same people that say that wallstreet is a holy place.

And thats why science is false again my friend because they will never prove anything, just make excuses.

How ironic claiming that science is false while typing on and communicating to others using products of science.
Science is self-correcting. We will continually get closer to the truth as time goes on. Science is self-confirming. The fact that tech based on science works, tells us the underlying theories are correct.
Why are you so insistent on absolute, undeniable proof? The fact that science is willing to adapt and correct itself is a testament to its power, it's not a weakness.
You are either a troll or one of the stupidest humans in existence.



Religion is the opiate and poison of the masses.

More bad than good comes from it.
"Lets go kill and convert a bunch of people who dont believe the same things we do!!"


"um, uh, in the name of the lord!"


Active Member
I would like to know what Haze's point really is also.

Maybe Haze is attempting to create his/her own crackpot following?

What is it you are trying to say, you bash people for not believing in the beliefs that were
created by the persons/entities that created the platform of the beliefs you are expressing. I dont care if you support any religion or
church in particular, however the opinions you have clearly expressed for the most part are based upon/created by the "Church/Religion" that you are also claiming you do not follow?????????

How many different ways do you want it? I suggest you go back and read ALL of your posts Haze
you will soon see (at least you should) the constant contradictory statements you have made.

[sarcasm] I think we should all stop living and start worshiping the law of 420Haze420 and his/her preachings [/sarcasm]



"Lets go kill and convert a bunch of people who dont believe the same things we do!!"


"um, uh, in the name of the lord!"
Sounds silly, but I am a History Major. Take a look at all of the wars ever recorded. Take out the ones fought for food or land, and what you are left with is a giant pile of bloodshed in gods name. It is sickening.


I would like to know what Haze's point really is also.

Maybe Haze is attempting to create his/her own crackpot following?

What is it you are trying to say, you bash people for not believing in the beliefs that were
created by the persons/entities that created the platform of the beliefs you are expressing. I dont care if you support any religion or
church in particular, however the opinions you have clearly expressed for the most part are based upon/created by the "Church/Religion" that you are also claiming you do not follow?????????

How many different ways do you want it? I suggest you go back and read ALL of your posts Haze
you will soon see (at least you should) the constant contradictory statements you have made.

[sarcasm] I think we should all stop living and start worshiping the law of 420Haze420 and his/her preachings [/sarcasm]

+rep because nobody could have said that any better.


Sounds silly, but I am a History Major. Take a look at all of the wars ever recorded. Take out the ones fought for food or land, and what you are left with is a giant pile of bloodshed in gods name. It is sickening.
Very sickening. How can you kill and whatnot in the name of a god thats supposed to love all of his children? Its just dumb.


I love how haze stopped posting after people started asking him what his beliefs actually were...ha..