Oil leaders' private debate televised by mistake

Do you remember the C130s that flew to Iraq loaded with 100 dollar bills, billions of them, most of them have been diverted to private bank accounts by the leading Iraqis, why should they care what happens to their country, they are all millionaires many times over. They had the money stacked on pallets, pallets of 100 dollar bills, can you even imagine that. I should have volunteered to go to Iraq and help unload the money, can you just see those Iraqis unloading those pallets. There was little to no accounting of that money. All we know is that most of it is gone. Another genious plan by the Bush regime.

That's exactly what I'm saying, and what's gonna happen when all the Iraqi's that recieved that money (were bribed) find out that there fortune is now worthless if the US dollar turns to dust? Not only do we have to worry about the terrorists we have created over there, but now everyone that was supposedly backing us as well. All this shit is gonna blow up in our face soon I think:neutral:
That's exactly what I'm saying, and what's gonna happen when all the Iraqi's that recieved that money (were bribed) find out that there fortune is now worthless if the US dollar turns to dust? Not only do we have to worry about the terrorists we have created over there, but now everyone that was supposedly backing us as well. All this shit is gonna blow up in our face soon I think:neutral:

Hey, I have one million new Iraqi Dinars. Hopefully the dollar turns to shit and I can convert them to euros on a 1:1 basis, ~LOL~, move to southern France and buy a small chateau, and enjoy national health care for all, drink french wine, and grow my stash unmolested. Hey we all have a dream.
What was that thread were the bushies claim our economy is doing so friggin great ...

[URL="http://uk.news.yahoo.com/rtrs/20071208/tpl-uk-iran-oil-dollar-02bfc7e_1.html"]Iran stops selling oil in U.S. dollars -report [/URL]
Iran has completely stopped selling any of its oil for U.S. dollars, an Iranian news agency reported on Saturday, citing the oil minister of the world's fourth-largest crude producer.
The dollar will take a major hit from this. As more nations switch to the Euro, foreign demand for dollars will drop, and that demand was propping up the already-weak dollar.

Iran just kicked out the prop. And nobody will blame them after confirmation that President Bush knowingly lied about Iran's nuclear capability to try to start another war. Thanks a whole bunch, Dubya. We The People continue to take it in the teeth for the favors you do for your Neocon masters.

I admit I'm not much when it comes to economics, but all I know is a lot or poor and middle class people are hurting bad ... the only business doing well are the oil companies and defense contractors ...
... we are in some deep shit and no amount of bushie spin is going to change that. :spew:


That would explain why the price of gas in British Columbia jumped nine cents in one night. It sucked hard...

I love V8 power, but the need for alternate fuels is badly needed..
As you may already know alternate fuels already exist....the Powers don't want the people to have sustainable power without having to pay a high price and endless taxes for it!!!

I know what you mean...I love V8 power also and have one in my Chevy suburban.

I agree .... we have the alternates .... it's the nazi's that refuse to allow it to go commercial ....
As you may already know alternate fuels already exist....the Powers don't want the people to have sustainable power without having to pay a high price and endless taxes for it!!!

I know what you mean...I love V8 power also and have one in my Chevy suburban.

Those things are tanks. I've got a V-8 powered hot-rod you should ride in if you like brutal V-8 power, 0-60 in 3.0, 0-100 in 9.5, o-122 in 11.3 @ the end of the 1/4 mile, top speed, too scary.
look up Amero on utube...the plant to consolidate the u.s. Mexico and Canada is already in the works. Ask any one who was affected by the Euro....the middle class was devastated by it. Don't take my word for it....do your own research.

Apparently there is already a prototype coin... :evil:


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