Smell Issue


Active Member
Thanks for all the reply's guys, I bought 1 of each ona gel's of the flavors I guess... I got my squrial cage fan in today so with the carbon filter and the ona gel I believe the smell shouldn't be an issue any more

Thanks a whole lot guys +rep

Peace out


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the reply's guys, I bought 1 of each ona gel's of the flavors I guess... I got my squrial cage fan in today so with the carbon filter and the ona gel I believe the smell shouldn't be an issue any more

Thanks a whole lot guys +rep

Peace out
oder nuetralizing agents dont work as well as a carbon filters. filters remove and onas try to mask.
sorry about being a dick but to many people start before the know what they are doing and then try to rigg something up instead of studying up and setting up right. trust me you will save yourself alot of time and money by research and reading.


Well-Known Member
oder nuetralizing agents dont work as well as a carbon filters. filters remove and onas try to mask.
sorry about being a dick but to many people start before the know what they are doing and then try to rigg something up instead of studying up and setting up right. trust me you will save yourself alot of time and money by research and reading.
not being a dick either but he did mention ona and carbon filter.
Dimebagdan is a fucking loser look at his little plant to go with his little dick. i just joined and would like the answer to the question hopefully a new and better one. I've been growing in cali. for over 20 years and the way they do shit is for other things incorprated to work. It's not completely wrong anymore and new things that work specifically for pot. So what's up any got something new and fresh that acully works for cali kind bud. this shit stinks.


good results require a good amount money to buy the appropreate equipment minimum $1000 -1500 on descent results set-up..


Well-Known Member
You just need to just stop fooling yourself and get a real carbon filter. You dont need a big fan with your filter to clean the air of a small space. Here is a 6 in. x 14 in. filter with a fan already on it and it will clean an 8x8x8 room, and its quite and refillable for 115$.Just stand it in the corner of your room... Its worth it just not to worry anymore.


Well-Known Member
damn that thing is awesome. im definitely buying one with one of my next paychecks. prob after i get a grow tent. then that, then a new light :bigjoint:


Active Member
damn that thing is awesome. im definitely buying one with one of my next paychecks. prob after i get a grow tent. then that, then a new light :bigjoint:
yea ive never seen one with a built in fan like that. man technology is great! im gona post this to the best deals section because most growers are using a $100+ unline fan to power their filters with a 50=80$ filter. this thing has one built in and it's still cheaper than a fan/filter combo! id be interested to know how much power that fan uses. ill post any info i find


Well-Known Member
I have already posted it in the best deals thread like a month ago when I bought 2 of them,they had a deal at the time I got 2 for 209$ . At the time I was unsure how well they would work but I have 1 in a room with 1600 watts and another 1 in a separate room with a 1000 watts and you can't smell a thing in my house 4-5 weeks into flowering. The 1000 watt room is also much bigger than 8x8x8, its basically sitting in my open basement which is like 16x20. Anyways I was worried they wouldn't work well because of how small they are but they are working great so far. The fan is a little 12v DC fan and I believe it uses less than an amp.


Well-Known Member
Dimebagdan is a fucking loser look at his little plant to go with his little dick. i just joined and would like the answer to the question hopefully a new and better one. I've been gay for over 20 years and the way they do shit is for other things incorprated to work. It's not completely wrong anymore and new things that work specifically for pot. So what's up any got something new and fresh that acully works for cali kind bud. this shit stinks.
yeah douchebag its called a good carbon filter and youre going to need a brain too.

20 years gay huh sorry to hear that.


Active Member
yeah douchebag its called a good carbon filter and youre going to need a brain too.

20 years gay huh sorry to hear that.
His plant looks like a clone set to 12/12 to see sex and it's dieing for light...

and dimebagdick, you're still an old fuck that thinks he know's everything about everything, and it makes you feel all high and mighty talking shit to other people that are looking for help... who's the immature dumb fuck now huh? why don't you pull the cock out of your ass and use these forums for what the fuck their meant for ya old god damn bastard


Well-Known Member
I really couldnt help myself anymore but damn dimebag, is that really your plant? If it is you really shouldnt be giving people shit about their rigs or be giving out any kind of advice at all...LMAO. I wouldnt even put that as my picture, it would be too embarassing. Sorry hippyfreak for jumping in like this.


Active Member
I really couldnt help myself anymore but damn dimebag, is that really your plant? If it is you really shouldnt be giving people shit about their rigs or be giving out any kind of advice at all...LMAO. I wouldnt even put that as my picture, it would be too embarassing. Sorry hippyfreak for jumping in like this.
It's all good man, no worries.. we all know how much of a douch dimebagdick is


Well-Known Member
do you really think if i grew that plant in my avatar that id use it as my avatar? the answer is no. a noob like you grew it and posted it. she is a classic example of
charliebrownicus indicus or more commonly "weeping widow".

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01-06-2009, 02:45 PM
Able To Roll A Joint
Able to roll a joint
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 75

is this ready for harvest? PIC! day 65

i dunno what i did 65
Attached Thumbnails



Well-Known Member
do you really think if i grew that plant in my avatar that id use it as my avatar? the answer is no. a noob like you grew it and posted it. she is a classic example of
charliebrownicus indicus or more commonly "weeping widow".
Then why the hell would you use that as your avatar? It makes it look like you grew it. Also, dont call me a noob, Im growing buds right now at 40 days that are bigger than your head...