Northern Lights KC Brains


:bigjoint:Thanks little bro I will be watching your grow too.

Peace out,
zoso914 :fire:
Thought I would drop by and say hey! Got a question for ya, what is the stone for? Is it a karma/energy thing or does it release minerals to ur lovely Antionette (hope I spelled her name correctly) ?


Well-Known Member
Thought I would drop by and say hey! Got a question for ya, what is the stone for? Is it a karma/energy thing or does it release minerals to ur lovely Antionette (hope I spelled her name correctly) ?
One of my favorite semi-precious stones its Middle Earth stuff Mithrandir.:weed:Read the Silmarillion by tolkien Good stuff:hump:


Well-Known Member
I know its a lil off target but if you guys wanna read the BEST books I HAVE READ in years by a new author check out Brent Weeks his 3 books with shadows in the title are the best books i have read since i can remember VERY good NEW author.


Well-Known Member
I know its a lil off target but if you guys wanna read the BEST books I HAVE READ in years by a new author check out Brent Weeks his 3 books with shadows in the title are the best books i have read since i can remember VERY good NEW author.
Hey delux I'll give them a peep.


Well-Known Member
i got some of dr atomic's atomic nl #5 from hempdepot didn't have a chance to grow them yet cause i am working on the extras the sent first ,i figured i might as well learn on some unknown strains b4, so i know what i am doing by the time i get to my nl. it the kind i grew up on and almost knocked me down every time i smoked it lol THE GOOD OL DAYS LOL im tuned in also


Well-Known Member
:dunce:Well I'm sorry to say that I've neglected my mama Antoinette over the past few days and I feel terrible. I think she will bounce back with a little tlc and in return some thc. I think that is a even trade.:weed:

:bigjoint: Appreciate all the luv brothers and I won't let me or you fellas down and excuse me if I didn't mention the Ladies because you are definitely welcome too.:idea:From here on in I will be more attentive to my plant.

Peace out,
zoso914 :fire:



Well-Known Member
aww Z what did you do? go out of town and not leave her with a responsible adult? I know you werent arround and let your baby girl get like that but ur right give her some tlc and she shoudl bounce back...


Well-Known Member
A little positive attention and she will forgive u. Isn't that how all females work.
Turns out that my Antoinette isn't a girl after all she is a HE:wall:numero cinco and not de mayo.CabroneNew beans have already sprouted take a look for your self on Tony post new bean pic's later time today.

Peace out,
zoso914 :roll:



Well-Known Member
yes that is a male, or a hermie showin male parst first but i would toss it unless u want seeds


Well-Known Member
SO FUCKING SORRY TO HEAR THAT Z! WTF?! 5 in a row.... i thought you had fem seeds this time....


Well-Known Member
Yeah I thought they were fem seeds as well?

sorry to hear that, but chalk one up for more growing experience :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
who did u order ur seeds from maybe you should complain i know i would if they supposed to be fem


Well-Known Member
4 before were bag seed. Antoinette was the first feminized seed attempt and I have two sprouted beans now.Got them from Attitude.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I thought they were fem seeds as well?

sorry to hear that, but chalk one up for more growing experience :bigjoint:

:joint:Yes as a matter a fact I have a seperate area to continue to grow the herm if thats what it is and harvest the seeds will they be feminized necessarily riddle or not more knowledge bro I crave more.:peace: