Why don't we just look at his actual voting record?
Offshore Oil Drilling
- Obama was absent when the Senate voted on an amendment that would have authorized Virginia to petition for natural gas drilling and exploration in its coastal waters. NO is the pro-environment vote. [Roll Call #212, H.R. 6, 6/14/07]
+ Obama voted no on ending debate on a bill that would open up 8 million acres off the coasts of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana for oil and gas drilling. NO is the pro-environment vote. [Roll Call 218, S. 3711, 7/31/2006]
+ Obama voted no to opening up 8 million acres of previously protected offshore areas to oil and gas drilling. NO is the pro-environment vote. [Roll Call Vote #219, S.3711, 8/2/06]
Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
+ Obama voted no on counting revenues from Arctic drilling as part of the budget. NO is the pro-environment vote. [Roll Call 74, 3/16/06]
+ Obama voted no to end debate on the Defense Appropriations Conference Report, which included a provision to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. NO is the pro-environment vote. [Roll Call #364, H.R.2863, 12/21/05]
+ Obama voted no on a budget reconciliation package that contained language opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas development. NO is the pro-environment vote. [Roll Call #303, S.1932, 11/3/05]
+ Obama voted yes on and amendment to strike a provision counting revenues from drilling in the refuge. YES is the pro-environment vote. [Roll Call #52, Amendment 168, 3/16/05]
Absolutely against it..... but now? Wow.... now he is for it..... maybe you should ask why he has no actual principles?
Whatever can bring up his popularity with the independents is his goal now. He has fed the left with health welfare (and completely screwed the country's future along with it), and now needs to "SEEM" to be moving to the middle.
Don't be fooled.....