Aussie Growers Thread

hey all i have a question if i start seeds now in a greenhouse when will they flower im in melbourne so yer thanks
Hello SCG :-) I'm days away from moving my babes inside, into their new closet home! Had 9/14 bagseeds germ, good eh? n in the past they've all been female. Hoping will continue 2b fem...but ok if I only get one or two, got too many and cannot even give them away! Shame, because they smoke great. But should be able to get a little veg tent in time to save their little lives. Can practice on my bagseed n an auto (customs allowing! anxiously awaiting seeds), then depending on how that goes, give bought seeds a try.

Not sure James, sorry can't help but some peeps from melbs here probably have experience with that kinda thing. I'm new to growing. Would think temp and daylight would be an issue, but really I'm just guessing. Good luck.

Yay NCIS tonight...ahh ass smug personality, but so cute physically...otherwise, am hoping for once I get some feckin sleep, or you'll awaken to find another bored yada monologue....:-) g'Night hopes fingers crossed

Hey was reading a newbie how to on riu n it said that maybe some point to growing chamomile with mj...anyone heard of this? Tis left-field, never heard that before....
hey all i have a question if i start seeds now in a greenhouse when will they flower im in melbourne so yer thanks

hey james
im not from melbourne nor have i grown in a greenhouse but i wouldnt be planting any mj seeds now if u havnt got any artifical light to veg them up through winter and flowering time under sun wouldnt be until say end of summer, i would be waiting to plant say 1st week into spring.
But hey i might be wrong dont think so
hey all i have a question if i start seeds now in a greenhouse when will they flower im in melbourne so yer thanks
your temps might not be a problem in your green house but your light hours will, i probly wouldnt go for it now , although it probly still can be done but it will take your plant ages to grow with only 9-10 hours of light..
i went to move my seedlings today and knocked over like 3 of them ! turns out the hydroton balls i use on the bottom of my pots for drainage are catering for some slaters n millipeeds ...
Hi all. Tried to stay away but am drawn back in. Great to hear from you 8. The harvest looks wonderful. You are a lucky man. Looking forward to your next journal. For those that gave suggestions about my little rhino thanks. They are looking much healthier today in their new homes. Night everyone.
I just threw out a mad hamburger because it had sum weird white secretion on it,i really wish i hadnt drunk so much that i forgot i put sour cream on it,poopoo.
yada, not about claiming as such - it's just about showing a little bit of respect on someone else's thread or journal in particular. but cheers!

aww BB lol you poor bugger!! never forget the sour cream
Yay 12+ hrs sleep! Me feel like a new woman! Babes are all good this morning. Might be able to get a digi cam by the end of the grow to show you (oh how I hope!) buds, but am sad can't show you as I go and get far they're happy, not much upper growth overnight, must be putting out roots in their new pots.

Was expecting to find my house overrun with bugs after lifting up the hatch into the roof, but either there aren't any bugs up there or my net is indeed blocking thier entry. Was worth getting covered in ancient yukky dust to put the net up there.

Oh :-( just remembered that I ate my easter egg last night. feck.
Kmoo...yeah, I get it...because from reading I can see that growing MJ leaves a lot of room for personal preferences, there aren't always rules like 'this works and nothing else does', so why people wanna criticise other's legitimate choices is beyond me. And if you're like me, you'll buy your gear from people that have provided good quality and service in the past even if that is slightly more $$ than buying from someone else.

And a grow journal is a joyous thing, your babes and work shared with peeps...criticism isn't really appropriate. Some people on here wanna get a hard on feeling superior to everyone else, instead of just learning and sharing what they're passionate about.
oh you're a girl, that makes heaps more sense lol

i have no problem with constructive crit - if there is a good cause behind mentioning something, even if it's negative then it doesnt piss me off, may briefly hurt my feelings til i get my logic back in check but it's when people just troll around being negative for no other reason than it makes them feel a bit better about their own miserable circumstance, i've got no time for that at all. and yeah, we've all been miserable - it's what we do about it that defines us.
Got my Rubbermaid Roughneck in the post today... Yeah I know strange for a Saturday..

I am going to build my aerocloner asap, still need to buy a few things for it though... I had to go to the States to get the right container to make it water tight, I've bought so many containers with lids that aren't watertight here in Oz... What a waste, so I just went to where they come from and got one delivered...

Why are we so geographically challenged? Asia is just over the friggin water.....

Hey Lacey - u seem a regular here...I'm starting using media I'm familiar with, then want to try DWC...after that, if you're still around, please can I ask your advice on aero stuff?

Yeah constructive criticism is very helpful...

Will 2 24w energy saver, meant to = 100w each, keep my little seedlings alive until my proper lights are set up?
